Eclipse quick view works but not outline - eclipse

In eclipse juno i can view the outline of XML/java files from outline view. i can also see the drop down menu options for the outline view.
the problem i have is that for some XML files i get "an outline is not available" message in the outline view, and the drop down menu options disappear. but Quick view still works for the current XML file but outline view shows an error.
i think this maybe an issue with eclipse, i have to restart eclipse about every few hours because it visually starts bugging out (lines of code disappearing when clicked on, but not actually deleted) . this is also a fresh installation of eclipse juno with just Android SDK.
Here is my eclipse workspace log.

Sounds like a memory issue. Please consult: How can I give eclipse more memory than 512M?
If this doesn't help you, please include your Eclipse workspace's logs (located at your {workspace}/.metadata directory) for further investigation.
EDIT: The solution seems to be to update Eclipse to Kepler.


How to get close button/icon back in Eclipse views

I have recently upgrade my Eclipse installation from 2020-06 (4.16) to 2020-09 (4.17) using the recommended way. After restart and while opening the same workspace I use for years, the close button/icon is missing for some views when they are selected
This seems to be a known problem. However, closing the view and reopening it (as suggested on that page) doesn't work for me - the icon/button is still missing. I have also tried closing the view, restarting Eclipse, re-opening the view, and also while starting Eclipse using the -clean argument. This didn't help either.
Interestingly enough, for some views the icon/button is shown.
What else can be done to get the icon/button back?
Reseting the Perspective worked for me - Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective.
This has been reported as Eclipse bug 565946, which currently (2020-10) is still in status NEW.

Netbeans 8.2 wont apply themes

For some reason, Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one. Has anyone else had an issue with this? I have applied the new theme and restarted the application many times without success. Thank you.
It's very hard to identify what is wrong since everything in your screenshot looks perfect, and Sublime-Theme works for me using NetBeans 8.2 on Windows 10. See the file with the tab in the screen shot below.
Note that using Sublime-Theme does not impact everything. For example, the Projects and Navigator panels don't change. Since your screen shot only showed the Options window, and the Start Page doesn't change in the editor either, are you absolutely certain that none of your files in the editor are using Sublime-Theme?
Also, you say that "Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one", but NetBeans comes bundled with several themes, such as NetBeans and NetBeans 5.5 as shown in the screen shot below. How many options are shown in the profile drop list for you? If you select a different theme from the Profile list and click Apply the rendering of your files in the editor should change immediately. Is that happening?
If so, the problem is probably confined to the installation of Sublime-Theme. Try deleting Sublime-Theme (the button is in the top right corner of your screen shot), and then import the zip file again to see if that fixes the problem. Also, verify that the Sublime-Theme zip file you downloaded can be manually unzipped since it might be a corrupt file.
Another thing to try is using some alternative plugins. Select Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins and then install Dark Look and Feel Themes and Darcula LAF for NetBeans. If those don't work either then there is something fundamentally wrong with the installation of NetBeans.
Finally, this article titled The complete guide to tuning the appearance of NetBeans may be helpful.

Eclipse: workspace is completely invisible

Something quite strange has happened: The whole Eclipse main window disappeared while I was debugging a Play Framework project. The Eclipse symbol in the applications bar still shows up as usual (from where I still can force Eclipse to quit).
My System (Ubuntu 14.04.) still behaves as if Eclipse was there, e. g. other applications get unfocused when choosing Eclipse in the applications bar. Meanwhile I have re-started Eclipse (that didn't help) and even re-started Ubuntu (still the same behaviour).
When I start Eclipse the workspace selection window shows regularly up. If I select another workspace, it also shows up regularly (I have created a second one to test that). Eclipse even still reacts properly on any shortcut as well as well as F10 & F11. It seems like the Eclipse main application window was "transparent". Therefore I assume that it is a problem of Eclipse resp. its workspace rather than an Ubuntu problem.
Does anybody have an idea where to maybe re-configure the workspace? Or is there even a secret function for all that?
Thanks a lot!!
Meanwhile I was able to re-get the window: I clicked on a shadow effect that sometimes showed up. I resized that shadow with my mouse. As an effect the Eclipse window top bar (the one above the menu) showed up again. Afterwards I could "pull out" the window from the bar - and there it all was again... But I have still no idea, how that happened - and what might be the solution if someone runs into that issue without having a shadow.

cant see the errors in my project - Exclamation mark

When I'm trying to run my project it said that i have an errors in my project, but i can't see any. I have an Exclamation mark on my project. If I'm trying to run other project, it is run perfectly.
Before that happened, I played a little bit with the project library and tried to copy some jars to the library. I tried to copy the jars manual to.
did you try the "Problems" View? This should show additional information.
The easiest Way to get there:
Ctrl + 3, then type "Problems".
Besides the "Problems" view, there is also the Console that could give you some hints.
For the Console View, there is the problem that it can show different subviews; for example it can show the console for Android or the console for DDMS. In the toolbar at the upper right of the Console view, you will find the control to choose the right console to display. Be sure to choose the "Android Console".
Another possibility is to use the "Fix Project Properties" that you will find by right clicking on the projet => Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties. This will fixes some but not all the potential problems that you might have introduced in your project.
For the rest, check in detail all properties of the project.

Netbeans does not show my code

I have worked in project for long time but after electricity has cut off and my PC shutdown.
The code in one of my frames not shown correctly, it's showing like this :
I have GUI and its shape is fine. When I run the frame from main interface it works, but as I said the code is corrupted. I don't know why. If any one has any solution for this problem it would be much appreciated.
In your Netbeans IDE,
Open Projects window (Ctrl+1) ,select file-> right click on list select Local History-> Select Local History. It will show all your last edits. you can restore the last updates from there.
In Latest netbeans releases you can directly access this from toolbar, check the below screenshot.I took this from Netbeans 7.3