CKAN systemadmin user and password - postgresql

I installed for the first time on my OS X CKAN (And is possible ive made some mistake). Now i want to play with the UI backend but when I go in "login" section it ask me for User/password
I'm using my postgres user and user's password for access it but it give me error.
If I list the db I can see my user there but when I login it say "user doesn't exist"
So which one is the CKAN Systemadmin access?
Reading in the docs it just say, you shoudl have create this user during installation process

you can run this paster command to create a sysadmin user:
paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin add <username> --config=/etc/ckan/development.ini
For more, see


PG Admin 4 (WEB) and inititail logon as user postgress without password

I have a fresh install of a database on AWS. I have installed PG Admin 4 for Web and set up for a user login. This works.
I find it is not possible to connect to the localhost database using 'postgres' as a user, without a password. This appears to be enforced by the dialog. Is there a way around this enforcement? How would a user only having web access ALTER this ROLE? I would expect this to be relaxed for the initial login.
The database is local to the webserver and the web server is remote for the user.
TL:DR This logon is not a peer logon as the postgres *nix user.
It's a gap in the install. A manual step will always be required to add a password for postgres for anyone wanting to use the interface for initial USER/ROLE creation. It would be nice to have had this opportunity in the setup script.
I suppose it is expected that most administrators would also add other users/roles at this time and these would be supplied to the users. Changes to config files would still be managed. They are not getting shell access.

Can't create Keycloak 17.0.0 admin user

I installed Keycloak 17.0.0 but not able to create admin user. I followed this document.
When I access Keycloak page, it is showing "you need local access to create the initial admin user". Screenshot is here - Keycloak. Also I didn't find the add-user-keycloak script in Keycloak 17.0.0. I am quite new to this. Can anyone help on how to create the initial admin user?
Thanks in advance.
I to have been trying to play around with Keycloak 17, and have found it far from easy to get it to work as I expected.
I am trying to get it work on remote server,where its impossible to login on localhost. To create the admin user I followed the information in the Keycloak document at KeyCloak documents, see the section called Creating the first administrator
You set the following envronmental variables
export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN='username'
bin/kc.[sh|bat] start
Were username and password are strings for username and password.
Another problem I had was getting Keycloak to work on my server haggis on port 8085. My solution was to invoke it as follows.
./ start-dev --http-port=8085 --http-host=haggis --db-url-host=haggis --db-username=kc --hostname=haggis:8085 --hostname-admin=haggis:8085 --hostname-strict-backchannel=true --db-url-database=postgresql --db-username='kcuser'
This command line instructs Keycloak to start up on the server haggis, at port 8085, using a postgres database with a database user called kcuser in development mode.
My largest problem was working out that you had to include the port number in the hostname style arguments.
Once everything is working you can invoke it as
Ok, someone far cleverer than I figured this out:
export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin
sudo -E bin/ start-dev
But don't use admin/admin of course...

Forgot mongodb admin database credentials. Reset everything

I forgot the credentials of my admin user.
Hence i am not able to connect to cluster mongo shell.
Now i want to delete all users and and credentials or even if reset of mongodb is possible then it will be a lot help.
I tried following commands but got "authentication required error".
db.createUser(), db.dropDatabase().
I expect to create new admin user with credentials.
you can do it by logging in to your Atlas Cluster here: Then, on the left sidebar, you click on 'Database Access'. There you can manage the users and you can even delete them and create new ones.

Cant initialize database on google cloud platform

Here is the database I am trying to install (comes with 4 short instructions very easy to follow):
I used git clone to bring the repository down to my vm. And next I cd into it and run Here is what happens:
pic of terminal
the password I am trying to use is the one provided by my Bitnami Launchpad, which says the admin user is postgres, but when I work on it it says kzherbert, my google account. I have tried su postgres but its not a user on the server so it doesnt work like that. I can use postgres password for psql -U postgres, which will take me to the psql terminal. Also, I have tried using my google account password as well and it does not work. What really interests me about the picture is where the shapefile is relevant and why it repeats and doesnt allow me to exit
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
The problem is that the database you are trying to install (Unified New York City Taxi and Uber data) assumes you're installing PostreSQl from scratch instead of using the one included in the Bitnami Image.
The script you're using assumes that the user to connect the database is the same that the System User you're using to connect to your server via SSH (kzherbert in your case). However, the password you're trying to use is the one for the user postgres.
You need to connect to PG using the password Google provided you and the user postgres and the create an user kzherbert with the password you desire.

Can not login to Postgres DB as new user

I have installed Foreman via foreman-installer (that pack included Postgres DB 9.5). Now i want to create new user + new database for Zabbix, however it seems that i am doing something wrong. The image shows what commands i typed. The new user is created succesfully but i can't login as it to database. Could someone help me and explain where is the problem?
EDIT: I've added option that was suggested in another thread (WITH LOGIN) but it didn't help me:
I believe the answer is here.
In summary, "peer authentication" means postgres checked the username of the UNIX user (which is not zabbix), and ignored your -U option. Instead, you want to use "password authentication", which you can configure in your pg_hba.conf file. Check the link for instructions how to do that.