Scala: Using the App trait - scala

I have an app that extends App and a trait that implements an option parser. All the trait needs is that some class or trait in the runtime mix provides:
val args: Array[String]
If I declare:
trait OptionParser extends App {...}
All is fine but that rules out any other use of the option parser than with an App object. Not sure if there are inefficiencies in having the app extend App as well as mixing in OptionParser as with:
object MyApp extends App with OptionParser {...}
I realize this could be shortened to:
object MyApp extends OptionParser {...}
But ideally I'd like to make OptionParser completely independent except for relying on args to be provided and this is only because that's where App puts them.
Is there some way to declare a dependency without providing the class or trait to take it from? An error could be detected at link time so as not to break type safety.

Not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do. How about that:
trait OptionParser {
protected def args: Array[String]
This way, you can mixin OptionParser with anything that provides a args, not necessarily App.
Edit: since App defines args visibility as protected you need to do that in OptionParser as well. This is unfortunate. Here is another idea:
trait OptionParser {def options: Array[String] ... }
object MyApp extends App with OptionParser {def options = args ...}

You can do this with a self type declaration on OptionParser. This will require types that mix in OptionParser to be an App, without mixing in App itself.
trait OptionParser { this: App =>
def test(): Unit = {
object Test extends App with OptionParser {


Purpose of pattern where object extends trait of the same name - object Live extends Live

I am trying ZIO.
I do not understand why Live is added as Trait, and then an object is provided, like:
object Live extends Live
This pattern is found in different places, for example zio.console.Console.
Is there a reason, or are there cases where this makes sense?
What you see in ZIO is the usage of a pattern called Selfless Trait.
To implement the selfless trait pattern you simply provide a companion object for a trait that itself mixes in the trait.
trait Greeting {
def greet() { println("hi there") }
object Greeting extends Greeting
Then the user of the library has the choice to either mix-in Greeting:
object MixinExample extends Application with Greeting {
or to import the members of the Greeting companion object, like this:
import Greeting._
object ImportExample extends Application {
Just as an addition to Krzysztof Atłasik answer.
As mentioned in jq170727 comment you find these two cases here:
In the worst case, if we are pressed for time and need to ship code
today, maybe we choose to provide the production database wherever we
call inviteFriends.
In this case, instead of using the DefaultRuntime that ships with ZIO,
we can define our own Runtime, which provides the production database
val myRuntime = Runtime(DatabaseLive, PlatformLive)
When you have multiple Runtimes.
val myRuntime =
new DatabaseLive
with SocialLive
with EmailLive, PlatformLive)

Inheriting self-typed trait with another trait in Scala

I'm trying to design a small module system for my application such that I can do this:
new MyApplication extends Module1 with Module2 ... with ModuleN
In order to let my modules register themselves with the application, I also have:
trait ModuleRegistry {
def register(start: () => Unit) = // Stores start functions in a list
trait Module {
self: ModuleRegistry =>
def start(): Unit
class Application extends ModuleRegistry {
trait Module1 extends Module {
The idea is that modules can register a function with the registry to be called when the application starts up. Unfortunately, the Scala compiler forces me to do this:
trait Module1 extends Module {
self: ModuleRegistry =>
meaning that all implementations of a module have to explicitly self-type themselves with the registry, when ideally they'd have no knowledge of it.
So my questions are:
Why does the compiler force me to re-specify this self-type on an extending trait? Ideally I don't even want the extending trait to 'see' this type, as it should be handled by the base Module trait. The 'concrete' module is meant to be implemented by 3rd parties, so exposing the registry to them seems kinda ugly.
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to achieve in Scala so that modules can be freely mixed in?
This isn't a good use of the cake pattern, as you want all the modules to retain their own functionality (presumably), not mix and overwrite each other when mixed in. If you want the latter, you shouldn't: only with very careful design can this give predictable and sane results, and if third parties are supposed to provide the modules it's pretty much guaranteed that the design will not be that careful.
Instead, you should adhere to the "favor composition over inheritance" advice.
trait Module {
def start: Unit
trait Modular {
protected def moduleList: Seq[Module]
protected def register() = => m.start _)
class Application(modules: Module*) extends Modular {
protected def moduleList: Seq[Module] = modules // Fix varargs type
protected val registered = register()
object Module1 extends Module {
def start = println("One")
object Module2 extends Module {
def start = println("Two")
val app = new Application(Module1, Module2) {
// Prints "One", then "Two"
This is assuming a singleton is okay for a module. If you need a specific instance, you can either override apply (syntax is then Module1()) in the companion object, or add a builder trait that Module1 extends (e.g. trait ModuleBuilder { def module: Module }).

How to do setup/teardown in specs2 when using "in new WithApplication"

I am using Specs2 with play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_51). I have been reading about how to do setup/teardown with Specs2. I have seen examples using the "After" trait as follows:
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After {
def after = println("teardown ")
This works fine, except that all of my tests are using "in new WithApplication". It seems what I need is to have an object which is both a "WithApplication" and an "After". Below does not compile, but is essentially what I want:
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After with WithApplication
So, my question is, how do I add setup/teardown to my tests which are already using "in WithApplication"? My primary concern is that all of our tests make use of fake routing like this (so they need the With Application).
val aFakeRequest = FakeRequest(method, url).withHeaders(headers).withBody(jsonBody)
val Some(result) = play.api.test.Helpers.route(aFakeRequest)
This is the code for WithApplication:
abstract class WithApplication(val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
It's actually quite easy to modify this to suit your needs without creating a bunch of other traits. The missing piece here is the anonymous function t, which you provide the implementation for in your tests (using WithApplication). It would be nice to make WithApplication a little more robust to be able to execute arbitrary blocks of code before and after the tests, if necessary.
One approach could be to create a similar class to WithApplication that accepts two anonymous functions setup and teardown that both return Unit. All I really need to do is modify what's happening inside AsResult.effectively(t). To keep this simple, I'm going to remove the app parameter from the parameter list, and use FakeApplication always. You don't seem to be providing a different configuration, and it can always be added back.
abstract class WithEnv(setup: => Unit, teardown: => Unit) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
try {
} finally {
Instead of simply calling the anonymous function t, I first call setup, then t, then teardown. The try/finally block is important because failed tests in specs2 throw exceptions, and we want to be sure that teardown will be executed no matter what the outcome.
Now you can easily setup test environments using functions.
import java.nio.files.{Files, Paths}
def createFolder: Unit = Files.createDirectories(Paths.get("temp/test"))
def deleteFolder: Unit = Files.delete("temp/test")
"check if a file exists" in new WithEnv(createFolder, deleteFolder) {
Files.exists(Paths.get("temp/test")) must beTrue
(This might not compile, but you get the idea.)
If your after method doesn't need anything from the WithApplication trait you can mix in your specification the AfterExample trait and define the after behaviour for the whole spec:
import org.specs2.specification._
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification with AfterExample {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends WithApplication
def after = println("cleanup")

How to mix in traits with implicit vals of the same name but different types?

I have traits from two third party libraries that I'm trying to mix in to my own trait. They both define implicit vals named log.
However, they are of different types - one is an SLF4J Logger, the other is a Spray LoggingContext (which is really an Akka LoggingAdapter). In fact the second trait is from Spray, it's an HttpServer. (Not the most recent version you can find on Github which no longer has that val).
So, here's the code (library one renamed because it's proprietary, the Spray code snipped to show just relevant part):
object LibraryOneShim {
trait LibraryOne {
implicit val log: org.slf4j.Logger = ...
trait HttpService extends Directives {
val log = LoggingContext.fromActorRefFactory // this is a LoggingContext/LoggingAdapter
trait MyTrait extends HttpService with LibraryOne {
val myRoute = ...
class MyActor extends Actor with MyTrait {
def receive = runRoute(myRoute)
This won't compile. The compiler complains:
error: overriding lazy value log in trait HttpService of type
java.lang.Object with spray.util.LoggingContext; lazy value log in
trait LibraryOne$class of type org.slf4j.Logger needs `override'
modifier trait DemoService extends HttpService with LibraryOne {
Is there any way I can mix in these two traits together?
As far as I can tell the only way is to create a CombinedLogger
class CombinedLogger(l1:Logger, l2:LoggingAdapter) extends Logger with LoggingAdapter {
// proxy methods to the correct logger
If both loggers were declared as def you could use it like this:
override def log = new CombinedLogger(super[LibraryOne].log, super[HttpService].log)
In this case it's tricky because they are defined as val which tell the Scala compiler they are a single value that will not change. And because of that it will not allow you to call super.log. So you would need to copy the logic of the overridden traits.
The other tricky part in this case is that you would need to proxy 50+ methods in the CombinedLogger.

How to log in Scala *without* a reference to the logger in *every instance*?

I've looked at example of logging in Scala, and it usually looks like this:
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
trait Loggable {
private lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
protected def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: => Throwable = null): Unit =
This seems independent of the concrete logging framework. While this does the job, it also introduces an extraneous lazy val in every instance that wants to do logging, which might well be every instance of the whole application. This seems much too heavy to me, in particular if you have many "small instances" of some specific type.
Is there a way of putting the logger in the object of the concrete class instead, just by using inheritance? If I have to explicitly declare the logger in the object of the class, and explicitly refer to it from the class/trait, then I have written almost as much code as if I had done no reuse at all.
Expressed in a non-logging specific context, the problem would be:
How do I declare in a trait that the implementing class must have a singleton object of type X, and that this singleton object must be accessible through method def x: X ?
I can't simply define an abstract method, because there could only be a single implementation in the class. I want that logging in a super-class gets me the super-class singleton, and logging in the sub-class gets me the sub-class singleton. Or put more simply, I want logging in Scala to work like traditional logging in Java, using static loggers specific to the class doing the logging. My current knowledge of Scala tells me that this is simply not possible without doing it exactly the same way you do in Java, without much if any benefits from using the "better" Scala.
Premature Optimization is the root of all evil
Let's be clear first about one thing: if your trait looks something like this:
trait Logger { lazy val log = Logger.getLogger }
Then what you have not done is as follows:
You have NOT created a logger instance per instance of your type
You have neither given yourself a memory nor a performance problem (unless you have)
What you have done is as follows:
You have an extra reference in each instance of your type
When you access the logger for the first time, you are probably doing some map lookup
Note that, even if you did create a separate logger for each instance of your type (which I frequently do, even if my program contains hundreds of thousands of these, so that I have very fine-grained control over my logging), you almost certainly still will neither have a performance nor a memory problem!
One "solution" is (of course), to make the companion object implement the logger interface:
object MyType extends Logger
class MyType {
import MyType._"Yay")
How do I declare in a trait that the
implementing class must have a
singleton object of type X, and that
this singleton object must be
accessible through method def x: X ?
Declare a trait that must be implemented by your companion objects.
trait Meta[Base] {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
Create a base trait for your classes, sub-classes have to overwrite the meta method.
trait Base {
def meta: Meta[Base]
def logger = meta.logger
A class Whatever with a companion object:
object Whatever extends Meta[Base]
class Whatever extends Base {
def meta = Whatever
def doSomething = {
In this way you only need to have a reference to the meta object.
We can use the Whatever class like this.
object Sample {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val whatever = new Whatever
I'm not sure I understand your question completely. So I apologize up front if this is not the answer you are looking for.
Define an object were you put your logger into, then create a companion trait.
object Loggable {
private val logger = "I'm a logger"
trait Loggable {
import Loggable._
def debug(msg: String) {
println(logger + ": " + msg)
So now you can use it like this:
scala> abstract class Abstraction
scala> class Implementation extends Abstraction with Loggable
scala> val test = new Implementation
scala> test.debug("error message")
I'm a logger: error message
Does this answer your question?
I think you cannot automatically get the corresponding singleton object of a class or require that such a singleton exists.
One reason is that you cannot know the type of the singleton before it is defined. Not sure, if this helps or if it is the best solution to your problem, but if you want to require some meta object to be defined with a specific trait, you could define something like:
trait HasSingleton[Traits] {
def meta: Traits
trait Log {
def classname: String
def log { println(classname) }
trait Debug {
def debug { print("Debug") }
class A extends HasSingleton[Log] {
def meta = A // Needs to be defined with a Singleton (or any object which inherits from Log}
def f {
object A extends Log {
def classname = "A"
class B extends HasSingleton[Log with Debug] { // we want to use Log and Debug here
def meta = B
def g {
object B extends Log with Debug {
def classname = "B"
(new A).f
// A
(new B).g
// B
// Debug