How to log in Scala *without* a reference to the logger in *every instance*? - scala

I've looked at example of logging in Scala, and it usually looks like this:
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
trait Loggable {
private lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
protected def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: => Throwable = null): Unit =
This seems independent of the concrete logging framework. While this does the job, it also introduces an extraneous lazy val in every instance that wants to do logging, which might well be every instance of the whole application. This seems much too heavy to me, in particular if you have many "small instances" of some specific type.
Is there a way of putting the logger in the object of the concrete class instead, just by using inheritance? If I have to explicitly declare the logger in the object of the class, and explicitly refer to it from the class/trait, then I have written almost as much code as if I had done no reuse at all.
Expressed in a non-logging specific context, the problem would be:
How do I declare in a trait that the implementing class must have a singleton object of type X, and that this singleton object must be accessible through method def x: X ?
I can't simply define an abstract method, because there could only be a single implementation in the class. I want that logging in a super-class gets me the super-class singleton, and logging in the sub-class gets me the sub-class singleton. Or put more simply, I want logging in Scala to work like traditional logging in Java, using static loggers specific to the class doing the logging. My current knowledge of Scala tells me that this is simply not possible without doing it exactly the same way you do in Java, without much if any benefits from using the "better" Scala.

Premature Optimization is the root of all evil
Let's be clear first about one thing: if your trait looks something like this:
trait Logger { lazy val log = Logger.getLogger }
Then what you have not done is as follows:
You have NOT created a logger instance per instance of your type
You have neither given yourself a memory nor a performance problem (unless you have)
What you have done is as follows:
You have an extra reference in each instance of your type
When you access the logger for the first time, you are probably doing some map lookup
Note that, even if you did create a separate logger for each instance of your type (which I frequently do, even if my program contains hundreds of thousands of these, so that I have very fine-grained control over my logging), you almost certainly still will neither have a performance nor a memory problem!
One "solution" is (of course), to make the companion object implement the logger interface:
object MyType extends Logger
class MyType {
import MyType._"Yay")

How do I declare in a trait that the
implementing class must have a
singleton object of type X, and that
this singleton object must be
accessible through method def x: X ?
Declare a trait that must be implemented by your companion objects.
trait Meta[Base] {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
Create a base trait for your classes, sub-classes have to overwrite the meta method.
trait Base {
def meta: Meta[Base]
def logger = meta.logger
A class Whatever with a companion object:
object Whatever extends Meta[Base]
class Whatever extends Base {
def meta = Whatever
def doSomething = {
In this way you only need to have a reference to the meta object.
We can use the Whatever class like this.
object Sample {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val whatever = new Whatever

I'm not sure I understand your question completely. So I apologize up front if this is not the answer you are looking for.
Define an object were you put your logger into, then create a companion trait.
object Loggable {
private val logger = "I'm a logger"
trait Loggable {
import Loggable._
def debug(msg: String) {
println(logger + ": " + msg)
So now you can use it like this:
scala> abstract class Abstraction
scala> class Implementation extends Abstraction with Loggable
scala> val test = new Implementation
scala> test.debug("error message")
I'm a logger: error message
Does this answer your question?

I think you cannot automatically get the corresponding singleton object of a class or require that such a singleton exists.
One reason is that you cannot know the type of the singleton before it is defined. Not sure, if this helps or if it is the best solution to your problem, but if you want to require some meta object to be defined with a specific trait, you could define something like:
trait HasSingleton[Traits] {
def meta: Traits
trait Log {
def classname: String
def log { println(classname) }
trait Debug {
def debug { print("Debug") }
class A extends HasSingleton[Log] {
def meta = A // Needs to be defined with a Singleton (or any object which inherits from Log}
def f {
object A extends Log {
def classname = "A"
class B extends HasSingleton[Log with Debug] { // we want to use Log and Debug here
def meta = B
def g {
object B extends Log with Debug {
def classname = "B"
(new A).f
// A
(new B).g
// B
// Debug


How to test a method by mocking nested methods?

I'm trying to test an Object.method which contains some nested methods from a Trait apart of some calculations. These nested methods have to be mocked (they access to a DB so I want to mock their responses).
When I call the real Object.method, it should skip the nested methods call and retrieve what I want. I've tried mocking them but test is still calling them.
Here's my example source code:
trait MyTrait {
def myMethodToMock(a: String): String
object MyObject extends MyTrait {
def myParentMethod(a:String) = {
val b = myMethodToMock(a)
val c = a + b
Then in my test:
val myTraitMock = mock[MyTrait]
//Then I call the parent method:
assert(MyObject.myParentMethod(a) equals c)
It throws a NullPointerException as it's still accessing to myMethodToMock
Your code does not compile, so I am going to guess some things of what you are actually trying to do here ...
You are stubbing a method on a mock, and then calling it on a completely unrelated instance. No wonder it does not work.
A good rule of thumb (and the best practice) is to never mock classes you are actually testing. Split everything you want to mock and test separately into a separate class. This is also known as single responsibility principle (each component should be responsible for a single thing).
trait MyTrait {
def myMethodToMock(a: String): String
object MyTrait extends MyTrait {
def myMethodtoMock(a: String) = ???
class MyObject(helper: MyTrait = MyTrait) {
def myParentMethod(a: String) = a + helper.myMethodToMock(a)
object MyObject extends MyObject()
Now, you can write your test like this:
val myTraitMock = mock[MyTrait]
new MyObject(myTraitMock).myParentMethod("a") shouldBe "ab"
The main difference here is that you are passing your mock into the object's constructor, so that when it calls the method, it will be the one you stubbed, not the implementation provided by the default class.
You should use composition rather than inheritance, so you can inject an instance of MyTrait that can be a mock or the real one

Scala typeclass pattern and covariance

We've got several types of resources and we wanted to make a method to check if a resource is healthy or not. Given that the type of resources are very heterogeneous we didn't want to use standard subclassing and we decided to use a typeclass:
trait CanHealthCheck[T] {
def isHealthy(t: T): Boolean
We also have a utility method to be able to check if a given resource is alive/healthy or not
object LivenessChecker {
def isAlive[T](t: T)(implicit canHealthCheck: CanHealthCheck[T]): Boolean = {
We've got a repository layer to access to the data. We would like to express the idea that a given abstract repository must be "health checkable" but to leave the implementation details to the subclasses implementing the trait:
trait UserRepository {
def findSomeUser(): User = ???
implicit def isHealthCheckable: CanHealthCheck[UserRepository]
The problem arises when we want to subclass UserRepository with a particular implementation, given that CanHealthCheck is not covariant on the type T.
class DbUserRepository extends UserRepository {
def ping: Boolean = ???
override implicit val isHealthCheckable: CanHealthCheck[UserRepository] =
new CanHealthCheck[DbUserRepository] {
def isHealthy(db: DbUserRepository) =
And this is an example of some dummy function that acts on the abstract repository while trying to check if the repository is alive:
def someDummyFunction(userRepository: UserRepository) = {
if(LivenessChecker.isAlive(userRepository)) // This won't compile
The idea is that our application uses the UserRepository trait and not the implementation, and thus we cannot check whether the repository is alive or not. How can we continue using the repository abstraction layer and be able to check if a given (abstract) repository is alive? Is the typeclass pattern the correct pattern to use here?
There is something a bit fishy with isHealthCheckable inside UserRespository. The isHealthy method, when called, would have two instances of UserRepository available: of course, the one passed as the t argument, but also, the UserRepository.this of the enclosing instance.
This is a sign of something wrong. Either the method should be written somewhere else, so that it does not get enclosing this, or it should not get the argument
That second option is consistent with using UserRepository the object-oriented, subtyping way. Also, it is consistent with your idea that every UserRepository must be heath-checkable. Just do
trait UserRepository {
def isHealty: Boolean
It is fine to call that directly, userDirectory.isHealthy. But you can then also easily implement the type class:
object UserRepository {
implicit val canHealthCheck = new CanHealthCheck[UserRepository] {
def isHealthy(repository: UserRepository) = repository.IsHealthy
also note that it was not clear at all how the implicit instance method would have come into the implicit scope. With the companion object, it works fine.
Use "type bounds".
I couldn't test this, but to get the code to compile, you could do something like:
class DbUserRepository[U <: UserRepository] extends UserRepository {
def ping: Boolean = ???
implicit val isHealthCheckable: CanHealthCheck[U] =
new CanHealthCheck[U] {
def isHealthy(db: U) =

Testing object which calls another object in Scala using Specs2

I'm working with a project which already has some legacy code written in Scala. I was given a task to write some unit tests for one of its classes when I discovered it's not so easy. Here's the problem I've encountered:
We have an object, say, Worker and another object to access the database, say, DatabaseService which also extends other class (I don't think it matters, but still). Worker, in its turn, is called by higher classes and objects.
So, right now we have something like this:
object Worker {
def performComplexAlgorithm(id: String) = {
val entity = DatabaseService.getById(id)
//Rest of the algorithm
My first though was 'Well, I can probably make a trait for DatabaseService with the getById method'. I don't really like the idea to create an interface/trait/whatever just for the sake of testing because I believe it doesn't necessarily lead to a nice design, but let's forget about it for now.
Now, if Worker was a class, I could easily use DI. Say, via constructor like this:
trait DatabaseAbstractService {
def getById(id: String): SomeEntity
object DatabaseService extends SomeOtherClass with DatabaseAbstractService {
override def getById(id: String): SomeEntity = {/*complex db query*/}
//Probably just create the fake using the mock framework right in unit test
object FakeDbService extends DatabaseAbstractService {
override def getById(id: String): SomeEntity = {/*just return something*/}
class Worker(val service: DatabaseService) {
def performComplexAlgorithm(id: String) = {
val entity = service.getById(id)
//Rest of the algorithm
The problem is, Worker is not a class so I can't make an instance of it with another service. I could do something like
object Worker {
var service: DatabaseAbstractService = /*default*/
def setService(s: DatabaseAbstractService) = service = s
However, it scarcely makes any sense to me since it looks awful and leads to an object with mutable state which doesn't seem very nice.
The question is, how can I make the existing code easily testable without breaking anything and without making any terrible workarounds? Is it possible or should I change the existing code instead so that I could test it easier?
I was thinking about using extending like this:
class AbstractWorker(val service: DatabaseAbstractService)
object Worker extends AbstractWorker(DatabaseService)
and then I somehow could create a mock of Worker but with different service. However, I didn't figure out how to do it.
I'd appreciate any advice as to how either change the current code to make it more testable or test the existing.
If you can alter the code for Worker, you can change it to still allow it to be an object and also allow for swapping of the db service via an implicit with a default definition. This is one solution and I don't even know if this is possible for you, but here it is:
case class MyObj(id:Long)
trait DatabaseService{
def getById(id:Long):Option[MyObj] = {
//some impl here...
object DatabaseService extends DatabaseService
object Worker{
def doSomething(id:Long)(implicit dbService:DatabaseService = DatabaseService):Option[MyObj] = {
So we set up a trait with concrete impl of the getById method. Then we add an object impl of that trait as a singleton instance to use in the code. This is a good pattern to allow for mocking of what was previously only defined as an object. Then, we make Worker accept an implicit DatabaseService (the trait) on it's method and give it a default value of the object DatabaseService so that regular use does not have to worry about satisfying that requirement. Then we can test it like so:
class WorkerUnitSpec extends Specification with Mockito{
trait scoping extends Scope{
implicit val mockDb = mock[DatabaseService]
"Calling doSomething on Worker" should{
"pass the call along to the implicit dbService and return rhe result" in new scoping{
mockDb.getById(123L) returns Some(MyObj(123))
Worker.doSomething(123) must beSome(MyObj(123))
Here, in my scope, I make an implicit mocked DatabaseService available that will supplant the default DatabaseService on the doSomething method for my testing purposes. Once you do that, you can start mocking out and testing.
If you don't want to take the implicit approach, you could redefine Worker like so:
abstract class Worker(dbService:DatabaseService){
def doSomething(id:Long):Option[MyObj] = {
object Worker extends Worker(DatabaseService)
And then test it like so:
class WorkerUnitSpec extends Specification with Mockito{
trait scoping extends Scope{
val mockDb = mock[DatabaseService]
val testWorker = new Worker(mockDb){}
"Calling doSomething on Worker" should{
"pass the call along to the implicit dbService and return rhe result" in new scoping{
mockDb.getById(123L) returns Some(MyObj(123))
testWorker.doSomething(123) must beSome(MyObj(123))
In this way, you define all the logic of importance in the abstract Worker class and that's what you till focus your testing on. You provide a singleton Worker via an object that is used in the code for convenience. Having an abstract class let's you use a constructor param to specify the database service impl to use. This is semantically the same as the previous solution but it's cleaner in that you don't need the implicit on every method.

How to design immutable model classes when using inheritance

I'm having trouble finding an elegant way of designing a some simple classes to represent HTTP messages in Scala.
Say I have something like this:
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
def addHeader(header: String) = ???
class HttpRequest(path: String, headers: List[String])
extends HttpMessage(headers)
new HttpRequest("/", List("foo")).addHeader("bar")
How can I make the addHeader method return a copy of itself with the new header added? (and keep the current value of path as well)
It is annoying but the solution to implement your required pattern is not trivial.
The first point to notice is that if you want to preserve your subclass type, you need to add a type parameter. Without this, you are not able to specify an unknown return type in HttpMessage
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
type X <: HttpMessage
def addHeader(header: String):X
Then you can implement the method in your concrete subclasses where you will have to specify the value of X:
class HttpRequest(path: String, headers: List[String])
extends HttpMessage(headers){
type X = HttpRequest
def addHeader(header: String):HttpRequest = new HttpRequest(path, headers :+header)
A better, more scalable solution is to use implicit for the purpose.
trait HeaderAdder[T<:HttpMessage]{
def addHeader(httpMessage:T, header:String):T
and now you can define your method on the HttpMessage class like the following:
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
type X <: HttpMessage
def addHeader(header: String)(implicit headerAdder:HeaderAdder[X]):X = headerAdder.add(this,header) }
This latest approach is based on the typeclass concept and scales much better than inheritance. The idea is that you are not forced to have a valid HeaderAdder[T] for every T in your hierarchy, and if you try to call the method on a class for which no implicit is available in scope, you will get a compile time error.
This is great, because it prevents you to have to implement addHeader = sys.error("This is not supported")
for certain classes in the hierarchy when it becomes "dirty" or to refactor it to avoid it becomes "dirty".
The best way to manage implicit is to put them in a trait like the following:
trait HeaderAdders {
implicit val httpRequestHeaderAdder:HeaderAdder[HttpRequest] = new HeaderAdder[HttpRequest] { ... }
implicit val httpRequestHeaderAdder:HeaderAdder[HttpWhat] = new HeaderAdder[HttpWhat] { ... }
and then you provide also an object, in case user can't mix it (for example if you have frameworks that investigate through reflection properties of the object, you don't want extra properties to be added to your current instance) (
object HeaderAdders extends HeaderAdders
So for example you can write things such as
// mixing example
class MyTest extends HeaderAdders // who cares about having two extra value in the object
// import example
import HeaderAdders._
class MyDomainClass // implicits are in scope, but not mixed inside MyDomainClass, so reflection from Hiberante will still work correctly
By the way, this design problem is the same of Scala collections, with the only difference that your HttpMessage is TraversableLike. Have a look to this question Calling map on a parallel collection via a reference to an ancestor type

Using Scala companion object as factory by extending a factory trait. Better solution?

Scala companion objects are frequently proposed as object factories. They seem to work well for this in the production code, but what about inserting mock objects for testing? The companion object won't know about the mock object and therefore cannot instantiate it.
I'd like to do something like this:
class Foo {}
object Foo {
def create():Foo = new Foo()
class FooCreator(factory:Foo) {
def this() = this(Foo)
class FooMock extends Foo {}
object FooMock extends Foo {
def create():Foo = new FooMock()
// in a test
val fooCreator = new FooCreator(FooMock)
This won't work because a companion object cannot be extended. I'm forced to create a Factory trait for both companion objects to mixin:
trait FooFactory {
def create():Foo;
class Foo {}
object Foo extends FooFactory {
def create():Foo = new Foo()
class FooCreator(factory:FooFactory) {
def this() = this(Foo)
class FooMock extends Foo {}
object FooMock extends FooFactory {
def create():Foo = new FooMock()
// in a test
val fooCreator = new FooCreator(FooMock)
Is there a better way to do this? Creating the factory trait just feels wrong, since that's what the companion object is supposed to be good at. (Keep in mind that the Mock artifacts are only known to the test subsystem, so I can't solve the problem by letting object Foo create a FooMock instance - the common pattern in production code).
Use the apply method rather than the object as your factory, as detailed in the answers to my question How to use companion factory objects as strategy?
You might want to take a look at ScalaMock, a mocking framework for Scala that can (among other things) mock object creation (compiler invocation). This is exactly one of the problems it's intended to solve.