PayPal check stop subscription - paypal

Is there a way to stop paypal subscription via HTML form?
(E.g. there is a form on my website that is submit somewhere on
I do not use API, but I use notify (IPN) URL and have subscription ID I want to cancel.

PayPal Standard Subscriptions do not have any API available to cancel profiles. You would need to be using the Recurring Payments API in order to have that ability.


c# paypal cancel subscription server side

My website users need to buy plans with paypal subscription.
A use can switch between plans. In order for a user not to have duplicate subscriptions I need to be able to delete the old ones once a user is sign up for a new subscription.
If you're using PayPal Standard Subscriptions you won't be able to do this, unfortunately.
You will need to switch to the Express Checkout API with Recurring Payments. Then you can use the APIs to manage the profiles with these calls:

PayPal Subscription Cancellation from Merchant Website

we have a paypal payment system integrated into our website so people can register and choose a subscription. The subscription part works fine as the payment goes through and the IPN hits our website and updates our systems. Now we want users to be able to cancel their subscription from within our website so we have a custom cancellation button which when clients click, should send a request to paypal and cancel their subscription. We managed to get this going on sandbox test system however since we have brought the system into live testing we can not get the cancellation feature to work. So currently when the user clicks on cancel button, i think paypal is not being notified and hence no IPN received from PayPal.
Do you know what all info we need in order to cancel the subscription from our website. I know there is a way where users can log into paypal and cancel their subscription or we can log into our paypal and cancel their subscription but we want it to work from our website.
Please help!
When you say you have it working on the sandbox but not live, what exactly is going wrong when you try it live?
I'm actually a little confused by that, because my initial answer was going to be that you can't kill subscriptions via the API unless you're using Recurring Payments. Standard subscriptions aren't accessible via the API.
If you're saying you're doing that in the sandbox, though, then there must be something I'm unaware of..??
On that note, I know the PayPal system pretty well, so I'm thinking maybe you did Recurring Payments on the sandbox, but live you're using Standard Subscriptions..?? If that's accurate then you'll need to move to recurring payments instead of standard subscriptions on the live site.

cancel paypal subscription from my cart

as stated here: Detecting Paypal Subscription Cancellation api can be used to detect a paypal subscription cancellation. what about the opposite? using magento, i have code that creates the paypal subscription but when i cancel the subscription (in the cart), the cancellation is not passed to paypal and i must then go to paypal to cancel.
it would be great to avoid the extra step of double canceling and just only have to cancel from my cart (as admin and as customer via api sent to paypal)
You can use the ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus API to cancel "I-" profiles. As far as if Magento supports this, or if there is a plugin that you can use I don't know of one off hand. However, it is possible. All that needs to happen is that your cart just needs to make API call.

Is it possible to unsubscribe an user via the Paypal Adaptive payment API?

My users subscribe to my project using the paypal button "Subscribe", and then I manage the monthly payments via the IPN, but if the user delete his account, I'd like to unsubscribe him automatically, without asking him to go to Paypal to cancel his subscription.
Is it possible to use the Paypal Adaptive Payment API to tell Paypal to unsubscribe this user ?
Bonus question : is it possible to use the Paypal Adaptive Payment API to know the status of the subscription, and eventually also to modify it (lower the amount for example) ?
You wouldn't use the Adaptive Payments API to unsubscribe a user from a subscription. If the buyer signed up for a subscription, you could ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus API to cancel the profile. As for the status, you would not be able to use the "GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails" API call to get the status for subscriptions. This would only be supported for recurring payments, not subscriptions. However, you could use IPN which would send you the details when the profile gets created, when a new transaction is processed, and etc. Then you could just query your own database for the details.

Cancelling PayPal-Website Payments Standard's Payment Programmatically

Is there any API available to Cancel or Modify a recurring payment created using PayPal - Website Payments Standard?
Can I use Express Checkout APIs to do this?
If the subscription ID starts with I- you may be able to cancel them with UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile, but this is not guaranteed.
If they start with S-, you'll have to do it via the Recurring Payments Dashboard.