Syntax error in IPython 2.2.0 - ipython

I'm running IPython 2.2.0 in Anaconda on Windows 8, and I'm running into an error with a code that is supposed to find the value of a stock option.
Here's my code:
SO = 100.
K = 105.
T = 1.0
r = 0.05
sigma = 0.2
from numpy import *
I = 100000
z = random.standard_normal(I)
ST = SO * exp((r - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * T + sigma * sqrt(T) * z)
hT = maximum(ST - K, 0)
CO = exp(-r * T) * sum(hT) / I
print "Value of the European Call Option %5.3f" % CO
When I run the print command on the last line, it's telling me that it's invalid syntax and has an arrow beneath the second quotation mark (next to the %5.3f". Any ideas?

The problem is the print function. You are using Python version that allows print() as a function....seems to suggest that iPython 2.2.0 is probably using Python 3.x version underneath (just my guess, but can be wrong).
Try the following instead:
print("Value of the European Call Option %5.3f" % CO)
This should work...


TypeError("can't convert expression to float")

The code which I wrote might look foolish, because it is integration of a derivative function. since it is the basic foundation to the other code which I'm writing on acoustical analysis. this analysis contains integration of different derivative functions which are in multiplication. for this purpose I'm using SciPy for integration and sympy for differentiation. but it is giving an error showing TypeError("can't convert expression to float"). below is the code which I wrote. hoping a solution for this.
import sympy
from sympy import *
from scipy.integrate import quad
def diff(r):
Z = 64.25 * r ** 5 - 175.71 *r ** 4 + 170.6 *r ** 3 - 71.103 *r ** 2 + 3 * r
return E
I have to say that I'm a bit confused by your statement "integration of a derivative function" since the fundamental theorem of calculus would suggest that this is just a waste of CPU cycles. I'll presume that you know what you're doing though and that you just want to be able to compute some definite integrals numerically...
The SymPy expression that you want to integrate is this:
In [33]: from sympy import *
In [34]: r = symbols("x") # Why are you calling this x?
In [35]: Z = 64.25 * r ** 5 - 175.71 * r ** 4 + 170.6 * r ** 3 - 71.103 * r ** 2 +
...: 3 * r
In [36]: E = diff(Z, r)
In [37]: E
4 3 2
321.25⋅x - 702.84⋅x + 511.8⋅x - 142.206⋅x + 3
There are a two basic ways to do this with SymPy:
In [38]: integrate(E, (r, 0, 1)) # symbolic integration
Out[38]: -8.96299999999999
In [39]: Integral(E, (r, 0, 1)).evalf() # numeric integration
Out[39]: -8.96300000000002
Note that had you used exact rational numbers you would see a more accurate result in either case:
In [40]: nsimplify(E)
4 3 2
1285⋅x 17571⋅x 2559⋅x 71103⋅x
─────── - ──────── + ─────── - ─────── + 3
4 25 5 500
In [41]: integrate(nsimplify(E), (r, 0, 1))
In [42]: Integral(nsimplify(E), (r, 0, 1)).evalf()
Out[42]: -8.96300000000000
While the approaches above are very accurate and work nicely for this particular integral which is easy to compute both symbolically and numerically they are both slower than using something like scipy's quad function which works with machine precision floating point and efficient numpy arrays for the calculation. To use scipy's quad function you need to lambdify your expression into an ordinary Python function:
In [44]: from scipy.integrate import quad
In [45]: f = lambdify(r, E, "numpy")
In [46]: f(0)
Out[46]: 3.0
In [47]: f(1)
Out[47]: -8.99600000000001
In [48]: quad(f, 0, 1)[0]
Out[48]: -8.963000000000001
What lambdify does is just to generate an efficient Python function for you. You can see the code that it uses like this:
In [51]: import inspect
In [52]: print(inspect.getsource(f))
def _lambdifygenerated(x):
return 321.25*x**4 - 702.84*x**3 + 511.8*x**2 - 142.206*x + 3
The quad routine will pass in numpy arrays for x and so this can be very efficient. If you have high-order polynomials then sympy's horner function can be used to optimise the expression:
In [53]: horner(E)
Out[53]: x⋅(x⋅(x⋅(321.25⋅x - 702.84) + 511.8) - 142.206) + 3.0
In [54]: f2 = lambdify(r, horner(E), "numpy")
In [56]: print(inspect.getsource(f2))
def _lambdifygenerated(x):
return x*(x*(x*(321.25*x - 702.84) + 511.8) - 142.206) + 3.0

Sympy match() doesn't work with multiple integrals?

I want to obtain parameters of multiple integral ():
from sympy import *
z = symbols('z', real=True)
nu = Function('nu', real=True, positive=True)(z)
xx1 = nu.integrate((z,0,z))
xx2 = xx1.integrate((z,0,1))
Integral and its structure in jupyterlab shown
Then with "wild"-type variables "Wi" I try to obtain parameters of integrals
mm1 = Integral(W1,(W2,W3,W4))
mm2 = Integral(W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7))
rr1 = xx1.match(mm1)
rr2 = xx2.match(mm2)
matching result
It works for single integral but doesmt for multiple. Why?
SECOND question is: why integration variable "z" is not obtained to "W2"?
THIRD question: why variable "z" is changed to symbol "_0" in "W1:nu(z)? How to do it right?
Recommended in comment '.list' doesn't work:
gives error message
Every expression has args -- all you are (apparently) try to do is capture the arguments in variables. Wild are not needed for this:
>>> W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7) = xx2.args
>>> W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7)
(nu(z), (z, 0, z), (z, 0, 1))

How to solve error 'Callbacks disabled in gurobi'?

Currently I am investigating an MILP in Pyomo with gurobi. I would like to be able to add cuts during the B&B and found that callback functions can be used for this purpose. However, when I try to implement a callback function I get the following error: "callbacks disabled for solver gurobi" (or: callbacks disabled for gurobi_persistent). This error does not seem very common, does someone have any experience with it?
I am quite new to both Pyomo and gurobi.
My code is the following (an example that I found through the Pyomo documentation).
from gurobipy import GRB
import pyomo.environ as pe
#from pyomo.core.expr.taylor_series import taylor_series_expansion
m = pe.ConcreteModel()
m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(0, 4))
m.y = pe.Var(within=pe.Integers, bounds=(0, None))
m.obj = pe.Objective(expr=2*m.x + m.y)
m.cons = pe.ConstraintList() # for the cutting planes
def _add_cut(xval):
# a function to generate the cut
m.x.value = xval
return m.cons.add(m.y >= ((m.x - 2)**2))
_add_cut(0) # start with 2 cuts at the bounds of x
_add_cut(4) # this is an arbitrary choice
opt = pe.SolverFactory('gurobi_persistent')
#opt.set_gurobi_param('PreCrush', 1)
#opt.set_gurobi_param('LazyConstraints', 1)
def my_callback(cb_m, cb_opt, cb_where):
if cb_where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
cb_opt.cbGetSolution(vars=[m.x, m.y])
if m.y.value < (m.x.value - 2)**2 - 1e-6:
assert abs(m.x.value - 1) <= 1e-6
assert abs(m.y.value - 1) <= 1e-6

Extract numbers from specific image

I am involved in a project that I think you can help me. I have multiple images that you can see here Images to recognize. The goal here is to extract the numbers between the dashed lines. What is the best approach to do that? The idea that I have from the beginning is to find the coordinates of the dash lines and do the crop function, then is just run OCR software. But is not easy to find those coordinates, can you help me? Or if you have a better approach tell me.
Best regards,
Pedro Pimenta
You may start by looking at more obvious (bigger) objects in your images. The dashed lines are way too small in some images. Searching for the "euros milhoes" logo and the barcode will be easier and it will help you have an idea of the scale and rotation involved.
To find these objects without using match template you can binarize your image (watch out for the background texture) and use the Hu moments on the contours/blobs.
Don't expect a good OCR accuracy on images where the numbers are smaller than 8-10 pixels.
You can use python-tesseract ,it works with your image.What you need to do is to split the result string.I use your to test.And source code is below.UPDATE
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageEnhance
import tesseract
im ='test.jpg')
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im)
im = enhancer.enhance(4)
im = im.convert('1')
w, h = im.size
im = im.resize((w * (416 / h), 416))
pix = im.load()
LINE_CR = 0.01
WHITE_HEIGHT_CR = int(h * (20 / 416.0))
status = 0
white_line = []
for i in xrange(h):
line = []
for j in xrange(w):
line.append(pix[(j, i)])
p = line.count(0) / float(w)
if not p > LINE_CR:
wp = None
for i in range(10, len(white_line) - WHITE_HEIGHT_CR):
k = white_line[i]
if white_line[i + WHITE_HEIGHT_CR] == k + WHITE_HEIGHT_CR:
wp = k
result = []
flag = 0
while 1:
if wp < 0:
line = []
for i in xrange(w):
line.append(pix[(i, wp)])
p = line.count(0) / float(w)
if flag == 0 and p > LINE_CR:
l = []
for xx in xrange(20):
l.append(pix[(xx, wp)])
if l.count(0) > 5:
l = []
for xx in xrange(416-1, 416-100-1, -1):
l.append(pix[(xx, wp)])
if l.count(0) > 17:
wp -= 1
flag = 1
if flag == 1 and p < LINE_CR:
wp -= 1
flag = 0
wp -= 1
for i in range(1, len(result)):
if result[i] - result[i - 1] < 15:
result[i - 1] = -1
result = filter(lambda x: x >= 0, result)
im = im.crop((0, result[0], w, result[-1]))'test_converted.jpg')
api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI()
api.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
mImgFile = "test_converted.jpg"
result = tesseract.ProcessPagesBuffer(mBuffer,len(mBuffer),api)
print "result(ProcessPagesBuffer)=",result
Depends python 2.7 python-tesseract-win32 python-opencv numpy PIL,and be sure to follow python-tesseract's remember to .

Error attempting to use initial conditions

I'm doing a quick problem in Maple with a differential equation and a few initial conditions, but I'm getting an error message that I can't seem to understand given the context. Can anyone quickly elaborate on what's going on here? How do I fix this issue?
> KVLl2 := -4*(i2(t)-2)-12*(i2(t)-i3(t)) = 0;
-16 i2(t) + 8 + 12 i3(t) = 0
> KVLl3 := -12*(i3(t)-i2(t))-4*i3(t)-3.5*(diff(i3(t), t)) = 0;
/ d \
-16 i3(t) + 12 i2(t) - 3.5 |--- i3(t)| = 0
\ dt /
> mySoln := dsolve({KVLl2, KVLl3, i2(0) = 1, i3(0) = 1}, i2, i3);
Error, (in dsolve) found the following equations not depending
on the unknowns of the input system: {1 = 1}
Thanks in advance
Maple doesn't know what to do with i2 and i3 you provided as target functions. If you look at the help of dsolve (?dsolve), you see that it requires its target functions to be specified in terms of their variables (t in this case) and as a list. Try using this
dsolve({KVLl2, KVLl3, i2(0) = 1, i3(0) = 1}, {i2(t), i3(t)});
No errors here but no solution either (this might be related to your equation)