Error attempting to use initial conditions - maple

I'm doing a quick problem in Maple with a differential equation and a few initial conditions, but I'm getting an error message that I can't seem to understand given the context. Can anyone quickly elaborate on what's going on here? How do I fix this issue?
> KVLl2 := -4*(i2(t)-2)-12*(i2(t)-i3(t)) = 0;
-16 i2(t) + 8 + 12 i3(t) = 0
> KVLl3 := -12*(i3(t)-i2(t))-4*i3(t)-3.5*(diff(i3(t), t)) = 0;
/ d \
-16 i3(t) + 12 i2(t) - 3.5 |--- i3(t)| = 0
\ dt /
> mySoln := dsolve({KVLl2, KVLl3, i2(0) = 1, i3(0) = 1}, i2, i3);
Error, (in dsolve) found the following equations not depending
on the unknowns of the input system: {1 = 1}
Thanks in advance

Maple doesn't know what to do with i2 and i3 you provided as target functions. If you look at the help of dsolve (?dsolve), you see that it requires its target functions to be specified in terms of their variables (t in this case) and as a list. Try using this
dsolve({KVLl2, KVLl3, i2(0) = 1, i3(0) = 1}, {i2(t), i3(t)});
No errors here but no solution either (this might be related to your equation)


How to check basic integer order relations in sympy?

I have a (possibly relatively large) set of assumptions about multiple integers like {x > -1, x < 5, x != 2, y > 0, x-2 < y} and I would like to check whether certain other propositions like {x > -5, x == 3, ...} either true, false or could be both.
The docs say that explicit relationships like Q.is_true(x < 3) are not supported, so I tried using .positive property, but without any luck, e.g.
# x > -1 => x > -3 - ?
x = sympy.Symbol('x')
with sympy.assuming(sympy.Q.positive(x+1), sympy.Q.integer(x)):
Which means that the checker gave up on checking that.
Refine also does not seem to help much (probably uses assumptions anyway)
sympy.refine(x > 0, sympy.Q.is_true(x > -1))
If there's a different library that can check that, that also works!
I have found that python bindings for the z3 solver best fitted for my problem. One can just download the binary release from the github page and add included folder into $PYTHONPATH , e.g.
then these relations could be checked as
from z3 import *
x = Int('x')
s = Solver()
s.add(x > 10)
s.add(x > 12)
print(s) // [x > 10, x > 12]
print(s.check()) // sat
print(s.model()) // [x = 13]

Undefined operator '>' for input arguments of type 'msspoly' (optimization software)

I know there are many similar questions like the title ask here.
However, I still believe no of these discussions can solve my problem.
I am testing the following software "SPOTless" developed by MIT:
This is a software which transform the polynomial optimization problem to LP or SOCP. And then call the other software "mosek" to solve it.
This example is from the tutorial in: (please see the last example)
n = 2 ;
d = 4 ;
x = msspoly('x',n ) ;
basis = monomials(x , 0 : d ) ;
p = randn(length(basis))'*basis ;
g = 1 - x'*x ;
prog = spotsosprog ;
prog = prog.withIndeterminate(x) ;
[prog,r] = prog.newFree(1) ;
[prog,f] = prog.newFreePoly(x,monomials(x,0:d-2)) ;
prog = prog.withSOS(r-p-f*g) ;
sol = prog.minimize(r) ;
However, when run it, Matlab shows the following error:
The line 401 and the related part is the following:
function [pr,poly,coeff] = newFreePoly(pr,basis,n)
if nargin < 3, n = 1; end
if ~isempty(basis) && n > 0 % line 401
if ~pr.isPolyInIndet(basis)
error('Basis must be polynomial in the indeterminates.');
[pr,coeff] = pr.newFree(length(basis)*n);
poly = reshape(coeff,n,length(basis))*basis;
poly = [];
$n$ is an integer, so $n > 0$ is valid obviously.
I ask the related professor (not the author of this software); he told me he has not seen this problem before. The problem comes from one .m file in the software.
I am not sure if someone can help me test this software and this example and let me know the result or how to solve this error.
Note: if you really test this software (easy to install), please also install "mosek", which is a famous optimization software.
Note: if you do not want to install "mosek", please cross out the last two lines in the code.

How can I sum up functions that are made of elements of the imported dataset?

See the code and error. I have already tried Do, For,...and it is not working.
CODE + Error from Mathematica:
Import of survival probabilities _{k}p_x and _{k}p_y (calculated in excel)
px = Import["C:\Users\Eva\Desktop\kpx.xlsx"];
px = Flatten[Take[px, All], 1];
NOTE: The probability _{k}p_x can be found on the position px[[k+2, x -16]
i = 0.04;
v = 1/(1 + i);
JointLifeIndep[x_, y_, n_] = Sum[v^k*px[[k + 2, x - 16]]*py[[k + 2, y - 16]], {k , 0, n - 1}]
Part::pkspec1: The expression 2+k cannot be used as a part specification.
Part::pkspec1: The expression 2+k cannot be used as a part specification.
Part::pkspec1: The expression 2+k cannot be used as a part specification.
General::stop: Further output of Part::pkspec1 will be suppressed during this calculation.
Part of dataset (left corner of the dataset):
k\x 18 19 20
0 1 1 1
1 0.999478086278185 0.999363078716059 0.99927911905056
2 0.998841497412202 0.998642656911039 0.99858030519133
3 0.998121451605207 0.99794428814123 0.99788275311401
4 0.997423447323642 0.997247180349674 0.997174407432264
5 0.996726703362208 0.996539285828369 0.996437857252448
6 0.996019178300768 0.995803204773039 0.99563600297737
7 0.995283481416241 0.995001861216016 0.994823584922968
8 0.994482556091416 0.994189960607964 0.99405569519175
9 0.993671079225432 0.99342255996206 0.993339856748282
10 0.992904079096455 0.992707177451333 0.992611817294026
11 0.992189069953677 0.9919796017009 0.991832027835091
Without having the exact same data files to work with it is often easy for each of us to make mistakes that the other cannot reproduce or understand.
From your snapshot of your data set I used Export in Mathematica to try to reproduce your .xlsx file. Then I tried the following
px = Import["kpx.xlsx"];
px = Flatten[Take[px, All], 1];
py = px; (* fake some py data *)
i = 0.04;
v = 1/(1 + i);
JointLifeIndep[x_, y_, n_] := Sum[v^k*px[[k+2,x-16]]*py[[k+2,y-16]], {k,0,n-1}];
JointLifeIndep[17, 17, 12]
and it displays 362.402
Notice I used := instead of = in my definition of JointLifeIndep. := and = do different things in Mathematica. = will immediately evaluate the right hand side of that definition. This is possibly the reason that you are getting the error that you do.
You should also be careful with your subscript values and make sure that every subscript is between 1 and the number of rows (or columns) in your matrix.
So see if you can try this example with an Excel sheet containing only the snapshot of data that you showed and see if you get the same result that I do.
Hopefully that will be enough for you to make progress.

Julia Method Error converting Complex{Float64}

I'm novice to Julia and I have the following code with this error:
MethodError(convert,(Complex{Float64},[-1.0 - 1.0im])).
I would like to know the source of the error and how to optimize this piece of code for speed.
This is my code:
function OfdmSym()
N = 64
n = 1000
symbol = convert(Array{Complex{Float64},2},ones(n,64)) # I need Array{Complex{Float64},2}
data = convert(Array{Complex{Float64},2},ones(1,48)) # I need Array{Complex{Float64},2}
const unused = convert(Array{Complex{Float64},2},zeros(1,12))
const pilot = convert(Array{Complex{Float64},2},ones(1,4))
const s = convert(Array{Complex{Float64},2},[-1-im -1+im 1-im 1+im])# QPSK Complex Data
for i=1:n # generate 1000 symbols
for j = 1:48 # generate 48 complex data symbols whose basis is s
r = rand(1:4,1) # 1, 2, 3, or 4
data[j] = s[r]
symbol[i,:]=[data[1,1:10] pilot[1] data[1,11:20] pilot[2] data[1,21:30] pilot[3] data[1,31:40] pilot[4] data[1,41:48] unused]
As it's the first day programming in Julia, I tried very hard to reveal the source of the error without success. I also tried to optimize and initialize arrays as I could but when I time the code I realize that it is far from optimal. I appreciate your help.
Try this much simpler code
function OfdmSym()
N = 64
n = 1000
symbol = ones(Complex{Float64}, n, 64)
data = ones(Complex{Float64}, 1, 48)
unused = zeros(Complex{Float64}, 1, 12)
pilot = ones(Complex{Float64}, 1, 4)
s = [-1-im -1+im 1-im 1+im]
for i=1:n # generate 1000 symbols
for j = 1:48 # generate 48 complex data symbols whose basis is s
r = rand(1:4) # 1, 2, 3, or 4
data[j] = s[r]
symbol[i,:]=[data[1,1:10] pilot[1] data[1,11:20] pilot[2] data[1,21:30] pilot[3] data[1,31:40] pilot[4] data[1,41:48] unused]
I wouldn't worry too much about optimizing things until you have got it working correctly. The way you have it set up now seems like it'd be kinda inefficient due to all the slicing of arrays - it'd be better to try to build symbol directly.

Matlab function calling basic

I'm new to Matlab and now learning the basic grammar.
I've written the file GetBin.m:
function res = GetBin(num_bin, bin, val)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
res = num_bin;
for i = (num_bin - 1) : 1
if val < bin(i)
res = i;
and I call it with:
num_bin = 5;
bin = [48.4,96.8,145.2,193.6]; % bin stands for the intermediate borders, so there are 5 bins
fea_val = GetBin(num_bin,bin,fea(1,1)) % fea is a pre-defined 280x4096 matrix
It returns error:
Error in GetBin (line 2)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
Output argument "res" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Could anybody tell me what's wrong here? Thanks.
You need to ensure that every possible path through your code assigns a value to res.
In your case, it looks like that's not the case, because you have a loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : 1
That loop will never iterate (so it will never assign a value to res). You need to explicitly specify that it's a decrementing loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : -1 : 1
For more info, see the documentation on the colon operator.
for i = (num_bin - 1) : -1 : 1