mongod not logging after log rotate - mongodb

Originally, mongod is running and log to file shard1.log. And I run mongod again and failed.
In the shard1.log, there are only infomation about the failure of second command. The origin log is renamed to shard1.log.2015-02-01T07-41-46.
But the problem is the origin mongod not logging any more.
I check the opened file of origin mongod.
ls -l /proc/7980/fd | grep -v socket | grep log
l-wx------ 1 mongodb mongodb 64 2月 6 06:05 1 -> /data/mongodb/log/shard1.log.2015-02-01T07-41-46
The shard1.log.2015-02-01T07-41-46 stayed unchanged.
So how can I make the origin mongod log again?
here is my mongo config file
the output of command db.serverCmdLineOpts
"argv" : [
"parsed" : {
"bind_ip" : "",
"config" : "/data/mongodb/conf/shard1.conf",
"dbpath" : "/data/mongodb/db/shard1",
"fork" : "true",
"logpath" : "/data/mongodb/log/shard1.log",
"pidfilepath" : "/data/mongodb/pid/",
"port" : 27017,
"replSet" : "shard1/",
"shardsvr" : "true"
"ok" : 1


Error node not found when setup replica set in mongodb

I'm having extreme frustration trying to setup a MongoDB replica set from scratch.
I have 2 machine run debian os and installed mongodb. When i try use rs.add() to add member to replica set then i appear error although i still connect to mongodb by
mongo --host
Here is the error messages
rs0:PRIMARY> rs.add("")
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1597144435, 1),
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "Quorum check failed because not enough voting nodes responded; required 2 but only the following 1 voting nodes responded:; the following nodes did not respond affirmatively: failed with Received heartbeat from member with the same member ID as ourself: 0",
"code" : 74,
"codeName" : "NodeNotFound",
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1597144440, 1),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
Here is the mongod conf
# Where and how to store data.
dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
enabled: true
# engine:
# mmapv1:
# wiredTiger:
# where to write logging data.
destination: file
logAppend: true
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# network interfaces
port: 27017
# how the process runs
timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
what i am doing wrong ?
This is the descriptive error message:
the following 1 voting nodes responded:; the following nodes did not respond affirmatively: failed with Received heartbeat from member with the same member ID as ourself: 0"
That is telling you that and are the same node, and you can't add the same node twice.

Mongod Replica set aborting after invariant() failure due to Stable timestamp Timestamp does not equal appliedThrough timestamp

I am a newbie to MongoDB. I was doing a POC on consuming documents using Java Client.
I am using a 4.2.5 version.
I have 3 instances of mongod running in my local with a Replica set as below.
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/d1/ --replSet rs0 --bind_ip localhost
mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /data/d2/ --replSet rs0 --bind_ip localhost
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /data/d3/ --replSet rs0 --bind_ip localhost
After a certain time, one or two of the instance gets abended and when I tend to start again, I see the same error. I am not sure about what causes this error.
Any help would be appreciated.
2020-05-25T19:37:47.126+0530 I REPL [initandlisten] Rollback ID is 1
2020-05-25T19:37:47.128+0530 F - [initandlisten] Invariant failure !stableTimestamp || stableTimestamp->isNull() || appliedThrough.isNull() || *stableTimestamp == appliedThrough.getTimestamp() Stable timestamp Timestamp(1590410112, 1) does not equal appliedThrough timestamp { ts: Timestamp(1590410172, 1), t: 5 } src/mongo/db/repl/replication_recovery.cpp 412
2020-05-25T19:37:47.128+0530 F - [initandlisten]
***aborting after invariant() failure
2020-05-25T19:37:47.137+0530 F - [initandlisten] Got signal: 6 (Abort trap: 6).
0x109e10cc6 0x109e1054d 0x7fff5d3c9b5d 0xa00 0x7fff5d2836a6 0x109e04d4a 0x1083597af 0x1083722ba 0x108376eb9 0x108077c6c 0x108071744 0x108070999 0x7fff5d1de3d5 0x9
{ "path" : "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BackgroundTaskManagement.framework/Versions/A/BackgroundTaskManagement", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF41F95000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF3C6CD000", "buildId" : "2A396FC07B7930889A82FB93C1181A57" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF5C842000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF56F7A000", "buildId" : "EC50E503AEEE3F50956F55E4AF4584D9" }, { "path" : "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleSRP.framework/Versions/A/AppleSRP", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF4177E000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF3BEB6000", "buildId" : "EDD16B2E4F353E13B389CF77B3CAD4EB" } ] }}
mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEE+0x36) [0x109e10cc6]
mongod(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_110abruptQuitEi+0xBD) [0x109e1054d]
libsystem_platform.dylib(_sigtramp+0x1D) [0x7fff5d3c9b5d]
??? [0xa00]
libsystem_c.dylib(abort+0x7F) [0x7fff5d2836a6]
mongod(_ZN5mongo22invariantFailedWithMsgEPKcRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEES1_j+0x33A) [0x109e04d4a]
mongod(_ZN5mongo4repl23ReplicationRecoveryImpl16recoverFromOplogEPNS_16OperationContextEN5boost8optionalINS_9TimestampEEE+0x43F) [0x1083597af]
mongod(_ZN5mongo4repl26ReplicationCoordinatorImpl21_startLoadLocalConfigEPNS_16OperationContextE+0x3AA) [0x1083722ba]
mongod(_ZN5mongo4repl26ReplicationCoordinatorImpl7startupEPNS_16OperationContextE+0xE9) [0x108376eb9]
mongod(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_114_initAndListenEi+0x28FC) [0x108077c6c]
mongod(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_111mongoDbMainEiPPcS2_+0xDA4) [0x108071744]
mongod(main+0x9) [0x108070999]
libdyld.dylib(start+0x1) [0x7fff5d1de3d5]
??? [0x9]
----- END BACKTRACE -----
Abort trap: 6
There appears to be a ticket for this issue experienced by another user. You may consider engaging with MongoDB developers in that ticket to provide the requested information.

Using sed or grep to search and replace ip address in the file

I have used this code it only enter with new ipaddress
sed -r 's/(\b[0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b'/$newip/
But i need to enter with system ipaddress to the file directly,can anyone help it out with this
Thanks in advance
The command you have already does this. Just need to add the -i option to the sed:
$ cat file
{ "MONGODB_CONNECTION_URL" : "mongodb://",
"CWMP_PORT" : 7547,
"CWMP_SSL" : false,
"NBI_PORT" : 7557,
"FS_PORT" : 7567,
"DEBUG" : false
Set the IP address in a variable:
$ newip=""
Run the sed command:
$ sed -i -r 's/(\b[0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b'/$newip/ file
File has updated IP:
$ cat file
{ "MONGODB_CONNECTION_URL" : "mongodb://",
"CWMP_PORT" : 7547,
"CWMP_SSL" : false,
"NBI_PORT" : 7557,
"FS_PORT" : 7567,
"DEBUG" : false
sed -E 's/([^/])\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b([^/])'/\1192.168.0.28\2/g config.json
if as variable e.g. obtained from ifconfig etc, after testing do real editing, add -i option
$ newip=
$ sed -Ei 's/([^/])\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b([^/])'/\1$newip\2/g config.json

MongoDB with Authentication

I am trying to get MongoDB running on my localhost (Windows) with authentication.
To do so, I first have to add a user, right?
I did so by starting the daemon using this command:
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config
mongo.config contains the following:
# Basic database configuration
dbpath = C:\[…]\db\
bind_ip =
port = 20571
# Security
noauth = true
# Administration & Monitoring
nohttpinterface = true
After that I connected via this command:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571
There I added a user:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.addUser('test', 'test')
{ "n" : 0, "connectionId" : 1, "err" : null, "ok" : 1 }
"user" : "test",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5",
"_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278")
To check if everything worked I did the following:
> db.system.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278"), "user" : "test", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5" }
Which seemed OK to me.
After that I changed "noauth = true" to "auth = true" in the mongo.config file and restarted the daemon.
Now I expected to be able to connect with user and password:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test
Which denied access to me with this message:
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to:
Wed Dec 26 16:24:36 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "bad or malformed command request?", "code" : 13530 }
exception: login failed
So here's my question: Why does the login fail?
I can still connect without providing user and password, but can't access any data because "unauthorized db:admin lock type:-1 client:". Which is actually what I expected.
As Andrei Sfat told me in the comments on the question I made 2 major errors.
First, I thought I could pass the IP to the Client as a simple argument. But you have to use --host for that.
Instead, the parameter I thought was the IP address actually should be the db name.
So the correct command to connect to a Server is as follows:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test --host admin
Second, users are per database. As I only added the user "test" to the db "admin", it only works there.
Obviously the auth = true configuration wasn't load successfully. Did you forget the -f paramter when you restart the mongod.exe?
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config

mongodb reconfigure shard ports

I have restarted 2 shards on non standard ports, by chaning their .conf files. Now when I connect via mongo and issue a listshards I get:
mongos> db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
Tue Oct 23 17:36:21 uncaught exception: error {
"$err" : "error creating initial database config information :: caused by :: socket exception [CONNECT_ERROR] for vserver-dev-2:37017",
"code" : 11002
(37017 is the old port).
How can I update the shard ports on the router (mongos) ?
Manual updating the ports on the mongo config server:
use config
configsvr> db.shards.update({_id: "shard0000"} , {$set: {"host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018"}})
configsvr> db.shards.find()
{ "_id" : "shard0000", "host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018" }