mongodb reconfigure shard ports - mongodb

I have restarted 2 shards on non standard ports, by chaning their .conf files. Now when I connect via mongo and issue a listshards I get:
mongos> db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
Tue Oct 23 17:36:21 uncaught exception: error {
"$err" : "error creating initial database config information :: caused by :: socket exception [CONNECT_ERROR] for vserver-dev-2:37017",
"code" : 11002
(37017 is the old port).
How can I update the shard ports on the router (mongos) ?

Manual updating the ports on the mongo config server:
use config
configsvr> db.shards.update({_id: "shard0000"} , {$set: {"host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018"}})
configsvr> db.shards.find()
{ "_id" : "shard0000", "host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018" }


MongoDb - command drop requires authentication

I have the following command
mongo clean_collection.js --host localhost --username root --password example
Clean_collection.js file contains:
conn = new Mongo();
db = conn.getDB("MyDb");
var myColl = db.getCollection('MyCollection');
But MongoDb returns:
MongoDB shell version v4.2.8
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("22d094e1-fb65-46c8-a9e6-386c1678c680") }
MongoDB server version: 4.2.8
2020-07-15T10:33:00.787-0400 E QUERY [js] uncaught exception: Error: drop failed: {
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "command drop requires authentication",
"code" : 13,
"codeName" : "Unauthorized"
} :
I'm also using MongoDb .NET Driver and I can drop the collection withou any problems with using .NET driver.

MongoDB Go driver looking on localhost when should not

I'm not a Go guy, just need to use a plugin written in Go and I'm having some trouble between plugin and MongoDB.
The error is:
server selection error: server selection timeout
current topology: Type: Unknown
Addr: localhost:27017, Type: Unknown, State: Connected, Avergage RTT: 0, Last error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
exit status 1
My configuration:
time=“2019-09-03T16:29:35Z” level=debug msg=“Host:”
time=“2019-09-03T16:29:35Z” level=debug msg=“Port: 27017”
time=“2019-09-03T16:29:35Z” level=debug msg=“Username: user”
time=“2019-09-03T16:29:35Z” level=debug msg=“Password: user123*”
time=“2019-09-03T16:29:35Z” level=debug msg=“DBName: dbBackend”
The plugin snippet that performs the connection:
addr := fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://%s:%s", m.Host, m.Port)
to := 60 * time.Second
opts := options.ClientOptions{
ConnectTimeout: &to,
if m.Username != "" && m.Password != "" {
opts.Auth = &options.Credential{
AuthSource: m.DBName,
Username: m.Username,
Password: m.Password,
PasswordSet: true,
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), &opts)
if err != nil {
return m, errors.Errorf("couldn't start mongo backend. error: %s\n", err)
err1 := client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)
if err1 != nil {
log.Fatal(err1) // error happens here
m.Conn = client
return m, nil
I just can't realize why the mongo driver is looking on localhost if I'm setting the address of my mongoDB server.
My db has replica set configured only to use change streams.
This is my RS configuration:
"_id" : "rs0",
"version" : 69559,
"protocolVersion" : 1,
"writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault" : true,
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "localhost:27017",
"arbiterOnly" : false,
"buildIndexes" : true,
"hidden" : false,
"priority" : 1,
"tags" : {
"slaveDelay" : 0,
"votes" : 1
"settings" : {
"chainingAllowed" : true,
"heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000,
"heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10,
"electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000,
"catchUpTimeoutMillis" : -1,
"catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis" : 30000,
"getLastErrorModes" : {
"getLastErrorDefaults" : {
"w" : 1,
"wtimeout" : 0
"replicaSetId" : ObjectId("5cf684c3c0db3f53727d1bb4")
Any help solving it appreciated.
why the mongo driver is looking on localhost if I'm setting the address of my mongoDB server.
When mongo-go-driver's client is connecting to a MongoDB deployment, it will perform Server Discovery and Monitoring to discovers one or more servers (MongoDB being a distributed database by nature). One of the early steps is to begin monitoring the topology by invoking isMaster command on all servers. Based on the output of isMaster the client will try to contact those servers. In the case of Replica Set (your case), the client strives to connect to the primary server (from isMaster.primary).
However, the hostname address is not a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to be resolvable from the client's machine. The client's machine trying to connect to localhost defined as the replica set primary, thus failed to make a connection. Also, this is why you're seeing a message status where current topology: Type: Unknown but State: Connected. It failed to discover the deployment topology even before able to select a server to execute the command (ping)
You can solve this by setting resolvable hostnames for the value of the members field in the replica set configuration. In addition, when possible, use a logical DNS hostname instead of an ip address, as this avoids configuration changes due to ip address changes.
You can change the replica set hostnames using rs.reconfig() i.e:
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[1].host = "<RESOLVABLE HOSTNAME>:<PORT NUMBER>"
In your case, where there's only one replica set member it's quite straight forward. However if you're in production mode and have more than one members you can follow the steps outlined in Change Hostnames in a Replica Set where there are two options:
Change Hostnames without disrupting availability
Change Hostnames at the same time (one-go)
Having said all the explanation above,
alternatively, as your replica set deployment is only one server (development mode) you can set the connection mode to direct via ClientOptions.SetDirect(). Which specifies whether the client should connect directly to a server instead of auto-discovering other servers in the cluster (although this means you have no redundancy) i.e.:
opts := options.ClientOptions{ ConnectTimeout: &timeoutVariable}
client, err := mongo.Connect(connect.TODO(), &opts)

Mongos can add replica set, but can't connect

I'm setting up a sharded mongo cluster. I have two replica sets consisting of two nodes each, a replica set of three config servers, and a single mongos instance.
I have been able to add the replica set to the mongos instance:
This returns {"ok" : 1} and the same is true of the second replica set.
However when I try to do any database operations such as db.test.insert(...) I receive this error:
2017-02-23T01:17:28.599+0000 I ASIO [CatalogManagerReplacer]
Connecting to shard-RS01-S01:27017
2017-02-23T01:17:28.600+0000 I ASIO [CatalogManagerReplacer]
Connecting to config-01:27019
2017-02-23T01:17:28.603+0000 I ASIO [CatalogManagerReplacer]
Successfully connected to config-01:27019
2017-02-23T01:17:48.600+0000 I ASIO [CatalogManagerReplacer] Failed to connect to shard-RS01-S01:27017 - ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out
I double checked that the firewall wasn't blocking the connection by disabling it on all of the systems. For what it is worth, on the node that contains the mongos instance I can connect to the replica-set directly through the command like using this command regardless of the firewall state:
mongo --host rs1/shard-rs01-s01:27017
So I am fairly sure it is not a firewall issue. Anyone have any ideas?
Here's a shard map of the setup if it is useful for anyone able to help...
mongos> db.runCommand("getShardMap")
"map" : {
"config" : "rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019",
"config-01:27019" : "rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019",
"config-02:27019" : "rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019",
"config-03:27019" : "rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019",
"rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019" : "rs0/config-01:27019,config-02:27019,config-03:27019",
"rs1" : "rs1/shard-RS01-S01:27017,shard-RS01-S02:27017",
"rs1/shard-RS01-S01:27017,shard-RS01-S02:27017" : "rs1/shard-RS01-S01:27017,shard-RS01-S02:27017",
"rs2" : "rs2/shard-RS02-S03:27017,shard-RS02-S04:27017",
"rs2/shard-RS02-S03:27017,shard-RS02-S04:27017" : "rs2/shard-RS02-S03:27017,shard-RS02-S04:27017",
"shard-RS01-S01:27017" : "rs1/shard-RS01-S01:27017,shard-RS01-S02:27017",
"shard-RS01-S02:27017" : "rs1/shard-RS01-S01:27017,shard-RS01-S02:27017",
"shard-RS02-S03:27017" : "rs2/shard-RS02-S03:27017,shard-RS02-S04:27017",
"shard-RS02-S04:27017" : "rs2/shard-RS02-S03:27017,shard-RS02-S04:27017"
"ok" : 1
you need to initialize your mongos.
rs.initiate( { _id: "configReplSet", configsvr: true, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "mongo-config-1:27017" }] } )

MongoDB with Authentication

I am trying to get MongoDB running on my localhost (Windows) with authentication.
To do so, I first have to add a user, right?
I did so by starting the daemon using this command:
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config
mongo.config contains the following:
# Basic database configuration
dbpath = C:\[…]\db\
bind_ip =
port = 20571
# Security
noauth = true
# Administration & Monitoring
nohttpinterface = true
After that I connected via this command:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571
There I added a user:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.addUser('test', 'test')
{ "n" : 0, "connectionId" : 1, "err" : null, "ok" : 1 }
"user" : "test",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5",
"_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278")
To check if everything worked I did the following:
> db.system.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278"), "user" : "test", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5" }
Which seemed OK to me.
After that I changed "noauth = true" to "auth = true" in the mongo.config file and restarted the daemon.
Now I expected to be able to connect with user and password:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test
Which denied access to me with this message:
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to:
Wed Dec 26 16:24:36 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "bad or malformed command request?", "code" : 13530 }
exception: login failed
So here's my question: Why does the login fail?
I can still connect without providing user and password, but can't access any data because "unauthorized db:admin lock type:-1 client:". Which is actually what I expected.
As Andrei Sfat told me in the comments on the question I made 2 major errors.
First, I thought I could pass the IP to the Client as a simple argument. But you have to use --host for that.
Instead, the parameter I thought was the IP address actually should be the db name.
So the correct command to connect to a Server is as follows:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test --host admin
Second, users are per database. As I only added the user "test" to the db "admin", it only works there.
Obviously the auth = true configuration wasn't load successfully. Did you forget the -f paramter when you restart the mongod.exe?
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config

What's the purpose of the command in mongodb?

I am new to mongoDB and i have the following query as follows "db.runCommand( { addshard : "sf103", maxSize:100000 } );" Why we are using sf103 If i use this command in my Environment i am Getting following errors>>> db.runCommand( { addshard : "sf103", maxSize:100000 } );
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "couldn't connect to new shard dbconnectionpool: connect failed sf103 : "
Here, The Sf103 represents what???? Please help me.......
Advance Thanks,
addshard takes the first parameter as "serverhostname[:port]". sf103 is a example host name they specified. What is the mongo host you want to add to the cluster. Please read the doc to understand how to configure the mongo cluster.
Mongo sharded cluster config