Emacs: git-gutter and flycheck conflict makes most keyboard shorcuts broken - emacs

Sometimes Emacs stops to respond to key bindings, for example:
it's impossible to C-x C-s save buffer
it's impossible to C y yank killed text
when mark activated it's invisible
and many other disadvantages.
The only way to return normal behaviour is to relaunch Emacs, though such odd behaviour can occur again very soon. Also, switching buffer to and fro could help a bit, at least it is possible to write buffer.
What is possible reason of this breakage?
Remark: Please review. I've tried to simplify question, but if this still is not good enough, let me know and I'll delete it.

In my particular case the issue was introduced by conflict between git-gutter-fringe plugin and FlyCheck when both of them try to place fringe marks at the same place. To spot this kind of conflicts it is helpful to open * Messages * buffer (by default C-h e), where all kind of errors logged
To resolve problem, I simply rejected git-gutter-fringe plugin.
Hope, this will be helpful for somebody.


Emacs ECB methods window not updating

So I do have Emacs 24.3.1 installed, and from 24 onwards it comes with CEDET. I installed ECB through list-packages and everything seems to work - except methods window refreshing.
When I open a file, all methods are displayed and I can jump to them no problem. But the issue is that they never refresh without restarting Emacs. I have experimented with almost every related variable I could find and nothing works.
I am desperately looking for solution, sice it pretty much nullifies methods window usability when I'm expanding the project.
I have these variables added, no Emacs errors, but it still won't refresh - neither after saving, nor after some idle time.
(setq auto-update-methods-after-save 1)
(global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode 1)
(global-semanticdb-minor-mode 1)
I am new to this, so I may be missing some obvious solution. Could anyone help me? I can provide any configuration file or info you'll need.
EDIT: Of course tried C-c . r , no results.
I've just had same problem. The methods list got updated after I do:
1) revert-buffer
2) ecb-rebuild-methods-buffer (C-c . r)
The fact that just p.2 is not enough seems to be a bug though.

Emacs minibuffer typing backwards while debugging

Frequently when debugging backtraces pop up in Emacs, the minibuffer stops working properly. Specifically, anything I try typing in it 'types backward'. See the following screenshot (I was trying to type 'haskell' in the minibuffer):
When I quit out of the debug pane, the minibuffer starts typing normally again.
What's causing this? Any suggestions on how I can make it stop?
As nmichaels says, this is possibly related to the bidi-display-reordering setting (which is true by default, see: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Bidirectional-Editing.html
Could it be that the abbrev-insert or any other part of your code inserts one of the Unicode characters that change the direction of your text?
The root cause of this is that something makes it so that after inserting a character, Emacs moves point back to before that character. Why? I'm not completely sure, but I have a hunch:
Emacs is very smart, so it probably noticed you're coding in a pure language and figures you probably don't want to change "point" with those nasty side effects, so it resets it back to its initial value for you.

Emacs 23 - How to prevent from backtrace buffer to pop-up

Each time I scroll top down / top up a buffer the Backtrace buffer pops-up and takes half the size of my window, this is quit annoying.
Especially as I don't use at all this buffer, so does anyone know how to prevent Bracktrace to pop-up?
I would be grateful. :)
lawlist is correct; this is certainly a consequence of the debug-on-error variable being set.
If you're not setting it yourself, then it must be a third-party library. You could use M-x rgrep RET debug-on-error RET (or maybe debug-on-error t) on your site-lisp and custom lisp directories, to help track down which library is responsible.
If you happen to use nxhtml, then it's likely to be that at fault (I'm don't think it's been updated anytime recently, and the last version I saw still had this issue in the code). Look in nxhtml-base.el and comment out the offending line (or look in autostart.el if you don't have the nxhtml-base.el file).
I used emacs23 this past few years, but ​​multiples updates packages (especially Python-for-Emacs) have bound me this morning to upgrade to 24.
I have no problems now.
Thanks you for your time and your answers.

Any way to prevent emacs key bindings to bug in Eclipse?

I'm wondering if I'm the only one struggling (i.e. failing) to keep the emacs key bindings working in Eclipse.
I set them. It works fine. The it stops working fine. Some keys still work, others don't. I find myself in a kind of weird quantum state of uncertain key-binding setup superposition. Some key bindings from the standard set work, some from the emacs set work, some things I can achieve with neither set of bindings.
I'm the only one to experience this? I've seen this on at least 4 computers in the past few months.
I set key bindings back to standard set. Sometimes it works. I use the reset to defaults button. Try to set it back to emacs. Doesn't work. Pressing the apply button between the different steps or not... Drives me crazy.
On some computers, the bindings are just whatever. Can only save using the mouse, C-d and C-k don't work to delete/cut lines, most emacs keys still work but back to C-space for auto-completion, etc.
Anyone knows what can cause this? How to prevent it? Am I pressing some key binding key-bindings by mistake?
I had a similar problem with the Ctl-K, Ctl-D commands: after doing an upgrade (I forget whether it was Eclipse itself or the Android plugin) I saw Eclipse offering a little pop up menu on both these keys, offering to do either the correct Emacs command or some completely unrelated command. So, for example, Ctl-D offered to either delete the next character (correct) or delete the line (incorrect).
After some poking around in the key bindings (Windows>Preferences>General>Keys), I discovered that sure enough, someons in the Eclipse project supplied these wrong bindings in addition to the correct ones. So I deleted the incorrect bindings and left the correct ones.
So I thought I would be out of the woods at this point. But I also discovered that I had to add the correct binding back in a couple of times before it would stick.
Look for Cut to End of Line under the Command column and make sure it has Ctl-K when Editing Text and in the Text Editing Category. The same for Delete Next (which means next character). But make sure Ctl-D does NOT show up for the Delete Line Command.
Test it out in an editor window; if it fails, go edit the bindings again, test again, repeat until it sticks, making sure you click Apply after editing the bindings.

Advice for emacs with Dvorak keyboard layout

There are lots of good discussions of emacs or of the Dvorak layout. There is even some discussion that touches on the combination, but I think it's worth pulling this into one thread so those of us using Dvorak and emacs don't have to read through dozens of pages.
I'm looking for specific pointers or general advice on using emacs with Dvorak. Emacs is extremely configurable, so I think there have to be some great tricks. What are others doing? Re-binding keys in emacs? Re-binding keys everywhere? Changing shortcuts in emacs?
Consider that many of us on Dvorak came from qwerty and some of us may go back in the future. In my case, I still have some familiarity with emacs on qwerty and I sometimes use qwerty, but not currently for emacs - muscle memory has outlasted explicit memory and my fingers sometimes go to the qwerty keys when thinking of emacs shortcuts. (Thank goodness for undo!)
My favorite thing about emacs was the many keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctl -f, -b, -p, -n, -d, etc.) and I have fully learned to touch-type Dvorak at ~ my old speed, but my brain seems to rebel at emacs shortcuts on dvorak. I learned emacs when I coded regularly ~10 years ago, but I stopped coding regularly ~5 years ago, and then I switched to Dvorak. There's good discussion of switching to Dvorak at is-the-switch-to-dvorak-worth-it, but my reason was that I wanted to a) slow myself down for a while because I was suffering from repetitive strain, and b) because I saw mixed reviews of the ergonomics of Dvorak and I wanted to give it a try. For me, it has worked really well - I recovered while slow and after getting back up to approximate full speed (~80 wpm) I can type more, longer without pain - but now that I want to code again I want to make reclaim emacs and I'm not giving up Dvorak.
Just found this question while searching for similar information. I'm a new Dvorak typist, but I've been using Emacs for a few years. The chords are burned into my brain, and I'd rather not retrain myself.
What I've found quite workable is C-\ english-dvorak (set-input-method). The keyboard is remapped to Dvorak, but the chords remain the same (that is, C-x C-f is C-(second key from l-shift) C-(fourth key from caps)). This is a very convenient middleground, giving me the option to remap keybindings in the future, but not forcing me to learn two new systems at once.
If you set the variable default-input-method to english-dvorak, you can just hit C-\ to activate it. This doesn't work if your system keyboard is also mapped to Dvorak, but it's worked for me because I do mostly everything in emacs.
I'm programming every day with Emacs on Dvorak, and I have kept the original key bindings. My main reason for not changing is to be able to use one colleague's Emacs, or start it up on an account I don't want to mess around with. I grew very accustomed of it, so I'm pretty happy with them now.
Obviously, a few one-handed short cuts became two-handed, such as C-x C-s or C-x C-c, but as Dvorak users are generally touch-typing anyway, we always have our two hands on the keyboard.
So, I can only suggest to keep trying, maybe concentrating on fewer commands at the time, and then building back?
I used Emacs for years on Qwerty, and for four years since my switch to Dvorak. I don't make any changes to the default Emacs bindings to accommodate Dvorak...I find that everything works fine as is (although I thought I might have to do something about C-f for a while, but it hasn't turned out to be a problem - that's more because of how I hold my hands than because of the keyboard layout).
On the topic of muscle memory, I don't recommend trying to rebind everything for the new layout - it's a lot of work, and it's often just much easier to change someone else's Qwerty into a Dvorak layout than it is to modify an Emacs init to suit a whole set of bindings for Dvorak, which, IMHO, isn't necessary.
While not specific to Dvorak, I just discovered the "At home modifier":
It allows keys to serve dual functions. For example, when I press space, I get a space; but if I press space in conjunction with another key, it functions as ctrl.
This makes some of the more awkward combos a bit easier to type.
I'm using mostly the default key bindings, but I found that combos starting with C-x are much more comfortable to type with this:
(keyboard-translate ?\C-t ?\C-x)
(keyboard-translate ?\C-x ?\C-t)
I only have one left Ctrl key at the Caps Lock position (since reprogramming the Truly Ergonomic keyboard to Dvorak turned right Ctrl into a dash) and C-x is a rather uncomfortable stretch.
I have used dvorak for a few years now (6-7 years), used it long before I used Emacs for 'real'. So I learned the combos in their original forms, I think they are usually ok, the biggest problem is the combos beginning with C-c, since I only have one Ctrl-key it gets kind of awkward. I have to stretch out across the keyboard.
Recently I found out about (keyboard-translate FROM TO), so I rebound my C-j to C-c, and C-c to C-j. I'm not too sure what I think about it yet - it messes with your head and your fingers, but it's a bit more convenient than the old C-c. Try it out.
(keyboard-translate ?\C-j ?\C-c)