PTC Integrity to get the latest code from repository - checkout

how to get the latest version of code from the MKS repository ??
using MKS commands

To get last version of a project from mks repository, first you should create a sandbox and then you can resync the sandbox with server.
To create a sandbox use the command si createsandbox
si createsandbox --project=%mks_Project% -R -Y %sandboxLocation%
this command will create a sandbox of project from normal line. If you work on devpath then you should add --devpath=%projectDevpath% on the command
To resync a sandbox use the command si resync --sandbox=%sandboxName%. e.g. si resync --sandbox="D:/sandbox/project1/project.pj"
Please be sure you replace all fields between % this the proper value. Depending of your server configuration, the command cand be diferent.
sI createsanbox help
Usage: si createsandbox options... directory; options are:
--lineTerminator=[lf|crlf|native|cr] Line terminator to use in this sandbox
--[no]populate Populate sandbox with members
-R Recurse into subsandboxes creation
--[no|confirm]recurse Recurse into subsandboxes creation
--[no]shared Allow sandbox to be shared
--[no]sparse Create sparse sandbox
--[no]openView Activate sandbox view after completing the command
--devpath=value The development path (to refer variant projects)
--[no]failOnAmbiguousProject Whether to abort when multiple projects correspond to a flat project string.
-P value The name of the target project
--project=value The name of the target project
--projectRevision=value The project revision (to refer build projects)
--[no]awaitServer If server does not respond, keep trying
-? Shows the usage for a command
--[no]batch Control batch mode (no user interaction in batch mode)
--cwd=value Act as if command executed in specified directory
-F value Read the selection from a specified file
--forceConfirm=[yes|no] Specify an answer to all confirmation questions
-g User interaction should happen via the GUI
--gui User interaction should happen via the GUI
--hostname=value Hostname of server
-N Responds to all confirmations with "no"
--no Responds to all confirmations with "no"
--password=value Credentials (e.g., password) to login with
--port=value TCP/IP port number of server
--quiet Control status display
--selectionFile=value Read the selection from a specified file
--settingsUI=[gui|default] Control UI for command options
--status=[none|gui|default] Control status display
--usage Shows the usage for a command
--user=value Username to login to server with
-Y Responds to all confirmations with "yes"
--yes Responds to all confirmations with "yes"
si resync help
Usage: si resync options... current or former member/subproject...; options are:
--[no]byCP Operate in change package mode
--[no]confirm In change package mode, proceed without a question
--[no]confirmPopulateSparse Confirm populate of a sparse sandbox
--[no|confirm]downgradeOnLockConflict Whether to downgrade my existing exclusive lock to a non exclusive lock if an exclusive lock already exists on the member revision
--[no]includeDropped Include former members
--[no|confirm]merge Perform merges if required
--mergeType=[confirm|cancel|automatic|manual] Try to automatically perform the merge or launch the conflict resolution tool
--onMergeConflict=[confirm|cancel|mark|launchtool|highlight|error] What to do when conflicts occurred during the merge
--[no|confirm]overwriteIfPending Force overwrite of working files which correspond to pending revisions or pending members.
--[no]populate Populate the sandbox with working files
--[no|un]expand Whether keywords should be expanded in working files
-f Force overwrite of changed working files
--[no|confirm]overwriteChanged Force overwrite of changed working files
--[no|confirm]overwriteDeferred Force overwrite of working files with deferred operations pending
--[no]overwriteUnchanged Force overwrite of unchanged working files
--[no|confirm]removeOutOfScope Force removal of out of scope working files
--[no]restoreTimestamp Set the timestamp on the working file to the revision's timestamp
-R Select recursively
--[no|confirm]recurse Select recursively
--[no]failOnAmbiguousProject Whether to abort when multiple projects correspond to a flat project string.
-S value The name of the sandbox
--sandbox=value The name of the sandbox
--[no]awaitServer If server does not respond, keep trying
-? Shows the usage for a command
--[no]batch Control batch mode (no user interaction in batch mode)
--cwd=value Act as if command executed in specified directory
-F value Read the selection from a specified file
--forceConfirm=[yes|no] Specify an answer to all confirmation questions
-g User interaction should happen via the GUI
--gui User interaction should happen via the GUI
--hostname=value Hostname of server
-N Responds to all confirmations with "no"
--no Responds to all confirmations with "no"
--password=value Credentials (e.g., password) to login with
--port=value TCP/IP port number of server
--quiet Control status display
--selectionFile=value Read the selection from a specified file
--settingsUI=[gui|default] Control UI for command options
--status=[none|gui|default] Control status display
--usage Shows the usage for a command
--user=value Username to login to server with
-Y Responds to all confirmations with "yes"
--yes Responds to all confirmations with "yes"

The best way shall be to check-out the head revision with/out lock.


Where does Intellij store Github sessions / How to reokve all Git sessions

I just started using an alt account for IJ and things immediately goes out of hand.
At the start of the day, I had two accounts (foo, the intended / bar, from last sprint) in ...
Version Control > Github
Then I tried to push, with the intension of using the foo account
19:23:59.917: [foo-repo] git -c http.sslBackend=schannel -c core.quotepath=false -c log.showSignature=false push --progress --porcelain origin refs/heads/master:master --set-upstream
remote: Permission to foo/foo-repo.git denied to bar.
After one Google search I udpated my default account according to
Still the same message, weird. I tried each of the following and nothing changed.
Remove literally all accounts in Version Control > Github
Double check both the project and global gitconfig doesn't specify anything related to [user]
Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Password clear keepass database.
Ditto, but switched to Do not save, forget passwords after restart. Invalidate IJ cache & restart
Logout from all other Github related apps running on my PC
I am really scared about my privacy by this point since it seems that IJ remains access to my second account bar against all my best intensions and efforts (Like, it shouldn't even have any legitimate means to access bar by this point`). I would really love to get rid of anything related to Github from IJ. Where should I lookup to?
Turns out using credentials helper AND Chrome autofill was the problem, nothing to do with IJ iteslf.

Is it possibe to have multiple kerberos tickets on same machine?

I have a use case where I need to connect to 2 different DBS using 2 different accounts. And I am using Kerberos for authentication.
Is it possible to create multiple Kerberos tickets on same machine?
kinit account1#DOMAIN.COM (first ticket)
kinit account2#DOMAIN.COM (second ticket)
Whenever I do klist, I only see most recent ticket created. It doesn't show all the tickets.
Next, I have a job that needs to first use ticket for account1 (for connection to DB1) and then use ticket for account2 (for DB2).
Is that possible? How do I tell in DB connection what ticket to use?
I'm assuming MIT Kerberos and linking to those docs.
Try klist -A to show all tickets in the ticket cache. If there is only one try switching your ccache type to DIR as described here:
DIR points to the storage location of the collection of the credential caches in FILE: format. It is most useful when dealing with multiple Kerberos realms and KDCs. For release 1.10 the directory must already exist. In post-1.10 releases the requirement is for parent directory to exist and the current process must have permissions to create the directory if it does not exist. See Collections of caches for details. New in release 1.10. The following residual forms are supported:
DIR::dirpath/filename - a single cache within the directory
Switching to a ccache of the latter type causes it to become the primary for the directory.
You do this by specifying the default ccache name as DIR:/path/to/cache on one of the ways described here.
The default credential cache name is determined by the following, in descending order of priority:
The KRB5CCNAME environment variable. For example, KRB5CCNAME=DIR:/mydir/.
The default_ccache_name profile variable in [libdefaults].
The hardcoded default, DEFCCNAME.

Checkout issue from Windows ClearCase client

A user cannot checkout from windows client ClearCase ( see picture)
And yet, the same user can checkout from a unix client.
Thanks for your answer #VonC
Please find my below findings
Here the primary group of the vob is
/usr/atria/bin/cleartool desc vob:/vobs/MCT
versioned object base "/vobs/MCT"
created 2010-03-03T16:42:52+02:00 by Admin.WTD (wtadmin.wtusers#frmrssucc004)
"MSS Access"
master replica: xh_mct_athens#/vobs/MCT
replica name: xh_mct_athens
VOB family feature level: 5
modification by remote privileged user: allowed
atomic checkin: disabled
VOB ownership:
owner *********servername***/ca_xhvadm
ACLs enabled: No
FeatureLevel = 5
AdminVOB -> vob:/vobs/MPTADMIN
And user id output is
id karageor
uid=61333334(karageor) gid=8003(ccusers_xhaul_athens)
and on the windows the primary group is set as
Is the unix group ccusers_xhaul_athens has to be set as windows primary group on system variable
Kindly confirm
The main factor which explain a permission issue in a ClearCase interop (Windows ClearCase client - Linux ClearCase server) is the CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP environment variable.
That variable (CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP) needs to:
be set to the primary group of the vob of the element the user is trying to checkout (primary or secondary: type cleartool describe -l vob:\YourVob to list them)
be the same value as the primary group of the Linux user (who can successfully checkout the same element in his/her Linux ClearCase view): type id -a to see that primary group
Make sure on Windows the user is not launching the client with another account (Administrator, or System account), and the CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP is set.
(and the number of group is not too high)
You can use the creds utility to see your credentials.
See more at "ClearCase won't allow Check-In" and use the credmap utility to verify the group assignments between Windows and Unix.
Type set CL in a CMD shell in Windows to see the actual full value of the CLEARCASE_PRIMAY_GROUP environment variable (??_EE_CLEARCASE_USERS_XHAUL_ATHENS)
You need to see if that group maps to the Linux one.
Check also the protection associated to your view. See fix_prot on Windows here.

How to correctly set a persist flag when I execute "adb reboot" in AOSP?

According to the subject, I only found out the right .c file to set persist flag in "adb shell reboot"( system/core/reboot/reboot.c), but I can't find it in "adb reboot". What the difference between the two reboot commands??
The flags governing the initial behavior of adbd are "ro" and therefore cannot be altered on a running system, but rather only by re-generating the boot image.
The relevant section of the source code for should_drop_privileges() has an explanatory comment.
// The properties that affect `adb root` and `adb unroot` are and
// ro.debuggable. In this context the names don't make the expected behavior
// particularly obvious.
// ro.debuggable:
// Allowed to become root, but not necessarily the default. Set to 1 on
// eng and userdebug builds.
// Drop privileges by default. Set to 1 on userdebug and user builds.
Typically your goal would be accomplished by using an eng rather than userdebug build or else by customizing these settings to different values than the default for your chosen build flavor.
defaults to root
adbd runs by default
does not require adb keys
allows adb-root
adbd runs by default
does not require adb keys
does not allow adb-root
adbd off by default until enabled in Settings
requires adb keys
Realistically it may be easiest to just execute the adb root each time you need to use it. In a script you might follow it by a sleep of a second or two or better yet poll for the device to start responding again. Ultimately try to work the things you need to do as root into the original configuration of the built system such that you can end up with a user flavor build (adb root unsupported) in production, unless your goal is to make a device for experimentors rather than turnkey users.

clearcase Trigger not working in client

clear case trigger implemented and working in server but while trying in client it's throwing below error - this trigger prevent from unreserved checkout
error checking out
can't execute "C:\Program FIles\IBM\RatinalSDLC\Clearcase\bin\ccperl //\trigger\";
the system cannot fine the specified file
Trigger action "-exec "C:\Program FIles\IBM\RatinalSDLC\Clearcase\bin\ccperl //\trigger\"
unable to run : Exec format error
unable to check out "M:\view_main\xxx\"
A trigger script must be accessible by all clients.
It is best to declared it in an UNC path (a shared path \\server\folder\path\to\script).
That way, the script is accessible from any client able to access and read the content of that shared path.
See for instance an example at "Creating a ClearCase trigger to disallow checkins for certain Rose RealTime versions".
I also used that technique in "how to get a notification for every checkin in clearcase for a particular Vob".