Filtering groups in crystal reports - crystal-reports

Ok, simple question to anyone who has experience with crystal (which I do not) ,
but I have a report that is pulling in open orders, items ordered, qty ordered, and qty on hand. I am grouping by order # and would like to filter out all the orders that have any items with insufficient qty on hand for any item on the order to ship. I tried a simple formula of {qty_on_ord} < {qty_on_hand} then {Ord_no}, and inserted this into the group header, but it didn't work. My end result basically wanted is: if an item has insufficient qty, then don't display the order at all, and could also go vice-versa and show the orders that are short, with a simple change of <>. Im sure this is simple, but I have no experience in crystal reports and have spent more time than I wanted searching the web.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Insert your formula at the Detail(Record) Level.
Go To Report > Selection Formulas > Record
There Enter your formula by selecting Fields from the "Report Fields"
This way you can just select the order Numbers you want and wont have to worry about the sum or totals at the bottom.


How do i select records of crystal subreports dynamically

Good people of stack overflow.
I am stuck on this crystal report is using a joined query
str = "SELECT invoices.voucher,
invoice_details.Amount FROM invoices
LEFT OUTER JOIN invoice_details
ON invoices.voucher =invoice_details.voucher "
The crystal report is grouped by voucher and the details are placed on detail section of group details to display item name and item amount.
It is working perfectly in design.
However at run time in VBNET when i select exactly the same query i get repeating line items. Example if the invoice items in invoice_details table were three in my report the three items will be repeated three times.
I have checked all over the internet for the same complain. No luck.
Someone suggested "suppress if duplicate" on an item with unique number such as voucher number. I did not get success.
Has someone met this difficulty and can you suggest how to resolve this?
If it can be of help to someone else...
My difficulty in duplicating line items was coming from using two tables, invoices and invoice_details when designing the crystal report.
And then using the link feature at crystal report design.
I had not realized i ought to have designed crystal report using a stored view (access query from the database). While using the stored view i did not do any linking at designing report but used grouping expert to group by invoice numbers.
So the report finally worked well after much frustration.

Crystal Report how to change the display order in a group

I have a crystal report like below image:
The report is group by "Quot No.", by default it's ordered by "Times Used" (8th column)
How can I change the ordering so that it will order by "Total amount"?
The total amount is a field in the report which is the sum of a field named "quotamt" in the datasource:
I've tried looking in the change group options, took a look at the "Use a formula as group sort order", but the formula only provides three options (ascending, descending, original order), and is unable to sort by another column
The desired result is:
How can I do that?
What I suggest, rather than doing this task in crystal report, good to done at sqlserver side means database side.
This is simplest suggestion when you have this type of situation.
You can give the condition on sqlserver side too. and get the data order same as you want.
Yes, this can be done in report side, but it take time for this.
Don't use formula as group sort order instead from the dropdown use Specifed Order and in the window specify the order you need

Crystal Report: Get Minimum Date

I have this concern using Crystal Report which I am not really familiar with. Here's my scenario:
I have an existing report to update, I need to add a column (ETA) which has a datetime value. It may return more than one rows per Item No, I need to get the minimum date only per Item No from the result rows.
I already tried some solution mentioned here but found no luck.
I used a suppression formula for the Details section of the report, but haven't succeeded yet.
IF {TableName.DateField} = Minimum({TableName.DateField}) THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE
Any possible things you can suggest me to try? Thanks in advance for this :)
good to get this value from sqlserver side. you just create a function which return a single data (minimum date).
If you wish in crystal report side, it is something you make loop of hundred for a single row display. You can use running total field for this.
Select the field , select summary type and put into the detail section.
or you can create a formula with group name option like
please check
Running total field gives options for Min, Max, etc. but not Sum

Jasper Subtotal

I have a report- from another question: Jasper report data summary which shows totals for a number of columns by location. I need to sub-total some of the location_cds and am not sure where to start. I have one group - by location_cd. Some location_cds have sub-locations, i.e. 3A has 3A1, 3A2, 3A3. Right now I have the totals for each individual row displayed in the group footer. I would like to see a subtotal for any location_cd that has sub-locations. I am trying to puzzle out how I am going to approach that. Should I see if I can do that in the query or will Jasper help me out here?
I am querying Sybase ASE 15.7.0 and am using Jasper Studio 5.5.1
Sub totals are the same as totals, just check the following:
add the order by corresponding to your list - usually add the item to the order by list
ORDER BY some_name_wharever, my_subtotal_thing_to_be_ordered
create a new group using the wizard, right click the root of the report on the report inspector and select "add report group"
create a new variable just like the total one but mind the reset and increment group
That should do it. Hope it helps. Good luck.
I feel like you are trying to create a crosstab, with different subtotals and a general total... Do try looking into crosstabs.. they may be tricky to use, but the end result is great if used properly!

Crystal Reports: get access to linked elements in selection formula

I'm making a report using Crystal Reports 2008 and Peachtree database. Report should display customers who didn't place orders in a last 30 days. I already figured out how to link two tables in CR with left outer join. But I wasn't able to find how that linking can be used in formulas, such as selection formula. What I am trying to achieve is to get date of last placed order for current customer and use this information to determine if customer should be displayed or not.
What is the right approach to solving this problem?
Assuming your data is setup properly and adding 'customer' and 'last order date' to the details section shows you everything, then you can just add conditional formatting formula for the suppress property of the section when 'data date - last order date < 30', leaving you only showing records where last order date is more than 30 days.