adaptive payment paypal work with standard pay pal account - paypal

I want to user the adaptive payment paypal method for my website.
So for this we need use the pay-pal pro account or it working fine with standard pay pal account.

You need to have the following:
A PayPal Business Account(Confirmed email and verified account) PRO account not required.
Need to create a application at and submit(Adaptive Payment is a special feature which needs a application to be submitted and approved by app review team.
Once app is approved, you will be provided with APP ID which you can use in your API calls for adaptive Payment integration on your website.


Receive payments with Paypal for my Web app

I have a web app on which users can sign up and sell their products.
I want to integrate paypal such that the sellers in my Web app would receive money in their paypal account when buyers choose the option to pay with paypal button.
I want the integration flow to be like what calendly has.
I want the sellers to integrate paypal using OAUTH 2.0.
How can I implement this ?
Do a normal PayPal Checkout integration, and in the request's purchase_units specify a payee object with details on what account is to receive the payment.
This is documented in Send funds to another account.

is I need to purchase Both Paypal and Braintree Account for Paypal Integration?

I have Paypal Account. can I integrate Paypal Payment Gateway only using Paypal Account or should I need to purchase Braintree Account too?
To integrate PayPal Checkout, you only need a PayPal business account to receive the payments. From a native app you can use the new Native Checkout SDK.
Braintree Direct is a separate gateway product, with other features. The Braintree SDK, which does not require a Braintree account for us with only PayPal payments, was also useful for integrating PayPal Checkout in native apps before the Native Checkout SDK was available.

Adaptive payment integration in PayPal Pro

We are using PayPal pro in our application. Now, we want to use adaptive payments in our application.
Ex. if a user buy a product of $100 from our application then $97.00 will be given to my vendor and $3.00 will be given to my account.
We try to find out the solution for this but can't find any info.
Adaptive Payments is a feature which is compatible with a PayPal Business/Premier Accounts. The same is supported in PayPal Payments PRO too.
You will just need to login to>Create an application->You will get APP ID upon approval that you can use in your Adaptive Payment API calls.

PayPal Adaptive Chained Payments in the sandbox

Chained payments in PayPal Adaptive Payments is documented as only being available with approval:
Is it possible to use it in the Sandbox without approval to test workflow and code, before submitting an application for approval?
Yes, you can try the API on sandbox without app approval. Just create a sandbox account from and use the account's API credentials along withe the special sandbox app id APP-80W284485P519543T.
When you go live, you will have to go through the app approval process to get your own app id

Paypay website payments standard API: pay without paypal account

we have set up Paypal as a hook into an e-commerce application, where users just enter their paypal account, and we link their clients through to their Paypal account when buying products.
This works great, and paypal asks you to login to pay for your purchases.
But we don't want clients to be forced to create a paypal account, just to make a purchase.
Does website payments standard API actually support paying without a paypal account?
At the moment this is a real showstopper for us.
Check out PayPal Adaptive Accounts. You can create PP accounts for your users. The only step they'll have to complete at PayPal is creating a password. Once the account is created you might need send the user back through a checkout flow.
Adaptive Accounts
Use the Adaptive Accounts API to build applications that create and manage PayPal accounts. Merchants and developers can use the API to create PayPal accounts, add payment methods to accounts, and verify a PayPal account status.
Paypal is a very useful payment service gateway, exactly because the customer does not need to enter a credit-card number.
What we do, is offer Paypal as an option. We allow credit-card entry as well. In order to evaluate the credit-card for validity etc., we interface with the bank that supports our account and let their system do the checks. Another option would be "Cash on Delivery".