Receive payments with Paypal for my Web app - paypal

I have a web app on which users can sign up and sell their products.
I want to integrate paypal such that the sellers in my Web app would receive money in their paypal account when buyers choose the option to pay with paypal button.
I want the integration flow to be like what calendly has.
I want the sellers to integrate paypal using OAUTH 2.0.
How can I implement this ?

Do a normal PayPal Checkout integration, and in the request's purchase_units specify a payee object with details on what account is to receive the payment.
This is documented in Send funds to another account.


Adaptive Payments

We allow our customers to create invoices using our app, and then send them to their clients to be paid.
The current payment options we offer are stripe and offline payment.
We want to add PayPal as a payment method too.
Adaptive payment seems like the only way to do this, but it is no longer available?
*I've had a business PayPal account for over 6 years.
* Our app is
If you could apply for an APP ID from below page, you are still able to create invoice via PayPal Adaptive Payments.
And besides, PayPal has provided new REST API for invoicing. Please check below page for its details.

adaptive payment paypal work with standard pay pal account

I want to user the adaptive payment paypal method for my website.
So for this we need use the pay-pal pro account or it working fine with standard pay pal account.
You need to have the following:
A PayPal Business Account(Confirmed email and verified account) PRO account not required.
Need to create a application at and submit(Adaptive Payment is a special feature which needs a application to be submitted and approved by app review team.
Once app is approved, you will be provided with APP ID which you can use in your API calls for adaptive Payment integration on your website.

How can I make a paypal payment to a site user in D7? (How to SEND money to a site user through Paypal?)

How can I make a paypal payment to a site user in D7?
Currently I use commerce and commerce_paypal with express checkout. Is there a way to do these payments without installing any other modules?
I have already created a 'paypal account' field on user profile as I definitely need a paypal account to send payments to I'm looking for the rest of the solution.
You can use MassPayment API or Implicit send money from Adaptive Payments.
Masspay API helps to send money from your PayPal account to multiple receivers.
Implicit Payments is that, in which your application is both the sender of a payment and the caller of the Adaptive Payments API. You would need to create a application at to acquire this feature.

using paypal express checkout API to handle payments for third parties?

i am creating a small marketplace where sellers can sell their products and receive payments to their PayPal account directly from the buyer.
i've previously been using "website payments standard" but am looking to switch to the express checkout API to generate a one-time payment token each time someone purchases something and which then allows to send a payment directly to without the involvement of my PayPal account.
is that possible?
i've only found one option in the documentation at called "PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID", but is that the correct way to send the entire payment from the buyer to the seller without any amount going to me?
also, do i NEED to have my own "USER" and "PWD" to generate an API token each time if I am receiving no payment mysefl?
Think you are looking for Adaptive payments.
Adaptive payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. You are an application owner, such as a merchant that owns a website, the owner of a widget on a social networking site, the provider of a payment application on mobile phones, and so on. Your application is the caller of Adaptive Payments API operations.
So, in general if you want to act as API caller and to felicitate the money transfer between buyer and seller, Adaptive payment is the way to go.
Steps to go live with Adaptive Payments

Paypay website payments standard API: pay without paypal account

we have set up Paypal as a hook into an e-commerce application, where users just enter their paypal account, and we link their clients through to their Paypal account when buying products.
This works great, and paypal asks you to login to pay for your purchases.
But we don't want clients to be forced to create a paypal account, just to make a purchase.
Does website payments standard API actually support paying without a paypal account?
At the moment this is a real showstopper for us.
Check out PayPal Adaptive Accounts. You can create PP accounts for your users. The only step they'll have to complete at PayPal is creating a password. Once the account is created you might need send the user back through a checkout flow.
Adaptive Accounts
Use the Adaptive Accounts API to build applications that create and manage PayPal accounts. Merchants and developers can use the API to create PayPal accounts, add payment methods to accounts, and verify a PayPal account status.
Paypal is a very useful payment service gateway, exactly because the customer does not need to enter a credit-card number.
What we do, is offer Paypal as an option. We allow credit-card entry as well. In order to evaluate the credit-card for validity etc., we interface with the bank that supports our account and let their system do the checks. Another option would be "Cash on Delivery".