Scala interop with Java questionmark generics - scala

EDIT I have made the example self-contained.
Suppose in java I have
interface FooFactory {
Foo<?> create();
<T> void enhance(Foo<T> foo, FooEnhancer<? super T> enhancer);
and src/main/java/
interface Foo<T> {}
and src/main/java/
interface FooEnhancer<T> {}
(and you can't change these interfaces because they belong to someone else.)
Then in scala you have
object DummyFooEnhancer extends FooEnhancer[Any]
trait FooHdlr {
def fooFactory: FooFactory
val foo = fooFactory.create
fooFactory.enhance(foo, DummyFooEnhancer)
This doesn't compile because FooEnhancer and Foo are invariant but foo is a Foo<?> whereas DummyFooEnhancer is a Foo[Any]. Changing Any to AnyRef doesn't work for the same reason.
Then I reasoned that, well, ? is a specific type that is certainly not known at compile time and that may not necessarily be AnyRef/Object, so what if I do this?
case class DummyFooEnhancer[T] extends FooEnhancer[T]
trait FooHdlr {
def fooFactory: FooFactory
val foo = fooFactory.create
fooFactory.enhance(foo, new DummyFooEnhancer)
But this causes scalac to stackoverflow! It's looping with
at scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeVar.isGround(Types.scala:3082)
calling itself.
Interestingly if I replace ? super T with T it works fine, but in real life I can't do this because it's in code I don't control


Fixed type parameter in alternative constructor

Can this be done?
final case class C[A] (v: A) {
def this() = this(true)
When constructed with given constructor, C is automatically a C[Boolean]. This version does not compile but it feels like it should be doable somehow, especially as the following seems to work:
final case class C[A] (v: A = true)
I want some Java interoperability, so I try to avoid default values. I think that I can achieve this by using factory methods in a companion object, but can it be done directly? As C is a case class, factory methods are a bit messy IMHO.
What is wrong with
object C{
def apply() = C(true)
such that you use the companion object? In Java, this would be, C$.apply() no?
I suspect factory methods in the companion object are the best you can do (as wheaties has suggested). We can make it compile, but at the expense of sillyness down the line. For example:
final case class C[A] (v: A) {
def this() = this("Hello".asInstanceOf[A]) // Compiles, thanks to type erasure
val c = new C[Int]() // Still compiles, despite the fact that "Hello" is not an Int
println(c) // C(Hello)
c.v + 1 // Compiles, but throws a ClassCastException at run-time
The basic problem is that type parameters are specified at the class level, not the constructor level, so all constructors have to use the same type parameters. On the other hand, methods can take type parameters, so factory methods are no problem. Also, Java Interop for factory methods isn't all that bad. You could do something like:
// C.scala
final case class C[A] (v: A)
object C {
def apply(): C[Boolean] = C(true)
public class Test {
public C c = C.apply();
The scala compiler creates static methods to simplify Java interop, so you don't usually need to mess around with C$.

How to solve "Implementation restriction: trait ... accesses protected method ... inside a concrete trait method."

A Java library class I'm using declares
protected getPage(): Page { ... }
Now I want to make a helper Scala mixin to add features that I often use. I don't want to extend the class, because the Java class has different subclasses I want to extend at different places. The problem is that if I use getPage() in my mixin trait, I get this error:
Implementation restriction: trait MyMixin accesses protected method getPage inside a concrete trait method.
Is there a solution how to make it work, without affecting my subclasses? And why is there this restriction?
So far, I came up with a work-around: I override the method in the trait as
override def getPage(): Page = super.getPage();
This seems to work, but I'm not completely satisfied. Luckily I don't need to override getPage() in my subclasses, but if I needed, I'd get two overrides of the same method and this work-around won't work.
The problem is that even though the trait extends the Java class, the implementation is not actually in something that extends the Java class. Consider
class A { def f = "foo" }
trait T extends A { def g = f + "bar" }
class B extends T { def h = g + "baz" }
In the actual bytecode for B we see
public java.lang.String g();
0: aload_0
1: invokestatic #17; //Method T$class.g:(LT;)Ljava/lang/String;
4: areturn
which means it just forwards to something called T$class, which it turns out is
public abstract class T$class extends java.lang.Object{
public static java.lang.String g(T);
So the body of the code isn't called from a subclass of A at all.
Now, with Scala that's no problem because it just omits the protected flag from bytecode. But Java enforces that only subclasses can call protected methods.
And thus you have the problem, and the message.
You cannot easily get around this problem, though the error message suggests what is perhaps the best alternative:
public class JavaProtected {
protected int getInt() { return 5; }
scala> trait T extends JavaProtected { def i = getInt }
<console>:8: error: Implementation restriction: trait T accesses
protected method getInt inside a concrete trait method.
Add an accessor in a class extending class JavaProtected as a workaround.
Note the last line.
class WithAccessor extends JavaProtected { protected def myAccessor = getInt }
trait T extends WithAccessor { def i = myAccessor }

Constructor arguments are visible in entire class -- a feature or a bug?

Consider such code (this is just example not real code):
class Foo(url : String) extends Bar(url)
def say() { println(url) }
It compiles and it works. With nonsense results "of course". I am too newbie to judge, but for me it serves no purpose but confusion -- by definition it is impossible that the argument of the constructor could be reachable directly in another method.
Could someone more experience in Scala could point out condition when it might work or make sense? Or confirm my suspicion this is flaw in current Scala compiler.
class Bar(val Url : String)
Why "nonsense". Because my will (no "var" and no "val" in Foo) was to just pass the argument, nothing else. So when I actually use the constructor argument it is just matter of what entity I use by mistake. When you write on purpose, you hit the jackpot each time, but if you don't (i.e. you make a mistake in spelling), you use entities by random. It is not the code does not make sense, it is the computation just does not make sense, I could roll a dice as well. There is a method scope, and I don't see a reason why there shouldn't be constructor scope.
Update -- workaround
So it seems this evil construct is really part of the language (by design). As UserUnknown and Tomasz Nurkiewicz suggested the only line of defense against making stupid typo is convention, however lower-upper case is not good. "A" and "a" differ a lot, but "U" and "u" not much. Introducing one special character (as Tomasz showed) is much better, because it is possible to visually detect fishy usage of constructor argument.
I will use "$" for "just-passing" constructor arguments, it is harder to type for me, and you don't see this character too often in the code.
Thank you for the answers!
Why it is evil? Because implicit actions should be allowed explicitly by users -- good examples are "dynamic" in C#, implicit conversions in Scala. And examples of breaking this rule which led to tons of problems are -- implicit conversions to bool in C++, implicit constructors in C++, declaration by usage in Perl. And this particular case is very, very close to the mentioned perlism, in Perl finally there was change in interpreter to detect such misusages, why Scala repeated the same mistake? I wonder.
Your suspicions are entirely merit-less. This is by design.
Parameters of a class are part of the class. They'll be preserved as field if necessary (such as in your example), or not if they are never used outside construction.
So, basically, if you don't need it as a field, it won't be. If you do, it will. And you'll never write a single extra character of code to tell the compiler what it can figure out by itself.
It's not a bug, it's a feature. In fact, a really nice one. Need an example how useful it is? Here is how I use it with Spring and dependency injection via constructor:
class Foo #Autowired() (bar: Bar, jdbcOperations: JdbcOperations) {
def serverTime() = bar.format(jdbcOperations.queryForObject("SELECT now()", classOf[Date]))
Equivalent code in Java:
public class Foo
private final Bar bar;
private final JdbcOperations jdbcOperations;
public Foo(Bar bar, JdbcOperations jdbcOperations)
{ = bar;
this.jdbcOperations = jdbcOperations;
public String serverTime()
return"SELECT now()", Date.class));
Still not convinced?
Short tutorial:
class Foo(var x: Int, val y: Int, z: Int) {
//def zz = z
x will become a variable with getters and setter. y will become an immutable variable and z will become an immutable variable only if zz method is uncommented. Otherwise it will remain a constructor argument. Neat!
UPDATE: I see your point now! The following code works as expected by accessing url variable in base class:
class Bar(val url)
class Foo(_url : String) extends Bar(_url)
def say() { println(url) }
I agree, this is both ugly and is asking for trouble. In fact I once hit this problem myself when using Scala classes as Hibernate entities - I used constructor parameter instead of field in base class which caused duplicated field to be created: one in base class and one in derived class. I wouldn't even notice but Hibernate was screaming at runtime that duplicated column mapping was defined.
So I have to somewhat agree with you - this is somehow confusing and might be error-prone. This is the price you pay for "implicitness" and concise code.
However note that no modified and val modifier before constructor argument are different. Without modified immutable field is created, while val additionally adds getter.
Scala creates a field from a constructor parameter when such an parameter is referenced by a method in the class. I'm having trouble finding fault with the way that this works.
For the simple case everything works as expected:
scala> class Bar(val url: String)
defined class Bar
scala> class Foo(url: String) extends Bar(url) {
| def say() { println(url) }
| }
defined class Foo
scala> new Foo("urlvalue").say
If we introduce some confusion over the case of the constructor parameter this example still works as expected:
scala> class Bar(val Url: String)
defined class Bar
scala> class Foo(url: String) extends Bar(url) {
| def say() { println(url) }
| }
defined class Foo
scala> new Foo("urlvalue").say
Interestingly you might think that this has worked because it has introduced a lower-case url field in Foo in addition to the upper case Url in Bar, but that doesn't seem to be the case - the compiler seems to be smart enough to know that it can go to Url to get the value of url in say, as no lower case field is generated.
scala> :javap -private Bar
Compiled from "<console>"
public class Bar extends java.lang.Object implements scala.ScalaObject{
private final java.lang.String Url;
public java.lang.String Url();
public Bar(java.lang.String);
scala> :javap -private Foo
Compiled from "<console>"
public class Foo extends Bar implements scala.ScalaObject{
public void say();
public Foo(java.lang.String);
The only time I can see that this gets confusing is if you mis-spell a var field. In this case you do actually introduce a new field, and the two can get out of step.
scala> class Bar(var Url: String)
defined class Bar
scala> class Foo(url: String) extends Bar(url) {
| def say() { println(url) }
| }
defined class Foo
scala> val f = new Foo("urlvalue")
f: Foo = Foo#64fb7efa
scala> f.say
scala> f.Url = "newvalue"
f.Url: String = newvalue
scala> f.say
scala> :javap -private Foo
Compiled from "<console>"
public class Foo extends Bar implements scala.ScalaObject{
private final java.lang.String url;
public void say();
public Foo(java.lang.String);

How to log in Scala *without* a reference to the logger in *every instance*?

I've looked at example of logging in Scala, and it usually looks like this:
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
trait Loggable {
private lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
protected def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: => Throwable = null): Unit =
This seems independent of the concrete logging framework. While this does the job, it also introduces an extraneous lazy val in every instance that wants to do logging, which might well be every instance of the whole application. This seems much too heavy to me, in particular if you have many "small instances" of some specific type.
Is there a way of putting the logger in the object of the concrete class instead, just by using inheritance? If I have to explicitly declare the logger in the object of the class, and explicitly refer to it from the class/trait, then I have written almost as much code as if I had done no reuse at all.
Expressed in a non-logging specific context, the problem would be:
How do I declare in a trait that the implementing class must have a singleton object of type X, and that this singleton object must be accessible through method def x: X ?
I can't simply define an abstract method, because there could only be a single implementation in the class. I want that logging in a super-class gets me the super-class singleton, and logging in the sub-class gets me the sub-class singleton. Or put more simply, I want logging in Scala to work like traditional logging in Java, using static loggers specific to the class doing the logging. My current knowledge of Scala tells me that this is simply not possible without doing it exactly the same way you do in Java, without much if any benefits from using the "better" Scala.
Premature Optimization is the root of all evil
Let's be clear first about one thing: if your trait looks something like this:
trait Logger { lazy val log = Logger.getLogger }
Then what you have not done is as follows:
You have NOT created a logger instance per instance of your type
You have neither given yourself a memory nor a performance problem (unless you have)
What you have done is as follows:
You have an extra reference in each instance of your type
When you access the logger for the first time, you are probably doing some map lookup
Note that, even if you did create a separate logger for each instance of your type (which I frequently do, even if my program contains hundreds of thousands of these, so that I have very fine-grained control over my logging), you almost certainly still will neither have a performance nor a memory problem!
One "solution" is (of course), to make the companion object implement the logger interface:
object MyType extends Logger
class MyType {
import MyType._"Yay")
How do I declare in a trait that the
implementing class must have a
singleton object of type X, and that
this singleton object must be
accessible through method def x: X ?
Declare a trait that must be implemented by your companion objects.
trait Meta[Base] {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
Create a base trait for your classes, sub-classes have to overwrite the meta method.
trait Base {
def meta: Meta[Base]
def logger = meta.logger
A class Whatever with a companion object:
object Whatever extends Meta[Base]
class Whatever extends Base {
def meta = Whatever
def doSomething = {
In this way you only need to have a reference to the meta object.
We can use the Whatever class like this.
object Sample {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val whatever = new Whatever
I'm not sure I understand your question completely. So I apologize up front if this is not the answer you are looking for.
Define an object were you put your logger into, then create a companion trait.
object Loggable {
private val logger = "I'm a logger"
trait Loggable {
import Loggable._
def debug(msg: String) {
println(logger + ": " + msg)
So now you can use it like this:
scala> abstract class Abstraction
scala> class Implementation extends Abstraction with Loggable
scala> val test = new Implementation
scala> test.debug("error message")
I'm a logger: error message
Does this answer your question?
I think you cannot automatically get the corresponding singleton object of a class or require that such a singleton exists.
One reason is that you cannot know the type of the singleton before it is defined. Not sure, if this helps or if it is the best solution to your problem, but if you want to require some meta object to be defined with a specific trait, you could define something like:
trait HasSingleton[Traits] {
def meta: Traits
trait Log {
def classname: String
def log { println(classname) }
trait Debug {
def debug { print("Debug") }
class A extends HasSingleton[Log] {
def meta = A // Needs to be defined with a Singleton (or any object which inherits from Log}
def f {
object A extends Log {
def classname = "A"
class B extends HasSingleton[Log with Debug] { // we want to use Log and Debug here
def meta = B
def g {
object B extends Log with Debug {
def classname = "B"
(new A).f
// A
(new B).g
// B
// Debug

How to implement intermediate types for implicit methods?

Assume I want to offer method foo on existing type A outside of my control. As far as I know, the canonical way to do this in Scala is implementing an implicit conversion from A to some type that implements foo. Now I basically see two options.
Define a separate, maybe even hidden class for the purpose:
protected class Fooable(a : A) {
def foo(...) = { ... }
implicit def a2fooable(a : A) = new Fooable(a)
Define an anonymous class inline:
implicit def a2fooable(a : A) = new { def foo(...) = { ... } }
Variant 2) is certainly less boilerplate, especially when lots of type parameters happen. On the other hand, I think it should create more overhead since (conceptually) one class per conversion is created, as opposed to one class globally in 1).
Is there a general guideline? Is there no difference, because compiler/VM get rid of the overhead of 2)?
Using a separate class is better for performance, as the alternative uses reflection.
Consider that
new { def foo(...) = { ... } }
is really
new AnyRef { def foo(...) = { ... } }
Now, AnyRef doesn't have a method foo. In Scala, this type is actually AnyRef { def foo(...): ... }, which, if you remove AnyRef, you should recognize as a structural type.
At compile time, this time can be passed back and forth, and everywhere it will be known that the method foo is callable. However, there's no structural type in the JVM, and to add an interface would require a proxy object, which would cause some problems such as breaking referential equality (ie, an object would not be equal with a structural type version of itself).
The way found around that was to use cached reflection calls for structural types.
So, if you want to use the Pimp My Library pattern for any performance-sensitive application, declare a class.
I believe 1 and 2 get compiled to the same bytecode (except for the class name that gets generated in case 2).
If Fooable exists only for you to be able to convert implicitly A to Fooable (and you're never going to directly create and use a Fooable), then I would go with option 2.
However, if you control A (meaning A is not a java library class that you can't subclass) I would consider using a trait instead of implicit conversions to add behaviour to A.
I have to reconsider my answer. I would use variant 1 of your code, because variant 2 turns out to be using reflection (scala 2.8.1 on Linux).
I compiled these two versions of the same code, decompiled them to java with jd-gui and here are the results:
source code with named class
class NamedClass { def Foo : String = "foo" }
object test {
implicit def StrToFooable(a: String) = new NamedClass
def main(args: Array[String]) { println("bar".Foo) }
source code with anonymous class
object test {
implicit def StrToFooable(a: String) = new { def Foo : String = "foo" }
def main(args: Array[String]) { println("bar".Foo) }
compiled and decompiled to java with java-gui. The "named" version generates a NamedClass.class that gets decompiled to this java:
public class NamedClass
implements ScalaObject
public String Foo()
return "foo";
the anonymous generates a test$$anon$1 class that gets decompiled to the following java
public final class test$$anon$1
public String Foo()
return "foo";
so almost identical, except for the anonymous being "final" (they apparently want to make extra sure you won't get out of your way to try and subclass an anonymous class...)
however at the call site I get this java for the "named" version
public void main(String[] args)
and this for the anonymous
public void main(String[] args) {
Object qual1 = StrToFooable("bar"); Object exceptionResult1 = null;
try {
exceptionResult1 = reflMethod$Method1(qual1.getClass()).invoke(qual1, new Object[0]);
} catch (InvocationTargetException localInvocationTargetException) {
throw localInvocationTargetException.getCause();
I googled a little and found that others have reported the same thing but I haven't found any more insight as to why this is the case.