Link Variable to Label on another form in vb - forms

I have a small program for some college coursework, i have to enter data of the gender and age of a group of people then work out the male and female percent and the child and adult percent. The bit i am stuck with is i want to display my results on labels on a separate form. Here is my code:
Public Class Form1
Dim TotalGender As Integer
Dim TotalAge As Integer
Dim MaleCount As Integer
Dim FemaleCount As Integer
Dim ChildCount As Integer
Dim AdultCount As Integer
Dim MalePercent As Single
Dim FemalePercent As Single
Dim AdultPercent As Single
Dim ChildPercent As Single
Private Sub btnSub_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSub.Click
If cmbGender.Text = "Male" Then
MaleCount += 1
End If
If cmbGender.Text = "Female" Then
FemaleCount += 1
End If
If cmbAge.Text > 18 Then
ChildCount += 1
End If
If cmbAge.Text <= 18 Then
AdultCount += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnResults_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnResults.Click
MalePercent = MaleCount / TotalGender * 100
FemalePercent = FemaleCount / TotalGender * 100
AdultPercent = AdultCount / TotalAge * 100
ChildPercent = ChildCount / TotalAge * 100
End Sub
Private Sub btnReset_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
TotalGender = 0
TotalAge = 0
MaleCount = 0
FemaleCount = 0
ChildCount = 0
AdultCount = 0
MalePercent = 0
FemalePercent = 0
AdultPercent = 0
ChildPercent = 0
End Sub
End Class
My second form has all the labels already placed and i know how to display results on a label, i just don't know how to transfer the results across to another form

You can write on form 1 .It shows your results on form2
Form2.Label1.Text = AdultCount


Load event isn't working. Visual Basic

I'm trying to write a lottery application and have written out all the code. Everything seems to be fine except the part where it's supposed to show the winning numbers and the user's numbers. When the ResultsForm pops up, all the labels are blank instead of having the numbers filled in. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will include the code for the MainForm, the ResultsForm and the Module I used.
Public Class MainForm
Dim rand As New Random
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnCheckNumbers_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCheckNumbers.Click
If ValidateUserPicks() Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnPlayAgain_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPlayAgain.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
Sub GenerateNewLotteryNumbers()
For intCount = 0 To g_intUPPER_SUB
g_intNumbers(intCount) = rand.Next(10)
End Sub
Sub Reset()
End Sub
Sub DisplayResults()
Dim frmResults As New ResultsForm
End Sub
Function ValidateUserPicks() As Boolean
Dim blnIsValid As Boolean = False
If Integer.TryParse(txtDigit1.Text, g_intUserPicks(0)) And
g_intUserPicks(0) >= 0 And g_intUserPicks(0) <= 9 Then
If Integer.TryParse(txtDigit2.Text, g_intUserPicks(1)) And
g_intUserPicks(1) >= 0 And g_intUserPicks(1) <= 9 Then
If Integer.TryParse(txtDigit3.Text, g_intUserPicks(2)) And
g_intUserPicks(2) >= 0 And g_intUserPicks(2) <= 9 Then
If Integer.TryParse(txtDigit4.Text, g_intUserPicks(3)) And
g_intUserPicks(3) >= 0 And g_intUserPicks(3) <= 9 Then
If Integer.TryParse(txtDigit5.Text, g_intUserPicks(4)) And
g_intUserPicks(4) >= 0 And g_intUserPicks(4) <= 9 Then
End If
blnIsValid = True
MessageBox.Show("Digit 5: Enter a number between 0 and 9.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Digit 4: Enter a number between 0 and 9.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Digit 3: Enter a number between 0 and 9.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Digit 2: Enter a number between 0 and 9.")
End If
Return blnIsValid
End Function
End Class
Public Class ResultsForm
Private Sub ResultsForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnOk_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
End Sub
Sub DisplayLotteryNumbers()
lblWinningNumber1.Text = g_intNumbers(0).ToString
lblWinningNumber2.Text = g_intNumbers(1).ToString
lblWinningNumber3.Text = g_intNumbers(2).ToString
lblWinningNumber4.Text = g_intNumbers(3).ToString
lblWinningNumber5.Text = g_intNumbers(4).ToString
lblYourNumber1.Text = g_intNumbers(0).ToString
lblYourNumber2.Text = g_intNumbers(1).ToString
lblYourNumber3.Text = g_intNumbers(2).ToString
lblYourNumber4.Text = g_intNumbers(3).ToString
lblYourNumber5.Text = g_intNumbers(4).ToString
End Sub
Sub DisplayWinnerForm()
Dim frmWinner As New WinnerForm
End Sub
Sub ShowResults()
Select Case MatchingDigits()
Case 1
lblResults.Text = "One Matching Digit."
Case 2
lblResults.Text = "Two Matching Digits."
Case 3
lblResults.Text = "Three Matching Digits."
Case 4
lblResults.Text = "Four Matching Digits."
Case 5
lblResults.Text = "All Digits Match!"
Case Else
lblResults.Text = "No Matching Digits."
End Select
End Sub
Function MatchingDigits() As Integer
Dim numMatches As Integer
For intCount = 0 To g_intUPPER_SUB
If g_intNumbers(intCount) = g_intUserPicks(intCount) Then
numMatches += 1
End If
Return numMatches
End Function
End Class
Module LotteryModule
Public Const g_intUPPER_SUB As Integer = 4
Public g_intNumbers(g_intUPPER_SUB) As Integer
Public g_intUserPicks(g_intUPPER_SUB) As Integer
End Module

Align series by value in DevExpress XtraCharts

I have a DevExpress XtraChart object with several series, all of type: line.
I have a requirement from a client to align the series by the max value of each series. This is without regard to the attached axis, has anyone done this before?
Although I was interested in displaying this on the chart element, the 'work' was done on the underlying DataSet.
I was able to achieve this by looping through the series collection, deriving the max value of the first series, through a SQL query, and then each subsequent series, and noting the difference, and then adding or subtracting the difference at the DataSet level.
Here's the code:
Private Sub cbAlignPeaks_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbAlignPeaks.CheckedChanged
Dim dt As DataTable = chart.DataSource
Dim Row() As Data.DataRow
Dim s As Series = Nothing
Dim dtr As DataTableReader = Nothing
Dim maxTimeGet, maxTimeSet, diff As Decimal
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
If cbAlignPeaksPre.Checked Then
For i As Integer = 0 To chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1
s = chartPreTim.Series(i)
If _offsets.Count = chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1 Then
If i > 0 Then
diff = _offsets(s.DataFilters(0).Value)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.Name & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") + diff
End If
If i = 0 Then 'get adjustment info
dtr = getDetectorMax(s.DataFilters(0).Value, cbDetectors.Text, timType.PRE) ' <-- getDetectorMax runs a SQL query returning the max value
If dtr.Read Then
maxTimeGet = dtr("TIME_SEC")
End If
Else 'set adjustment info
dtr = Nothing
dtr = getDetectorMax(s.DataFilters(0).Value, cbDetectors.Text, timType.PRE)
If dtr.Read Then
maxTimeSet = dtr("TIME_SEC")
End If
If maxTimeGet > maxTimeSet Then
diff = maxTimeGet - maxTimeSet
_offsets.Add(s.DataFilters(0).Value, diff)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") + diff
diff = maxTimeSet - maxTimeGet
_offsets.Add(s.DataFilters(0).Value, diff * -1)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") - diff
End If
End If
End If
For i As Integer = 1 To chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1 ' We skip item 0 as that's the baseline
s = chartPreTim.Series(i)
diff = _offsets(s.DataFilters(0).Value)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") - diff
End If
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub

Error 91 in VBA using classes

I'm currently trying to implement a Clark & Wright Savings Heurisitc in VBA, but I'm currently facing some problem. I'm fairly new to VBA, and this error (91) keeps apearing on similar situations, which lead me to believe I'm missing some crucial knowledge. Next I present you the code:
Public Sub CWsavings()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim aux As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim Cu(200) As customer
Dim De(12) As Depot
For i = 1 To 200
Set Cu(i) = New customer
Cu(i).custID = i
Cu(i).longitude = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 2)
Cu(i).latitude = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 3)
Cu(i).lt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 4)
Cu(i).et = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 5)
Cu(i).weekdemand = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 6)
Cu(i).peakdemand = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 7)
Cu(i).D1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 8)
Cu(i).D2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 9)
Next i
For j = 1 To 12
Set De(j) = New Depot
De(j).depotID = j
De(j).Dname = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 13)
De(j).latitude = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 14)
De(j).longitude = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folha1").Cells(i + 1, 15)
De(j).ncust = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Results").Cells(j, 7)
De(j).nroute = 0
For k = 1 To De(j).ncust
aux = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Results").Cells(j + 1, 10 + k)
Call De(j).SetCustomer(Cu(aux), k)
Next k
Next j
For d = 1 To 12
Dim M(30, 30) As Double
Dim maxsav As Double
Dim maxpos(2) As Integer
Dim connorder(676, 2) 'order of connections for routing
Dim it As Integer
it = 0
For i = 1 To De(d).ncust
For j = 1 To De(d).ncust
M(i, j) = CalcSavings(De(d), De(d).customer(i), De(d).customer(j)) ' error here
Next j
Next i
maxsav = 0
maxpos(1) = 0
maxpos(2) = 0
For i = 1 To De(d).ncust
For j = 1 To De(d).ncust
If i <> j Then
If M(i, j) > maxsav Then
maxsav = M(i, j)
maxpos(1) = i
maxpos(j) = j
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
it = it + 1
connorder(it, 1) = maxpos(1)
connorder(it, 2) = maxpos(2)
If it < De(d).ncust * De(d).ncust - ncust Then
M(maxpos(1), maxpos(2)) = 0
GoTo itbegin
End If
Next d
End Sub
Public Function CalcSavings(d As Depot, C1 As customer, C2 As customer)
Dim id As Double
Dim dj As Double
Dim ij As Double
id = DeptDist(C1, d)
dj = DeptDist(C2, d)
ij = CustDist(C1, C2)
CalcSavings = id + dj - ij
End Function
The class Depot:
Public depotID As Integer
Public Dname As String
Public latitude As Double
Public longitude As Double
Private customers(200) As customer
Public ncust As Integer
Private routes(500) As route
Public nroute As Integer
Public Sub addcust(C As customer)
ncust = ncust + 1
Set customers(ncust) = C
End Sub
Public Sub addroute(R As route)
nroute = Me.nroute + 1
Set routes(Me.nroute) = R
End Sub
Public Property Get customer(i As Integer) As customer
customer = customers(i)
End Property
Public Sub SetCustomer(C As customer, i As Integer)
Set customers(i) = C
End Sub
Public Property Get route(i As Integer) As route
route = routes(i)
End Property
Public Sub SetRoute(R As route, i As Integer)
Set routes(i) = R
End Sub
(Class depot Updated)
And the class Customer:
Public custID As Integer
Public latitude As Double
Public longitude As Double
Public lt As Double
Public et As Double
Public weekdemand As Integer
Public peakdemand As Integer
Public D1 As Integer
Public D2 As Integer
I'm sorry for the long post, any help would be appreciated.
Final answer...
VERY ODDLY, (not that odd, when you really look at it, but) you need to use Set even in your Get properties. I guess the reason behind this is because you're returning an object, and even though that object may already exist, you're not going to use that very object. A copy is used instead and Set becomes vital to initialize that copy.
For example, here's what your "get customer" should look like :
Public Property Get customer(i As Integer) As customer
Set customer = customers(i)
End Property
I guess it all makes sense; your array is private, and therefore you wouldn't want to pass the exact object that is contained inside that array, or it'd be counter-logic.
I think I found it... again...!
Try this :
Public Sub SetCustomer(C As customer, i As Integer)
Set customers(i) = C
End Sub
Notice customer(i) was replaced by customers(i)
EDIT : Deleted previous answer, as I was mostly fishing.

Excel VBA Listbox - Only Format non blanks as Dates

This one has me stumped. I am populating a Listbox with a range and then formatting column 4 as d/mm/yyyy. This works fine if all cells in column 4 have a date. As some cells that are populated into the Listbox are in fact blank the sub crashes when it hits these cells. I have tried various if and else statements to skip the activecell if blank with no luck.
Grateful for any assistance.
Alex V
Sub populate_listbox_1()
Dim I As Long
Dim I2 As Long
Dim list_count As Long
Dim MyData As Range
Dim r As Long
With edit_report_input.compliments_listbox
.ColumnCount = 17
.ColumnWidths = "70;300;75;90;80;80;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20;0"
.RowSource = ""
Set MyData = ActiveSheet.Range("A4:Q498") 'Adjust the range accordingly
.List = MyData.Cells.Value
For r = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If .List(r, 1) = "" Then
.RemoveItem r
End If
Next r
End With
For I = 0 To edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.ListCount - 1
edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) = Format(DateValue(edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4)), "d/mm/yyyy")
Next I
date_rec_compliment = Format(date_rec_compliment, "d/mm/yyyy")
End Sub
you can always check before changing the format. See if below snippet helps
For I = 0 To edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.ListCount - 1
if edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) <> "" Then
edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) = Format(DateValue(edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4)), "d/mm/yyyy")
End If
Next I

How do I refresh all tables in a form? LibreOffice Base

I have 3 tables in a single form, they use SQL queries to select the data. I need to refresh them somehow, but nothing works.
E.g. this doesn't work at all:
oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("")
oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(dbName)
oCon = oDataSource.getConnection("", "")
And this updates only the first table:
oDisp = createUnoService("")
oFrame = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getFrame()
oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Refresh", "", 0, Array())
How do I update them all?
Oh my god, it was so easy, I feel dumb now:
Sub reloadAllTables
Dim Forms : Forms = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms
Dim i%
For i = 0 To Forms.getCount()-1
End Sub
Reloading forms doesn't refresh tables, table controls are refreshed by using .refresh on each column, for example-
SUB refreshTables(oForm as object)
DIM cnt as integer, cnt2 as integer, tot as integer, tot2 as integer
DIM oFormObj as object
'get number of form object
tot = oForm.getCount - 1
IF tot > -1 THEN
FOR cnt = 0 TO tot
'next form object
oFormObj = oForm.getByIndex(cnt)
'is object a table control AKA grid control
IF oFormObj.ImplementationName = "" THEN
'refresh each column
tot2 = oFormObj.getCount - 1
IF tot2 > -1 THEN
FOR cnt2 = 0 TO tot2