Excel VBA Listbox - Only Format non blanks as Dates - date

This one has me stumped. I am populating a Listbox with a range and then formatting column 4 as d/mm/yyyy. This works fine if all cells in column 4 have a date. As some cells that are populated into the Listbox are in fact blank the sub crashes when it hits these cells. I have tried various if and else statements to skip the activecell if blank with no luck.
Grateful for any assistance.
Alex V
Sub populate_listbox_1()
Dim I As Long
Dim I2 As Long
Dim list_count As Long
Dim MyData As Range
Dim r As Long
With edit_report_input.compliments_listbox
.ColumnCount = 17
.ColumnWidths = "70;300;75;90;80;80;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20;0"
.RowSource = ""
Set MyData = ActiveSheet.Range("A4:Q498") 'Adjust the range accordingly
.List = MyData.Cells.Value
For r = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If .List(r, 1) = "" Then
.RemoveItem r
End If
Next r
End With
For I = 0 To edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.ListCount - 1
edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) = Format(DateValue(edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4)), "d/mm/yyyy")
Next I
date_rec_compliment = Format(date_rec_compliment, "d/mm/yyyy")
End Sub

you can always check before changing the format. See if below snippet helps
For I = 0 To edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.ListCount - 1
if edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) <> "" Then
edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4) = Format(DateValue(edit_report_input.compliments_listbox.List(I, 4)), "d/mm/yyyy")
End If
Next I


OOo Basic: PieChart, how to change the colour of the graph

I am writing a macro to generate pie chart in OpenOffice Basic but I can't find the method to change the colour of the different part of the pie.
We can take as example the macro of this subject:
OpenOffice Calc macro to add pie chart
That is, my data are:
And my code:
Sub Macro1
Dim oRange as Object
Dim oRangeAddress(1) As New com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress
Dim oRect As New com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle
Dim cTitle as String
oRange = thisComponent.getCurrentSelection.getRangeAddress
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(0)
oCharts = oSheet.Charts
oRect.Width = 10000
oRect.Height = 10000
oRect.X = 8000
oRect.Y = 1000
oRangeAddress(0).Sheet = oRange.Sheet
oRangeAddress(0).StartColumn = 0
oRangeAddress(0).StartRow = 0
oRangeAddress(0).EndColumn = 1
oRangeAddress(0).EndRow = 2
cTitle = "Test Results"
oCharts.addNewByName(cTitle,oRect,oRangeAddress(),TRUE, TRUE)
oChart = oCharts.getByName(cTitle).embeddedObject
oChart.Diagram = oChart.createInstance("com.sun.star.chart.PieDiagram")
oChart.HasMainTitle = True
oChart.Title.String = cTitle
End Sub
How can I get some green in my chart, instead of blue, for example?
Thank you for your help.
Here is one solution.
Sub Macro1
oFirstDiagram = oChart.getFirstDiagram()
oColorScheme = CreateUnoListener("XColorScheme_", "com.sun.star.chart2.XColorScheme")
End Sub
Function XColorScheme_getColorByIndex(index As Integer) As Long
Dim result As Long
result = &H0000FF ' blue
If index = 0 Then
result = &H00FF00 ' green
ElseIf index = 1 Then
result = &HFFFF00 ' yellow
End If
XColorScheme_getColorByIndex = result
End Function
The only relevant documentation I could find for this approach is the API docs: https://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/chart2/XDiagram.html.
Another way is to put the colors in column C.
Status Count Color
Unfinished 20 =COLOR(0,255,0)
Finished 30 =COLOR(255,0,0)
Then set the Range for Fill Color to use column C. If you want to see code for this second approach, post a comment and I'll look into it.
Yet another way is from https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36001.
oChart.Diagram.DataRowSource = com.sun.star.chart.ChartDataRowSource.COLUMNS
oChart.FirstDiagram.CoordinateSystems(0).ChartTypes(0).DataSeries(0).Color = &H00FF00
However, this last approach did not change the color when I tried it.

Excel Range object throws error 0x800A03EC because of a string longer than 255 characters

Using an ActiveX server from MATLAB, I am trying to highlight many cells in an Excel sheet at once. These are not in specific columns or rows so I use Range('A1,B2,...') to access them. However the string accepted by the Range object has to be less than 255 characters or an error:
Error: Object returned error code: 0x800A03EC
is thrown. The following code reproduces this error with an empty Excel file.
hActX = actxserver('Excel.Application');
hWB = hActX.Workbooks.Open('C:\Book1.xlsx');
hSheet = hWB.Worksheets.Item('Sheet1');
col = repmat('A', 100, 1);
row = num2str((1:100)'); %'
cellInd = strcat(col, strtrim(cellstr(row)));
str1 = strjoin(cellInd(1:66), ','); %// 254 characters
str2 = strjoin(cellInd(1:67), ','); %// 258 characters
hSheet.Range(str1).Interior.Color = 255; %// Works
hSheet.Range(str2).Interior.Color = 255; %// Error 0x800A03EC
How can I get around this? I found no other relevant method of calling Range, or of otherwise getting the cells I want to modify.
If you start with a String, you can test its length to determine if Range() can handle it. Here is an example of building a diagonal range:
Sub DiagonalRange()
Dim BigString As String, BigRange As Range
Dim i As Long, HowMany As Long, Ln As String
HowMany = 100
For i = 1 To HowMany
BigString = BigString & "," & Cells(i, i).Address(0, 0)
Next i
BigString = Mid(BigString, 2)
Ln = Len(BigString)
MsgBox Ln
If Ln < 250 Then
Set BigRange = Range(BigString)
Set BigRange = Nothing
arr = Split(BigString, ",")
For Each a In arr
If BigRange Is Nothing Then
Set BigRange = Range(a)
Set BigRange = Union(BigRange, Range(a))
End If
Next a
End If
End Sub
For i = 10, the code will the the direct method, but if the code were i=100, the array method would be used.
The solution, as Rory pointed out, is to use the Union method. To minimize the number of calls from MATLAB to the ActiveX server, this is what I did:
str = strjoin(cellInd, ',');
isep = find(str == ',');
isplit = diff(mod(isep, 250)) < 0;
isplit = [isep(isplit) (length(str) + 1)];
hRange = hSheet.Range(str(1:(isplit(1) - 1)));
for ii = 2:numel(isplit)
hRange = hActX.Union(hRange, ...
hSheet.Range(str((isplit(ii-1) + 1):(isplit(ii) - 1))));
I used 250 in the mod to account for the cell names being up to 6 characters long, which is sufficient for me.

Align series by value in DevExpress XtraCharts

I have a DevExpress XtraChart object with several series, all of type: line.
I have a requirement from a client to align the series by the max value of each series. This is without regard to the attached axis, has anyone done this before?
Although I was interested in displaying this on the chart element, the 'work' was done on the underlying DataSet.
I was able to achieve this by looping through the series collection, deriving the max value of the first series, through a SQL query, and then each subsequent series, and noting the difference, and then adding or subtracting the difference at the DataSet level.
Here's the code:
Private Sub cbAlignPeaks_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbAlignPeaks.CheckedChanged
Dim dt As DataTable = chart.DataSource
Dim Row() As Data.DataRow
Dim s As Series = Nothing
Dim dtr As DataTableReader = Nothing
Dim maxTimeGet, maxTimeSet, diff As Decimal
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
If cbAlignPeaksPre.Checked Then
For i As Integer = 0 To chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1
s = chartPreTim.Series(i)
If _offsets.Count = chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1 Then
If i > 0 Then
diff = _offsets(s.DataFilters(0).Value)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.Name & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") + diff
End If
If i = 0 Then 'get adjustment info
dtr = getDetectorMax(s.DataFilters(0).Value, cbDetectors.Text, timType.PRE) ' <-- getDetectorMax runs a SQL query returning the max value
If dtr.Read Then
maxTimeGet = dtr("TIME_SEC")
End If
Else 'set adjustment info
dtr = Nothing
dtr = getDetectorMax(s.DataFilters(0).Value, cbDetectors.Text, timType.PRE)
If dtr.Read Then
maxTimeSet = dtr("TIME_SEC")
End If
If maxTimeGet > maxTimeSet Then
diff = maxTimeGet - maxTimeSet
_offsets.Add(s.DataFilters(0).Value, diff)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") + diff
diff = maxTimeSet - maxTimeGet
_offsets.Add(s.DataFilters(0).Value, diff * -1)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") - diff
End If
End If
End If
For i As Integer = 1 To chartPreTim.Series.Count - 1 ' We skip item 0 as that's the baseline
s = chartPreTim.Series(i)
diff = _offsets(s.DataFilters(0).Value)
Row = dt.Select("BORING_NAME = '" & s.DataFilters(0).Value & "'")
For k As Integer = 0 To Row.Count - 1
Row(k)("TIME_SEC") = Row(k)("TIME_SEC") - diff
End If
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub

How do I refresh all tables in a form? LibreOffice Base

I have 3 tables in a single form, they use SQL queries to select the data. I need to refresh them somehow, but nothing works.
E.g. this doesn't work at all:
oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(dbName)
oCon = oDataSource.getConnection("", "")
And this updates only the first table:
oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
oFrame = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getFrame()
oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Refresh", "", 0, Array())
How do I update them all?
Oh my god, it was so easy, I feel dumb now:
Sub reloadAllTables
Dim Forms : Forms = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms
Dim i%
For i = 0 To Forms.getCount()-1
End Sub
Reloading forms doesn't refresh tables, table controls are refreshed by using .refresh on each column, for example-
SUB refreshTables(oForm as object)
DIM cnt as integer, cnt2 as integer, tot as integer, tot2 as integer
DIM oFormObj as object
'get number of form object
tot = oForm.getCount - 1
IF tot > -1 THEN
FOR cnt = 0 TO tot
'next form object
oFormObj = oForm.getByIndex(cnt)
'is object a table control AKA grid control
IF oFormObj.ImplementationName = "com.sun.star.comp.forms.OGridControlModel" THEN
'refresh each column
tot2 = oFormObj.getCount - 1
IF tot2 > -1 THEN
FOR cnt2 = 0 TO tot2

VBA Copy and paste a range of numbers

I'm trying to copy and paste a range, to create a 28 by 28 grid of numbers "rotating" the values so that each time the range is pasted into the next column, the range is moves down by one row and the last value "overflows" back to the top of the next row, I've got this far but am stumped on the overflow part (i' relative newbie to VBA)
Sub Test()
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A28")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 28
oRange.Offset(i, i).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Next i
End Sub
Also I need to copy and paste values and formatting of the cells
Hope you guys can help
Sub Test()
Dim oRange As Range
Dim startColumn As String
Dim rangeStart As Integer
Dim rangeEnd As Integer
Dim cellCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
startColumn = "A"
rangeStart = 1
rangeEnd = 28
cellCount = rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1
For i = 1 To cellCount - 1
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(startColumn & rangeStart & _
":" & startColumn & (rangeEnd - i))
oRange.Offset(i, i).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(startColumn & (rangeEnd - i + 1) & _
":" & startColumn & rangeEnd)
oRange.Offset((-1 * cellCount) + i, i).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Next i
End Sub
to insert a blanck row at index 'i':
Rows(i & ":" & i).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
to insert 5 rows at the top of the worksheet insert a row 5 times at index 1:
For i = 1 To 5
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown