Having a function that is used like this:
xpto.withClient {
client => client.abcd
I would like to wrap it in an object:
object X {
def foo[T](block: => T): T = {
xpto.withClient {
client => {
to make it possible to be used like this:
object Y {
def bar : Unit {
X.foo {
This doesn't seems to be making the client value available inside the block though. Is this possible? Making the client variable available inside the block definition? I've looked around with implicits in Scala but so far no good.
That won't work, because block is just something that produces a value of T. It doesn't have the same scope. Supposing that client has type Client, then block should be a function Client => T. foo would then pass the client to block.
def foo[T](block: Client => T): T = {
xpto.withClient { client =>
Or more concisely:
def foo[T](block: Client => T): T = xpto.withClient(block(_))
However, that will change your usage to this:
object Y {
def bar : Unit {
X.foo { client =>
Of course, this does nothing but thinly wrap xpto.withClient. The thing is, you need to have a way to pass client down the chain. Doing this implicitly won't really help either, because you still need a client identifier within that anonymous block of code.
I have a simple flash implementation for use with Jersey that looks like this:
#PostConstruct def before { flash.rotateIn }
#PreDestroy def after { flash.rotateOut }
object flash {
val KeyNow = "local.flash.now"
val KeyNext = "local.flash.next"
// case class Wrapper(wrapped: Map[String, Seq[String]])
case class Wrapper(wrapped: String)
def rotateIn {
for {
session <- Option(request.getSession(false))
obj <- Option(session.getAttribute(KeyNext))
} {
request.setAttribute(KeyNow, obj)
def rotateOut {
for (obj <- Option(request.getAttribute(KeyNext))) {
request.getSession.setAttribute(KeyNext, obj)
def now = Option(request.getAttribute(KeyNow)) match {
case Some(x: Wrapper) => x.wrapped
case Some(x) if x.isInstanceOf[Wrapper] => "WHAT"
case _ => "NOPE"
def next(value: String) {
request.setAttribute(KeyNext, Wrapper(value))
I have simplified it here somewhat, but it lets me set a value for flash with flash.next and read the current flash value with flash.now.
The weird thing is that my now value is always "WHAT". If I do something similar in my REPL, I don't have the same issues:
val req = new org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest
val res = req.getSession
res.setAttribute("foo", Wrapper("foo"))
req.setAttribute("foo", res.getAttribute("foo"))
// Is not None
Option(req.getAttribute("foo")).collect { case x: Wrapper => x }
Am I missing something obvious?
I've added a minimal example webapp replicating this issue at https://github.com/kardeiz/sc-issue-20160229.
I tried your example. Check my answer for your other question for details how pattern matching works in this case.
In short, as you Wrapper is an inner class, patter matching also checks the "outer class" reference. It seems that depending on the application server implementation Router.flash can be different instance for each request, so pattern matching fails.
Simple fix for that is to make Wrapper top-level class, so it doesn't have reference to any other class.
Are these two functions different in any way?
case class DFStorage(private var cache: Map[String, DataFrame] = Map()) {
def tryLoad(job: Job): Kleisli[IO, MakeContext, \/[List[String], Unit]] = {
if(!cache.contains(job.id)) {
job.tryLoad.map(_.map(df => add(job, df)))
} else {
def tryLoad(job: Job): Kleisli[IO, MakeContext, \/[List[String], Unit]] = {
Kleisli({makeContext: MakeContext =>
if(!cache.contains(job.id)) {
IO {
job.tryLoad.run(makeContext).unsafePerformIO().map(df => add(job, df))
} else {
I think you are supposed to call unsafePerformIO as the final side effect in your program (e.g. in your main function), but in this case it may result in the same thing given that you are "unwrapping" the value in the IO monad and then wrapping a transformation of that value. As you can see this unwrapping and transformation of the value may be the same process that IO.map does.
unsafePerformIO is used to force the execution of the side effects represented by the IO value. In Haskell your program must be something of type IO and Haskell runs it (main must have type IO). But in Scala the main function can do anything, so you must execute the IO at that point.
I have a function that wraps the result of another function in a Promise. I wanted to promote this into a lift function so that I could sort of re-use it elsewhere. Here are the original definitions:
val abc = Promise[MyType]()
try {
val suck = abc.success(someOtherFunction(intParam1, intParam2))
} catch {
case ex: Exception => p.failure(ex)
So what I eventually did was the following:
def myLiftFunc[X](x: X) (op: => X): Promise[X] = {
val p = Promise[X]()
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
How can I re-use this? I mean, the second argument that I pass in should be a thunk so that I could just pass in any function body irrespective of the parameters that function body would require!
When I call the lifted function as:
myLiftFunc(someOtherFunction(intParam1, intParam2))
This is of type Int => Promise[Int], where the someOtherFunction returns an Int. I just want Promise[Int] when I call myLiftFunc!
You might be interested in the Promise.fromTry method. That method uses the Try idiom from scala.util, which is a useful structure that allows you to treat a try...catch statement more like a traditional constructs:
Promise.fromTry { Try { someOtherFunction(intParam1, intParam2) } }
If you wanted to right your own helper (so that the Try part is unnecessary, you could try something like:
def myLiftFunc[X](op: => X): Promise[X] = Promise.fromTry(Try(op))
This would allow you to do:
myLiftFunc { /*arbitrary logic*/ }
myLiftFunc(1 + 4).future.value.get //Success(5)
myLiftFunc(1/0).future.value.get //Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
I am trying to write a function which can add a context to those functions given in parameters.
The idea is here
object example {
def withOne(f : => T) = {
val a = 1 //some context
def foo() = withOne {
I think the context could be passed in implicit.
The idea is to not have the content of f constraint by the surrounding function f should be able to use the context or not.
For now the only way i seen to do that is like that
object example {
def withOne(f : => Int => T) = {
val a = 1 //some context
def foo() = withOne { a =>
But this forces to declare a 'a' witch is not obvious for others devs :x
I'm afraid you cannot work around this, since you cannot inject an implicit into a function.
There's a proposal to add this feature in the typelevel/scala fork, but it seems hard to achieve as of today.
My suggestion here is to use proper naming, so that you won't surprise your users. For instance if you provide a method like:
def withConnection[A](f: Connection => A): A = {
try {
val conn = ???
} finally {
it won't surprise me to do:
withConnection { implicit c =>
// db stuff
I have a helper method:
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => T) = {
try {
val tempObject = body
} catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None
called with:
controlStructure[MySomeObject](classOf[Exception]) { getMySomeObjectSomehow }
the main point of which is to call the 'callSomeMethod' on the entity passed in (for example loaded from ORM), it incidentally wraps things up in exception handling too.
I would now like to add a new method which does the same thing but for a collection (java.util.List) of T.
I am unsure of the syntax, and structures to work with a collection of T in the method signature, and abstract type param definitions.
Thanks for your help.
With a scala list, you are wanting something like this (I think):
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => List[T]) = {
try {
val tempObject = body
tempObject.foreach { _.callSomeMethod() }
catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None
I haven't worked with Java lists in scala, so I'm guessing you could do it with java.util.List like this:
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => java.util.List[T]) = {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
try {
val tempObject = body
tempObject foreach { _.callSomeMethod() }
catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None
There's no pass by name vararg in Scala. You have to pass a function if you want this. See this ticket of an enhancement request to this effect.
Thanks for your help Mitch. It turns out the answer is in this case to specify the return type of the method, as java.util.List[T], as for once Scala is not using its magic type inference to sort everything out.