Scala abstract method param question, List of T - scala

I have a helper method:
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => T) = {
try {
val tempObject = body
} catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None
called with:
controlStructure[MySomeObject](classOf[Exception]) { getMySomeObjectSomehow }
the main point of which is to call the 'callSomeMethod' on the entity passed in (for example loaded from ORM), it incidentally wraps things up in exception handling too.
I would now like to add a new method which does the same thing but for a collection (java.util.List) of T.
I am unsure of the syntax, and structures to work with a collection of T in the method signature, and abstract type param definitions.
Thanks for your help.

With a scala list, you are wanting something like this (I think):
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => List[T]) = {
try {
val tempObject = body
tempObject.foreach { _.callSomeMethod() }
catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None
I haven't worked with Java lists in scala, so I'm guessing you could do it with java.util.List like this:
def controlStructure[T <: SomeObject](exceptions: Class[_]*)(body: => java.util.List[T]) = {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
try {
val tempObject = body
tempObject foreach { _.callSomeMethod() }
catch {
case e if (exceptions.contains(e.getClass)) => None

There's no pass by name vararg in Scala. You have to pass a function if you want this. See this ticket of an enhancement request to this effect.

Thanks for your help Mitch. It turns out the answer is in this case to specify the return type of the method, as java.util.List[T], as for once Scala is not using its magic type inference to sort everything out.


Loss of type info in servlet code

I have a simple flash implementation for use with Jersey that looks like this:
#PostConstruct def before { flash.rotateIn }
#PreDestroy def after { flash.rotateOut }
object flash {
val KeyNow = ""
val KeyNext = ""
// case class Wrapper(wrapped: Map[String, Seq[String]])
case class Wrapper(wrapped: String)
def rotateIn {
for {
session <- Option(request.getSession(false))
obj <- Option(session.getAttribute(KeyNext))
} {
request.setAttribute(KeyNow, obj)
def rotateOut {
for (obj <- Option(request.getAttribute(KeyNext))) {
request.getSession.setAttribute(KeyNext, obj)
def now = Option(request.getAttribute(KeyNow)) match {
case Some(x: Wrapper) => x.wrapped
case Some(x) if x.isInstanceOf[Wrapper] => "WHAT"
case _ => "NOPE"
def next(value: String) {
request.setAttribute(KeyNext, Wrapper(value))
I have simplified it here somewhat, but it lets me set a value for flash with and read the current flash value with
The weird thing is that my now value is always "WHAT". If I do something similar in my REPL, I don't have the same issues:
val req = new org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest
val res = req.getSession
res.setAttribute("foo", Wrapper("foo"))
req.setAttribute("foo", res.getAttribute("foo"))
// Is not None
Option(req.getAttribute("foo")).collect { case x: Wrapper => x }
Am I missing something obvious?
I've added a minimal example webapp replicating this issue at
I tried your example. Check my answer for your other question for details how pattern matching works in this case.
In short, as you Wrapper is an inner class, patter matching also checks the "outer class" reference. It seems that depending on the application server implementation Router.flash can be different instance for each request, so pattern matching fails.
Simple fix for that is to make Wrapper top-level class, so it doesn't have reference to any other class.

Generic alternative to Execute Around Method pattern

I was looking for an implementation of the Execute Around method pattern in scala, and found the following (with my minor mods):
class Resource private() {
private def dispose() { println("Cleaning up...") }
def example = {
println("Function body")
object Resource {
def using(codeBlock: Resource => Unit) {
val run = new Resource
try {
finally {
Resource.using { run => run.example }
Then I had second thoughts about using it for my particular application, since that's a lot of boilerplate code in all my classes.
I was wondering if the more experienced scala gurus were able to create a similar pattern, and wrap an entire object, calling a cleanup method when the object goes out of scope? This would be similar to the C# using() block, and I'd implement it by mixing in a Disposable trait to the objects that would support this method?
Example goal:
trait Disposable { def dispose }
class a extends Disposable
[some helper object unrelated to a?].using (a) {
} // automatically call a.dispose() at end of scope?
From this blog post you can implement something like Java's try with resources this way:
class Loan[A <: AutoCloseable](resource: A) {
def to[B](block: A => B) = {
var t: Throwable = null
try {
} catch {
case x: Exception => t = x; throw x
} finally {
if (resource != null) {
if (t != null) {
try {
} catch {
case y: Exception => t.addSuppressed(y)
} else {
object Loan {
def loan[A <: AutoCloseable](resource: A) = new Loan(resource)
you would use it like this:
loan (new PrintWriter(new File("file"))) to (_ println "Hello world!\n")
Using the Java AutoCloseable interface for this means that your objects can be used in a Java try-with-resources block and that you can use your helper with standard Java AutoCloseable things like IO streams.

Extending Enumeration

I've implemented a method withNameOption that returns None if the enumeration member with specific name is not found but I have trouble extracting it to a trait to use it for all the enumerations in the app. At the moment code looks like this:
object FileType extends Enumeration with EnumUtils {
type FileType = Value
def withNameOption(name: String): Option[FileType] = try {
} catch {
case _: NoSuchElementException => None
val scala, java, ruby = Value
Using this.type wherever possible doesn't typecheck.
I think this is the pattern you're looking for:
trait EnumUtils {
thisenum: Enumeration =>
def withNameOption(name: String): Option[thisenum.type#Value] = try {
} catch {
case _: NoSuchElementException => None
object FileType extends Enumeration with EnumUtils {
type FileType = Value
val scala, java, ruby = Value
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("Python: " + FileType.withNameOption("python"))
println("Scala: " + FileType.withNameOption("scala"))
What is the specific error you're seeing?
You might prefer to use the "pimp my library pattern" to add this method onto existing Enumerations, rather than using a trait.

How do I ignore an exception?

Is there more elegant way to write the following?
try {
... // Some throwing code
return first
catch {
case e:ExceptionType => {} // No code to execute. Ignore error.
return second
scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring(classOf[ExceptionType]) {
... // Some throwing code
#Daniel has already provided the canonical method to use to do this. Look through the other methods in scala.util.control.Exception--they are quite helpful and generic!
If you need to get a return value out of the try block, use failing instead of ignoring (but be aware that the result is an Any, i.e. not typesafe).
You can also write your own exception-catcher, which will be a little slow for heavy-duty work but otherwise nice to use:
class DefaultOn[E <: Exception] {
def apply[A](default: => A)(f: => A)(implicit m: Manifest[E]) = {
try { f } catch { case x if (m.erasure.isInstance(x)) => default }
object DefaultOn { def apply[E <: Exception] = new DefaultOn[E] }
scala> DefaultOn[NumberFormatException](0) { "Hi".toInt }
res0: Int = 0
Or if you like options:
class TryOption[E <: Exception] {
def apply[A](f: => A)(implicit m: Manifest[E]) = {
try { Some(f) } catch { case x if (m.erasure.isInstance(x)) => None }
object TryOption { def apply[E <: Exception] = new TryOption[E] }
scala> TryOption[NumberFormatException] { "Hi".toInt }
res1: Option[Int] = None
Or you can be inspired by this plus the library routines and create your own methods to ignore multiple different exceptions and preserve types on the return value.
In Scala all exceptions are not checked, so if you don't want, you may just skip handling them (and thus exception will be escalated to a higher level). Silently ignoring an exception the way you want to do is generally a bad practice. However, your code can be shortened to:
try {
... // Some throwing code
} catch {
case e:ExceptionType =>
Hows about:
Try {
// some throwing code
This will ignore all non fatal exceptions, which is what you want to do most of the time.

"using" function

I've defined 'using' function as following:
def using[A, B <: {def close(): Unit}] (closeable: B) (f: B => A): A =
try { f(closeable) } finally { closeable.close() }
I can use it like that:
using(new PrintWriter("sample.txt")){ out =>
out.println("hellow world!")
now I'm curious how to define 'using' function to take any number of parameters, and be able to access them separately:
using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in.txt")), new PrintWriter("out.txt")){ (in, out) =>
Starting Scala 2.13, the standard library provides a dedicated resource management utility: Using.
More specifically, the Using#Manager can be used when dealing with several resources.
In our case, we can manage different resources such as your PrintWriter or BufferedReader as they both implement AutoCloseable, in order to read and write from a file to another and, no matter what, close both the input and the output resource afterwards:
import scala.util.Using
import{PrintWriter, BufferedReader, FileReader}
Using.Manager { use =>
val in = use(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("input.txt")))
val out = use(new PrintWriter("output.txt"))
// scala.util.Try[Unit] = Success(())
Someone has already done this—it's called Scala ARM.
From the readme:
import resource._
for(input <- managed(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) {
// Code that uses the input as a FileInputStream
I've been thinking about this and I thought maybe there was an other way to address this. Here is my take on supporting "any number" of parameters (limited by what tuples provide):
object UsingTest {
type Closeable = {def close():Unit }
final class CloseAfter[A<:Product](val x: A) {
def closeAfter[B](block: A=>B): B = {
try {
} finally {
for (i <- 0 until x.productArity) {
x.productElement(i) match {
case c:Closeable => println("closing " + c); c.close()
case _ =>
implicit def any2CloseAfter[A<:Product](x: A): CloseAfter[A] =
new CloseAfter(x)
def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in.txt")),
new PrintWriter("out.txt"),
new PrintWriter("sample.txt")) closeAfter {case (in, out, other) =>
other.println("hello world!")
I think I'm reusing the fact that 22 tuple/product classes have been written in the library... I don't think this syntax is clearer than using nested using (no pun intended), but it was an interesting puzzle.
using structural typing seems like a little overkill since java.lang.AutoCloseable is predestined for usage:
def using[A <: AutoCloseable, B](resource: A)(block: A => B): B =
try block(resource) finally resource.close()
or, if you prefer extension methods:
implicit class UsingExtension[A <: AutoCloseable](val resource: A) extends AnyVal {
def using[B](block: A => B): B = try block(resource) finally resource.close()
using2 is possible:
def using2[R1 <: AutoCloseable, R2 <: AutoCloseable, B](resource1: R1, resource2: R2)(block: (R1, R2) => B): B =
using(resource1) { _ =>
using(resource2) { _ =>
block(resource1, resource2)
but imho quite ugly - I would prefer to simply nest these using statements in the client code.
Unfortunately, there isn't support for arbitrary-length parameter lists with arbitrary types in standard Scala.
You might be able to do something like this with a couple of language changes (to allow variable parameter lists to be passed as HLists; see here for about 1/3 of what's needed).
Right now, the best thing to do is just do what Tuple and Function do: implement usingN for as many N as you need.
Two is easy enough, of course:
def using2[A, B <: {def close(): Unit}, C <: { def close(): Unit}](closeB: B, closeC: C)(f: (B,C) => A): A = {
try { f(closeB,closeC) } finally { closeB.close(); closeC.close() }
If you need more, it's probably worth writing something that'll generate the source code.
Here is an example that allows you to use the scala for comprehension as an automatic resource management block for any item that is a, but it could easily be expanded to work for any object with a close method.
This usage seems pretty close to the using statement and allows you to easily have as many resources defined in one block as you want.
object ResourceTest{
import CloseableResource._
def test(){
for( input <- new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/tmp/input.txt")); output <- new FileWriter("/tmp/output.txt") ){
class CloseableResource[T](resource: =>T,onClose: T=>Unit){
def foreach(f: T=>Unit){
val r = resource
case e =>
println("error closing resource")
object CloseableResource{
implicit def javaCloseableToCloseableResource[T <:](resource:T):CloseableResource[T] = new CloseableResource[T](resource,{_.close})
It is a good idea to detatch the cleanup algorithm from the program path.
This solution lets you accumulate closeables in a scope.
The scope cleanup will happen on after the block is executed, or the scope can be detached. The cleaning of the scope can then be done later.
This way we get the same convenience whitout being limited to single thread programming.
The utility class:
object ManagedScope {
val scope=new ThreadLocal[Scope]();
def managedScope[T](inner: =>T):T={
val previous=scope.get();
val thisScope=new Scope();
} finally {
if(!thisScope.detatched) thisScope.close();
def closeLater[T <: Closeable](what:T): T = {
val theScope=scope.get();
if(!(theScope eq null)){
def detatchScope(): Scope={
val theScope=scope.get();
if(theScope eq null) null;
else {
class Scope{
var detatched=false;
var closeables:List[Closeable]=List();
def close():Unit={
if(!(c eq null))c.close();
} catch{
case e:Throwable=>{};
The usage:
def checkSocketConnect(host:String, portNumber:Int):Unit = managedScope {
// The close later function tags the closeable to be closed later
val socket = closeLater( new Socket(host, portNumber) );
def checkFutureConnect(host:String, portNumber:Int):Unit = managedScope {
// The close later function tags the closeable to be closed later
val socket = closeLater( new Socket(host, portNumber) );
val future:Future[Boolean]=doAsyncWork(socket);
// Detatch the scope and use it in the future.
val scope=detatchScope();
This solution doesn't quite have the syntax you desire, but I think it's close enough :)
def using[A <: {def close(): Unit}, B](resources: List[A])(f: List[A] => B): B =
try f(resources) finally resources.foreach(_.close())
using(List(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in.txt")), new PrintWriter("out.txt"))) {
case List(in: BufferedReader, out: PrintWriter) => out.println(in.readLine())
Of course the down side is you have to type out the types BufferedReader and PrintWrter in the using block. You might be able to add some magic so that you just need List(in, out) by using multiple ORed type bounds for type A in using.
By defining some pretty hacky and dangerous implicit conversions you can get around having to type List (and another way to get around specifying types for the resources), but I haven't documented the detail as it's too dangerous IMO.
here is my solution to the resource management in Scala:
def withResources[T <: AutoCloseable, V](r: => T)(f: T => V): V = {
val resource: T = r
require(resource != null, "resource is null")
var exception: Throwable = null
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
exception = e
throw e
} finally {
closeAndAddSuppressed(exception, resource)
private def closeAndAddSuppressed(e: Throwable,
resource: AutoCloseable): Unit = {
if (e != null) {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(suppressed) =>
} else {
I used this in multiple Scala apps including managing resources in Spark executors. and one should be aware that we are other even better ways to manage resource like in CatsIO: if you are ok with pure FP in Scala.
to answer your last question, you can definitely nest the resource like this:
withResource(r: File)(
r => {
withResource(a: File)(
anotherR => {
this way, not just that those resources are protected from leaking, they will also be released in the correct order(like stack). same behaviour like the Resource Monad from CatsIO.