Expect script output at Perl console - perl

I have a exp script -script.exp to enter a name and password. it calls test.sh file like below.
set timeout -1
spawn ./test.sh -create
match_max 100000
expect -exact "Enter the name: "
send -- "abcd\r"
expect -exact "\r
Please confirm password: "
send -- "xxy\r"
expect -exact "\r
expect eof
It gives me a output at expect window -
"Successfully entered the name"
if some issue there it throws exception or error message.
I run this expect script in a Perl file-- like below
$cmd="expect script.exp";
I need a output of fail or passed status of exp at Perl console after running the script.
How can i do this? Please help me.
I tried calling as suggested in my Perl script--
use strict;
use warnings;
sub sysrun {
my ($command) ="expect script.exp";
my $ret_code;
$ret_code = system("$command");
if ( $ret_code == 0 ) {
# Job suceeded
$ret_code = 1;
else {
# Job Failed
$ret_code = 0;
return ($ret_code);
my $ret_code=sysrun();
print "reuturmsfg- $ret_code\n";
But its printing nothing-- just reuturmsfg-.
I made the changes-
my $ret_code=sysrun();
it gives me 0 and 1 return code.

If I understand the question correctly, to get the return code you want to do:
my $ret_code = $?;
To get STDOUT output from the execution:
my #out = `$cmd`;
my $ret_code = $?;
I strongly suggest using strict and warnings in your code.


Querying Perl Output

I need to query on the 2nd line which I am seeing in the output. I need to check if the command returns on "Listener LISTENER is running on" and provide the desired output. My code is able to read the first line and not the second line which I need to verify. Please advise.
Added a While statement so it can read the 2nd line, did not work.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $cmd="srvctl status listener";
my $listenerstatus0;
my $msg0;
my $msg1;
open(Row1Stat,"$cmd |") || die ("Could not read the pipe\n");
$listenerstatus0 = <Row1Stat>;
if( $listenerstatus0 =~ m/Listener LISTENER is running/)
$msg0="LISTENER is running";
elsif ($listenerstatus0 =~ m/Listener LISTENER is not running/) {
$msg0 = "LISTENER is not running";
$msg1 = 0;
else {
$msg0 = "Unable to Query LISTENER Status";
$msg1 = 0;
print "\nStatistic.Name1:$msg1";
print "\nMessage.Name1:$msg0";
Below is the Output of the command, I need to check the 2nd line.
srvctl status listener
Listener LISTENER is enabled
Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): XYZ
The script needs to check "Listener LISTENER is running " and exit out with the exit code as defined in the script.
If you want to read two lines you shouldn't stop reading after the first:
open(Row1Stat,"$cmd |") || die ("Could not read the pipe\n");
$ignorethis= <Row1Stat>; # Read 1st line
$listenerstatus0 = <Row1Stat>; # Read 2nd line

Sybase Warning messages from perl DBI

I am connecting to sybase 12 from a perl script and calling storedprocs, I get the following warnings
DBD::Sybase::db prepare failed: Server message number=2401 severity=11 state=2 line=0 server=SERVER_NAME text=Character
set conversion is not available between client character set 'utf8' and server character set 'iso_1'.
Server message number=2411 severity=10 state=1 line=0 server=SERVER_NAME text=No conversions will be done.
at line 210.
Now, I understand these are only warnings, and my process works perfectly fine, but I am calling my stored proc in a loop and throughout the day and hence it creates a lot of warning message in my log files which causes the entire process to run a bit slower than expected. Can someone help me how can i suppress these please?
You can use a callback to handle the messages you want ignored. See the DBD::Sybase docs. The below is derived from the docs. You specify the message numbers you would like to ignore.
%blocked_msgs = map { $_ => 1 } ( 2401, 2411 );
sub err_handler {
my($err, $sev, $state, $line, $server, $proc, $msg, $sql, $err_type) = #_;
if ( exists $blocked_msgs{$err} ) { # it's a blocked message
return 0; # This is not an error
return 1;
This is how you might use it:
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Sybase:server=troll', 'sa', '');
$dbh->{syb_err_handler} = \&err_handler;
$dbh->do("exec someproc");

Examples from Net::RabbitMQ not working

I'm trying to learn RabbitMQ for a project I'm working on. My research showed two libraries to use, Net::RabbitMQ and AnyEvent::RabbitMQ. AnyEvent::RabbitMQ seems overly baroque for my needs but Net::RabbitMQ does not appear to work as the examples show it should.
Below is some example code I found, it matches what I saw in the POD, but it isn't working.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::RabbitMQ;
# closure to return a new channel ID every time we call nextchan
my $nextchan = 1;
sub nextchan { return $nextchan++ }
### BEGIN CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS ######################################
my $qserver = q{xx.xx.xx.xx};
my %qparms = ();
my $qname = q{gravity.checks};
my $message = q{Test injection};
my $mq = Net::RabbitMQ->new();
my $chanID = nextchan();
$message .= " " . scalar(localtime);
print STDERR qq{Will try to send message "$message" through channel $chanID};
$mq->connect( $qserver, %qparms );
It errors out :
$. / send . pl
Will try to send message "Test injection Fri Nov 14 06:50:44 2014" through channel 1 Usage : Net::RabbitMQ::connect( conn, hostname, options ) at . /send.pl line 28.
The problem is that the %qparams need to be passed by reference and not directly. The change line 28 to :
$mq->connect($qserver, \%qparms) ;
Solved my problem.
It doesn't error out. It prints to STDERR without checking if an error occured. It says I'll try and then it does:
$mq->connect( $qserver, %qparms );
This is just an information, not an error.

if condition using telnet in perl not working

I'm trying to use if condition to check if command has passed, but its not working. Even though the mount has been successful it goes to failed message. When i enter this command, it retruns to the prompt without any message, hence i'm comparing with a "". And when i do a "ls" of destination folder, it shows all contents of source folder. Any help? Is my if condition correct?
my $port = new Net::Telnet->new(Host=>$ip,Port=>$ip_port,Timeout => "$timeout", Dump_Log => "dumplog.log", Errmode=> "return" );
if($port->cmd("mount -t nfs -o nolock <path-of-source-folder> <destination-folder>") eq "")
print "Successful\n";
print "Failed.\n ";
In scalar context, the Net::Telnet cmd method returns 1 on success (not a string). Your check should be something like:
if ($port->cmd("mount -t nfs -o nolock <path-of-source-folder> <destination-folder>") == 1)
print "Successful\n";
} else {
print "Failed.\n";
If you actually want to collect the output from the mount command and inspect it, you will have to either call it in list context or pass a stringref argument, like so:
my #outlines = $port->cmd("mount ...");
my $out;
my $ret = $port->cmd("mount ...", [Output => \$out]);
if ($ret == 1)
# inspect $out
See the Net::Telnet documentation for more.
Your check for the result seems to be wrong. The documenation of Net::Telnet says that
This method sends the command $string, and reads the characters sent back by the command up until and including the matching prompt. It's assumed that the program to which you're sending is some kind of command prompting interpreter such as a shell.
The command $string is automatically appended with the output_record_separator, by default it is "\n". This is similar to someone typing a command and hitting the return key. Set the output_record_separator to change this behavior.
In a scalar context, the characters read from the remote side are discarded and 1 is returned on success.
So you need to check in a scalar context
if ($port->cmd("..") ) {

What does this perl crash means?

Can someone tell me what this means?
if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
die "no crontab defined!";
I want to open a file crontab.txt but the perl script crashes at this line and I don't really know any perl.
It goes like this:
sub main()
my %config = %{getCommandLineOptions()};
my $programdir = File::Spec->canonpath ( (fileparse ( Win32::GetFullPathName($PROGRAM_NAME) ))[1] );
my $logdir = File::Spec->catdir ($programdir, 'logs');
$logfile = File::Spec->catfile ($logdir, 'cronw.log');
$log = get_logger("cronw::cronService-pl");
# if --exec option supplied, we are being invoked to execute a job
if ($config{exec}) {
execJob(decodeArgs($config{exec}), decodeArgs($config{args}));
my $cronfile = $config{'crontab'};
$log->info('starting service');
$log->debug('programdir: '.$programdir);
$log->debug('logfile: '.$logfile);
if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
$log->error("no crontab defined!\n");
die "no crontab defined!";
# fixme: crontab detection?
$log->debug('crontab: '.$config{'crontab'});
And I'm trying to load this 'crontab.txt' file...
sub getCommandLineOptions()
my $clParser = new Getopt::Long::Parser config => ["gnu_getopt", "pass_through"];
my %config = ();
my #parameter = ( 'crontab|cronfile=s',
$clParser->getoptions (\%config, #parameter);
if (scalar (#ARGV) != 0) { $config{'unknownParameter'} = $true; }
return \%config;
Probably I have to give the script an argument
Probably I have to give the script an argument
I would say so.
$ script --cronfile=somefile
That code looks to see whether there is a key 'crontab' in the hash %config. If not, then it calls die and terminates.
If that's not what you expect to happen, then somewhere else in your script there should be something that is setting $config{'crontab'}, but there is not currently enough information in your question to determine what that might be.
Probably the file path of crontab.txt is expected in %config hash, pointed by the 'crontab' key, but isn't there! If so, a DIRTY solution CAN BE:
#if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
# die "no crontab defined!";
but this may not work because there is something like $config{'prefix'} and what you will try to open is the path represented by the concatenation of both, or just because in $config{'crontab'} is expected any other value than full path!