Examples from Net::RabbitMQ not working - perl

I'm trying to learn RabbitMQ for a project I'm working on. My research showed two libraries to use, Net::RabbitMQ and AnyEvent::RabbitMQ. AnyEvent::RabbitMQ seems overly baroque for my needs but Net::RabbitMQ does not appear to work as the examples show it should.
Below is some example code I found, it matches what I saw in the POD, but it isn't working.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::RabbitMQ;
# closure to return a new channel ID every time we call nextchan
my $nextchan = 1;
sub nextchan { return $nextchan++ }
### BEGIN CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS ######################################
my $qserver = q{xx.xx.xx.xx};
my %qparms = ();
my $qname = q{gravity.checks};
my $message = q{Test injection};
my $mq = Net::RabbitMQ->new();
my $chanID = nextchan();
$message .= " " . scalar(localtime);
print STDERR qq{Will try to send message "$message" through channel $chanID};
$mq->connect( $qserver, %qparms );
It errors out :
$. / send . pl
Will try to send message "Test injection Fri Nov 14 06:50:44 2014" through channel 1 Usage : Net::RabbitMQ::connect( conn, hostname, options ) at . /send.pl line 28.

The problem is that the %qparams need to be passed by reference and not directly. The change line 28 to :
$mq->connect($qserver, \%qparms) ;
Solved my problem.

It doesn't error out. It prints to STDERR without checking if an error occured. It says I'll try and then it does:
$mq->connect( $qserver, %qparms );
This is just an information, not an error.


"sh: 1: file: not found" thrown in Perl

So this is an issue I see thrown around on several coding help-sites that always have a slight variation. I'm not entirely familiar with what it means, and what's even more curious is that this error is thrown midway through a larger Upload.pm script, and does not cause any sort of fatal error. It gets tossed into my error log somewhere during this unless conditional snippet
# If this is the first slice, validate the file extension and mime-type. Mime-type of following slices should be "application/octet-stream".
unless ( defined $response{'error'} ) {
if ( $slice->{'index'} == 1 ) {
my ($filename, $directory, $extension) = fileparse($path.$parent_file, qr/\.[^.]*/);
unless ( is_valid_filetype($slice->{'tmp_file'}, $extension) ) {
$response{'error'} = "Invalid file type.";
$response{'retry'} = 0;
Now, let me be perfectly honest. I don't really understand the error message, and I could really use some help understanding it, as well as solving it.
Our Perl based web app has refused to let us upload files correctly since upgrading to Debian Bullseye, and I've been stuck debugging this code I didn't write for a few days now. I'm wondering if the upgrade depreciated some Perl modules, or if the directories to said modules are no longer working?
I'm testing this in a Ubuntu based Docker environment running Debian Bullseye on an Apache 2 server.
If you need any more context, clarification, etc, please let me know.
is_valid_filetype() looks like this:
sub is_valid_filetype
my ($tmp_file, $extension) = #_;
if ( $tmp_file && $extension ) {
# Get temp file's actual mime-type.
my $mime = qx/file --mime-type -b '${tmp_file}'/;
$mime =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# Get valid mime-types matching this extension.
my $dbh = JobTracker::Common::dbh or die("DBH not available.");
my $mime_types = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT `mime_types` FROM `valid_files` WHERE `extension` = ?', undef, substr($extension, 1));
if ( $mime && $mime_types ) {
if ( $mime_types !~ /,/ ) {
# Single valid mime-type for this extension.
if ( $mime eq $mime_types ) {
return 1;
} else {
# Multiple valid mime-types for this extension.
my %valid_mimes = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $mime_types);
if ( defined $valid_mimes{$mime} ) {
return 1;
return 0;
It's a message from sh (not Perl). It concerns an error on line 1 of the script, which was apparently an attempt to run the file utility. But sh couldn't find it.
The code in question executes this command using
qx/file --mime-type -b '${tmp_file}'/
Install file or adjust the PATH so it can be found.
Note that this code suffers from a code injection bug. It will fail if the string in $tmp_path contains a single quote ('), possibly resulting in the unintentional execution of code.
use String::ShellQuote qw( shell_quote );
my $cmd = shell_quote( "file", "--mime-type", "-b", $tmp_file" );
Debian Bullseye was reading our CSV files as the wrong mime-type. It was interpreting the file command as application/csv, despite obviously not being an application.
This may be an actual bug in Bullseye, because both my boss and I have scoured the internet with no lucky finding anyone else with this issue. I may even report to Bullseye's devs for further awareness.
The fix was manually adding in our own mime-types that interpreted this file correctly.
It took us dumping the tmp directory to confirm the files existed, and triple checking I had my modules installed.
This was such a weird and crazy upstream issue that either of us could not have imaged it would be the file type interpretation at an OS level in Bullseye.
I really hope this helps someone, saves them the time it took us to find this.

Sybase Warning messages from perl DBI

I am connecting to sybase 12 from a perl script and calling storedprocs, I get the following warnings
DBD::Sybase::db prepare failed: Server message number=2401 severity=11 state=2 line=0 server=SERVER_NAME text=Character
set conversion is not available between client character set 'utf8' and server character set 'iso_1'.
Server message number=2411 severity=10 state=1 line=0 server=SERVER_NAME text=No conversions will be done.
at line 210.
Now, I understand these are only warnings, and my process works perfectly fine, but I am calling my stored proc in a loop and throughout the day and hence it creates a lot of warning message in my log files which causes the entire process to run a bit slower than expected. Can someone help me how can i suppress these please?
You can use a callback to handle the messages you want ignored. See the DBD::Sybase docs. The below is derived from the docs. You specify the message numbers you would like to ignore.
%blocked_msgs = map { $_ => 1 } ( 2401, 2411 );
sub err_handler {
my($err, $sev, $state, $line, $server, $proc, $msg, $sql, $err_type) = #_;
if ( exists $blocked_msgs{$err} ) { # it's a blocked message
return 0; # This is not an error
return 1;
This is how you might use it:
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Sybase:server=troll', 'sa', '');
$dbh->{syb_err_handler} = \&err_handler;
$dbh->do("exec someproc");

Can't call method "verify" on an undefined value

• I am working to migrate a Linux server to a newer one from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04
• This server is responsible for executing several a number of Perl modules via crontabs.
• These Perl Modules rely heavily on 30-40 perl extensions.
• I have installed all Perl extensions and the crontabs are able to process successfully except for several Syntax errors caused by the newer versions of these PERL extensions.
• I need some help with modifying the syntax to get the Perl script to process as intended.
This is my error message:
2015/12/28 12:56:48 ./cms.pl 88 FATAL main - Can't call method "verify" on an undefined value at pm/Emails/Core.pm line 438.
# Send an eamil
# Args: enable_clients?, BCC Arrayref [admin1#a.com, ...], Hashref { email_address, email_subject, email_body }
sub pm::Emails::Core::send_email {
my ($self, $enable_clients, $bcc, $email) = #_;
# die('Invalid BCC array') unless $bcc;
die('Invalid Email hashref') unless ($email && $email->{email_address} && $email->{email_subject} && $email->{email_body});
$email->{email_address} = trim $email->{email_address}; # Trim the email address just to be sure no invalid emails sneak in
my $mime = undef;
my $smtp = undef;
# Get a handle to the logger
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
die('Failed to create logger') unless $logger;
# Send the email using the local SMTP server
# We are sending the email as inlined HTML.
# Sending the email as a multipart with HTML & PlainText is getting flagged as SPAM.
my $msg = join(', ',
'Time:' . localtime(),
'Sending Email TO: ' . $email->{email_address},
#'BCC: ' . join(',', #$bcc),
'SUBJECT: ' . $email->{email_subject},
'Clients Enabled: ' . ($enable_clients ? 'true' : 'false')
open(FILE, '>>/var/log/mail.log') or die('Failed to open mail log: /var/log/mail.log');
print FILE $msg . "\n";
close FILE;
if (!defined($self->{_phpversion_})) {
$self->{_phpversion_} = `php -r 'print phpversion();' 2>/dev/null`;
# Generate the MIME email message
$mime = MIME::Lite->new(
Subject => $email->{email_subject},
To => $email->{email_address},
Type => 'text/html',
Data => $email->{email_body},
'Reply-To' => 'test#test.com',
'Return-Path' => 'test#test.com',
From => 'test#test.com',
Organization => 'Testing',
'X-Mailer' => 'PHP' . $self->{_phpversion_}
# Check to see if we are sending the email to clients, if not then redirect to another account & update the subject
if ($enable_clients) {
$logger->warn('Sending email to clients is enabled!');
} else {
use Sys::Hostname;
$logger->warn('Sending email to clients is disabled!');
$email->{email_address} = 'test#test.com';
$email->{email_subject} = '<' . hostname . ' - ADMIN ONLY EMAIL> ' . $email->{email_subject};
$mime->replace(Subject => $email->{email_subject});
$mime = $mime->as_string();
# Connect to the SMTP server & send the message
$logger->debug('Connecting to SMPT server');
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost', Timeout => 60, Debug => 0, Hello => 'test.com');
$logger->debug('Connected to SMPT server');
# Verify we can send the email to the included addresses
foreach my $email_address (($email->{email_address}), #$bcc) {
$logger->debug('Verifying Email address: ' . $email_address);
next if $smtp->verify($email_address);
$logger->warn('Failed to verify email address: ' . $email_address . ', re-connecting to SMPT');
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost', Timeout => 60, Debug => 1, Hello => 'test.com');
die('Failed to reconnect to SMPT server') unless $smtp;
# Send the email message
$smtp->bcc(#$bcc, { Notify => ['FAILURE','DELAY', 'SUCCESS'] });
$smtp->to($email->{email_address}, { Notify => ['FAILURE','DELAY', 'SUCCESS'] });
$smtp->data; # This will start the data connection for the message body
$smtp->datasend( $mime ); # This will send the data for the message body
$smtp->dataend; # This will end the message body and send the message to the user
use List::Util qw[min];
sleep(min(1, int(rand(2))));
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
You don't create the $smtp object (using $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(...)) until three lines after you try to call the verify() method on it. So of course it's going to be undefined at that point.
The only way that this could ever work is if the $smtp is also created earlier on in code that you haven't shown us. But assuming that you have shown us all mentions of $smtp, then this code can't possibly have worked on the old server only. This is not a problem that is caused by a newer version of Perl, it's a logic error that would never have worked.
The obvious way to fix this is to re-order the code so that the object is created before you try to use it. But as I can only see a small amount of the code, I have no way of knowing whether this would have knock-on effects elsewhere.
Have you considered paying a Perl programmer to help you carry out these migrations? Expecting free consultancy from StackOverflow isn't really a sustainable business model :-/
Update: Ok, so now you've added more code, we can see that the $smtp is initialised a few lines before the call to verify. So why are you getting the error?
If you read the documentation for Net::SMTP, in the section describing the new() method, it says:
On failure undef will be returned and $# will contain the reason for
the failure.
It looks like this is what is happening. But your code isn't checking the return code from the new() and is assuming that it will always work - which is a pretty strange assumption to make. To fine out what is going wrong, you'll need to add some debugging output to the two lines that create your SMTP object. Where you have:
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new(...);
Change it to:
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new(...)
or die $#;
That way, if you fail to connect to the SMTP server, your program will die with a (hopefully) useful error message which will enable you to investigate further.
Incidentally, I don't know where your code comes from, but no-one really recommends Net::SMTP these days. It's all rather low-level. You would be better off looking at Email::Sender or Email::Stuffer (that's the kind of useful knowledge that a Perl programmer would bring to this project..
Hey Guys just Wanted to follow up on this problem. I tried all of your suggestions and was unable to get a solution.
However more in-depth research of the SMTP/Mail running on this machine revealed that it was running Postfix, it turns out this script was written for SendMail. Simply did the following:
Uninstall Postfix-
sudo apt-get purge postfix
Install Sendmail-
sudo apt-get install sendmail
All was resolved, thank you guys for all your help.

Perl - How to get the email address from the FROM part of header?

I am trying to set up this script for my local bands newsletter.
Currently, someone sends an email with a request to be added, we manually add it to newsletter mailer I set up.
(Which works great thanks to help I found here!)
The intent now is to have my script below log into the email account I set up for the list on our server, grab the info to add the email automatically.
I know there are a bunch of apps that do this but, I want to learn myself.
I already have the "add to list" working when there is an email address returned from the header(from) below BUT, sometimes the header(from) is a name and not the email address (eg "persons name" is returned from persons name<email#address> but, not the <email#address>.)
Now, I am not set in stone on the below method but, it works famously... to a point.
I read all the docs on these modules and there was nothing I could find to get the darn email in there all the time.
Can someone help me here? Verbose examples are greatly appreciated since I am struggling learning Perl.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use Net::IMAP::Simple;
use Email::Simple;
use IO::Socket::SSL; #optional i think if no ssl is needed
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
# fill in your details here
my $username = '#########';
my $password = '#############';
my $mailhost = '##############';
print CGI::header();
# Connect
my $imap = Net::IMAP::Simple->new($mailhost, port=> 143, use_ssl => 0, ) || die "Unable to connect to IMAP: $Net::IMAP::Simple::errstr\n";
# Log in
if ( !$imap->login( $username, $password ) ) {
print STDERR "Login failed: " . $imap->errstr . "\n";
# Look in the INBOX
my $nm = $imap->select('INBOX');
# How many messages are there?
my ($unseen, $recent, $num_messages) = $imap->status();
print "unseen: $unseen, <br />recent: $recent, <br />total: $num_messages<br />\n\n";
## Iterate through unseen messages
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= $nm ; $i++ ) {
if ( $imap->seen($i) ) {
my $es = Email::Simple->new( join '', #{ $imap->top($i) } );
printf( "[%03d] %s\n\t%s\n", $i, $es->header('From'), $es->header('Subject'));
print "<br />";
}## in the long version these are pushed into different arrays for experimenting purposes
else {
my $es = Email::Simple->new( join '', #{ $imap->top($i) } );
printf( "[%03d] %s\n\t%s\n", $i, $es->header('From'), $es->header('Subject'));
print "<br />";
# Disconnect
use Email::Address;
my #addresses = Email::Address->parse('persons name <email#address>');
print $addresses[0]->address;
The parse method returns an array, so the above way works for me.
I'm making this a separate answer because even though this information is hidden in the comments of the accepted answer, it took me all day to figure that out.
First you need to get the From header using something like Email::Simple. THEN you need to extract the address portion with Email::Address.
use Email::Simple;
use Email::Address;
my $email = Email::Simple->new($input);
my $from = $email->header('From');
my #addrs = Email::Address->parse($from);
my $from_address = $addrs[0]->address; # finally, the naked From address.
Those 4 steps in that order.
The final step is made confusing by the fact that Email::Address uses some voodoo where if you print the parts that Email::Address->parse returns, they will look like simple strings, but they are actually objects. For example if you print the result of Email::Address->parse like so,
my #addrs = Email::Address->parse($from);
foreach my $addr (#addrs) { say $addr; }
You will get the complete address as output:
"Some Name" <address#example.com>
This was highly confusing when working on this. Granted, I caused the confusion by printing the results in the first place, but I do that out of habit when debugging.

How can I use Perl to open the Inbox through the Lotus Notes API?

I am able to open Lotus notes api using Perl, without errors, also I can get list of views that includes Inbox, but when I try to read messages from that view it appears empty? What might I be doing wrong? (in fact it seems like something might of changed on notes side as this code used to work before)
Result of code below:
NAME of View is: ($Inbox) has count of: 0
use Win32::OLE;
my $Notes = Win32::OLE->new('Notes.NotesSession')
or die "Cannot start Lotus Notes Session object.\n";
my $database = $Notes->GetDatabase("",'mail\VIMM.nsf');
my $array_ref = $database->{Views};
foreach my $view (#$array_ref) {
my $name = $view->{Name};
print "NAME of View is: $name ";
$view = $database->GetView($name);
print "has count of: ", $view->{entryCount}, "\n";
Is the mailbox open to all users? You could try setting the -Default- access to Manager and grant it all available roles, just to make sure it's not a security issue preventing the documents from being seen.
I believe it is spelled "EntryCount"?
Also, I recommend "use strict" and "use warnings".
Per runrig's comment, EntryCount is an attribute, so I believe you need:
Try checking Win32::OLE::LastError() messages. You can do this explicitly with a sub like:
sub w32_ok {
if (my $error = Win32::OLE::LastError()) {
print "Win32::OLE Error! Got: $error";
Or, have it croak errors, like:
Win32::OLE->Option( Warn => 3 ); # will now croak on errors.
It may be having problems accessing the data you want.