How to count the selected categories or converting the selected categories into a string array - gwt

since I am not able to post an image. I'll just type the row for the categories. So here is it:
this categories are displayed in a grid
i would like to count how many categories where selected by the user. How would that be possible.
I am doing this because I want the selected categories to be in the selected side in the DualListField

Get the selection model either from the fromView or the toView. Then retrieve the selected items from this model.


How to customize ID value of the items displayed in?

I have multiple items in RecyclerView element, and the IDs of those items are generated automatically.
For some reason, I need to set specific id values instead of automatically generated ones.
My question is it possible to set specific ID values on items in the RecyclerView element.
Is it possible to set specific ID values on items in the RecyclerView element?

Swift: How would you filter through an array dropdown as you type into a text field?

I have a text field where when you start typing a dropdown appears with an array of products that the user can pre-select to fill in the field. What I am trying to do is filter the array as the user types so that if the user types the letter f only products with that letter appear and so on and so forth. How would I filter through the array as the user types? The dropdown is a tableview and each product is in a tableview row.

TYPO3: populate values in dropdown based on values in another dropdown

In my database I have a table named Category. Examples of a Category could be 'Mathematics' or 'Chemistry'.
My database also contains a second table named SubCategory which contains child elements associated with values in the Category table. Examples of values contained in SubCategory could be 'Fractions' or 'Logarithms' (associated with 'Mathematics' from Category) or 'Organic Chemistry', 'Analytical Chemistry' (associated with 'Chemistry' from Category).
I have a page created in Fluid, where I want a dropdown containing elements from my Category table. The page should contain a second dropdown, which will be populated by values based on the choice made in the first dropdown. So if the user chooses 'Mathematics' in the first dropdown, the second dropdown will contain 'Fractions', 'Logarithms' etc.. If the user chooses another option, then the values in the second dropdown will change accordingly.
This can be done in JavaScript/jQuery, but I was wondering if there was a solution available using Fluid, TypoScript or any other TYPO3 related technology.

How to create plist for Uinavigation tableview

Am having the task like in UITableView, In root view i have country list if selected the country it should navigate to next view display the state list of that country, if i select state it should navigate and displays the cities, if i select city need displays a popular areas and then hospitals list in that area how do i create plist for that. Then how shall i get value from that plist.
For this you can create PList as follows:
add independent rows for each country. Each row set value type as array. And values add multiple rows & put state and for value again put data type as Array. And put respective cities into that.
It will work for you then.
there are more ways to do it but in this case you'll get all data in a single dictionary and you can maintain your table easily using it.

how to pass a criteria specific or filtered datasource to UITableview from another view?

this question might be easy but i'm not sure how to do it.
i will like to show a tableview based on users criteria.
user have a checklist, when checked certain or multiple item, the array will check and inform user there is 3 item matching this criteria.
if user tapped on the button, it will push and show the 3 item in UItableview.
tutorial or sample code are appreciated..
thanks for reading
Load an NSMutableArray with the desired items based on the checklist, but adding items when the user checks something or removing objects when the user unchecks something. Call array.count to get the total number of items. Then pass this array to the UITableView as its data source.
Take an array of selected items,call a method,reload your tableview in this method, match your array data with cell text then increase any variable value. then just make an alert view and show the number of items using that variable.
If further any problem knock me.