Here is my problem. I need to use the functions of mongodb defined in kettle source code. As in kettle-5.3 transformation steps, it supports mongodb input and output(in big data). I download the 5.3 version from github, github link. But I can not find the source file of mongodb in the path of "\pentaho-kettle-5.3\engine\src\org\pentaho\di\trans\steps\". Actually, all the steps can be found here.
Could anyone help me find the mongodb files?
And my target is to customize the mongodb input step by using Metadata Injection to rewrite the .ktr file. In this way, users can give the parameters(define the name of the data in mongodb) from outside, such as a web page. Is there any wrong with this idea?
Any suggestion is appreciated!! Thanks!!!
I'm not sure, but I think the sources you need can be found in here:
The mongo DB steps are a separate plugin, not included in Kettle core.
I use the snowflake driver for SQLTools on vscode and i'm connect to my snowflake account but i'm some issues when i want to put some files with extensions .csv from my local machine to my stage in snowflake. Indeed, when i use the command put file:///mypath/file.csv #nameofmystage; it works on terminal but not in the window vscode with extension Snowflake driver. However, others commands like copy into works on the driver vscode ...
The error's message is Unsupported feature 'unsupported_requested_format:snowflake'
thanks in advance for your help
Not a solution or final answer, but a hint - here someone is having the same error, but with the Go-Driver:
Go didn't support PUT in this case.
Based on the PUT documentation, currently PUT is not supported in .NET driver.
Snowflake Driver for SQLTools does not look like a driver from Snowflake, as it was not mentioned here:
Connectors & Drivers
I am not sure how the driver is built, but given both vscode and .NET are both MS product, I assume that it is not supported, but hope others can help to verify.
I am trying to connect mongodb data to neo4j.
I tried with this code "CALL apoc.mongodb.get('mongodb://localhost:27017','test','test',{name:'testDocument'})" in Neo4j.
But I get an error as
There is no procedure with the name apoc.mongodb.get registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.
I had added APOC jar files in Neo4j plugins and I gone through this link
still Iam unable to connect.
can someone please explain what shall i do to get this started.
In addition to copying the APOC jar file to $NEO4J_HOME/plugins you'll also need to copy the mongo specific jar files into $NEO4J_HOME/plugins. For example:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
cp target/dependency/mongodb*.jar target/dependency/bson*.jar $NEO4J_HOME/plugins/
More information available in the docs here
I know this was made 5 years ago but this is for anyone else (like myself) who's looking for an answer.
The URI should look something like this:
CALL apoc.mongo.find("mongodb://localhost:port/databaseName.collectionName")
In LabVIEW applicatio, I want to write some data in a MongoDB.
I found the C# Driver for LabVIEW under the following link:
When i open the LV-project and try to run an example, i get many errors.
Mainly the class of the driver canĀ“t include / load.
.NET is installed on the system.
Has someone any idea or can give instructions to get the driver running in LabVIEW?
Did you create a LabVIEW.exe.config file (there's an example in the MongoDB-driver package) and store it in the same folder as LabVIEW.exe and relaunch? That did the job for me!
I have started installing mongoDB, got struck like anything.
I can understand the mongoDB is not running even though it shows like mongo auto and a log file. I have deleted almost all the folders and i ran almost all the commands i have seen on net.
I need the commands which removes the mongodb completely from my system.I cannot understand what's happening with the mongodb.
Finally I have decided to remove it completely(not even a single instance of mongo).
provide me the best commands which might help me.
Perhaps this might help for Mongo 3.0
and for Mongo 2.6
At the bottom of the page are instructions to remove all files.
I am getting the following error using the MongoDB.Web membership provider:
Method not found: 'MongoDB.Driver.SafeModeResult MongoDB.Driver.MongoCollection.Insert(!!0)'.
I have the simplest of implementations:
Visual Studio Express 2012
Empty Website project (VB.NET) with a standard index.aspx added
Nuget packages: MongoDB.Web 1.2, mongocsharpdriver 1.7
MongoDB db version 2.2.3
Windows 7 64-bit
(All Mongo elements downloaded fresh today.)
I copied and pasted the Membership provider web.config details from the FreshLogic site, and modified only the database and collection attributes to reference my desired collection.
I have one line of code in the Page.Load event of my index.aspx:
Membership.CreateUser("fred124243", "Passw0rd$123")
I get the aforementioned error when I run the solution. I can see that my collection gets created, so the solution is communicating with MongoDB.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Answering my own question... I had to download MongoDB.Web source from Git and recompile.