Why does CoffeeScript not support `==`? - coffeescript

I am learning CoffeeScript and am using js2.coffee to convert my Javascript file to CoffeeScript. One some lines, it warns me that
Operator '==' is not supported in CoffeeScript, use '===' instead.
What is the rationale behind that? Why does CoffeeScript not support ==?

For the same reason that most Linters warn you against using it.
It's a strangely implemented operator with surprising side-effects.
"\n\t" == false
// => true
There are many things written on the topic, but most notably the == operator made Douglas Crockford's list of things to avoid.

Actually CoffeeScript compiles == to JavaScript's === (and != to !== as you can see in the documentation).
So bottom line yes, it doesn't support it. I guess it is because == does type conversion before checking equality if the operands are of different type. This conversion is a practice that has been frowned upon because of its unexpected results and its performance.
There is much discussion online on the issue of == vs ===. MDN docs helped me get a better understanding on the issue.


How to Write a Flutter Ternary Operator with one of the conditions being null (do nothing)

The following works in Flutter, however, I have an IDE warning to avoid "unnecessary statements." I'm sure many will pipe in citing the Latin root of three in ternary and other critiques, and I appreciate that kind of fun dialog, I really do, however, sometimes in a nested sequence, this stuff comes up..not just in the simple example I'm giving.
As I said, the below works, I just get an Android Studio IDE warning. I'd probably be better off to correct it if there is something more appropriate when using a ternary operator
x == 4 ? doSomething() : null
Couldn't find any documentation on this.
Just don't use ternary.
if( x == 4 ) doSomething()
Applies to List and Map as well.
Android Studio at least has updated this check and it is now allowed without warnings. It was a common logic in validators at least, and someone saw the light. So the correct answer was: It's perfectly reasonable and good code. (at least in my opinion!)
The ternary operator is not built for such a situation. It should use where we have at least two options
condition ? doThisIfTrue() : doThisIfFalse()
If we have only one option, then simply use if
if ( condition ) {
The code that you wrote, is not wrong either, but that is not use of ternary operator.

Why do I get this compiler error with the djb2 hash function

I copied and pasted the widely available code for the djb2 hashing function, but it generates the error shown below (I am using the CS50.ide, which may be a factor). Since this error IS fixed by a second set of parentheses, can someone explain why those aren't in the code I find everywhere online?
dictionary.c:67:14: error: using the result of an assignment as a condition without
parentheses [-Werror,-Wparentheses]
while (c = *word++)
dictionary.c:67:14: note: place parentheses around the assignment to silence this
while (c = *word++)
( )
dictionary.c:67:14: note: use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison
while (c = *word++)
= is used for setting variables to a value. == is the relational operator used for comparing the equality of values. Perhaps you are finding the C++ version of the function. Perhaps it is the IDE compiler rules/config.+
I understand about = vs ==. My question was how come i get the compiler error with code that is correct, since it is a well established hash function.
turns out is related to the cs50 makefile being more stringent than clang on it's own. needlessly frustrating.

Why to use := in Scala? [duplicate]

What is the difference between = and := in Scala?
I have googled extensively for "scala colon-equals", but was unable to find anything definitive.
= in scala is the actual assignment operator -- it does a handful of specific things that for the most part you don't have control over, such as
Giving a val or var a value when it's created
Changing the value of a var
Changing the value of a field on a class
Making a type alias
Probably others
:= is not a built-in operator -- anyone can overload it and define it to mean whatever they like. The reason people like to use := is because it looks very assignmenty and is used as an assignment operator in other languages.
So, if you're trying to find out what := means in the particular library you're using... my advice is look through the Scaladocs (if they exist) for a method named :=.
from Martin Odersky:
Initially we had colon-equals for assignment—just as in Pascal, Modula, and Ada—and a single equals sign for equality. A lot of programming theorists would argue that that's the right way to do it. Assignment is not equality, and you should therefore use a different symbol for assignment. But then I tried it out with some people coming from Java. The reaction I got was, "Well, this looks like an interesting language. But why do you write colon-equals? What is it?" And I explained that its like that in Pascal. They said, "Now I understand, but I don't understand why you insist on doing that." Then I realized this is not something we wanted to insist on. We didn't want to say, "We have a better language because we write colon-equals instead of equals for assignment." It's a totally minor point, and people can get used to either approach. So we decided to not fight convention in these minor things, when there were other places where we did want to make a difference.
from The Goals of Scala's Design
= performs assignment. := is not defined in the standard library or the language specification. It's a name that is free for other libraries or your code to use, if you wish.
Scala allows for operator overloading, where you can define the behaviour of an operator just like you could write a method.
As in other languages, = is an assignment operator.
The is no standard operator I'm aware of called :=, but could define one with this name. If you see an operator like this, you should check up the documentation of whatever you're looking at, or search for where that operator is defined.
There is a lot you can do with Scala operators. You can essentially make an operator out of virtually any characters you like.

What is the difference between = and := in Scala?

What is the difference between = and := in Scala?
I have googled extensively for "scala colon-equals", but was unable to find anything definitive.
= in scala is the actual assignment operator -- it does a handful of specific things that for the most part you don't have control over, such as
Giving a val or var a value when it's created
Changing the value of a var
Changing the value of a field on a class
Making a type alias
Probably others
:= is not a built-in operator -- anyone can overload it and define it to mean whatever they like. The reason people like to use := is because it looks very assignmenty and is used as an assignment operator in other languages.
So, if you're trying to find out what := means in the particular library you're using... my advice is look through the Scaladocs (if they exist) for a method named :=.
from Martin Odersky:
Initially we had colon-equals for assignment—just as in Pascal, Modula, and Ada—and a single equals sign for equality. A lot of programming theorists would argue that that's the right way to do it. Assignment is not equality, and you should therefore use a different symbol for assignment. But then I tried it out with some people coming from Java. The reaction I got was, "Well, this looks like an interesting language. But why do you write colon-equals? What is it?" And I explained that its like that in Pascal. They said, "Now I understand, but I don't understand why you insist on doing that." Then I realized this is not something we wanted to insist on. We didn't want to say, "We have a better language because we write colon-equals instead of equals for assignment." It's a totally minor point, and people can get used to either approach. So we decided to not fight convention in these minor things, when there were other places where we did want to make a difference.
from The Goals of Scala's Design
= performs assignment. := is not defined in the standard library or the language specification. It's a name that is free for other libraries or your code to use, if you wish.
Scala allows for operator overloading, where you can define the behaviour of an operator just like you could write a method.
As in other languages, = is an assignment operator.
The is no standard operator I'm aware of called :=, but could define one with this name. If you see an operator like this, you should check up the documentation of whatever you're looking at, or search for where that operator is defined.
There is a lot you can do with Scala operators. You can essentially make an operator out of virtually any characters you like.

How to use Javascript's for (attr in this) with Coffeescript

In Javascript, the "for (attr in this)" is often dangerous to use... I agree. That's one reason I like Coffeescript. However, I'm programming in Coffeescript and have a case where I need Javascript's "for (attr in this)". Is there a good way to do this in Coffeescript?
What I am doing now is writing a bunch of logic in embedded raw Javascript, such as:
...coffeescript here...
for (attr in this) {
if (stuff here) {
It'd be nice to use as little Javascript as possible... any suggestions for how I can achieve this and maximize my use of Coffeescript?
Instead of for item in items which iterates through arrays, you can use for attr, value of object, which works more like for in from JS.
for own attr, value of this
if attr == 'foo' && value == 'bar'
console.log 'Found a foobar!'
Compiled: https://gist.github.com/62860f0c07d60320151c
It accepts both the key and the value in the loop, which is very handy. And you can insert the own keyword right after the for in order to enforce an if object.hasOwnProperty(attr) check which should filter out anything from the prototype that you don't want in there.
Squeegy's answer is correct. Let me just amend it by adding that the usual solution to JavaScript's for...in being "dangerous" (by including prototype properties) is to add a hasOwnProperty check. CoffeeScript can do this automatically using the special own keyword:
for own attr of this
is equivalent to the JavaScript
for (attr in this) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(this, attr)) continue;
When in doubt about whether you should use for...of or for own...of, it's generally safer to use own.
You can use for x in y or for x of y depending on how you want to interpret a list of elements. The newest version of CoffeeScript aims to solve this problem, and you can read about its new use with an issue (that has since been implemented and closed) here on GitHub