Convert mongodb query to elastic query - mongodb

We have an api biuld with mongodb as database. As the data is huge, we indexed all data in elastic search, so how can we convert mongodb query to elasticsearch query? Are there any plugins vailable? Please sugest


Why use MongoDB and Elasticsearch together?

Elasticsearch is a search engine, and MongoDB is a NOSQL-based data store.
I saw a lot of cases using MongoDB and Elasticsearch together.
Usually stored in MongoDB and synchronized it to elasticsearch and analyzed it.
But I do not understand.
Data stored in MongoDB stores Data on elasticsearch anyway.
Why save duplicate Data?
Why need MongoDB?

Is there way to store JSON documents in AWS S3, with support to querying the data with mongodb aggregation pipeline?

We're in phase of shifting older mongodb docs to aws S3. S3 supports JSON documents to store (reference1). Also it does allow basic querying through SQL-like language (reference2). We're thinking about using Athena for querying which also uses SQL-like query language. Is there way for querying JSON documents with mongodb aggregation pipeline?
You can query JSON documents stored in S3 using the aggregation pipeline using MongoDB Atlas Datalake.

How can i combine $searchbeta and geo search in mongodb atlas

my team migrate data to mongodb atlas.
I have a question.
How can i combine $searchbeta and geo search in mongodb atlas.
The $search (or $searchBeta) stage now supports geospatial queries.
Your field that contains geospatial data must be mapped to geo type. Then there are a few possible ways to query that data: near, geoWithin and geoShape.

How much data that Mongodb can hold

I'm using MongoDB NoSQL Database for my project and using MongoDB compass to visualize data. When I'm trying to insert data into the database, documents are inserted at the console level. But I could not see the same data in MongoDB compass. is there a specific size for MongoDB compass?
Info about my MongoDB database: Total size: 36.9 MB and 900.3k Documents

Select a document by id on Mongo or Elasticsearch?

I am using Elasticsearch along with MongoDB.
Mongo is my primary DB and Elasticsearch is used for search feature.
Mongo changes are synched to Elssticsearch using Mongo Oplog.
I have a case where I need to get a document by passing document id(i.e., Mongo '_id'). Which DB is efficient for this query, Mongo DB or Elasticsearch?
If this Id is also your shard key in MongoDb then Mongo would be more efficient as it would know in which shard to look. Elasticsearch will search all of the shards and so be less efficient.
If MongoDb is your single source of truth and you have the Id then use Mongo. If you need full text search then use Elasticsearch.