Why use MongoDB and Elasticsearch together? - mongodb

Elasticsearch is a search engine, and MongoDB is a NOSQL-based data store.
I saw a lot of cases using MongoDB and Elasticsearch together.
Usually stored in MongoDB and synchronized it to elasticsearch and analyzed it.
But I do not understand.
Data stored in MongoDB stores Data on elasticsearch anyway.
Why save duplicate Data?
Why need MongoDB?


Can we use neo4j and mongodb same time?

I am new to neo4j and the current project I'm working on uses MongoDB as database, I have a new requirement to show recommendations and visualize data using neo4j. I have no option to replace MongoDB with neo4j and if I am using both DBs I will have to dump data to neo4j every time to get updated data from MongoDB. Is there any better solution for this?
You can use MongoDB as caching and put all your data in Neo4j, but not a good idea to use Neo4j just for data visualization

How to sync data from mongodb to elasticsearch using Logstash

i have data in mongodb database and now i want to visualize realtime data in kibana .if data changes in mongodb it should be reflect in kibana.so how to implement it ...please guide me to implement this
You could use Monstache. It is a sync daemon written in Go that continuously indexes your MongoDB collections into Elasticsearch.

What are the right practices of using Apache Solr with MongoDB?

I am using Apache Solr 6.3.0 and MongoDB 3.4 for advance text search features. I have successfully, synced mongodb with solr cores using mongo-connector 2.5 and solr doc manager.
I want to know the right way and practices to use solr with mongo and I have some issues that I need help on:
1). Now that my data is available both in mongo database and also indexed and stored in Solr cores, should I now query Solr all the time ? Or should I query solr for text search only and perform rest of the queries on mongo ?
2). Is there some way I could perform powerful search directly on mongo database using the indexing done by Solr ?
3). I have some collections that contain deeply nested json data and MongoDb supports them well. Solr indexes and stores such data in flattened form.But, I want to maintain the original nested json format in query response. Is this something I can achieve with Solr ?
Other suggestions about good practices of using solr with mongoDb will be extremely helpful.
If it makes sense to just query Solr, do that. If it makes sense to query Solr for certain data, do that. It depends on your use case, but if any query can be answered with the data in Solr, it's perfectly fine to use that for everything. That'll probably allow a more efficient use of your caches.
No, not that I know of.
Not really. Solr isn't well suited for nested JSON (even if you have parent/child documents, it's something you'll have to manually handle in every situation and will require special casing all over).
In those situations you can use Solr for querying, get the ids back and then retrieve the actual documents from mongo with their JSON structure intact. In that case you can leave most fields as non-stored in Solr.

Which approach of search is feasible (elastic search + mongoDB) or mongoDB text indexes

In my project I have to implement text search and and have to choose a feasible
approach among the two that are :-
Synchronising MongoDB database with ElasticSearch.
MongoDB's own text indexes that has Elastic Search like text searching
I have gone through many articles that provide the pros of each of the cases but haven't found any relevant document that provides comparison between the two approaches and which approach is better than the other or what are the limitation for a specific approach.
Note:- I am using Node.js with express.js.
MongoDB is a general purpose database, Elasticsearch is a distributed text search engine backed by Lucene. You can store data in MongoDB and use Elasticsearch exclusively for its' full-text search capabilities. According to your use case, you can only send a subset of the mongo data fields to elastic.
Synchronization of mongodb with Elasticsearch can be done with mongoosastic. You can solve data safety concern by persisting in mongo and speed up your search by using elasticsearch. Also can use python script using elasticsearch.py package to sync mongo and elasticsearch.
Mongodb search is very slow as compared to elasticsearch. Also indexing in mongodb takes up more time and more resources.

What is the typical usage of ElasticSearch in conjuncion with other storage?

It is not recommended to use ElasticSearch as the only storage from some obvious reasons like security, transactions etc. So how it is usually used together with other database?
Say, I want to store some documents in MongoDB and be able to effectively search by some of their properties. What I'd do would be to store full document in Mongo as usual and then trigger insertion to ElasticSearch but I'd insert only searchable properties plus MongoDB ObjectID there. Then I can search using ElasticSearch and having ObjectID found, go to Mongo and fetch whole documents.
Is this correct usage of ElasticSearch? I don't want to duplicate whole data as I have them already in Mongo.
The best practice is for now to duplicate documents in ES.
The cool thing here is that when you search, you don't have to return to your database to fetch content as ES provide it in only one single call.
You have everything with ES Search Response to display results to your user.
My 2 cents.
You may like to use mongodb river take a look at this post
There are more issue then the size of the data you store or index, you might like to have MongoDB as a backup with "near real time" query for inserted data. and as a queue for the data to indexed (you may like to use mongodb as cluster with the relevant write concern suited for you application