.bindpopup function is not working for displaying a large amount of points onto a map (Leaflet) - mongodb

I am trying to make use of the bindpopup function to display more than 100 points on a map, but the function is not working as expected. The points are added without any error on the map but when it comes to adding the .bindpopup function, no map is being rendered, blank screen. The code below is when i am looping into an array to retrieve the coordinates for display and their corresponding information placed into a popup.
foreach($result[$i] as $r){
$info = "";
foreach($r->info as $eachInfo){
$info .= $eachInfo . "<br/>";
echo "
var mark = L.marker([" . $r->coordinates[0]->longitude . "," . $r->coordinates[0]->latitude . "]);
var popup = L.popup().setContent('".$info."');
If i remove/comment the popup part above, i get all the points being displayed on the map, the problem occurs when there is a large number of points to be displayed (above 100 possibly) while using the .bindpopup function
Is there a solution to overcome this particular problem?
Thanks for helping

First off make sure the problem isn't in your PHP script by making sure error_reporting and display_errors are turned on, see:
If there's no problem then you'll come to find out that the problem isn't in the amount of markers, you can easily test that by setting a static text as popup content:
var popup = L.popup().setContent('Test one two!');
You'll see that works. You'll come to find out that somewhere in one (or more) of your $info entries there's a single quote '; That will render your output javascript like this:
var popup = L.popup().setContent('OMG here's an error!');
That will fail horribly. The solution here is too escape all the single quotes in the $info strings. How you do that depends on the contents of $info entries but there is more than enough to be found on SO like here for instance:
How to escape only single quotes?
Offtopic tip:
You don't need to create a seperate popup if you're doing nothing else than setting it's contents, you can just use bindPopup on the marker object and it will do that for you:
var mark = L.marker([" . $r->coordinates[0]->longitude . "," . $r->coordinates[0]->latitude . "])
Reference: http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#marker-bindpopup


PERL | Not getting the value after second submit

I'm doing an tool with Perl that actually verifies a status in the database and if necessary it gets the properly queries and after confirmation it updates the value.
The page has three possible contents:
If the query that will be used is already filled it updates and returns the status.
If only the serial that the user input is filled it generates the query and then asks for confirmation.
If none of those 2 variables are already filled it goes to the main form where the user can submit the serial.
The problem that I'm facing is that after it generates the $final_query and shows up for confirmation, when I click the Confirm button it reloads the page but it pass directly through the if($final_query) and even the elseif that verifies if the $serial_no is already set.
Does Perl really lose those values if I perform a second submit or am I doing something wrong?
I'd love to have some explanation about it because it's the second time that I'm doing something with that language.
Thanks in advance!
I chopped the code to show where it defines the $final_query but I kept the structure to help in the understanding.
The full code is available at http://pastebin.com/6NqhbVau
if ($final_query) {
$content = "<h1>first if</h1>";
#updateESNDatabase($database, $final_query);
#it only enters here if the user type the ESN
}elsif ($serial_no) {
#selects the database
switch(checkUpdateNeeded($database, $serial_no)) {
case 0 {
#Shows that the updates are no needed
case 1 {
$final_query = `cat $query1`;
$final_query =~ s/SERIALNUM/$serial_no/g;
$final_query =~ s/LOGINID/$login_id/g;
$content = $cgi->start_form .
"<center>" .
"<h3> Please double check the queries below before you update on database </h3>" .
"</center>" .
$cgi->submit("Confirm") . $cgi->end_form;
$content .= $final_query;
case 2 {
#Makes almost the same as the first case, it only uses a different file to generate the query.
} else {
#Generates the first page, where the users inputs information
I figured out how to perform this.
As per my analysis I cannot simply create a variable and pass it through the cgi form.
To workaround this what I've done is create a hidden input in HTML and then send the variable through it.
<input type='hidden' name='the_query' value=\"$final_query\">

Split location.href for multiple values?

I have a varient that finds the current url and splits it as follows:
var ehref = window.location.href.split('?',1);
This is then used to match the url with a navigation link href and give an ID to the page. My issue is that when our cookie pop up is closed, # is added to the url. Subsequently the page links are passed around between users with the # and the page ids do not work.
What is a simple way of splitting the url at a # as well? I am new to jquery, thus I understand the gist of what I'm 'reading,' but anything I've tried from researching the net has broken the page. I can replace the '?' With '#' but that doesn't really solve the issue.
If you want to get string after '#' you can write like this:
in javascript ,see here
I have been searching for a way to split up a URL and replace with a new URL. as example, YouTube.com/ "user/video" and change it to YouTube.com/v/"video" so I would not have to sign in to watch a video that got restricted. But then needed to use the same code that would grab whatever string I want between two marks. So here we go!
Our goal: To isolate a part of a URL and use it within another URL!
The line of code will be broken up in sections for easy reading
The line of code will be for a web-link, clicked from the browser’s bookmark
Example URL
https: //duckduckgo.com/?q=School&t=h_&atb=v102-5_f&ia=web
The code:
javascript:var DDG=(window.location.href.split('?q=')[1]);DDG2=DDG.split('&t')[0];DD2G="https://www.google.com/search?q="+DDG2;window.location.assign(DD2G);
Variable name;
DDG = duckduckgo
DDG2 = duckduckgo2
DD2G = duckduckgo 2 google
The code break down:
javascript:var DDG=(window.location.href.split('?q=')[1]);
DDG2 = DDG.split('&t')[0];
The first part of the code defines it as a JavaScript, we create a variable (var) with the name DDG
The next part we want the value to be what the current URL of the users browser and split that into sections
We want to find within the URL this string ‘?p=’ which indicates the search inquiry/s in duckduckgo
But I only want what comes after ‘?p=’ represented by [1], which will give our variable name DDG the value of this: School&t=h_&atb=v102-5_f&ia=web
We now want to split the new value we just gave to our DDG variable, so we do a split on that
DDG.split, and this time we only want everything before the ‘&=’ so we put [0] and assigned that result to a new variable we called DDG2
DDG2 = DDG.split(‘&t’)[0]
We now have a new variable with the value we wanted and we will use DDG2 to replace whatever we want in another URL!
DDG2 = School (this updates every time there is a new search.)
Now we want to replace the URL with our new URL + our variable name.
We make our final variable name DD2G with the value of: https:// www.google .com/search?q= but we want to add our value from DDG2
DD2G="https: //www.google.com/search?q="+DDG2;
Which would look like this (https: //www.google.com/search?q=School).
We now want to assign that to the browser and it will redirect to the new URL with the search term.
= window.location.assign(“https: //www.google.com/search?q=” + (DDG2))
= window.location.assign(“https: //www.google.com/search?q=School”)
= https: //www.google.com/search?q=School //our new URL with our search term we started with from duckduckgo, without having to retype the inquiry.
So for your question, just replace the string between '' '?q=' with the first string you want the script to look for, then from that result, change the second string between'' '&t' with the second string you want it to look for.
I hope this helps!
if you want to test it out select all of this:
javascript:var DDG=(window.location.href.split('?q=')[1]);DDG2=DDG.split('&t')[0];DD2G="https://www.google.com/search?q="+DDG2;window.location.assign(DD2G);
and drag it to an empty space in your toolbar/bookmarks, in Firefox, I do not know if this works with other browsers, but if they support JavaScripts, it should work. Now navigate to DuckDuckgo.com and search for something, then click on that bookmarked with that code.

Is there a way to get the original value of a cell in onEdit()?

I'd like to know if there's a way to get the original value of the cell from within the onEdit() event.
For example:
Cell A1's current value is "hello"
I edit A1 it by changing it to "world"
Right now, when I try to get the value from the active range, I'd get "world"
But I would also like to have the possibility to get the original value, i.e. "hello". Is that currently possible?
You can use onEdit(e) and e.oldValue if you're dealing with a single cell. The example below adds the original value to A1 when any cell is edited. 'undefined' if the cell was blank.
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var origValue = e.oldValue
The only code that would come close to this is to use an onOpen exit to save
the initial value. The initial value could be saved in several ways. There
are "user properties". I don't know how they work, yet. I am new to this.
You could also use a "hidden" sheet to save the value, in the "onOpen" exit.
There may be other ways, that I don't know about.
The problem becomes more difficult with an increasing number of cells for which
you want to save the original value.
By-the-way, you should understand that the "onOpen" routine fires at the time
the spreadsheet is opened. It so happens, that the end-user also has access and
can change cell values before the onOpen handler finishes its execution. You may
not capture all of your initial values.
One final thing you should know. The onEdit trigger is NOT fired when an UNDO or REDO
event occurs. The cell's contents could change and you will not know it.
I don't know how a validation routine works. If the routine rejects a value, will
the spreadsheet restore the original value? If it does, then this might get around
the onOpen problem. If it only tells the user the value is invalid, it will not be
of much help.
A really round about way that may work, but is very complicated is to save the image
before the spreadsheet closes. You post all the "after" images to a second spreadsheet.
Then in your onEdit handler you look at the corresponding cell in the other spreadsheet.
You then decide to restore the previous image or allow the new image to proceed.
Lastly a wild idea of using a data table in place of the second spreadsheet.
I am just learning about all of these concepts, so don't ask me how to implement them.
I just understand that they MIGHT be possible. For coding and support purposes they
may not be the best options. But since the current script service does not provide
before image access, it is about the best I could do. You have to understand that this
google interface is a client-server application. Your scripts run on the server. The data changes occur in the "clients" (end-users) browser.
One final note: the onEdit trigger does not fire for an UNDO or REDO change to a cell.
So the cell could change and your script is not aware of it.
I don't think that's possible.
I imagine you could get that functionality by having a exact copy of your sheet on a second sheet that updates automatically when your 'onEdit' functions ends.
Until that update, data on the second sheet will have the former value.
A bit tricky but why not ?-)
EDIT : seems to be the 'question of the day', see this post and Henrique Abreu's pertinent comment.
When you change the value of a cell diagrammatically, you can use the setComment method to store the original value as a comment in that cell.
What you basically need to do is to create a shadow sheet (which you can protect and hide or even have it in a totally separate spreadsheet) and use the IMPORTRANGE function to get the values of the original sheet into the shadow sheet (This gives enough delay time to get the old value that was in the cell before it got edited).
=IMPORTRANGE("enter your original sheet's ID","enter the range you wish to get from the sheet")
Please note that using this code, when editing multiple cells at the same time, the function will only work on the first cell.
function onEdit(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var originalSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Original');
var shadowSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Shadow');
var editedCell = originalSheet.getActiveCell();
var cellColumn = editedCell.getColumn();
var cellRow = editedCell.getRow();
var oldValue = shadowSheet.getRange(cellRow, cellColumn).getValue();
var cellValue = editedCell.getValue();
var editorMail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); \\getting the editor email
if ("The condition you want to meet for the onEdit function to activate"){
editedCell.setNote(editorMail + "\n" + new Date + "\n" + oldValue + " -> " + cellValue);

How to save Line-breaks in DB and display them in View with Zend Framework

I have a Form with a textarea. When the Form is send off, the Datamapper enters the Data into the Database.
My Question now, how to I keep all the Line breaks to be saved in the Database?
In my view I use
I think escape() will filter this out won't it?
So I tried using the below
echo nl2br($entry->description)
I have copied some text with line breaks directly into the database, since I don't know how it is supposed to be saved, but nothing changed.
How do I save it in the Database? I just use $table->insert($data);
How do I than display the text with the line-breaks in my view?
I hope someone can help, because I can not find a solution. Thank you very much.
The following worked fine for me with no problems:
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$db->insert('testing', array('description' => "This is a test\nwith multiple\nlines in the db\n\nmore stuff"));
$select = $db->select()->from('testing');
$results = $select->query();
$row = $results->fetch();
$this->view->description = $row['description'];
// in the view:
echo nl2br($this->description);
In the view I had my string printed out with multiple line breaks still in place.
The escape only calls htmlspecialchars() by default, which wouldn't effect the newlines. But you will need to call nl2br because newlines won't cause the string to span multiple lines in the webpage, that is why you use nl2br.
So even when you manually inserted data with line breaks into the DB, you cannot get the line breaks when you select the data from the table?

MS Access implenting hyperlink like behavior for records to switch between forms

I'm currently working on a Database which requires the following functionality:
For example given a specific project, I have a series of structures which belong to that project, which are displayed in a datasheet view on the project form. I am attempting to allow the user to on double click to navigate to that specific structure which is displayed on another form. Currently I am using filters to implement this behavior, however, this results in the filter being left on, and when I manually turn off the filter, the form I switch to returns back to the first entry.
I am using the current code on the datasheet:
Private Sub struct_name_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
LookupValue = Me.struct_ID
Form_frm_control.subform_structure.Form.Filter = "struct_ID = " & LookupValue
Form_frm_control.subform_structure.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It all depends on what you need to do.
If you want to display all records and navigate to the selected record, then you can use bookmark navigation:
With Forms!MyOtherForm
.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "struct_ID = " & Me!struct_ID
If Not .RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
If .Dirty Then
.Dirty = False
End If
.Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark
End If
End With
This assumes that the other form is open with all the records loaded.
Another approach to this problem, which I find more useful for popup situations like this, is to just open the other form as a dialog and require it be closed before returning to the calling context. In that case, you'd do this:
DoCmd.OpenForm "MyOtherForm", , , "struct_ID = " & Me!struct_ID, , acDialog
You'd then have to close the other form to get back to the original context.
You might think that with large numbers of records this would be inefficient, but it's actually very fast, as this operation is highly optimized within Access (moreso than filtering an already open form, in fact).