I am facing difficulties to run below query. Can some one help me to what is the issue on it ?
def test():
cmd="python /home/shanaka/volapp/volatility-2.3.1/vol.py -f /home/shanaka/memory_sample/ubuntu-12.04-amd64-jynxkit.mem ---profile={0} {1}".format(OSselection.get(),option.get())
f1 = os.popen3(cmd)
for lt in f1.readlines():
This is not printing, Option.get is taking as another command, an error as below:
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
ERROR : main : You must specify something to do (try -h)
/bin/sh: 2: linux_banner: not found
Please help me to resolve this.
f1 = os.popen("python /home/shanaka/volapp/volatility-2.3.1/vol.py -f /home/shanaka/memory_sample/ubuntu-12.04-amd64-jynxkit.mem --profile="+OSselection.get().rstrip()+" "+ option.get().rstrip())
argument taking as new line, so i have remove the new line.
So what I am trying is converting a GRIB1 file to GRIB2 containing mostly wind data.
Usually you can just change the edition to 2 and the eccodes lib does everything else.
Now the issue is that my GRIB1 file has only paramId=0 and shortName=unknown messages.
What the hell am I supposed to do? When I load it into a viewer (e.g. PredictWind Offshore) it displays just fine. Any ides on how I can convert this to GRIB2 without knowing the messages? Am I missing something?
What I already tried:
❯ grib_set -s edition=2 e1.grib e2.grib
ECCODES ERROR : concept: no match for paramId=0
ECCODES ERROR : Please check the Parameter Database 'https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db/?id=0'
ECCODES ERROR : concept: input handle edition=2
ECCODES ERROR : grib_set_values[0] edition (type=long) failed: Concept no match
What my GRIB1 (e1.grib) looks like:
❯ grib_dump e1.grib | egrep 'paramId|shortName'
shortName = unknown;
paramId = 0;
❯ grib_dump dsv1.grib | egrep 'paramId' | wc -l
679 # all unknown and 0
For future readers:
I ended up not using eccodes at all. My solution now involves using PyNIO which worked great for me. It is able to read GRIB1.
For further info contact me directly.
I'm trying to list the folder in aws s3 and get only the filename out of it. The nested unix commands is not getting executed in Spark-shell and throwing error. I know we have other ways to do it by importing org.apache.hadoop.fs._
The command that I'm trying are :
import sys.process._
var cmd_exec = "aws s3 ls s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name>/"
cmd_exec !!
If I execute it by nesting the cut command to the ls. It's throwing error.
import sys.process._
var cmd_exec = "aws s3 ls s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name>/ | cut -d' ' -f9-"
cmd_exec !!
Error message: Unknown options: |,cut,-d',',-f9-
java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit value: 255
Any suggestion please?
AFAIK this is natural.
import scala.sys.process._
val returnValue: Int = Process("cat mycsv.csv | grep -i Lazio")!
above code also wont work...
| is redirect operator to execute another command. so instead of that....
capture the output and execute one more time..
you can see this article - A Scala shell script example as well.. where scala program can be executed as shell script... it might be useful.
Inside a program - not the REPL - is it possible to introduce a string variable to represent the shell command to be executed ?
import sys.process._
val npath = opath.substring(0,opath.lastIndexOf("/"))
s"rm -rf $npath/*" !
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/" !
The compiler says:
:103: error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/" !
Note that in the REPL this can be fixed by using
But .. we're not in the REPL here.
I found a useful workaround that mostly preserves the intended structure:
Use the
syntax. But by using spaces as a delimiter we can still write it out in a kind of wysiwig way
import sys.process._
val npath = opath.substring(0,opath.lastIndexOf("/"))
s"rm -rf $npath/*".split(" ").toSeq.!
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/".split(" ").toSeq.!
The limitation here is that embedded spaces in the command would not work - they would require an explicit Seq of each portion of the command.
Here is a bit nicer if there were a set of commands to run:
Seq(s"rm -rf $npath/*",s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/").foreach{ cmd=>
cmd.split(" ").toSeq.!
TLDR: How can I get better output from pytest?
I'm using Django with regular python3 unittests.
I've just switched to pytest-django for running tests.
pytest throws an error for almost all my tests (149 in total).
Pages and pages with this error.
self = <RegexURLResolver 'project.urls' (None:None) ^/>
def reverse_dict(self):
language_code = get_language()
if language_code not in self._reverse_dict:
> return self._reverse_dict[language_code]
E KeyError: 'en-us'
Which wasn't the problem. It led me down to a wrong path.
I had a syntax error in one of my views.py files.
./manage.py test resulted in:
File "/home/roland/project/views.py", line 20
code = zip(list1, list2])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Notice the last: ] which was the problem.
So: How can I get more useful output on problems when using pytest?
After finding this and scrolling back into the pytest output there was mention of the syntax error. It was just buried in the output.
You can use the --maxfail=1 option so it will stop immediately on first failure.
Also, make sure your pytest.ini is setup properly so that pytest knows it should be using django-pyest.
For my workflow, I usually do the following:
run pytest --maxfail=1 myfile.py &> pytest-output.txt
tail, grep, or search he text file for errors.
Fix and iterate
There are a lot of other configuration options that will help you to get more meaningful input from pytest.
How can I drop into pdb inside a funcargs function? And how can I see output from print statements in funcargs functions?
My original question included the following, but it turns out I was simply instrumenting the wrong funcarg. Sigh.
I tried:
print "hi from inside funcargs"
invoking with and without -s.
I tried:
import pytest
import pdb
raise "hi from inside funcargs"
None produced any output or caused a test failure.
first thing that comes to mind is py.test -s
but by default funcargs give you tracebacks and output/error - what plugins are you using? something is clearly hiding it
for example for the program
def pytest_funcarg__foo(request):
print 'hi'
raise IOError
def test_fun(foo):
a py.test call gives me both - a traceback in the funcarg function and text
To debug a funcarg:
def pytest_funcarg__myfuncarg(request):
import pytest
def test_function(myfuncarg):
python -m pytest test_function.py
As Ronny answered, to see output from a funcarg, pytest -s works.