Google play services | Cloud saved game | Fetch friends game state - unity3d

I am working on unity3d based Farm game using Google play services Cloud saved game.
I need to fetch my friends game state to visit their farms.
Is it possible using Google play game services?? might be a good solution for this. It's a cloud database (with support for cloud logic), integrated well with programming languages (including Unity/C#/Javascript).

No, the saved game data is stored on a per user basis for each game, so there is no way to access another player's game state. There is more detailed information on how the storage is accounted for on the developer web page:


Can I make a snappables snapchat game with lens studio?

I have searched through Snap Chats website and have not found info regarding publishing Snappable games.
Can I create and publish a Snappable game with Snap Chat Lens Studio?
Late answer, but I saw several Snapchat team people who say no, it's not available.
For the moment we can use the Highscore template, or play with local Storage to create game experience with Text (like quiz) or 3d models.

how to use google play service in Unity 3D?

I'm working at my new mobile game. The work is going well but when I tried to use google play services at the game, it didn't work by several reasons that I couldn't understand.
There are many guides about using google play service, but still they are all scattered. So I can't totally understand about this.
Could you help me to how to use google play service step by step?
Or link that can solve my problem.
You may check this link for Google Play Games plugin for Unity. This plugin allows you to access the Google Play Games API through Unity's social interface. The plugin provides support for the following features of the Google Play Games API:
sign in
unlock/reveal/increment achievement
post score to leaderboard
cloud save read/write
show built-in achievement/leaderboards UI
video recording of gameplay
nearby connections
turn-based multiplayer
real-time multiplayer
To use the plugin, you must first configure your game in the Google Play Developer Console. Follow the instructions on creating a client ID. Be particularly careful when entering your package name and your certificate fingerprints, since mistakes on those screens can be difficult to recover from.
check it
-play billing
-play instant
-play assets delivery
-anfd so on

Facebook Instant Games - Can I use the camera in my instant game

Is it possible to get access to the camera in the Instant Game?
I tried navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia, but got an NotAllowedError, permission denied.
Am I doing something wrong?
If not, are there plans from Facebook to allow access to the camera?
It is not possible to use the camera (via getUserMedia or related APIs) in Instant Games. This is not a limitation that we (Facebook) apply to Instant Games but a limitation of the system web views on Android and iOS that limit this functionality.
There are no immediate plans to incorporate the camera into Instant Games, however there is opportunity with camera games and we do support simple game development in AR Studio, such as the Candy Crush effect that was released last year.

Google Assistant for Game

I'm interested in using Actions and the Assistant to create dynamic dialog for a video game.
Specifically I would want players to be able to speak (literally) to characters and for the characters responses to be determined by Actions, just like the Assistant.
Is there any version of the Assistant available that can be integrated into a game? As far as I can see they offer a lot of the building block services to developers, through the cloud, but nothing as fully featured as Google Assistant
Sounds like a cool scenario. Not something Actions on Google supports directly, but if you want to experiment, you could use the Google Assistant SDK to host the Assistant in your game and respond to queries that are meant for your players.
Love to see what you come up with.
It pretty much comes down to which Framework you use when building your game. If you use Unity for instance, you can use API.AI's Unity SDK.
There are also a lot of other SDKs provided. I don't think you really have to include the complete Google Assistant SDK, since you most likely will want to write your own responses (?). Some SDKs have speech recognition included, for others you will need a Speech Recignition framework, for instance Google Cloud Speech API.

integrate real-time a/v chat into construct 2 game or embed construct 2 into app

I would like to incorporate QuickBlox or Twilio WebRTC chat and A/V calling into the same Angular apps running on a web page or inside a Cordova/Crosswalk app, as a Construct 2 game. I would like to have an audio/video chat running during game play.
Can I embed Construct 2 games into an Ionic view or simple DOM element and then render the video chat over it? Or, should I be integrating the WebRTC chat sessions into Construct 2? Or can I simply display both canvases in the same page?
Thanks in advance.
Junior, here's an answer from the Twilio Video team.
We aren’t investing time in Cordova/Crosswalk right now, although some customers have been asking for it on our GitHub project (
twilio-video.js can be integrated into an Angular app easily today. We have a minimal framework test in our GitHub project showing how to set it up ( This isn't a full-fledged application; instead, it's meant to ensure we retain compatibility with Angular as we develop twilio-video.js. It might be nice if we had a more full-fledge Angular Quickstart application in the future, but it gets difficult to support and maintain the various different front-end frameworks (Angular, React, Ember, Meteor, Vue, etc.).
I don’t know much about Construct 2, although it looks like a commercial game engine built on JavaScript/HTML5.
Can I embed Construct 2 games into an Ionic view or simple DOM element and then render the video chat over it?
Yes, this would work.
Or, should I be integrating the WebRTC chat sessions into Construct 2?
This might work, too, assuming Construct 2 allows arbitrary JavaScript inside the game engine.
Or can I simply display both canvases in the same page?
Yes, this would work.
The technique used will depend on how much interaction between the game and the video chat needs to take place. For example, if the lifecycle of the video chat should correspond in some way to in-game elements, then it should be created within Construct 2. If the video chat serves more like a commentary on the game, separate from the gameplay mechanics, then either overlaid or alongside in the same page should work.