Performance of aspectj DeclareMixin - aspectj

I have some entity class which is intensively used in my application.
Since I can't change the class impl, I'd like to use aspectj DeclareMixin to mix some attribute into this class when constructor is invoked.
A quick questions is:
How much performance impact will DeclareMixin bring to object construction in such a case?


Automatic #Binds in Dagger when there is one implementation per interface

When using Dagger 2, very often I'm applying the following pattern:
Create interface, let's call it LoginService
Create the only one implementation - LoginServiceImpl with the constructor injection:
class LoginServiceImpl implements LoginService {
#Inject LoginServiceImpl() {}
Bind the implementation to the interface:
abstract LoginService bindStatisticsService(LoginServiceImpl impl);
Always depend on the interface - LoginService in this case.
Is there a possibility to avoid the #Binds annotated method? Is there a simpler (with the less amount of boilerplate code) way to tell Dagger - this class is the only one implementation of the interface, always bind it for example in some annotation on the interface itself?
I've read the documentation and unfortunately haven't found anything like that, but maybe someone knows some trick which can solve my problem.
I don't think that's possible, even hypothetically.
Dagger can't really tell that there's only one implementation, and the only way it could would be to search for every class on the (compilation) classpath to try to find all sorts of possible implementation. That would be slow at best, but Java allows classloading from custom classloaders, so you aren't ever really guaranteed to get a full list of available classes. Even if you were to claim that Dagger should just match against the first appropriate assignable type it sees (because you know that there's only one), Dagger may not have a way to identify where to find that implementation type.
Ultimately it's going to be difficult to improve on a single-line #Binds statement that identifies the fully-qualified class of the binding key ( and target (

Why not make every Scala class a case class?

case classes have some nice percs, like copy, hashCode, toString, Pattern Matching. Why not make every Scala class a case class?
A case class is extremely good to hold complex values, like entity objects. They are thought precisely for that case, so they provide you methods that make sense precisely for this use case by synthesizing the methods you mentioned and furthermore making your class Serializable and creating a companion object with a "factory" method (other than the extractor for pattern matching).
The drawbacks are the following:
some of the properties that a case class has may not be interesting for the class you're creating: would you want an equals method on an object holding a database connection? Would it make sense for it to be Serializable? And if it did, would it be secure?
all these features are not free: they require the compiler to do some extra work and add to your final artifact size; why having these if you don't need the extra features a case class provides?
you cannot inherit from case class to another case class, which may go against how you are modeling your domain. Why? Short answer: equality. You can find a longer answer here.
Case classes have clear semantics -- data container (much better POJOs or ADT blocks, depends on your background).
Sometimes methods like copy or unapply can have confusing meaning -- e.g. if fields are mutable. Case classes are designed to be used in "idiomatic scala style", that might not be applicable everywhere.
Last but not the least -- technical disadvantages (more code in .class, more code to serialize, issues with inheritance).

When should I use a regular class in Scala?

It seems to me that I can make just about anything using object, trait, abstract class and in rare occasions, case class. Most of this is in the form object extends trait. So, I'm wondering, when should I, if ever, use a plain, standard class?
This is not a right place to ask this question
Looks like you are new Scala
Class is a specification for something(some entity) you want to model . It contains behavior and state
There is only one way to declare so called regular class using keyword class
Both trait and abstract class are used for inheritance.
trait is used for inheritance (generally to put common behavior in there). trait is akin to interface in Java. multiple inheritance possible with traits but not abstract class.
A class can extends one class or abstract class but can mixin any number of traits. Traits can have behavior and state.
case class is a nothing but a class but compiler produces some boilerplate code for us to make things easy and look good.
object is used when you want to declare some class but you want to have single instance of the class in the JVM (remember singleton pattern).
If an object performs stateful computations on its members i.e. its members are declared with vars;
Or, even if its member are only declared with vals but those vals store mutable data structures which can be edited in place, then it should be an ordinary (mutable) class akin to a Java mutable object.
The idiomatic way of using Case classes in Scala is as immutable types i.e. all the constructor arguments are vals. We could use vars but then we lose the advantages of case classes like equality comparisons will break over time.
Some advise from Programming in Scala by Odersky et al on deciding between using traits, abstract classes and concrete classes:
If the behavior will not be reused, then make it a concrete class. It is not reusable behavior after all.
If it might be reused in multiple, unrelated classes, make it a trait.
Only traits can be mixed into different parts of the class hierarchy.
If you want to inherit from it in Java code, use an abstract class.
Since traits with code do not have a close Java analog, it tends to be
awkward to inherit from a trait in a Java class. Inheriting from a
Scala class, meanwhile, is exactly like inheriting from a Java class.
As one exception, a Scala trait with only abstract members translates
directly to a Java interface, so you should feel free to define such
traits even if you expect Java code to inherit from it. See Chapter 29
for more information on working with Java and Scala together.
If you plan to distribute it in compiled form, and you expect outside
groups to write classes inheriting from it, you might lean towards
using an abstract class. The issue is that when a trait gains or loses
a member, any classes that inherit from it must be recompiled, even if
they have not changed. If outside clients will only call into the
behavior, instead of inheriting from it, then using a trait is fine.
If efficiency is very important, lean towards using a class. Most Java
runtimes make a virtual method invocation of a class member a faster
operation than an interface method invocation. Traits get compiled to
interfaces and therefore may pay a slight performance overhead.
However, you should make this choice only if you know that the trait
in question constitutes a performance bottleneck and have evidence
that using a class instead actually solves the problem.
If you still do not know, after considering the above, then start by
making it as a trait. You can always
change it later, and in general using a trait keeps more options open.

In Swift OOP design, how do I arrange a commonly-used class?

I am new to Swift and OOP. For example, I have a class that manages the system-wide configurations.
class system_conf {
This class should have only one instance and many other classes will use it. What's the recommended way for this case?
Should I pass around this instance?
Should I consider to use Singleton?
Should I use static functions directly?
Should I create a global instance, so every other class can access it directly?
It seems your class is a configuration class. If you intend to pass it to a bunch of classes, you should wonder if you need to write unit tests for them.
If so, assuming you are either using a singleton or static methods or a global var, take a moment to think about how you would mock this configuration class for each of your tests. It's not easy, is it?
If your class is a kind of mediator, a global var or static methods are fine (or any other alternative you suggested). However, in your case, it would be better to pass your object in any initializer/constructor of each class using it. Then, testing would definitely be easier. Also, passing it via an interface is even better: you can mock it super easily (mock up libraries mostly work with interfaces only).
So there is no unique answer to your question. It is just a matter of compromises and scaling. If your app is small, any of the method you listed above is perfectly fine. However, if you app tends to get bigger, a proxy solution would be better for maintainability and testability.
If you fancy reading, you should glance at this article from Misko Hevery, especially this chapter.

Is there a way for a Scala base class to get informed when all the derived classes have been constructed? (guess not)

First: why on Earth am I asking this?
I'd like to have a working 'invariant' check system with my classes, and this would allow a nice way to make it happen. Each level could provide their invariants (if any) and the base class would execute them at the end of the construction chain.
Similar question on Java: Running a method after the constructor of any derived class
Maybe this will help: Running code after subclass initialization