Storing two variables image in one variable in matlab - matlab

I have an RGB image which I converted into index image using rgb2index. The resultant image is stored in two variable (as matlab requirement). But I want to have it in one variable for further processing. This is what I have tried. The resultant is black.
clear all
close all
I = imread ('Daniel1_SRGB.png');
[in_I,map] = rgb2ind(I,3,'nodither');
imshow (in_I,map)
imwrite (in_I,map,'new_image.PNG','png')
new_I = imread ('new_image.png');
But if do imshow((new_image,map)) it gives me the correct answer. I want it to be independent of variable map.

To convert a indexed image to RGB use:
new_I = ind2rgb(in_I,map)

Not the most elegant solution but this works.
resR = reshape(map(in_I(:)+1,1), size(in_I));
resG = reshape(map(in_I(:)+1,2), size(in_I));
resB = reshape(map(in_I(:)+1,3), size(in_I));
res = cat(3, resR, resG, resB);
Edit: Modified answer to include rayryeng's improvement.


Unable to save iverseftt image and image K-Space in matlab

I have a brain MRi image in .png format. I read the image and extract the K-Space and set some of the K-Space as 0
img_fft = fftshift(fft2(img));
sizes = size(img_fft);
row_half = sizes(1)/2;
flag = true;
for r = row_half:sizes(1)
for c = 1:sizes(2)
img_fft(r,c) = 0+1i*0;
After this I change the image back to image space using
img_back = ifft2(ifftshift(img_fft));
and after this I cast the image to uint8 as that was the original image format.
When I try to plot my image using imshow() I get a different output compared to when I write the image using imwrite. Also if I use abs(img_back) in imwrite I get an error.
Error using abs: Complex integers are not supported.
My plotting code is below:
img_back = ifft2(ifftshift(img_fft));
img_back = cast(img_back,'uint8');
subplot(1,3,1), imshow(img)
subplot(1,3,2), imshow(img_back)
subplot(1,3,3), imshow(abs(img_fft),[])
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
Take absolute value after inverse Fourier transform and then cast the result to uint8 type:
img_back = abs(ifft2(ifftshift(img_fft)));
img_back = cast(img_back,'uint8');

Save concatenated images in MATLAB

I am trying to concatenate two 256x256 images and save them using imwrite. The saved image is supposed to be 256x512, but when I load the saved image, the size shows to be 343x434x3. How do I solve this?
the code I am using is:
new_name3 = strcat(f_name_image, '\', kk, '_', num2str(ff), '_pair.png');
pair = [orig_im noisy_image]; %concatenating two 256x256 images
f = getframe(gca);
im = frame2im(f);
imwrite(im, new_name3);
Saving the image from the frame can be lossy without configuring additional options. To retain the pixel information save the concatenated image directly from the pair (here Image_Pair) array. Also, the third dimension in 343x434x3 represents the RGB colour channels of the image.
%Grabbing the two images%
Image_1 = imread('Image_1.jpeg');
Image_2 = imread('Image_2.jpeg');
%The file name for the concantenated images%
New_File_Name = "Image_3.jpeg";
%Concatenating the images%
Image_Pair = [Image_1 Image_2];
%Displaying the image pair%
%Saving the image to the "New_File_Name"%
imwrite(Image_Pair, New_File_Name);
%Loading the saved image to see if dimensions are consistent%
Saved_Image = imread('Image_3.jpeg');

Matlab Image Display

Below is a function I wrote in Matlab. The function works correctly but the output displays three different images of different outputs.
function Img = power_Law(Img)
temp = Img;
for i=1:a
for j=1:b
My Question is am I missing any conversions? Why wouldn't the output be a single Image.
Here is a link of the output.
You will notice that in Matlab and Octave operation performed for matrices are dramatically faster comparing to loops over their elements. Also loops will create a possibility to make a mistake.
Let say Img is of size 900x1200x3, then img will be of size 900x3600 because [a,b]=size(img) returns a = 900, b = 3600 as Img is three dimensional array.
Then proper code will look something like this, note it doesn't change dimensionality of img2
function img2 = power_law(img, C, omega)
img2 = C * power(img, omega);

Matlab rgb2hsv dimensions

I am reading in the matlab documentation that rgb2hsv will return an m-by-n-by-3 image array, yet when I call it, I get a 1-by-3 vector. Am I misunderstanding something?
Here is an sample code:
image_hsv = rgb2hsv('filepath')
and as output
image_hsv =
0.7108 0.3696 92.0000
You cannot call rgb2hsv on a filepath - it must be called on a MATLAB image matrix. Try:
image_rgb = imread('filepath'); % load the image array to MATLAB workspace
image_hsv = rgb2hsv(image_rgb); % convert this array to hsv
You can see these matrices with:
>> whos image* % display all variables whose name begins with 'image'
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
image_hsv 480x640x3 7372800 double
image_rgb 480x640x3 921600 uint8
What your original code was doing was converting your filepath string to ascii numbers, taking the first three values of this array as RGB values and converting these to HSV.
NOTE: This example highlights dangers with MATLAB's weak typing system, where data types are silently converted from one type to another. Also maybe a lack of correct input checking to the rgb2hsv function.

Matlab: Subscript + squeeze conveniently

I'm using matlab and am quite new to it. I'm used to Java and other langauges.
Some background: I'm manipulating images, I work with the imread, imshow etc. commands. I want to store multiple images in an array.
So what I do is
img_list = zeroes(num_images, 1200, 1600, 3) % height,width,RGB
and then I load the images with img_list(i,:,:,:) = my_image; iteratively. That is all working fine.
Now I can display the images as I want by doing imshow(squeeze(img_list(1,:,:,:))). I can't stand this. I would like something as simple as imshow(img_list(1)).
Any idea how I can do this?
I definetly am open to change the type of img_list. Any hints is appreciated. Maybe I could do something so all my images in img_list don't have to be of the same size?
Thanks in advance. :)
The easiest solution would be to use a cell array. Each element of a cell array is a container that can hold a variable of any type and size. You access the element of a cell array as array(i) (which returns a 1-by-1 cell). To access the contents of an element of a cell array, you use curly brackets, i.e array{i}. Also have a look at CELLFUN, which allows you to perform operations on each image.
%# initialize the cell array
img_list = cell(num_images);
%# add an image to the cell array
img_list{4} = someImage;
%# display the image
%# display only the red channel
Using cell arrays, as Jonas suggested, is probably the Right Thing -- especially if you want to be able to have images of different sizes. But it's worth mentioning that you can make the simple 4-dimensional-array approach a little nicer: make the image number the last index instead of the first. Then you can say img_list(:,:,:,i) = my_image; and imshow(img_list(:,:,:,1)); with no need for squeezing. That's probably a little better for memory locality (hence for performance) too, though it won't be any better than using cell arrays.
Define a local anonymous function:
% Get image list from somewhere.
img_list = ...;
% ...
% Easy-access to individual frames.
nth_image = #(k) squeeze(img_list(k,:,:,:));
image_count = size(img_list,1);
% Loop over images.
% ...
This allows you to write the following list:
% Process each image.
for i = 1 : image_count,
img = nth_image(i);
% ...
If you have multiple image lists or this pattern occurs often, you can write more generic functions:
function [ img ] = get_nth_image ( img_list, k )
img = squeeze(img_list(k,:,:,:));
function [ img_list ] = set_nth_image ( img_list, img, k )
img_list(k,:,:,:) = img;