Configure Project / Clean to delete temp files - eclipse

Is there a way to configure the clean functionality of eclipse?
For example that all *.sqlite files are deleted if i execute the function.
This is necessary in my project cause i haver diverent temp outputs like csv or sqlite files. And it is anojing to delete them all by hand.

The fastest way is by create a batch file located
For example in your desktop contains some thing like that :
del C:\blablabla\yourprojectBath\*.svc
del C:\blablabla\yourprojectBath\*.sqlite

The clean functionality of Eclipse is limited to cached information and metadata associated with a project. It does not delete free form files.
The only solutions that I can recommend are:
Have your code clean up previously generate files
Use a solution as presented by Ahmed above.
Make use of Ant functionality inside of Eclipse. Create an ant
build.xml file with a clean target. Then click once on the file to highlight it and right click->Run As->Clean. The menu should show you the
different targets you can run.


How to export Intellij project as Eclipse archived folder

My professor wants all assignments submitted as an archived folder and wants the program to be able to run on his Eclipse when he grades them. The program is a simple one with one folder that has to contain just one class with the main method.
I am using IntelliJ.
I followed Jetbrains faq on exporting files as Eclipse-compatible using Files --> Export :
It looks like the files were successfully converted as my folder directory looks similar to what the website. A screenshot of my directory after exporting:
I am not sure what to do here as I am not familiar with the Eclipse ".classpath" and ".project" files that were created as well as the .eml and .iml files. I don't know what to do with them.
I was thinking of just copying them into a new folder called "ReviewNW" and archiving them and submitting that folder. I don't know if that would be enough for Eclipse to run my program. Is there something else I have to do from here?
Additional question: I have since changed some things in my program. Now when I try to use File --> Export, IntelliJ gives me an error and says I "cannot export files already exported to eclipse-compatible format". What if I make some changes to my class files in my src folder and need to export those changes again? I think I would need to manually delete each of those Eclipse files and export again or is there a simpler way?
Thank you!

Is there a way to make NetBeans hide specific files/folders?

I'm working on a joomla project and for debugging/type hinting/auto-complete have my whole joomla install as a project. Is there a way I can hide the folders I don't need in file or project view?
Ideally I would have a project that scans all of the folders but simply displays this:
(display all files under this)
(display all files under this)
You can hide any directories you'd like in Netbeans 6.9.1. Right click on the project, select properties, and select the "Ignored Folders" category. In this section you can add all the directories you don't want to see.
No, you cannot do it with NetBeans like this.
However, you can do it little differently... this is going to be component development.
Basically for every custom component you will need to have a separate project.
Create project with folder structure like Joomla
After this step, right click the project and go into properties. In the properties go to PHP Include Path, map path to Joomla directory, this is what is going to give you autocomplete feature for Joomla code.
Also, to improve auto-complete for Joomla, go to Tools->Properteis->Editor->Code Copletion
Select PHP from language drop down.
Check Also Non-Static methods after ::, this will give your auto-complete for methods like JFactory::getDBO(), etc...
Obviously it makes it hard to test right now, because component is not inside of Joomla... and copying it manually makes it a hassle. Go to project properties (right click project->properties) and enabled "copy files from Sources Folder to another location" and math the path. NetBeans will no allow you to setup copy into existing directory, workaround is simple.
Setup copy support into temp direcotry /tmp
In NetBeans windows, go to Files of your component project
Expand the nbproject node
Manually modify the copy path
If you want something more advanced and runt test's, you can use Ant and create build.xml files. Read more about it on Sun's blog about NetBeans PHP and Ant.
Heres a video that will help u to do the same using netbeans IDE. Keeping yout component file into a seperate directory and do the development making full use of IDE features using the Apache ANt build procedures.
The Ant build file.
The video to help you setup netbeans for component development.

How to have different file links to an Eclipse project (not importing it)?

I noticed when I import a file, the file is copied to the work space, but can I just create a file link in a Eclipse project? So when I modify the files in Eclipse, the files in the linked location is modified. In this way, I can version control the files using SVN. And I don't need to copy the modified files back to its dedicated directory when deployment.
The following is a more detailed description of my problem:
I have a cgi application located and runs in apache. The app runs with diff configuration files for different 'projects' which is more like showing different dataset with its corresponding configuration file. My task is to write the configurations files which will require some perl callback functions, css files and images. All these files have their own dedicated directories located in different places in the company server which i have not much control with.. So far, I just use command line to modify files and keeping old copies for version control. If I can do something like my above description, I will be able to have a central place to work on and do SVN. Or do you have a better idea how I should set up my work environment?
Thanks heaps in advance.
Yes you can,
File -> New File -> Advanced (at the bottom) -> Link to file in the file system
I have figured out a way to conveniently to version control files from different places and can deploy them to the correct directories after modified. It's ....... using..... the ANT build file... I just have all files imported to a single project and use an ANT build to distribute them back to their corresponding destination.
Use svn:external
One drawback though, you have to update your other projects once you commit a shared files.

How To Manually Add Project To Eclipse Without Using Eclipse

I'd like to manually create the folders/files on the file system that create a new project in a workspace in eclipse, and show up in the Project Explorer when eclipse is started and the workspace is selected.
What files would need to be created to do this and where would they need to be?
Please understand that I do not want to open eclipse and make a new project using eclipse. I want to make a new project without using eclipse.
I think you will need to do the following
create a .project file and whatever other files needed by your specific type of project (for example java projects need .classpath) in the project folder, you can find out what you need by looking at those files for another project.
In your workspace .metadata folder, this is where eclipse keeps information about the current workspace, I think the plugin responsible for project definition is .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources , you will need to create those files yourself, some of them are binary, so you will need to open up the source of that plugin to see exactly how it writes them. Depending on your project, you will need to write more .metadata plugin information (for maven for example).
There is no easy way of doing this. Each new project modifies many scattered files throughout the eclipse structure (if you want a list, make a new project and find files created/modified most recently, and/or search for the project name.)
Short of writing the files by hand, there's not much you can do. I found these links in my reseach, but they're both pretty old and seem to be dead ends:
Based on the answers of #shipmaster I think this will work.
Go the workspace and create a new folder as your new required project name.
Copy the contents like .project, .classpath, .includepath etc from any existing project and modify the same like project name, source folder, build folder etc in .project. Do the similar changes in .classpath etc as per the new project requirements.
Unfortunately this is not enough to create a project by just doing eclipse restart so we need to do an import project and point it to this folder and we are ready to use the same now and we see the new project created in eclipse!
try archiving the file .. right click on project ---> export --->archive file(in General section) ..after you archive it as a zip you can import it after.
IF you want to manually copy a pre-existing project to a new workspace,
I have a solution for you:
Copy the project folder.
Paste it into the new work space.
File > Import > General > Existing Project Into Workspace
Eclipse will now see the project you cut+pasted manually.
Why I am doing this:
I am doing this so I can build upon my scrum stories while keeping documentation via working files that each successive step was built upon.
E.g. Story #2 is built upon story#1 code. But I don't want to version them because I want to be able to open them up one after another to do a presentation on my work flow.

Resources check

hey I am frequently uploading my XCode iPhone projects to an svn repository to be build on another machine.
My problem is that when I add resources to my project sometimes I forget to add the resource as relative to the project.
I know one answer is to be more careful (not easy when your tired!) but if there was a way to run a script to check my resource paths are relative when I build and warn me if they are not it would be a great time saver for me.
How would I go about doing this?
You can select all the files in your project and set the Path Type for all of them in one go. While this isn't a script this does save a lot of time over doing the files individually
I think the best approach to script this would be to look in the .xcodeproj file - the file paths are listed in there. If your project is called MyProject you need to open (either by using Show Package Contents in Finder or just the usual cd in Terminal) the MyProject.xcodeproj directory.
In here you'll find a file called project.pbxproj - open this in a editor that won't mess up your formatting and have a peek around the file. If you search for one of your files in the project you should be able to see how Xcode stores references to the project files.
Look for a section named /* Begin PBXFileReference section */. In here all your files are listed, along with where they are relative to the project, e.g.:
... path = Classes/MyClass.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT
If you can parse this file you should be able to acheive what you want - but remember to back up the file, otherwise you might corrupt your project.
How would it be if you instead write a script that asks the SCM if anything in the project is not committed? For example, think of this scenario
Project Root
where anImage.png being outside of Codex, where the Xcode project sits (its path starts with a ../). A strong .pbxproj parser would have to support all the variants in which Xcode references files to know exactly if there are stray files.
OTOH, the SCM knows where everything is all the time (you mentioned up-ping to a SVN server), so why not ask it instead.
We have a Ruby script that prints a warning in Xcode’s Build Log if anything in the project is not committed.