Inherit from DbSet<TEntity> in Entity Framework Code first NullReference - entity-framework

I would like to implement nlog to each action to add an element.
So when I do myContext.Society.Add(), I would like to log something.
I create a class DbSetExtension and modify the context StockContext to use DbSetExtension<T> instead DbSet.
public class DbSetExtension<T> : DbSet<T> where T : class
public override T Add(T entity)
LoggerInit.Current().Trace("Add Done");
return base.Add(entity);
When i launch the programm, I notice when I access to myContext.Society.Add.
Society is null. So I think I miss something with my class DbSetExtension but I don't find.
public class StockContext : DbContext
public StockContext()
: base("StockContext")
public DbSet<HistoricalDatas> HistoricalDatas { get; set; }
public DbSet<Society> Society { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Do you have any idea,
Code allows to add.
If I replace DbSetExtension by DbSet, the same code works.
So my assumption is I miss something when I inherit from DbSet.
public bool SetSymbols()
CsvTools csvThreat = new CsvTools();
List<Eoddata> currentEnum =
csvThreat.ExtractData<Eoddata>(ConfigurationManager.GetString("FilePathQuotes", ""));
c =>
//LoggerInit.Current().Trace("Add Done");
new Society()
RealName = c.Description,
Symbol = String.Format("{0}.PA", c.Symbol),
IsFind = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Description)
if (Sc.SaveChanges() > 0)
return true;
return false;

In my opinion you took totally wrong direction. DbContext is made to work with DbSet and not DbSetExtension class. It is able to instantiate objects of type DbSet and not your own type. This is basically why you get this exception. Reparing it would require probably hacking EF internals and I fear that this problem will be just a beginning for you. Instead I would recommend you to use general way of logging with EF with use of interceptor classes. Here this is explained in details at the end of article Logging and Intercepting Database Operations. Generally this approach would be much more advantageous for you. Why? Because DbContext is just man-in-the-middle in communication with db. In logs you generally cares about what happens to db and its data. Calling Add method on DbSet may not have any effect at all if SaveChanges won't be called lated on. On contrary query interceptors lets you log strictly only interaction with db. Basing on query sent to db you may distinguish what is going on.
But if you instist on your approach I would recommend you using extension methods instead of deriving from DbSet:
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static T LoggingAdd<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet, T entity)
LoggerInit.Current().Trace("Add Done");
return dbSet.Add(entity);
and call it like this:


Abstracting ef core 2 dbContext

I'm trying to make an abstraction over my DB Context layer (EntityFramework 2.0).
public abstract class BaseCarContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Car>(e =>
modelBuilder.Entity<Car>(e => { e.ToTable("Cars"); });
public class CarContext : BaseCarContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(#"Server = xxxx; Database = xxxx; Trusted_Connection = True;");
public DbSet<Car> Cars { get; set; }
public interface ICarService
GetCarResponse RetrieveCar(int id);
void Save(int id);
public class CarService : ICarService
private readonly ICarService service;
// dbContext interface
public CarService(ICarService service){
this.service = service;
// injecting db context interface
public void Save(int id){
... saving using injected db context
// injected db context.Insert(new Car{ Name = "Honda" });
How can I abstract this ef core 2 CarContext in order to use dbContext save
I tried to make an interface IDbContext which is implemented by CarContext
but that way I cannot use dbContext.Cars.Insert because I'm not implementing dbContext cars collection don't have access to ef core methods and properties.
I can use of course concrete implementation but I'm trying to make an abstraction so I can use unit tests, ...
How would you do this?
First, you don't need an abstraction to unit test. EF Core is 100% test-friendly. Second, the only truly acceptable abstractions, in my opinion for EF (or really any ORM) is either a microservice or the CQRS/event sourcing patterns. Those actually add value in that they either fully abstract the dependency and/or solve real line-of-business problems. However, those patterns also require a significant amount of effort to implement correctly, and as such, typically are reserved for large, complex applications.
Long and short, just use EF directly unless you have a truly good reason not to. Testing is not a good reason.

Very generic CreateOrUpdate method with Entity Framework

I created a generic repository class that all my other repository classes are inheriting from. This is great, because it means almost all the plumbing is done one time for all repositories. I put a full explanation of what I'm talking about here, but here is the code for my GenericRepository (some code is removed for brevity):
public abstract class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class, new()
private IMyDbContext _myDbContext;
public GenericRepository(IMyDbContext myDbContext)
_myDbContext = myDbContext;
protected IMyDbContext Context
return _myDbContext;
public IQueryable<T> AsQueryable()
IQueryable<T> query = Context.Set<T>();
return query;
public virtual void Create(T entity)
public virtual void Update(T entity)
Context.Entry(entity).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
As you see, I have a Create method and an Update method. It would be very convenient to have a "CreateOrUpdate" method, so I don't have to manually check for existing objects each time I have to save something to the database.
Each of my objects in Entity Framework have an "Id", but the challenge here is that the GenericRepository works with "T".
Now, with that rather long introduction, to my specific question.
How do I create a generic CreateOrUpdate method for my GenericRepository?
After Marcins response, I implemented the following generic methods in my GenericRepository. It will take some time before I can test that it works as expected, but it looks very promising.
public virtual bool Exists(Guid id)
return Context.Set<T>().Any(t => t.Id == id);
public virtual void CreateOrUpdate(T entity)
if (Exists(entity.Id))
var oldEntity = GetSingle(entity.Id);
The code above has no less than 3 roundtrips to the database when updating. I'm sure it can be optimized, but it wasn't really the exercise for this question.
This question handles that topic better:
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key
Create a interface with Id property, implement it on every of your entities and add another generic constraint to your class:
public interface IEntity
int Id { get; set;}
public abstract class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class, IEntity, new()
With that, you'll be able to use Id property within your generic repository class.
Of course - Id don't have to be an int, it can be Guid as well.

GenericRepository TEntity change attribute value

I am using EF 5.0 and the model first approach. I have build a GenericRepository that has the basic get, insert, delete etc statements. Like:
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
My EF entities all have the attributes Modified and ModifiedBy. Now I want to change this values everytime I save an entity.
Is it possible to modify this two attributes (set the value) without writing an specific implementation all the time?
Thank you
I see two options for you to do this, but they both entail either introducing a base type or an interface for all of your entities to cover them in a generic function. I would prefer an interface, although each entity would have to implement it again and again.
Let's say you create
interface IAuditable
DateTime Modified { get; set; }
string ModifiedBy {get; set; } // User id?
Now you can do:
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
where TEntity : IAuditable
entity.Modified = DateTime.Now;
entity.ModifiedBy = ???? // Whatever you get the name from
(Same for edit)
You can also subscribe to the context's SavingChanges event:
// In the constructor:
context.SavingChanges += this.context_SavingChanges;
private void context_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var auditable in context.ObjectStateManager
.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified)
.Select(entry => entry.Entity)
auditable.Modified = DateTime.Now;
auditable.ModifiedBy = ????;
If you work with DbContext you can get to the event by
I'd like to add that more reliable time tracking can (and maybe should) be achieved by database triggers. Now you depend on a client's clock.
You can do this using the following code in your all methods of repository where you want to.
public virtual void Edit(TEntity entity)
//Other saving to repository code

Why DbContext doesn't implement IDbContext interface?

Why there is no IDbContext interface in the Entity Framework? Wouldn't it be easier to test things if there was an existing interface with methods like SaveChanges() etc. from which you could derive your custom database context interface?
public interface ICustomDbContext : IDbContext
// add entity set properties to existing set of methods in IDbContext
IDbSet<SomeEntity> SomeEntities { get; }
I see this IDbContext:
See this link And then you make a new partial class for your Entities Context With That interface.
public partial class YourModelEntities : DbContext, IDbContext
I edited this post, This Works for me.
My Context
namespace dao
public interface ContextI : IDisposable
DbSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
DbSet Set(Type entityType);
int SaveChanges();
IEnumerable<DbEntityValidationResult> GetValidationErrors();
DbEntityEntry<TEntity> Entry<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity:class;
DbEntityEntry Entry(object entity);
string ConnectionString { get; set; }
bool AutoDetectChangedEnabled { get; set; }
void ExecuteSqlCommand(string p, params object[] o);
void ExecuteSqlCommand(string p);
YourModelEntities is your auto-generated partial class, and your need to create a new partial class with the same name, then add your new context interface, for this example is ContextI
NOTE: The interface hasn't implement all methods, because the methods are implemented in your auto-generate code.
namespace dao
public partial class YourModelEntities :DbContext, ContextI
public string ConnectionString
return this.Database.Connection.ConnectionString;
this.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = value;
bool AutoDetectChangedEnabled
return true;
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ExecuteSqlCommand(string p,params object[] os)
this.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(p, os);
public void ExecuteSqlCommand(string p)
bool ContextI.AutoDetectChangedEnabled
return this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled;
this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = value;
I was thinking also about that, I assume you are going to use it for mocking DbContext. I find no reason for that, except that you will need to implement your own DbSet manually in your anyway for your mocked class (so will need to rewrite your own interface anyway).
Just create a mock DbContext extending your production DbContext overriding the methods that complicate testing. That way, any changes to the production DbContext are automatically reflected in the tests, save for the overridden methods. For any other classes that deal with persistence and take the DbContext just extend them as well passing in the extended mock DbContext.
namespace Test.Mocks
public sealed class MockDatabaseContext : MainProject.Persistence.Database.DatabaseContext
public MockDatabaseContext(ConfigurationWrapper config) : base(config)
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
var dbPath = "test.db";
namespace Test.Mocks
public class MockInventoryFacade : InventoryFacade
public MockInventoryFacade(MockDatabaseContext databaseContext) : base(databaseContext)
There is no IDbContext because it would be useless, the only implementation of it would be the DbContext.
EF team is also going this way with IDbSet if you look at this design meeting note
For me, the real problem with EF when it comes to unit testing is the DbConnection in the DbContext, fortunately there is Effort a nice project on codeplex that starts to fill this.
Effort is a powerful tool that enables a convenient way to create automated tests for Entity Framework based applications.
It is basically an ADO.NET provider that executes all the data operations on a lightweight in-process main memory database instead of a traditional external database. It provides some intuitive helper methods too that make really easy to use this provider with existing ObjectContext or DbContext classes. A simple addition to existing code might be enough to create data driven tests that can run without the presence of the external database.
With this, you can leave your DbContext and DbSet as is and do your unit tests easily.
The only drawback with this is the difference between Linq providers where some unit tests may pass with effort and not with the real backend.
I still maintain that IDbContext would be useless and the problem comes from the DbConnection.
EF7 will not have an IDbContext either, in order to do unit testing they are now giving an in memory provider.
You can see Rowan Miller doing a demo here: Modern Data Applications with Entity Framework 7

Update method for generic Entity framework repository

I have a repository like that:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
private readonly IRepositoryContext _repositoryContext;
public Repository(IRepositoryContext repositoryContext)
_repositoryContext = repositoryContext;
_objectSet = repositoryContext.GetObjectSet<T>();
public virtual void Update(T entity)
_repositoryContext.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, EntityState.Modified);
Now that actually works for all scalar properties of the entity, but all the other entities that associated with properties of entity typeOf(T), don't care that entity state is modified, and EF simply adds new data.
So, if you do for example Repository<Student>.Update(), and you only changed the name, it will find the right Student and change his name, but it also will change the Campus, although you already have a Campus associated with that student, it will be created again with a different CampusId.
Show me please the correct way to do updates in this situation.
What I did when I wanted to follow generic approach was translated to your code something like:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
public virtual void Update(T entity)
if (context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached)
throw new InvalidOperationException(...);
All my code then worked like:
var attachedEntity = repository.Find(someId);
// Merge all changes into attached entity here
=> Doing this in generic way moves a lot of logic into your upper layer. There is no better way how to save big detached object graphs (especially when many-to-many relations are involved and deleting of relations is involved).