Get Facebook name from id with API/crawler - facebook

I am trying to get Facebook name of user according to his Facebook id.
for example if my Facebook is: Mor Amit
and my Facebook id is: 875810135770071
i want to get the name of the Facebook that is: mor.amit.3
Do you know how can i do it?
Thank you
*I am using java

Since you didn't mentioned which language you are using I'll use PHP since its easier and quicker to learn (my opinion).
If you have the ID then this link will take you the user profile:<user id digits only>
If you have the username then you can use:<user name>
Once you loaded the page lets say using PHP (curl, file_get_contents) you can find inside the content (DOM) using regex - dirty parsing:
FB user id regex pattern: /data-profileid="([0-9]{0,})"/i
FB user real name regex pattern: /fb-timeline-cover-name">(.{0,})<\/span>/i
FB user name regex pattern: /URL=\/(.{0,})\?{1}/i
Its better to parse the content (you can use - Simple HTML DOM) and then traverse the DOM but that's more complex.
Have fun exploring and learning.


Bungie API for Destiny2 user: find membershipId or bungie display name by platform nickname

I am supporting an app that gets player game statistics. We have for example playstation or xbox nickname and need to find bungie membershipId.
I look code - we missuse "Destiny2/SearchDestinyPlayer" API, as it requires not playstation nickname (or xbox nickname) but full bungie name including #xxxx (# id)
Looks like before in Destiny2 appeared cross-save function it was the same nickname and #id was not mandatory.
Could someone suggest another API that accepts platform (xbox or playstation) nickname?
Also maybe suggest forum dedicated to bungie API?
PS: I searched alternative sites, for example on "" I am able to select platform "Playstation" and enter nickname "T-rex_on_point" - it finds bungie name Brontosaurus881#6169 and also membershipId inside URL. How it does it? What API it uses?
I finally need "membershipId" id, but if I will find full bungie display name - then I am able to find "membershipId" with Destiny2/SearchDestinyPlayer" API mentioned above
There is no "Other API". All applications uses one API which's Bungie's.
I'm assuming you're making the request using # in the URL which's not UTF-8 URL encoded.
You'll need to encode the URL specifically the # which will be encoded to %23. So instead of making the request with this name Brontosaurus881#6169 it should be like this Brontosaurus881%236169.
Also what language are you using? if Python then use urllib.parse.quote("Brontosaurus881#6169").
If not then i suggest you looking up how to encode a URL in x language.
Also if you're using Python, There's a wrapper around the API that already does that for you if you're interested and using Python.

tweeting using "#" and "#" through tweeter api

I am new to tweeter api(beginner level experience), have been exploring tweeter rest api. so far I managed to read user timeline, followers count and also able to tweet.
However in a tweet, I wish to mention users by using "#" symbol.
example something like this.
This is not working, also the same case with hashtags "#"
getting error as
If I remove "#", then it works and posts a message.
Also referred the reference api
However neither could i figure out any relevant parameter that I can use nor able to find any example while surfing.
For this POC, Twitter standard api is used(Just thinking if this feature is allowed in standard api)
Thanks and appreciate any advice/guidance
This is because of the way that Postman is encoding your request, which breaks OAuth 1.0A for Twitter. You can try the following:
Disable all params in Params tab
Open Body tab and click x-www-form-urlencoded, then add params as needed

Linkedin API - get company ID from url

Is there a way to get the numeric company ID from the URL of a company page on Linkedin? This ID is the one I'll use to query the Linkedin API and get more information on the company.
I need to get the ID from the information provided with the URL, to use it to get the rest of the information related to the company page.
It seems unusual to me that you need to dig in the HTML code to get the company ID you need to use to interact using the Linkedin API, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I know there have been similar request handlers, but I'm wondering why there isn't a handler available to get the company ID like there is to get the profile id from its url:
I know there is the search company handler, but that is a text based research and I found myself with some inconsistent results from time to time.
I don't want to crawl the company page for the ID since I get blacklisted by Linkedin if I do it too many times from the same IP address.
I am aware of these answers:
how to get companies id from linkedin jsapi
How to get the company id from Linkedin Company URL in PHP?
LinkedIn API for Company Directory
But they seem outdated or marginally related to what I ask and since LI API has changed much over the past year, if there was any development on this.
EDIT: added more info on the kind of ID I am looking for. I had erroneously marked #display's answer as correct but unfortunately it's not what I am looking for. I am referring to the companyId that I'd use to query the Linkedin API concerning that company.
June 2020 Update
Most of the above methods no longer work, including using the jobs page URL and hovering over search results. The 2019 update by #rinogo almost works. To make it easier, paste this script into the console. Of course, updates from LinkedIn may case this to fail eventually.
(() => {
const name = document.location.pathname.replace(/^\/[^\/]*\/([^\/]*)\/?/, '$1');
for (let json of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('code'))) {
try {json = JSON.parse(json.innerText);} catch (e) {json = null;}
if (json && json.included) {
for (let incl of json.included) {
if (incl.universalName === name && incl.objectUrn) {
return 'Company ID for [' + incl.universalName + '] is [' + incl.objectUrn.substr('urn:li:company:'.length) + ']';
return 'Company ID not found';
2020 update
Please see Whatabrain's answer.
2019 update
Arbitrary Pages
The solutions provided previously are outdated. The following is not the best solution, but it will work in a pinch. It does require "crawling", unfortunately. (I know this doesn't answer OP's question, but it should help others who arrive here since this is the top Google result)
View the HTML source for the "home page" of the company whose ID you are trying to discover. Search for the string, The first instance of this string on the page is followed immediately by the company ID.
You can verify that you have the right company ID by visiting the entire link (including the Company ID), e.g.
If this approach stops working at some point, please comment below and I'll update this answer.
UPDATE: I'm using the strategy today (7/2/2019) and am finding that the last instance is currently more reliable due to some changes made by LinkedIn. Ultimately, the overall strategy remains sound. View the source and find some repeatable way to search for the company ID. It may take some experimentation to find a reliable approach.
Pages with admin rights
If you have admin rights to the Page, finding the Company ID is trivial. While signed in, visit your Company Page. The Company ID is used right within the URL.
For example:
Admin URL for Company Page:
Company ID: 123123123
Or, you can of course use the API to find the Company ID for any Company Page of which you are an admin.
We can obtain the company id from the url of a company page. For this we must have a valid linkedin account.
Once you are in the company page, just check the url
The numbers given as 123456 is the respective company id.
Hope that you meant this company id.
The way I got the ID is by going to the page, and clicking "View Jobs" (as long as they have some).
Then the URL will have the ID on it:
To find your LinkedIn company ID:
Open LinkedIn in a new tab
In your search results, select your company page.
Navigate to the URL at the top of your company page.
Copy the number immediately following '' but before the question mark.
Solution provided by:
Anyone still looking a solution, please follow:
Go to
Type the name of the company in the Company Name box and it will suggest the name.
Once you select the Company page, click on Get Code button.
You will get the company page id with data-id.
Successfully used this method 2/27/2019.
Search for the company in
When located in search window, HOVER over the company name.
Locate ID at the bottom showing where the URL will direct.
Hovered over company name in top arrow, gathered ID in displayed URL at bottom arrow
I have a much easier solution that works! (15/01/2019)
Go to the company's page e.g.
Then view the source (CTRL+U in Chrome). Search for the expression "company/". The second match contains the ID! Have fun.

Get username field in Facebook Graph API 2.0

The "old" Facebook Graph API had a "username" field which could be used to create a human-readable profile URL. My username for example is "sebastian.trug" which results in a Facebook profile URL
With Graph API 2.0 Facebook has removed the "username" field from the user data as retrieved from "/me".
Is there any way to get this data via the 2.0 API or is the "username" now being treated as a deprecated field?
Facebook got rid of the username because the username is one way of sending emails via Facebook.
For example, given the url
the corresponding Facebook email would be
which, if emailed, would be received to messages directly (if the message setting is set to public), otherwise to the other inbox.
The username field of the User object has been removed, and does not exist in Graph API v2.0. In v2.0 of the API is there is no way to get the FB username of a user.
"/me/username is no longer available."
#Simon Cross - It being deprecated is documented, yes. That is not the question, the question is how to get it and -furthermore- I wonder why Facebook has made such a terrible choice and removed the username. Hundreds of applications that rely on the username to create accounts on their service will be broken.
#user3596238 - You can stick with the V.1 API which will be around until the end of April 2015, by far not the best solution but Facebook might be irrelevant by then anyway.
Solution: ask the user for a username besides the actual Facebook login? - In my opinion, that makes the Facebook login completely pointless anyway.
While the 2.0 SDK will not provide the username field any longer, it is quite easily scraped if you have the user id number (which you will likely be using to access the graph anyway).
The url<user id> will redirect to<username>, which can then be extracted however you like.
my approach is scrapping the username using nokogiri through the user profile.
kinda like this (in ruby):
html = RestClient.get("
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
username = doc.css('head meta')[1].attributes["content"].value
One of the ways could be to access{userid} using cURL and then follow the redirect.
The page rediects to{username}
Inspired from #RifkiFauzi 's answer, here is my solution in pure Python
#get html of a page via pure python ref.
import requests
r = requests.get('' % FB_USER_ID) #open profile page of the facebook user
html = r.content
#search string with regex ref.
import re
# m ='meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/([^?]+)\?', html)
m ='a class="profileLink" href="([^"]+)"', html)
href = #will be$FB_USER_NAME on 201705.24
username = href.split('/')[-1]
Simply change id to whatever.

Tagging a user in a wall post/update using Facebook API

I'm using stream.publish to write to the user's wall and attempted to get "# tagging" to work but with no avail.
If the user's name is Fred and his uid is 1234, I tried sending over "#Fred", "#1234", "#[1234]", "#[Fred]", etc. and couldn't get it to work. The raw string would display every time.
Can someone confirm if this is possible with the API or not? Thanks!
the correct syntax is
it shows as a tag, but it doesn't trigger a notification. Anyone knows why?
Maybe you need follow this: NOTE: You cannot specify this field without also specifying a place.
You need to specify a place with the fan page ID of the location associated with the post.
#[user_id:1:name] - It will replace it with the 'name' which you have given
#[user_id:0] - This will notify the user BUT it will happen when you MANUALLY typing it in wall or comment section NOT through graph api, say for eg., if you want to notify this user #[user_id:0] so you are appending this text in message parameter of api it won't work, I hope you understand :)