Linkedin API - get company ID from url - rest

Is there a way to get the numeric company ID from the URL of a company page on Linkedin? This ID is the one I'll use to query the Linkedin API and get more information on the company.
I need to get the ID from the information provided with the URL, to use it to get the rest of the information related to the company page.
It seems unusual to me that you need to dig in the HTML code to get the company ID you need to use to interact using the Linkedin API, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I know there have been similar request handlers, but I'm wondering why there isn't a handler available to get the company ID like there is to get the profile id from its url:
I know there is the search company handler, but that is a text based research and I found myself with some inconsistent results from time to time.
I don't want to crawl the company page for the ID since I get blacklisted by Linkedin if I do it too many times from the same IP address.
I am aware of these answers:
how to get companies id from linkedin jsapi
How to get the company id from Linkedin Company URL in PHP?
LinkedIn API for Company Directory
But they seem outdated or marginally related to what I ask and since LI API has changed much over the past year, if there was any development on this.
EDIT: added more info on the kind of ID I am looking for. I had erroneously marked #display's answer as correct but unfortunately it's not what I am looking for. I am referring to the companyId that I'd use to query the Linkedin API concerning that company.

June 2020 Update
Most of the above methods no longer work, including using the jobs page URL and hovering over search results. The 2019 update by #rinogo almost works. To make it easier, paste this script into the console. Of course, updates from LinkedIn may case this to fail eventually.
(() => {
const name = document.location.pathname.replace(/^\/[^\/]*\/([^\/]*)\/?/, '$1');
for (let json of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('code'))) {
try {json = JSON.parse(json.innerText);} catch (e) {json = null;}
if (json && json.included) {
for (let incl of json.included) {
if (incl.universalName === name && incl.objectUrn) {
return 'Company ID for [' + incl.universalName + '] is [' + incl.objectUrn.substr('urn:li:company:'.length) + ']';
return 'Company ID not found';

2020 update
Please see Whatabrain's answer.
2019 update
Arbitrary Pages
The solutions provided previously are outdated. The following is not the best solution, but it will work in a pinch. It does require "crawling", unfortunately. (I know this doesn't answer OP's question, but it should help others who arrive here since this is the top Google result)
View the HTML source for the "home page" of the company whose ID you are trying to discover. Search for the string, The first instance of this string on the page is followed immediately by the company ID.
You can verify that you have the right company ID by visiting the entire link (including the Company ID), e.g.
If this approach stops working at some point, please comment below and I'll update this answer.
UPDATE: I'm using the strategy today (7/2/2019) and am finding that the last instance is currently more reliable due to some changes made by LinkedIn. Ultimately, the overall strategy remains sound. View the source and find some repeatable way to search for the company ID. It may take some experimentation to find a reliable approach.
Pages with admin rights
If you have admin rights to the Page, finding the Company ID is trivial. While signed in, visit your Company Page. The Company ID is used right within the URL.
For example:
Admin URL for Company Page:
Company ID: 123123123
Or, you can of course use the API to find the Company ID for any Company Page of which you are an admin.

We can obtain the company id from the url of a company page. For this we must have a valid linkedin account.
Once you are in the company page, just check the url
The numbers given as 123456 is the respective company id.
Hope that you meant this company id.

The way I got the ID is by going to the page, and clicking "View Jobs" (as long as they have some).
Then the URL will have the ID on it:

To find your LinkedIn company ID:
Open LinkedIn in a new tab
In your search results, select your company page.
Navigate to the URL at the top of your company page.
Copy the number immediately following '' but before the question mark.
Solution provided by:

Anyone still looking a solution, please follow:
Go to
Type the name of the company in the Company Name box and it will suggest the name.
Once you select the Company page, click on Get Code button.
You will get the company page id with data-id.

Successfully used this method 2/27/2019.
Search for the company in
When located in search window, HOVER over the company name.
Locate ID at the bottom showing where the URL will direct.
Hovered over company name in top arrow, gathered ID in displayed URL at bottom arrow

I have a much easier solution that works! (15/01/2019)
Go to the company's page e.g.
Then view the source (CTRL+U in Chrome). Search for the expression "company/". The second match contains the ID! Have fun.


building a list in "actions on google"

I'm doing a project where the Google Assistant generates a list of cards about information on research articles. Each card on the list would have the title and URL to the research article. The Google Assistant would ask what subject you wants to research about and the user would reply with the subject matter in one or two words. I have the following questions
I understand that the app.buildList() command requires an alias and key variable. Could I level them as blank or null in my code because I don't think I need them
If the user clicks on the URL in a card, will the browser automatically open the link? I remember reading that Google must filter and approve URLs in Google assistant apps
Any help would be appreciated
You should probably populate the relevant fields for each API call in order to handle various types of user inputs. The key is used to identify the item that is being said. If a list is shown, you will need to use the key to identify which is clicked. The user may click on the list item to select it. However, they could also say the thing they want. That is where the aliases are useful.
Let's say you were grabbing a list of scholarly articles. While long articles may not lend themselves well to voice, it could be designed like:
function list () {
const app = new DialogflowApp({request, response});
app.askWithList('Alright! Here are some articles about memristors! Which do you want?',
// Build a list
app.buildList('Memristor Research')
// Add the first item to the list
['title of first paper', 'first'])
.setTitle('Title of First Paper')
.setDescription('S. Smith, Ph. D')
// Add the second item to the list
['title of second paper', 'second'])
.setTitle('Title of Second Paper')
.setDescription('H. Paul, Ph. D')
In this snippet, if I say I want the first article, it will give me that one without me having to give the full title while still keeping the interaction hands-free. The key will let me identify the article that should be read.
You can use the title of the paper or perhaps the link URL in order to handle it and present a card with more information including the URL.
You do not need to have each URL manually approved. The documentation states:
Links to sites outside the developer's domain are allowed.
Link text cannot be misleading. This is checked in the approval process.
As long as you are being straightforward about it, users will be able to directly open the paper in a browser by clicking on the link in the card.
More information is available in the documentation
You can create list in action on google should have minimum of two values and maximum of 30 values.
For sample code here :

Facebook pixel events call from server

I have absolutelly the same question as dan here - Facebook conversion pixel with "server to server" option . There was written, that there was no way, but it was 2013, so I hope something changed.
So, is there any way to call facebook pixel events (e.g. CompleteRegistration) from server side now?
I can describe situation in more details. Imagine, that user visits our site, where fb pixel tracks 'PageView' of course. When user passes form and sends his phone number, we call 'Lead' event. But then we need to track one more event, when our manager successfully confirmes this user! Of course, it happens on other computer and so on, so there is no idea, how to "connect" to base user.
I've seen a lot of documentation departments like this, but I can't fully understand even if it's possible or not.
Logically, we need to generate specific id for user (or it can be phone number really), when 'Lead' event is called. Then, we should use this id to 'CompleteRegistration' for that user. But I can't understand, how to do it technically.
It would be gratefull, if somebody could explain it.
P.S. As I understand, it is fully available in API for mobile apps. Is it ok idea to use it for our situation, if there is no other solution?
Use Offline Conversions to record events that happen after a user has left your website. Logging these conversions, technically, is very easy. Setting everything up takes a little effort
tldr; check the code below
Follow setup steps in the FB docs (Setup steps 1-5) which are:
Setup facebook Business Manager account
Add a new app to Business Manager account
Create an Ad account, if you don't already have one
Create a System User for the ad account
After the setup, follow Upload Event Data steps on the same page, steps 1-3 to create an offline event set and associate it with your ad. These can be carried out in the Graph API Explorer by following the links in the examples. These can be done programmatically, but is out of the scope of making the event calls from the server for one campaign.
Once you have created the event set, then you can upload your CompleteRegistration events!
You will need to make a multipart form data request to FB, the data key will be an array of your conversion events. As #Cbroe mentioned, you must hash your match keys (the data you have available about your user to match them with a FB user) before sending to FB. The more match keys you are able to provide, the better chance at matching your user. So if you can get their email and phone at the same time, you're much more likely to match your user.
Here's an example of the call to FB using node.js:
var request = require('request')
// The access token you generated for your system user
var access_token = 'your_access_token'
// The ID of the conversion set you created
var conversionId = 'your_conversion_set_id'
var options = {
url: '' + conversionId + '/events',
formData: {
access_token: access_token,
upload_tag: 'registrations', //optional
data: [{
match_keys: {
"phone": ["<HASH>", "<HASH>"]
currency: "USD",
event_name: "CompleteRegistration",
event_time: 1456870902,
custom_data: { // optional
event_source: "manager approved"
request(options, function(err, result) {
// error handle and check for success
Offline Conversion Docs
Facebook has now a Server-Side API:
Implementing this is similar to implementing the offline events outlined in the accepted answer.
Keep in mind that it will always be cumbersome to track and connect events from the browser and from your server. You need to share a unique user id between the browser and server, so that Facebook (or any other analytics provider) will know that the event belongs to the same user.
Tools like and may be more tailored to your needs, but will get very expensive once you move out of the free tier (100+ EUR at mixpanel, 1000+ EUR at Amplitude, monthly). Those tools are tailored towards company success, whereas Facebook is tailored towards selling and measuring Facebook ads.

Where can I find the GitHub ID in my account?

What is the difference between GitHub username and GitHub ID? I was asked for my Github ID for a certain project and I happened to give my username. But the person is unable to find me on GitHub with my username. So I got a GitHub ID from the below URL:
But I'm unable to find this ID from my account directly. Where can I find this in my GitHub account? It would be great if someone could elaborate on this.
Thank You.
It can be easily retrieved using GitHub API:
where instead of your_github_user_name you must use the desired GitHub username.
It can be easily retrieved using Github API.
It can be easily retrieved using Github API. If you cannot use the API answer or from you can go to github --> settings --> emails , under the Primary email address you will find {id}+{user_name} The format is simillar to this:, that 50826640 is the id.
From this answer
If you cannot use the API answer or from you can go to github --> settings --> emails, under the Primary email address you will find {id}+{user_name}
This is at least true if you have Keep my email address private checked.
I have this text in the Keep my email address private explanation, and I'm guessing this will be there even if it is turned off.
Look for 'noreply' in the emails section.
If you do have the GitHub Id but need to find the username / login you can do it like this with the List users endpoint:
Subtract the id by 1 and run the following query. My GitHub Id is 4015237 and therefore the query parameter since receives the value 4015236.
Description for since:
Query parameters - since - A user ID. Only return users with an ID
greater than this ID.
Don't use the ID stated in other answers I tried this and it didn't work and said it was invalid on AWS.
It's located on the main GIT repository. Those random letters and numbers are below the add file button with no description, obviously. Not only that but it's clickable if you click into it you'll find a much longer commit ID. You want the longer one.
Everyone loves completely unnecessary complexity in a platform!!
Step-1: Go to this link:
Step-2 Enter your Github username
You got it!
The second method is:
Go to your GitHub account and click on the Settings option.
Go to the emails section.
You id is listed there. The format is:

What are the "base URLs" for status, photos, etc?

I developed an app that looks for specific terms using the facebook api (search).
Every result comes with an ID for the item that can be of many types like "status","photos",etc.
I remember that some time ago I could surf facebook and get this URLs from the browser address bar, but now with some updates that facebook has made it seems to be all AJAX based calls and it seems like you do not have a "specific page" for each item.
I looked over the web and could not find anything regarding this.
Is there any way I can get a "photo id" from the API and open it like ""?
Thanks for any clue.{id}/picture (by page id) (by page's name) (by user id) (by user name)
after some time I just gave up trying to get the picture from the data provided by the search API.
From the api I get entries of type "photo" but they do not match with the API documentation found at since I do not receive the fields "picture", "source" or "images" (they just does not exist in the results from a search)
Looking to find a way to use the approach of "setting up the URL from the fields received from the API" I could not get any sucess either.
That's one case... I set up a search for "pepsi"... and within the results I got a "photo" object.
In this object I have the following fields:
id: 100002307882828_188072634633218
author\id: 100002307882828
link : "" (this link really points to the photo's page, but is not the photo itself)
object_id: 320417371337648
I used the URL you provided as a "base" and tried to setup some combination that returns me a photo but I always get "Content not found" as result.
The only way I could find the final photo URL is to make another call to the API using the Photo Id as parameter (but I would need to do a lot of calls to the API and this just do not fit my scenario)
If I call I get everything I need from the photo, but this is the "another call" I would need to perform for each result I get.
Thanks a lot for your help,
Victor Reboucas

Yet more questions on RESTful URIs

Numerical IDs vs names
As an example, which of these would you choose for identifying a single transaction, from a single bank account, for a single company:
You idiot, something totally different! Crikey, did you even READ Fielding's dissertation?
Now, I think the 1st one is the most readable. If I have more than one company, or if I'm someone like an accountant managing multiple companies, it's immediately clear which company, and which account, I'm looking at. It's also more bookmarkable/emailable and would prevent 'fishing' for other companies by changing the company ID. I would want transaction IDs to be unique to an account (I.e. Both 'savings' and 'current' accounts could have transaction '1'
A 'company' will be my 'top-level', or 'first class' resource. Nothing at all would ever be shared between companies. As such, it would be the ideal candidate for a shard (or 'ancestor'/'namespace' in Google App Engine parlance). So I'd only have to worry about the account names being unique within one company. Every company could have an account called 'savings'.
Not sure what the situation in the rest of the world is, though LTDs or PLCs in UK would have a unique name, there could be many 'Dave's Window Cleaning' businesses (what's know as a trading name).
The business owner(s) could potentially opt for the top level /company/company-name URI to be public, and contain some basic details like their website, contact details etc, but everything below that would NEVER be accessible by search engines.
So my thoughts/concerns are:
1) Is it reasonable, when someone signs in to add their business, to say "Sorry, 'Dave's Window Cleaning' business is taken. How about 'Dave's Window Cleaning Portsmouth' (Having taken their location in another field)? My worry with this is that, for a more well known company, you're giving away the fact that they have an account with you. Or that someone could use that form to search for names. Perhaps not a biggie.
2) The size of the company name. Would it be reasonable for a name like 'Dave's Window cleaning, gardening, and loads of other stuff'? Thus creating a URL like 'daves-window-cleaning-gardening-and-loads-of-other-stuff/'
3) How to deal with someone changing their business name - I would approach it by creating a new company with that string ID, copying over everything, then deleting the old resource. The original URI would return 404 rather than redirecting - as you can't guarantee someone else won't want to take the now unused name, or even if more than one person has used the same name in the past.
4) Should the 'real' unique ID be an number in the back end, and for every request to be handled by first doing a query for what company ID this name actually related to.
5) The impact of searching for a transaction in the persistence layer.
6) The possibility of URL rewriting, but then that wouldn't work cleanly in GAE, nor would it solve the issue of ensuring company names are unique.
RESTful webservice vs RESTful website
So, we potentially have this lovely RESTful webservice that the latest snazzy iphone/android app can use (delusions of grandeur). But what about the main website itself? I note, right now, that the URL I see at the top of my page is not 'RESTful': /questions/ask is an action. There is no 'ask' resource on the server. It's more the state of the page, the preparation for POSTing to /questions/ - or if I'm editing, PUTing to /questions/{id}
I also note that Stackoverflow has URIs like /questions/362352/name-of-the-question, and that the latter part can be omitted, and one will be redirected to it.
Should I host a completely separate webapp that consumes my lovely webservice (from the same domain)? Do I even need a separate REST server, or can I rely on content negotiation (JSON/XML) and HTTP verb to select the right method (I'm using Jersey), and return the right representation?
So I could have /companies/aboxo/ return the whole HTML page (using if it's a GET /,text/plain or test/html, and JSON/XML for others?
But what happens for 'add/edit/delete' transaction? Would GET / /companies/freds-painting-ltd/savings/transactions/?template=add be ok (or GET ../transactions/352?template=edit), and that would return the right HTML?
Thinking about this last detail is driving me mad for some reason.
Comments, suggestions, outright ridicule - all welcome!
Rails solves the "id vs name" problem by displaying both in the URL but using only the id to actually identify eg:
ie - for the ones that have a "pretty url" the function that generates your path write both the id and the name... but for your router, where relevant: you strip off everything thats not the id.
incidentally, it means your customer could actually write whatever they like into the URL and it'd make no difference:
and your router still just sees:
For a cannonical URI I suggest just /transactions/{id} as I presume the transaction knows what the company and account is. Therefore, #4 :-)
Is SEO a concern? I presume you don't want random folks off the internet googling for X company's transactions?! Therefore, I would just keep names (which may change) out of the URI.