Open "gradle" project - eclipse

I am an Android beginner and I downloaded the DisplayBitmaps project from the following link:
It seems that there are no java files under the "src" folder but i find some codes under the folder "java" and a new item called "gradle".
I googled "gradle" and downloaded the eclipse plugin as suggested by the following link:
In Windows cmd, i have checked that gradle has been installed in my computer but i just don't know the next steps required in order to execute the project. I searched a long time and a bit confused by the solutions posted online.
It seems that gradle is q common but there are not many well documented tutorials on importing gradle into eclipse. It will be great if anyone would share some useful materials, many thanks in advance.

Install Gradle Eclipse plugin from this update site:
(The update site is for Eclipse 4.4.x, put 4.5 at the end of URL if it's Eclipse 4.5 you are using)
Once installed import project as Gradle project. Don't forget to click on "Build Model" in the import wizard once you point to the right folder where the project to import is.
Once Gradle project is properly imported it'll have java nature applied to it and it'll have the appropriate folders...


How to find the execution steps of an Eclipse plugin project

I am using Eclipse JUNO IDE in which I have imported an eclipse plugin project.
When I execute the project, a new copy of the eclipse window is opened and the plugin is displayed in the File Menu as "New Sample Project" in between the "New" option and "Open File" option. The plugin works normally.
From this project I wanted to know which file executes first and how the execution proceeds.
While this is the way to find the order of execution of a simple java program, is there a way to find the code execution order of a plugin project, which has many packages and each package has many java files?
I am new to eclipse plug-in development. Please help
Eclipse plugin project is different than normal Java project and also its execution.
Before jumping into execution steps, I think you better go through plugin project Manifest file details. It will give you overview of plugins that are contributed into your new eclipse instant and their implementation class in project.
Go through different tab in the manifest file. I will brief some of important things for you:
Overview: General info of you plugin. In general information section you will find Activator, which points your activator of plugin which will load your plugin.(You can say it as starting point as it controls plugin life cycle but not clearly starting point)
Dependencies: Plugins required and on which your projects are depended.
Extension: Here you will add Extension Points required for your plugin like view, editor, action,command. Here you can see overview of things which will be contributed through your plugin project.
Hope this helps.

Eclipse Luna - Run Configurations won't display my git Project

Recently I pulled a project form Github. The language I'm working with is C. When I try to run it, it will say "The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches." I can't compile either. So what I did was search the internet for how to fix this. And the mighty internet said I shall change my run configurations and select my project and then run that. This is what I tried - I opened the configurator and browsed for my project, but it wasn't displayed. I can see the project in the navigator and I can commit/push/pull as well. Still, I can't choose it in the run configurator. Any ideas what I could do?
Thank you very much!
PS: I already saw this post (Can't run project in Eclipse imported from Git) but there is no maven option when importing.

How to use SVN to build a library

I am trying to follow a tutorial, and I am told to:
1- Get the source code for the Java EMV Reader library from and build it.
2- Drop the resulting jar file in lib/.
3- Import the project in Eclipse and build it.
I right click the java files, and choose run as but don't get an option to run as Java Application. I also can not export the files as a JAR file. I have enclosed an image of what I have
After the first comment, I right clicked on my project, and under Maven, chose the option "configure as Maven" project. ( Thank you so much; this must be one of the fastest resolutions in the world )And I can now run the project. I get the window in my pic2, which I have attached. I don't however know what step 2 of the above instructions means. I don't see a lib/ folder. And the project he is refering to in step 3 is on git. Any ideas on what he means? ![pic2]!1
Eclipse projects have a "type" and that controls what tools are available. You probably created a "Basic Project" which means there are no compilers or other Java tools associated with it. You would want to create a Java Project in Eclipse.
That project does not seem to have Eclipse .project and .classpath files checked into the repository. It does look to be a Maven project however. So you would either want the m2eclipse plugins installed, and check this out as a Maven project, which would handle configuring everything else, or you want to use the Checkout As ... option and use the wizard to create a new Java project to checkout.
These are more Eclipse IDE questions than SVN or Subclipse questions.

Can't get GNATbench working with Eclipse

I'm trying to get the GNATbench plugin to work with Eclipse. I put the plugin and feature files in the correct places. I restart Eclipse and I am now given the option to create a new Ada project but when I try to do it I get this error:
The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in com.adacore.gnatbench.cdt was unable to load class
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui.internal.wizards.NewAdaProject. An error
occurred while automatically activating bundle
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui (235).
Any idea what is causing this?
This is the issue you'll see if you attempt to use GNATbench with the 64-bit version of Eclipse. As the system requirements note in the readme, it's only compatible with the 32-bit version. I just did a quick test, which confirmed the issue.
I checked the README file of this plugin, it says this is required:
"C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plug-in for Eclipse 3.5.x or 3.6.x"
Have you installed that?
The other important thing is that the downloaded archive file is actually a P2 repository installable file. In this case I would unzip a new eclipse (or remove manually the related plugins you copied over, this is the hard way), start it, click on help/install new software, click add, select archive, point to your downloaded GNATbench zip file, select the 2 features appearing on the avail "software" list and continue the wizard normally (next, finish...). If there is a version problem the wizard should "validate" it.
There was a plugin for Ada called Hibachi, IIRC... I'm not sure where it stands on development or completeness though.

How to build a downloaded a java source code in net-beans 6.9?

I have downloaded source code from .
How do I build it and run it in netbeans ?
There is a Compilation.txt file in the source code. You should read that and follow the directions. It says that it is an Eclipse project. Once you have followed the directions (notably downloading a jar file archive), you can try the:
File -> Import Project -> Eclipse Project
menu option and try and import it. Then, perhaps, it will build for you. I have not done this with an Eclipse project, so I don't know how well it works. It may well need some tweaking to get right.