Certain Soundcloud stream_urls are not being resolved - soundcloud

I have tested the following request on browser and mobile, and I am unable to stream: https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/173752179/stream?client_id=XXX
Is it common for top songs to be un-streamable? Are some songs inherently buggy? The song is currently at the top of Soundcloud's popular music section (Skrillex And Diplo), if that matters. I want to add the Soundcloud API to my app but I am hesitant if bugs such as this are common. Any tips are appreciated!

Some artists have elected to have their tracks only playable via the official soundcloud site and apps. Unfortunately for API consumers, the only way you can tell that a track is unplayable is to try to resolve the stream url to see if you get a 404 or a 302 (redirect to the audio file).
$ curl -I https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/173752179/stream\?client_id\=YOUR_CLIENT_ID
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


Facebook Open Graph Object ignores attributes

I've been trying for ages to find a solution to post my page as an inline video to facebook.
I've tried multiple meta-tags to no avail (it displays the image thumbnail and to the right the title/description/website).
I've tried using flow player to try using og:video:type:application/x-shockwave-flash but once again it showed the same exact result when attempting to share.
I've now been looking into facebook graph api for possible answers.
I thought I had something in custom open graph stories but I'm using the API v2.10 and it's been removed since 2.8 and completely removed from past versions of the API since october 2017, so that won't be a solution.
I then looked into the Open Graph Stories Object API. Once again I thought I had something but now I am stuck because the example code on the page (using curl) doesn't work no matter what I do
curl \
"https://graph.facebook.com/app/objects/video.other" \
-F "access_token=APP_TOKEN" \
-F "object={
'description':'This is a description',
'title':'Test Video Object',
=> {"id":"OBJECT_ID"}
curl https://graph.facebook.com/OBJECT_ID\?access_token\=\{APP_TOKEN\}
=> {
"title":"Test Video Object",
and when I attempt to delete it as such I get an error
curl -X DELETE https://graph.facebook.com/OBJECT_ID\?access_token\=\{APP_TOKEN\}
=> {
"message":"Unsupported delete request. Object with ID 'OBJECT_ID' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/docs\/graph-api",
So Basically 3 questions:
1) Why won't facebook save the other attributes except the title and type ?
2) The Object obviously exists since I can search it so why does it say it doesn't when I attempt to delete it (same result by the way using the object browser on their developper website) ?
3) Any ideas on how to share my page and make it appear as an inline video ?
Thanks for any help.
Proper Open Graph meta tags would be the way to implement this - but it looks like Facebook is in the process of phasing this feature out.
This question Facebook Open Graph og:video tag for YouTube videos refers to a bug report on the FB developers site, https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1963535797258090/, and there they say,
It looks like this behavior is actually by design.
In our efforts to make News Feed an even more visual and engaging place to connect, we have been introducing new design updates in News Feed beginning in August 2017.
As part of these updates and to provide a consistent experience across desktop and mobile, external video link posts (both paid and organic) on desktop will look and function similar to other link posts. People will now tap on the links to go off of Facebook to watch videos instead of watching within News Feed — mirroring the experience available for such posts on mobile.
Not sure that’s going to happen for all content publishers at the same time. Facebook usually rolls out such updates gradually, so it might still work for some, while you might not be able to get it working now for any new pages/articles you share.

How to get the full track mp3 url?

Through the track api I got preview field,it can provide a 30 second address.but I want get a full track mp3 url, excuse how to get the full track mp3 url by deezer API when I have a Premium+ users token.Thinks.
The only way to play a full track is by using our SDKs available here: http://developers.deezer.com
There is no possibility to retrieve the MP3 URL.

SoundCloud Playlist tracks is empty

I'm trying to get the playlist information fromSoundCloud HTTP API and I'm getting the playlist information and the track_count return the right number for tracks that I have in the playlist but the tracks is empty.
I have tried the following links: https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/215861217
The track_count returns for this playlist is 2.
Any idea why?
This is probably related to a change in the settings from the soundcloud developers. If you try to get the track information of the tracks of your playlist you get a 403 forbidden:
SoundCloud emailed back saying they have introduced an option for right holders to disable all API access to tracks by default, returning this 403 error when requested. They also said it's understandable that this is a confusing feature, and that they hope to make it more clear.
These type of questions should not be handled on stackoverflow, but unfortunately that is the only way to contact the soundcloud developers according to their documentation. I've tried reaching out to them on twitter, but so far no response.

Get insights for facebook page video (not post)

I am uploading videos to a page as described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/video-uploads
This gives me a specific ID that identifies that video. The video is also "posted" to the page feed automatically.
However, I cannot get insights for that post using the Page Video Posts metrics (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.5/insights#page_video_posts). The video itself is (logically) not recognized as a post and as such does not have an insights edge.
Is there some way to get metrics for a video on a page from the video ID itself? I know there are restrictions (must be page, 30+ likes, etc.), but these have all been fulfilled.
It seems somewhat backwards to have to upload a video, suppress the video auto-posting and then make an actual post with the video in it to get the insights for that post (and why is the video statistics related to the post instead of the video?!).
I am using python, but really any examples showing the actual requests being made will be helpful.

Embedding open graph video doesn't use video player

I've been in, around, and through a good chunk of the internets looking for an answer to this:
I'm trying to embed a video in Facebook using the og:video tag, but despite the fact that the facebook linter keeps showing 'status: Video embedding on Facebook enabled', when it shows up in my feed, clicking on it always opens a new window instead of showing it in the video player. It does show a little play icon, but it acts like a link rather than a video.
I've tried it with an swf url that works when i hit it, i've tried it with an mp4 video, I've tried https, http, etc. My og tags are pretty much exactly like this example I see at http://ahrengot.com/playground/circular-scrubbing/ (theres a good tutorial at http://ahrengot.com/tutorials/custom-video-player-on-facebook/).
Do I need to associate it with an app (have tried that and just using my user id in fb:admins), and if so, what kind of settings do I need to set to make it show up in a video player? Do I need to set up a canvas url?
I'm using flowplayer.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: it seemed to spontaneously start working after trying for 8 hrs. Does facebook do some kind of testing/caching of the target before it allows the embed?
yes, I'm not sure on how often..but to update facebook's cache of a specific URL, run it through the debugger (formerly URL linter) # http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
Might also be SSL related. If you have secure browsing enabled on FB it will launch your video in a new window. The link of the video you are embedding with og:video is using "http" and not "https".