SoundCloud Playlist tracks is empty - soundcloud

I'm trying to get the playlist information fromSoundCloud HTTP API and I'm getting the playlist information and the track_count return the right number for tracks that I have in the playlist but the tracks is empty.
I have tried the following links:
The track_count returns for this playlist is 2.
Any idea why?

This is probably related to a change in the settings from the soundcloud developers. If you try to get the track information of the tracks of your playlist you get a 403 forbidden:
SoundCloud emailed back saying they have introduced an option for right holders to disable all API access to tracks by default, returning this 403 error when requested. They also said it's understandable that this is a confusing feature, and that they hope to make it more clear.
These type of questions should not be handled on stackoverflow, but unfortunately that is the only way to contact the soundcloud developers according to their documentation. I've tried reaching out to them on twitter, but so far no response.


Anyone know a way to see who was tagged in a User's Videos on Tiktok?

Relevant link:
I'm currently querying for my own videos using my access token and getting all fields listed as available when hitting the query video endpoint.
I don't see any reference to "tagged" users. I can see who I mentioned by looking at the title text but nothing about tagging.
Anyone know if I am missing something, if it's available from somewhere else or maybe not available at all?

graph api returns empty data array when requested post_id/reactions

I am trying to get all the reactions of a facebook post with post_id/reactions in Graph API. But the returned data array is always empty. I have generated the access token with all the user data permissions. I am attaching a screenshot of the scenario.
Does this problem has something to do with some more permission?
I also found out that this post_id/reactions is only showing the data of my reactions of a post. So, if I react on a post and do a graph api query for that post, it will show my information only. Does anybody know the reason/solution for this? Attaching the scenario.
I followed a youtube tutorial to do it like this. But apparently, it cannot be done (at least with this way!). It is mentioned in the documentation (screenshot attached).
If anybody can still provide me any other way to do this, please mention.
You can view the reaction of the user if you have his access token. This with:
The returned field "viewer_reaction" is the reaction of the user in the post.

Facebook API returns empty videos list

I'am trying to play with the opengraph facebook API. I'd like to fetch my videos by calling /me/videos
I'am using the Opengraph API explorer with a user access token but the response is always empty: {data:[]}
My token is generated with every acces rights (I checked all checkboxes).
/me/photos is working fine, but not /me/videos
Any idea?
Thank you
Depending on your comment I can tell your question doesn't describe what you're looking for. You're not looking for your uploaded/tagged videos, so this endpoint won't work for your case.
Just for information, this endpoint will only return a list of videos that the person is tagged in. You need to specify to this endpoint by adding a type=uploaded parameter to the query if you're also looking for the video uploaded by you.
You're looking for your bookmarked links and it seems the API endpoint to access Facebook "Saved Links" is not available anymore (Is there a way to get the Saved Links?)

Get photos of an event wall on Facebook

I am trying to do something that seems really simple when you take a look to the graph API doc on facebook developper web site : get the photos that have been posted on an event wall !
However everytime I try to do this request (a GET request on //photos) the only thing I get is an empty "data" array. And yes I have the permissions that are asked by Facebook...
Is it a part of the API that is not working ? (Please if there is guy from Facebook around here...) or is it me ?
I'm not sure why /event-id/photos didn't worked (yet mentioned in the docs); but there's a way (full-proof)-
You'll get an array in result; for each object if picture object is available or not.
I think this is the only solution, since if you open your event nowhere you can find the thing such as "event photos". The photos published by the users on an event are just a feed, there's no album(s) created.
Hope it helps. Good luck!

Publishing Location-aware Post via Graph API

It is my understanding that the Post object is now Location-aware.
However, I can't seem to find documentation on how to publish location-aware Posts via the Graph API.
My app is currently publishing Checkins that reference a Place - but I would like to migrate to location-aware Posts since Places are being deprecated.
I understand that Checkins are sticking around, and that they will now reference a Page instead of a Place, but, unless I'm mistaken, the Page ID reference is still mandatory, and I am in need of my location-aware post/checkin having an optional Page reference.. hence my desire to move to Posts that have location capabilities.
Please let me know if I am incorrect in any of my assumptions..
I tried finding these questions, but none of them seem to hit exactly on the things I needed to know.
Thanks so much!
So you can now add location to posts and photos:
However I think this location is still added by giving a place ID or page ID (I'm not sure which, actually.) But I think you're asking if you can add location without a place/page ID? Personally I would like to do this as well, e.g. use lat/lon coords.
When you post through facebook proper, it can automatically add your general location (e.g. "near [nearest city/municipality]") however I don't see a way to achieve the same thing through the FB API.
You can't currently attach a location to a post via the graph api. Keep an eye on the Facebook developer blog to see if that changes.