Convolution Kernel using a user defined function. How to deal with negative pixel values? - matlab

I've declared a function that will be used to calculate the convolution of an image using an arbitrary 3x3 kernel. I also created a script that will prompt the user to select both an image as well as enter the convolution kernel of their choice. However, I do not know how to go about dealing with negative pixel values that will arise for various kernels. How would I implement a condition into my script that will deal with these negative values?
This is my function:
function y = convul(x,m,H,W)
for i=2:(H-1)
for j=2:(W-1)
And this is the script that I've written that prompts the user to enter an image and select a kernel of their choice:
x = imread(fullfile(path,file));
prompt='Enter a convulation kernel m: ';
I've tried to use the absolute value of the convolution, as well as attempting to locate negatives in the output image, but nothing worked.
This is the original image:
This is the image I get when I use the kernel [-1 -1 -1;-1 9 -1; -1 -1 -1]:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

MATLAB is rather unique in how it handles operations between different data types. If x is uint8 (as it likely is in this case), and m is double (as it likely is in this case), then this operation:
returns a uint8 value, not a double. Arithmetic in MATLAB always takes the type of the non-double argument. (And you cannot do arithmetic between two different types unless one of them is double.)
MATLAB does integer arithmetic with saturation. That means that uint8(5) * -1 gives 0, not -5, because uint8 cannot represent a negative value.
So all your Z1..Z9 are uint8 values, negative results have been set to 0. Now you add all of these, again with saturation, leading to a value of at most 255. This value is assigned to the output (a double). So it looks like you are doing your computations correctly and outputting a double array, but you are still clamping your result in an odd way.
A Correct implementation would cast each of the values of x to double before multiplying by a potentially negative number. For example:
for i = 2:H-1
for j = 2:W-1
s = 0;
s = s + double(x(i-1,j-1))*m(1,1);
s = s + double(x(i-1,j))*m(1,2);
s = s + double(x(i-1,j+1))*m(1,3);
s = s + double(x(i,j-1))*m(2,1);
s = s + double(x(i,j))*m(2,2);
s = s + double(x(i,j+1))*m(2,3);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j-1))*m(3,1);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j))*m(3,2);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j+1))*m(3,3);
y(i,j) = s;
(Note that I removed your use of 9 different variables, I think this is cleaner, and I also removed a lot of your unnecessary brackets!)
A simpler implementation would be:
for i = 2:H-1
for j = 2:W-1
s = double(x(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)) .* m;
y(i,j) = sum(s(:));


mle memory error with custom negative log-likelihood function

I am trying to use 'mle' with a custom negative log-likelihood function, but I get the following error:
Requested 1200000x1200000 (10728.8GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference (15.6GB). This might cause MATLAB to become unresponsive.
The data I am using is a 1x1200000 binary array (which I had to convert to double), and the function has 10 arguments: one for the data, 3 known paramenters, and 6 to be optimized. I tried setting 'OptimFun' to both 'fminsearch' and 'fmincon'. Also, optimizing the parameters using 'fminsearch' and 'fminunc' instead of 'mle' works fine.
The problem happens in the 'checkFunErrs' functions, inside the 'mlecustom.m' file (call at line 173, actuall error at line 705).
With 'fminunc' I could calculate the optimal parameters, but it does not give me confidence intervals. Is there a way to circumvent this? Or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the help.
T_1 = 50000;
T_2 = 100000;
npast = 10000;
start = [0 0 0 0 0 0];
func = #(x, data, cens, freq)loglike(data, [x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) x(6)],...
T_1, T_2, npast);
params = mle(data, 'nloglf', func, 'Start', start, 'OptimFun', 'fmincon');
% Computes the negative log likehood
function out = loglike(data, params, T_1, T_2, npast)
size = length(data);
if npast == 0
past = 0;
past = zeros(1, size);
past(npast+1:end) = movmean(data(npast:end-1),[npast-1, 0]); % Average number of events in the previous n years
lambda = params(1) + ...
(params(2)*cos(2*pi*(1:size)/T_1)) + ...
(params(3)*sin(2*pi*(1:size)/T_1)) + ...
(params(4)*cos(2*pi*(1:size)/T_2)) + ...
(params(5)*sin(2*pi*(1:size)/T_2)) + ...
out = sum(log(1+exp(lambda))-data.*lambda);
Your issue is line 228 (as of MATLAB R2017b) of the in-built mle function, which happens just before the custom function is called:
data = data(:);
The input variable data is converted to a column array without warning. This is typically done to ensure that all further calculations are robust to the orientation of the input vector.
However, this is causing you issues, because your custom function assumes data is a row vector, specifically this line:
out = sum(log(1+exp(lambda))-data.*lambda);
Due to implicit expansion, when the row vector lambda and the column vector data interact, you get a huge square matrix per your error message.
Adding these two lines to make it explicit that both are column vectors resolves the issue, avoids implicit expansion, and applies the calculation element-wise as you intended.
lambda = lambda(:);
data = data(:);
So your function becomes
function out = loglike(data, params, T_1, T_2, npast)
N = length(data);
if npast == 0
past = 0;
past = zeros(1,N);
past(npast+1:end) = movmean(data(npast:end-1),[npast-1, 0]); % Average number of events in the previous n years
lambda = params(1) + ...
(params(2)*cos(2*pi*(1:N)/T_1)) + ...
(params(3)*sin(2*pi*(1:N)/T_1)) + ...
(params(4)*cos(2*pi*(1:N)/T_2)) + ...
(params(5)*sin(2*pi*(1:N)/T_2)) + ...
lambda = lambda(:);
data = data(:);
out = sum(log(1+exp(lambda))-data.*lambda);
An alternative would be to re-write your function so that it uses column vectors, but you create new row vectors with the (1:N) steps and the concatenation within the movmean. The suggested approach is arguably "lazier", but also robust to row or column inputs.
Note also I've changed your variable name from size to N, since size is an in-built function which you should avoid shadowing.

angle() of a real number

I'm a bit confused about the angle() function in Matlab, in particular when applied to an array of real numbers.
The angle() function should give me the phase of a complex number. Example: y = a + bi, ==> phase = arctan(b/a). Indeed, the following works:
for t=1:1000
comp(t) = exp(1i*(t/10));
phase_good_comp1 = unwrap(angle(comp)); %this gives me the right answer
b = imag(comp);
a = real(comp);
phase_good_comp2 = atan(b./a); %this gives me the right answer too, but
wrapped (not sure if there is a way to unwrap this, but unwrap() does not
hold on
legend('good phase1', 'good phase2')
title('complex number')
Here's the plot for the complex numbers --
Note that I can use either the angle() function, or the explicit definition of phase, as I have shown above. Both yield good results (I can't unwrap the latter, but that's not my issue).
Now if I apply the same logic to an array of real numbers, I should get a constant phase everywhere, since no imaginary part exists, so arctan(b/a) = arctan(0) = 0. This works if I use the explicit definition of phase, but I get a weird result if I use angle():
for t=1:1000
ree(t) = cos((t/10));
phase_bad_re = unwrap(angle(ree)); %this gives me an unreasonable (?) answer
b = imag(ree);
a = real(ree);
phase_good_re = atan(b./a); %this gives me the right answer
hold on
legend('bad phase', 'good phase')
title('real number')
Here's the plot for the real numbers --
Why the oscillation when I use angle()???
The Matlab documentation tells you how to compute this:
The angle function can be expressed as angle(z) = imag(log(z)) = atan2(imag(z),real(z)).
Note that they define it with atan2 instead of atan.
Now your data is in the range of cosine, which includes both positive and negative numbers. The angle on the positive numbers should be 0 and the angle on the negative numbers should be an odd-integer multiple of pi in general. Using the specific definition that they've chosen to get a unique answer, it is pi. That's what you got. (Actually, for the positive numbers, any even-integer multiple of pi will do, but 0 is the "natural" choice and the one that you get from atan2.)
If you're not clear why the negative numbers don't have angle = 0, plot it out in the complex plane and keep in mind that the radial part of the complex number is positive by definition. That is z = r * exp(i*theta) for positive r and theta given by this angle you're computing.
Since sign of cosine function is periodically changed, angle() is also oscillated.
Please, try this.
Phase of 1+i*0 is 0, while phase of -1+i*0 is 3.14.
But, in case of atan, b/a is always 0, so that the result of atan() is all 0.

integers can only be combined with integers of same class or scalar doubles error

I do not know what this error means or how to fix it. I am trying to perform an image rotation in a separate space of coordinates. When defining the reference space of the matrix to be at zero, I am getting the error that integers can only be comibined with integers of the same class or scalar doubles. the line is
WZcentered = WZ - [x0;yo]*ones(1,Ncols);
WZ is classified as a 400x299x3 unit 8, in the workspace. It is an image. x0 and y0 are set to 0 when the function is called. How can I fix this issue/what exactly is happening here?
Also, when I do the same thing yet make WZ to be equal to double(WZ) I get the error that 'matrix dimensions must agree.' I am not sure what the double function does however. Here is the whole code.
function [out_flag, WZout, x_final, y_final] = adopted_moveWZ(WZ, x0, y0);
%Initial Test of plot
if Nrows ~= 2
if Ncols ==2
WZ=transpose(WZ); %take transpose
[Nrows,Ncols]=size(WZ); %reset the number of rows and columns
fprintf('ERROR: Input file should have 2-vectors for the input points.\n');
title('These are the original points in the image');
%WZorig = WZ;
WZcentered = WZ - ([x0;y0] * ones(1,Ncols));
axis([-FigScale 2*FigScale -FigScale 2*FigScale])
disp('Hit any key to start the animation');
SceneCenter = zeros(Nrows,Ncols);
WZnew = WZcentered;
for ii=0:20
R = [cos(pi/ii) -sin(pi/ii) 0; sin(pi/ii) cos(pi/ii) 0; 0 0 1];
WZnew = R * WZnew;
%place WZnew at a different place in the scene
SceneCenter = (ii*[30;40])*ones(1,Ncols);
plot(SceneCenter(1,:) + WZnew(1,:), SceneCenter(2,:) + WZnew(2,:),'.')
axis([-FigScale 2*FigScale -FigScale 2*FigScale])
%Set final values for output at end of program
x_final = SceneCenter(1,1);
y_final = SceneCenter(2,1);
PPout = PPnew + SceneCenter;
This happens due to WZ and ([x0;y0] * ones(1,Ncols)) being of different data types. You might think MATLAB is loosely typed, and hence should do the right thing when you have a floating point type operated with an integer type, but this rule breaks every once in a while. A simpler example to demonstrate this is here:
X = uint8(magic(5))
Y = zeros(5)
X - Y
This breaks with the same error that you are reporting. One way to fix this is to force cast one of the operands to the other, typically up-casted to make sure the math works. When you do this, both the numbers you are working on are floating point (double precision), and so they are represented in the same byte formatting sequence in memory. This way, the '-' sign is valid, in the same way that you can say 3 apples + 4 apples = 7 apples, but 3 oranges (uint8) + 4 apples (double) = ?. The double(X) makes it clear that you really mean to use double precision arithmetic, and hence fixes the error. This is how it looks now:
double(X) - Y
After having identified this, the new error is 'matrix dimensions do not match'. This means exactly what it says. WZ is a 400x299x3 matrix, and the right hand side matrix is 2xnCols. Now can you subtract a 2D matrix from a 3D matrix of different sizes meaningfully?
Depending on what your code is really intending to do, you can pad the RHS matrix, or find out other ways to make the sizes equal.
All of this is why MATLAB includes routines to do image rotation, namely . This is part of the Image Processing Toolbox, though.

"Invalid Index" error in Scilab

I'm using the following code:
for t = linspace(0,2,500)
x(t) = 1+ t^2;
y(t) = 2*t;
r(t) = sqrt((x(t))^2+(y(t))^2);
radius = 1.6
if r(t) > 0.999*radius & r(t) < 1.001*radius then
solucion = t;
disp(solucion, "the solution is:")
Which works fine with t > 1 and different radius values.
But I get error 21: Invalid index when t takes values between 0 and 1.
I need to work with those values as well. How do I handle this?
Just so this shows up as answered in the overview:
Array indices in Scilab and MATLAB have to be positive integers (or logicals, but that is definitely not what you want here). If you need your t to vary over a range starting at 0, always write x(t+1). If you need non- integer values, still iterate over integers and compute the non-integral values from the loop index.

Bitwise commands such as Bitor with many inputs?

Matlab takes only two inputs with bitwise commands such as bitor. bitor(1,2) returns 3 and bitor(1,2,4) does not return 7 but:
ASSUMEDTYPE must be an integer type name.
Currently, I create for-loops to basically create a bitwise command to take as many inputs as needed. I feel the for-loops for this kind of thing is reinvention of the wheel.
Is there some easy way of creating the bitwise operations with many inputs?
Currently an example with some random numbers, must return 127
for term=1:length(indices)
If you don't mind getting strings involved (may be slow):
indicesOR = bin2dec(char(double(any(dec2bin(indices)-'0'))+'0'));
This uses dec2bin to convert to strings of '0' and '1'; converts to numbers 0 and 1 by subtracting '0'; applys an "or" operation column-wise using any; and then converts back.
For AND (instead of OR): replace any by all:
indicesAND = bin2dec(char(double(all(dec2bin(indices)-'0'))+'0'));
For XOR: use rem(sum(...),2):
indicesXOR = bin2dec(char(double(rem(sum(dec2bin(indices)-'0'),2))+'0'))
EDIT: I just found out about functions de2bi and bi2de (Communications Toolbox), which avoid using strings. However, they seem to be slower!
indicesOR = bi2de(double(any(de2bi(indices))));
indicesAND = bi2de(double(all(de2bi(indices))));
indicesXOR = bi2de(double(rem(sum((de2bi(indices))));
Another approach is to define a recursive function, exploiting the fact that AND, OR, XOR operations are (bit-wise) associative, that is, x OR y OR z equals (x OR y) OR z. The operation to be applied is passed as a function handle.
function r = bafun(v, f)
%BAFUN Binary Associative Function
% r = BAFUN(v,f)
% v is a vector with at least two elements
% f is a handle to a function that operates on two numbers
if numel(v) > 2
r = bafun([f(v(1), v(2)) v(3:end)], f);
r = f(v(1), v(2));
>> bafun([1,23,45,7,89,100], #bitor)
ans =