How to load RX source in vs2013? - system.reactive

I am trying to debug into the RX source.
Does anyone know where the pdb for RX is located? Google and SymbolSource failed

Sadly, pdbs aren't shipped. However, since the code is open source, you could build your own. The source lives at
I raised an issue asking for symbol files to be shipped.


Debug NuGet package using Azure Devops Symbole Server resulting to class not found

I've been playing around with Azure Devops lately to host a NuGet package as an artifact, which I would then use in another project of mine.
So far so good, I managed to get the package and to use it as intended, but I'd like to be able to debug it as well so I had to add symbols (as far as I've understood?). So I added a publish step in my pipeline for the symbols which succeeds and the .pdb file gets published. I refer to my symbols feed in Visual Studio by connecting to DevOps in the settings Debug > Symbols.
When debugging the code it correctly downloads the .pdb file to the temp location and all the whilst the code is running it's staying there.
Under the debugger > windows > modules it actually tells me that the symbols are correctly loaded whilst debugging, but as soon as I try to step into the code I get the error: ".cs not found".
I've tried multiple things such as clearing the symbols cache, changing settings in debug for "own code only" and "allow source server support" etc. But to no avail.
Did I miss a step or am I doing something horribly wrong?
Debug NuGet package using Azure Devops Symbole Server resulting to class not found
That because you do not enable Source Link, which supports Visual Studio knows where it should look to download the source code while debugging.
To debug the source code, we need to have source code, pdb (or /Z7) contains debug information which is like mapping between executable code and your source code. With pdb VS debugger knows where in source files each instruction is located, but it still needs to have source files to show you the code.
So, we have to enable the Source Link. Edit the .csproj file and include the following code in the first PropertyGroup element:
You could check the similar thread for some more details.
On the other hand, you could also add the source code in the nuget package as a lightweight solution:
Check my previous thread for details.
Hope this helps.

Unity3d with Xbox Live & Mixer Interactive Plugin

I'm using Unity3d 5.6.0f3 and develop a game which uses the Xbox Live Creators Plugin and the Mixer-Interactive-Plugin.
My problem is that both uses the Newtonsoft.Json.dll in different versions, so I got the error message:
error CS1703: An assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' with the same identity has
already been imported. Consider removing one of the references
Assets/Xbox Live/Libs/Unity/Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Location of the
symbol related to previous error)
(Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
Removing one of these assemblies gives an DirectoryNotFoundException in addition, but the previous mentioned error message still exists.
Is there any way to manage references or does anyone know how to fix this?
It was too easy ...
Because the Mixer Interactive Plugin is open source and no pre-compiled assembly with static dependencies, it was possible to just untick all Newtonsoft.Json-references at the import process to unity.
Thank for bringing this up. The quickest way to fix it is to delete Newtonsoft.Json.dll from one of the two plugins. Deleting it from the Xbox Live plugin is simpler (since the plugin has fewer platform checkboxes checked).
We'll see what we can do to make this better.

Debugging embedded system with Eclipse - HOW TO PRINT TO A LOGGING FILE?

I'm currently working on a project on STM32F4 and I'm using Eclipse. I've got some problems with the program - it seems to have a random behavior - sometimes it works fine, other times it has some errors. Sometimes when I try do debug with breakpoints I get the beautiful HardFault Handler and it really messes with my brains.
Sorry for the little off-topic paragraph, just wanted to let you know why I decided to use printing to a log file at some key moments in the program so I can see in which states and in which functions does the problem occur. I'm debugging through a JTAG interface with Eclipse (gdb) and I need to know if there is an easy method integrated in Eclipse that may help me use fprintf-like functions inside my program to write to a file on the disk.
If no, any other solutions?
I do not like to connect the debug output log to the Jtag communication port because the log will not be available after development.
I usually build an SystemLog library that can send the log messages through any medium that is available (UART, USB, Ethernet or SDCARD). That's what I'd recommend you to do. It will help you through the development, and the support team on the event of any failure on field.
If stdlib is available in your project you should use the snprintf family functions to build your SystemLog.
Also, you can integrate the log output to the eclipse console by calling a serial console communicator (if you use UART) on you makefile, in this case, your makefile will have to flash the target as well.

xcode scm failure: conflict with [username].mode1v3 package file

I get this error in realtion to my [username].mode1v3 package file:
Error: 155015 (A conflict in the
working copy obstructs the current
operation) Description: Commit failed
(details follow):
I can do a compare from the SCM results menu on this file. Doing so reveals 102 conflicts (differences) between my local copy and the latest version in the repository. Problem is I don't understand what this file relates to or how to fix it. Differences occur in the file under keys like
which I have no idea about.
I am the only one working on this project. How is it possible to resolve a conflict such as this?
Many thanks.
Sounds like you're probably working on two computers?
Any conflicts that happen in that file can safely be ignored - just tell your SCM to accept your local version. It's one of the files Xcode uses to keep track of your project state within the IDE.
I'd recommend taking it out of source control and telling your SCM system to ignore it.
This file contains your personal Xcode settings (like window positions and so on). It should not be under version control at all.

Boost Asio dll raising ws2_32.dll error on Windows 2000

I have a dll that uses boost Asio for networking. When I link this dll to an application running on Windows 2000, a runtime exception is thrown:
"The procedure entry point freeaddrinfo could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dll"
Microsoft provides a workaround at, but that did not work for me.
Can anyone point me to a solution??
Thanks a lot,
-- Vijay
Are you building your dll with the correct values set for NTDDI_VERSION and _WIN32_WINNT to target the Windows 2000? You want them set to 0x05000000 and 0x0500. Assuming you then rebuild your dll completely you should then either get a warning about the compiler not being able to find freeaddrinfo (if you haven't followed the MS workaround) or it should 'just work'.
Right now I expect you're building to target a later version of windows and the headers are allowing you to use the function which isn't present in the system dlls that are present on the system that you're trying to run on.