Debugging embedded system with Eclipse - HOW TO PRINT TO A LOGGING FILE? - eclipse

I'm currently working on a project on STM32F4 and I'm using Eclipse. I've got some problems with the program - it seems to have a random behavior - sometimes it works fine, other times it has some errors. Sometimes when I try do debug with breakpoints I get the beautiful HardFault Handler and it really messes with my brains.
Sorry for the little off-topic paragraph, just wanted to let you know why I decided to use printing to a log file at some key moments in the program so I can see in which states and in which functions does the problem occur. I'm debugging through a JTAG interface with Eclipse (gdb) and I need to know if there is an easy method integrated in Eclipse that may help me use fprintf-like functions inside my program to write to a file on the disk.
If no, any other solutions?

I do not like to connect the debug output log to the Jtag communication port because the log will not be available after development.
I usually build an SystemLog library that can send the log messages through any medium that is available (UART, USB, Ethernet or SDCARD). That's what I'd recommend you to do. It will help you through the development, and the support team on the event of any failure on field.
If stdlib is available in your project you should use the snprintf family functions to build your SystemLog.
Also, you can integrate the log output to the eclipse console by calling a serial console communicator (if you use UART) on you makefile, in this case, your makefile will have to flash the target as well.


How to fix 'Unable to open file' when uploading to STM32 in TrueStudio

I am attempting to upload my written program for the STM32F411RE from my TrueStudio for STM32 IDE to the board itself. The board is connected via the mini USB b cable and the intent is to program it via SWD.
Atollic provides a nice tutorial on how to perform this programming via it's TrueStudio IDE and the ST-Link_CLI (Command Line Interface), as described in the document at this link. This requires the following steps, which I have followed and checked multiple times:
First and foremost the output (binary) file needs to be an intel .HEX and
not the TrueStudio .elf default. To change this go to Project properties -> c/c++ build -> settings -> tool settings tab -> other -> Output format
and tick the option 'Convert build output', ensure that the Intel Hex
option is selected in the dropdown.
To call the ST-Link_CLI from inside the IDE requires making an external
tools configuration. To make this config I go to Run -> External Tools ->
External Tools Configurations .... and create a new configuration, lets
call it ST-Link_CLI. For the Working Directory I specify the directory of my ST-LINK_CLI
(C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility)
whilst for the Location I specify this directory and the file name
(C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK
Lastly, I add the following parameters to
identify the STM32 board, have it connect via SWD and under reset, whilst
telling it to upload the .HEX file built by TrueStudio
(-c ID=0 SWD UR LPM -P ${project_loc}\Debug\${project_name}.hex -v).
When I then call this external tool configuration via the Run -> External Tools -> ST-Link_CLI link just created I get the output listed below:
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.4.0.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface
ST-LINK SN: 066EFF525750877267092042
ST-LINK Firmware version: V2J33M25
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 4000K.
Target voltage = 3.3 V
Connection mode: Connect Under Reset
Reset mode: Hardware reset
Debug in Low Power mode enabled
Device ID: 0x431
Device flash Size: 512 Kbytes
Device family: STM32F411xC/E
Loading file...
Unable to open file!
Clearly the ST-Link_CLI is succesfully called from inside the IDE, but it somehow cannot digest the .hex file (inside the debug folder) and upload it to the STM32 board.
Even flashing a completely new generated project from CubeMX and setting the options above (including setting it to a .hex file) will not let this toolchain upload it to the board.
Manual code flashing
I have been able to succesfully upload the .HEX file built by TrueStudio via manually uploading it to the STM32 Board with the use of the ST-Link GUI, so I do not think the problem is in the ST-Link itself. I cannot however debug it in this manner, since I need the TrueStudio IDE tools for that and thus need the external tool configuration to work succesfully.
Instead I suspect the issue lies with my own setup, where is somehow is missing a call or has an option set incorrectly. It could also be that the GUI and CLI clients operate in a completely different fashion allowing one to read and upload the file whilst the other cannot, but that seems unreasonable to me.
I am kind of at a loss here however, as I cannot seem to figure out why others can make this work via the provided Atollic documentation and mine is throwing up these errors.
You try to reinvent the wheel using the triangle.
Everything is configured in the TrueStudio:
Just in add the debug configuration and you are done.
What benefits would OpenOCD offer at this point
One essencial : debugging
given how much I have already learned about TrueStudio?
This knowledge (how to configure external tools etc) is rather useless in 99.9999% of circumstances. It is only the configuration of the Eclipse. Not too complex actually needed here.
In regards to my own code, I have not been able to get the ST-Link_CLI to work as an external tool the way I intended, [but I have been able to get the STCubeProgrammer (CLI) to work in the same respective manner as I was attempting to do with the ST-Link].(
Seeing as I literally used the same procedure as before but instead specifying the location and executable for the STCubeProgrammer (rather than the ST-Link), I suspect the issue may indeed be the ST-Link CLI (connection to TrueStudio).
It now uploads successfully and immediately after boots me into the debug environment of TrueStudio :)
I simply commented "load" command in the startup script and debugging worked. I only had to load the hex using the st link first.
/# Load the program executable
#load <---//added "#"

cannot load

I'm trying to debug a program written using Go inside eclipse. I can set and hit breakpoints pretty consistently, but I cannot view the contents of my variables. When I start debugging the program, I always get the following error on my console.
warning: File "/usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load".
To enable execution of this file add
add-auto-load-safe-path /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/
line to your configuration file "/home/johnlawrie/.gdbinit".
To completely disable this security protection add
set auto-load safe-path /
line to your configuration file "/home/johnlawrie/.gdbinit".
For more information about this security protection see the
"Auto-loading safe path" section in the GDB manual. E.g., run from the shell:
info "(gdb)Auto-loading safe path"
Thinking that the problem might be due to the error message, I put the entry into my .gdbinit file as instructed. However, I get the same message every time I run as if I did nothing at all. This is the contents of my /home/johnlawrie/.gdbinit file
add-auto-load-safe-path /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/
Any ideas what I need to do to make this change take effect? I have tried logged off and back in.
John Lawrie
It did learn what was happening. When gdb is started from Eclipse/CDT, it is started with option -nx, which means it doesn't load .gdbinit in the home directory.
I was able to get this to work by creating a .gdbinit file as a peer to the src, bin, and pkg directories in my workspace and adding the following line to it
set auto-load safe-path /usr/local/go/
It should be add-auto-load-safe-path /usr/local/go/src/pkg/, not the path to the script.
Also keep in mind that gdb doesn't really work with Go, specially v1.3.
GDB does not understand Go programs well. The stack management,
threading, and runtime contain aspects that differ enough from the
execution model GDB expects that they can confuse the debugger, even
when the program is compiled with gccgo. As a consequence, although
GDB can be useful in some situations, it is not a reliable debugger
for Go programs, particularly heavily concurrent ones. Moreover, it is
not a priority for the Go project to address these issues, which are
difficult. In short, the instructions below should be taken only as a
guide to how to use GDB when it works, not as a guarantee of success.

postgres attaching a process

How do we attach a sql query such as join query to an existing gdb process in eclipse? Whenever I try to fork the given process using debug configurations in eclipse, which is a shared library , I am getting the following error:
No source available for "__kernel_vsyscall() at 0xb729c424"
Also, whenever I set break points in a specific program in eclipse, control goes to main.c and finally the process never comes back to the actual program.
Is there any way that the process be constrained only to my specific program?
how do we attach a sql query such as join query to an existing gdb process in eclipse
Um, what?
Are you attempting to debug a PostgreSQL server backend? If so, see the PostgreSQL wiki page that provides lots of details on the topic.
Whenever I try to fork the given process using debug configurations in eclipse, which is a shared library
What is a shared library? Eclipse isn't. PostgreSQL isn't. So what's the shared library here?
Are you trying to debug a PostgreSQL extension? If so, see the above link for details on attaching to a PostgreSQL server backend.
No source available for "__kernel_vsyscall() at 0xb729c424"
That's normal. It's just telling you that there's no source code on record for the __kernel_vsyscall call that's the entrypoint into syscalls in via glibc when using sysenter.
The stack below it should be more informative. Get a backtrace, then look at the lower stack frames.
What is __kernel_vsyscall?
Having trouble finding the method __kernel_vsyscall within the Linux kernel
Your "also" is really a separate question, and it's pretty hard to answer it usefully with the total lack of information provided. Try posting a new, more detailed question on just that topic. Specify how you compiled the program, set it up for debugging, how you're running it, where you're trying to set breakpoints, etc.

Debugging STMF4 Discovery in Eclipse using GDB

Hello all: I have never posted on Stackoverflow, but I have always come here for help for years.
I have a question and problem regarding debugging in eclipse using an STLINK STM32 Discovery board. I have looked online for the answer and have followed many tutorials, but I still cannot seem to get it to work correctly. I will try my luck at asking here.
I have set up the eclipse environment correctly with my compiler and gdb server (to my knowledge). First I make sure the server is started before I press debug in eclipse. I am using Atollic STLINK gdb server. I have tried many arm-none-eabi-gdb type exe's while debugging, but they all seem the same. My debug configuration is setup to use arm-none-eabi-gdb on port 61234 (Attolic). When I press debug, the program launches correctly and goes into the debug view in eclipse. The program downloads correctly to my discovery board. I know this because I have gotten debugging to work partially and have stepped through the code without crashing on 'some' occasions depending on the compiled code and debug configuration startup options. The code is a simple LED turn on on the board. If I unplug the usb cable and plug it back in, my code runs fine, because the LEDs light up, so we know the environment is probably set up correctly, because the code downloads to flash via eclipse commands.
The problem is with actual debug steps. 99% of the time the arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe program crashes when in the debug view after I do a few "step into's" with the debugger commands at the top of eclipse. After the first line of my main function is reached, I will try to step into the first line and I get a windows crash of the arm-eabi.exe program. The debug console in eclipse reads a gdb error: .......dwarf2: C10xx Internal Error - unknown CFA rule. Now... depending on how I set the options in the debug configuration with regards to the startup tab, different options produce different results and the following options have been toggled: Halt, resume, break point at : main, etc.. This crash also seems to be dependent on the code being compiled in the main function.
Now, does this have any dependency on which compiler is used with the gdb server and arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe programs? For instance, if I compiled the code with Atollic versus Keil versus code sourcery versus IAR, would the Attollic gdb service + arm-none-eabi-gdb programs be able to work with any compiled code? Are there some missing symbols somewhere not being generated? For reference, I am using an EVAL version of the IAR compiler tool set. If I make a project with the same code in embedded workbench using the STLINK, the code compiles and debugs fine.
What is a CFA rule? Call frame address? Am I not setting up the stack pointer or something in my program? I thought the IAR compiler took care of all that junk in the cstartup.
Any help is appreciated.

(Eclipse) How to interact with console view?

Eclipse uses console view as read-only.
How can I type command in console view? Is it possible? E.g: ls, mvn install...
Thanks Ben and Kelly.
I understand I can interact with Eclipse's console when my application is running. However, I meant I want an embedded console as like as the one in Kate, Dolphin (press F4 in Dolphin)... So I can use bash script in Eclipse's console. Is that possible? Or is there a plugin for that? I have googled but perhaps my keywords were not right...
Edward has found duplicate question here: Is there an Eclipse plugin to run system shell in the Console?
And it was answered :-)
I don't know how to mark this one as solved. So I place message here, I got the answer.
But it is not useful. It doesn't have auto complete feature, when I need to type a long file name, or want a hint for a forgotten name,... it is worst :-(
When the console is waiting for input it shows a green prompt that allows you type.
You can test it out by making a simple console application that reads from standard input.
You are trying to think of the Eclipse console as if it were connected to a command-line process. It is actually connected to the JVM used to execute your Java code. Thus, it only shows output that your program sends to System.out and conversely only is available for input if the Java code you are running is requesting input from
A decent exercise would be to write a small Java program that redirects the input and output to a child process of your favorite shell, for example:
The Eclipse Console view is used for communicating with an executed program (typically Java, or similar). If you want to use it as a console, as mentioned in the comment under #Ben S's answer, the Target Management Eclipse project provides a view that can be used for that reason. I don't have it installed right now, so I cannot tell you the required plug-in/view name, but I have used it to connect to the local computer and works.