Moving / cloning a perlbrew installed perl plus all the additional cpan modules - perl

I am using perlbrew. I have installed lots of cpan modules under perlbrew perl-5.20.2.
Is there a way (or what is the best way) to do a tarball installation of my perl-5.20.2 plus all the CPAN modules that I have installed under perlbrew so that I can just clone it unto another machine?
I am aware of perlbrew download perl-5.20.2 but that only seems to tarball perl-5.20.2 and not all the CPAN modules that I have installed.

With perlbrew you can use the lib command to create a local::lib to go with your perlbrew perl.
perlbrew lib create perl-5.20.2#app_reqs
Then, if all goes well, when you install modules you will find them in:
If you don't use the perbrew lib create approach to managing your modules, then they are installed to $HOME/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.1/lib/site_perl/5.20.2. Cloning either of those directories might work, but you are likely better off reinstalling all the modules using the techniques from the website since XS modules should be rebuilt etc.
If you want to reuse and track local sources the most reliable approach is to create a local CPAN mirror to work from using App::lcpan or minicpan. If you have already downloaded the source using cpanm a quick hackish approach is to find the source files (under $HOME/.cpanm/) and do something like this in your shell:
% mkdir ~/cpansourcefiles
% for source in ~/.cpanm/work/*/* ; do cp $source ~/cpansourcefiles ;done
Then you can get cpanm to install using those sources by passing the filename as the argument instead of the module name:
% cpanm ~/cpansourcefiles/List-MoreUtils-0.406.tar.gz
or even:
% cpanm ~/cpansourcefiles/*
NB: YMMV since this is prone to breakage and might skip some of the version and dependency checking you normally get with cpanm but it is simpler than setting up a mirror when it works.
A few other high powered tools that make deploying Perl applications robust and reliable:
Tools like perlbrew, pinto, carton, and cpanm are a vast improvement over a motley personal collection of scripts for doing similar things. Thanks to all the developers and contributors to these tools!
I'm not aware of any features in cpanm or perlbrew that allow you to reliably produce a list of installed files and their versions. Something like:
cpanm --list_installed
perlbrew list_installed_versions
cpanm --export-cpanfile
perlbrew list_installed_as_cpanfile
might be a welcome feature.
As I noted in a comment to the OP above, you can garner useful information about your module installation from the install.json files that are installed by cpanm. Modules like CPAN::Meta, Module::Metadata and Distribution::Metadata can be helpful too.
The suggestion to use find and jq (which was from #Ilmari Karonen see Upgrade all modules installed by local::lib in this answer) led to the quick unfinished hack below. One challenge/issue is there's sometimes install.json files left lying around in multiple locations:
... etc.
This is likely because these files are not always cleanly removed when upgrading, reinstalling or other mucking about PEBKAC errors. To work properly, the code below should be changed so that it notices when there are multiple name-version combinations of a module's install.json and then does a more thorough check that the module is installed and gets its version. The script should have options: $dir could come from #ARGV. TIMTOWTDI, "well volunteered", etc.
use File::Find;
use JSON;
use v5.16;
my $dir = "$ENV{HOME}/perl5/lib/perl5";
for my $installed ( find_installed($dir) ) {
say parse_install_json( $installed );
sub find_installed {
my $libdir = shift;
my #files;
File::Find::find ({ wanted =>
sub { push #files, $File::Find::name if /install\.json/i} },
$libdir );
return #files;
sub parse_install_json {
my $filename = shift;
my $json_text = do {
open(my $json_fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $filename)
or die("Can't open \$filename\": $!\n");
local $/;
my $install = decode_json($json_text) ;
return ( $install->{name} ,"\#", $install->{version} ) ;

Possibly not the best way, but here's what I did recently.
I committed my Perlbrewed Perl version to a git repo, so I could use git archive to create a tar for me. Likewise with my Local::Lib modules. Then I wrote a little bit of scripting so that I could tag master, build archives from a tag, copy the archive to the remote server, unpack and chmod/chown the files.
I did this because at the time it was a quick and dirty solution to not having the time to set up Pinto or Carton.

It's only part of the solution but want mentioned so far: Perl's configure script has a -D relocateableinc parameter since some versions.
When building/brewing a Perl with that option the lib paths won't be hardcoded absolute path but relative to the perl binary which allows you to move the entire directory around or just rename it.
I'm building all my Perl's with that option since years and it hasn't created any problems so far.

The clone-modules command might be what you're seeking.
Example output for the below command follows:
perlbrew clone-modules perl-5.36.0 perl-5.37.6
Installing 398 modules from perl-5.36.0 to perl-5.37.6 ...
! Couldn't find module or a distribution AWS-Signature4
Successfully installed Algorithm-Diff-1.201
Successfully installed Algorithm-Loops-1.032
Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4231
Successfully installed ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.16
Successfully installed Alien-VideoLAN-LibVLC-0.04
Successfully installed File-Slurp-9999.32
You can run this command after building a new perl with perlbrew to migrate (the latest versions of) CPAN modules from one version to another by reinstalling them for the new version that was just built.


Upgrade all modules installed by local::lib

I've been using local::lib to handle the installation of Perl modules on a server so I can get the right versions for some development work without polluting the system installation.
However, the system administrator has recently upgraded Perl from 5.16 to 5.18 and I'm now getting errors relating to binary modules, e.g.
perl -e 'use Scalar::Util'
Perl API version v5.16.0 of List::Util does not match v5.18.0 at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.18.2/ line 92.
Compilation failed in require at /home/paul/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/Scalar/ line 11.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
My understanding is that I can fix the problem by forcing local::lib to rebuild all of its modules, but I can't find anything in the documentation which tells me how to do this, or even how to get a list of all the modules that have been installed using local::lib (if I had that in a 'one module per line' text file, I could easily write a Bash script to process it).
Is this possible, or do I have to remove the ~/perl5 directory and reinstall all the modules from scratch (possibly missing some as I can't remember them all)?
Update: For some time now, INSTALL_BASE has been producing a better directory structure that avoids this problem for new installs.
And that's why the perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=... convention (and the corresponding one for Build.PL) used by install::lib sucks.
Removing (or renaming the directory so you have backup) is the easiest solution. You can find out what you had installed by looking for .pm files.
cd ~
mv perl5{,16}
cd perl516/lib/perl5
find -name '*.pm' | xargs perl -MConfig -E'
for (#ARGV) {
' | xargs cpan
(Do a dry run — one without the trailing | xargs cpan — first.)
Note that if you don't want to be at the mercy of your admin's upgrades, you can use perlbrew to easily install a whole build of Perl in your home dir.
If you are using cpanm you can force it to rebuild modules in your local::lib location by using the -L and --reinstall switches:
list_modules | cpanm -L ~/perl5 --reinstall
where list_modules is a script that feeds the names of modules to cpanm (there's also an -f option to cpanm). This script could be like #ikegami's above or something like cpan-outdated (which only lists outdated modules however). Here is a
hackish attempt that mostly worked for me recently (note: ikegami's is probably better) - when it fails or the script gives cpanm a module name it doesn't recognize, cpanm keeps going and doesn't seem to break anything (but make backups):
perl -MFile::Find -MConfig -E'
find {
wanted => sub {
$mod = $_ if /\.pm\z/;
$mod =~ s/lib\/perl5\/auto\/.*//g;
$mod =~ s/lib\/perl5\/\Q$Config{archname}\E\/.*//g;
$mod =~ s/lib\/perl5\///g;
push #mods, $mod unless $mod =~ /^$/;
},"lib/perl5"; #modhash{#mods}=(); say for sort keys %modhash '
By changing where and what File::Find finds with wanted() you can feed a different list of modules to cpanm. It would be nice if cpan or cpanm had an internal _method or -switch that allowed you to force the rebuilding of local::lib installed modules that use XS. Is there such a thing?
It was cpanm, carton (and seeing the node.js tool npm in action) that inspired me to do a lot more local::lib based installs. Now the CORE bundled "CPAN client" that ships with perl (cpan) seems to be getting more automagical and easier to use as well. I really like local::lib since it allows you to use the system perl but manage your own module stack without system level privileges. However, it can be easier overall to manage changes and upgrades if you use perlbrew to run a "non system" ("local") perl. Of course you can do this and still have local::lib, carton etc. manage a directory or application specific stack of modules.
1). Another way to do an upgrade is to use perllocal to generate a list of your currently installed modules (NB I'm not entirely sure if perllocal.pod is kept in a reliable/useful state). [Edit: In fact perllocal keeps a history of your installed modules rather than a list of those currently installed. You'll want to filter this or you will end up reinstalling the entire series of module versions one after the other!). This perlmonks node shows how to clean up your perllocal.pod: I prefer to keep the history.]
To parse perllocal.pod for input to cpanm, search through the file saving the matches in an array, then split them by twos to create a hash from the array elements (key,value,key,value). More recent installations and versions numbers are lower in the file, so you can create a hash with module names as keys and have the values updated by later entries:
perl -ne 'push #arr, grep {defined}
(/\A=head2.*:\s+C<Module>\s+L<(.*)\||.*C<VERSION:\s(.*)>\Z/msx); }{
%h = map{ split/,/,$_,2 } #arr; print "$_\#$h{$_}\n" for keys %h' perllocal.pod
(NB: this doesn't error check - entries in perllocal.pod occasionally lack VERSION data and other oddities so beware.)
2). But this method pales in comparison to the shell script mentioned by ilmari in #perl-help on IRC. It uses
jq - a commandline utility you really need to have (you'll want it more after this). If you have used cpanm to install your modules it will have created install.json files. You can leverage that to make list to feed to cpanm for reinstalling your current set of modules:
find ~/perl5/ -name install.json -exec jq '.name + "#" + .version' {} +
Very fast, very simple and you can combine it with the cpanm method of using curl to self-install in order to rebuild your modules.
3). If you use perlbrew to manage your perl installations you can easily copy and reinstall all your modules from one perl version to another.

Finding Perl modules already packaged for Debian and Redhat

I'm investigating making a Perl application that uses many modules into either a Debian and/or Redhat package. Currently, I believe the 'cleanest' way to do this is to cite, where possible, the modules that are packaged already for the given distribution.
The alternative would be to use CPAN and probably have some duplications, problems with #INC etc.
However, I can find or interrogate a list of Debian packages here: but I can't currently find an equivalent for Redhat/Fedora. Also I don't really know whether cpan2deb is authoritative and up to date.
If there's another clean way to do this, I'd welcome any other ideas too.
The Debian Perl Group is your best bet on the Debian world. Not only do they intercept all spread modules packages for Debian but they also try to keep them up to date.
See this page:
There is cpanspec but it's not been touched in a few years. I seem to remember cpan2rpm but I don't have much experience with that one.
The alternative would be to use CPAN and probably have some duplications, problems with #INC etc.
I've got a perl program packaged for debian with a large number of dependencies. For expediency, I've chosen a grubby hybrid approach with some packaged modules as dependencies, plus a cheat backdoor CPAN install, which runs from my post-installation script. I hive a copy of my application's META.yml, then recheck my dependencies.
1.debian/rules file makes a copy of META.yml:
dh_auto_install; \
cp META.yml etc/;\
2.debian/libmyapp-perl.install then installs META.yml:
etc/META.yml /usr/share/myapp/etc/
3.debian/libmyapp-perl.postinstall then cross-checks dependencies:
echo "Cross checking with cpan";
for m in `perl -Mstrict -MYAML::Syck -e'my $r = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("/usr/share/myapp/etc/META.yml")->{requires}; for (grep {$_ ne "perl"} (sort keys %$r)) {eval "use $_ $r->{$_}"; print "$_\n" if $#}'`; do
# would prefer App::cpanminus, but that's not packaged for debian either?
PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e "install $m";
Not exactly clean, but a quick approach to installing a mix of dependent debian packages plus a few CPAN modules.

Uninstall all perl modules installed by cpan

Yesterday I wanted to test some software and in the documentation it said, to install I just needed to type
cpan -i Software
I never used cpan, I just know that it is the perl package manager. (Is it..?) However, it turned out that I needed loads of dependencies, and stupid as I am, I just installed all of them. (First, I had to set up cpan which asked me lots of questions) Long story short, I just want to remove all of it again. I googled a bit, and it seems like cpan does not have an uninstall routine, especially for all the packages at once.
Can I just remove some directory or will I run into troubles?
the cpan command isn't really a package manager like apt-get is. It is more a tool that downloads and installs from CPAN (the site, or one of its mirrors). After it has finished this task it doesn't remember much about what was done before, at least not enough to remove previously installed modules, at least not reliably, cleanly or dependency-safely. (Update: After looking at App::pmuninstall, it can be used to handle dependencies, but it does so by connecting to outside (read: web) sources, which compute these separately, which is fine, but I stand by the previous statement that doesn't do this.)
I used to worry about removing modules, but now I realize that most Perl modules take up so little room that I just don't worry about having a few extra modules installed that you will never use. So unless you are on a computer with a REALLY small disc, I would just let it be.
On Windows or if you are using a non-system Perl on Linux/Mac you could just remove Perl and reinstall it. I would not recommend this if you are using the system installed Perl on Linux/Mac however as you could break your OS doing this (you might be ok if you were careful, but not worth it to save a few Mb!).
In the future, you can easily install a local version of Perl using perlbrew, there are tutorials all over the web if the docs aren't sufficient (they should be). This also has the bonus of letting you play with the newest and greatest Perl versions, which your system likely doesn't come with yet. Then if you install a mountain of junk, or even break it doing something crazy, remove that version and reinstall/install a different version.
Another nice tool is cpanminus (or cpanm for short) which is a newer, more user friendly cpan tool. All the cool kids are using it.
You can uninstall individual modules with cpanplus (ships with Perl) like this:
cpanp uninstall SQL::Abstract
You can view all modules installed with the cpan script like this:
perldoc perllocal
Putting the two together:
for module in $(perldoc -u perllocal | grep -F 'C<Module> L<' | sed 's/^.*L<\(.*\)|.*>$/\1/') ; do
cpanp uninstall "$module"
I'm not sure about removing "all of it". But to remove a single module you can use App::pmuninstall with it's sole script pm-uninstall to uninstall modules. You might then be able to write some kind of script to recursively remove the deps.
If you can't use cpan any more because there are incompatible modules in you path, you can remove all installed modules by hand. For example, I upgraded from Fedora 22 to Fedora 23 and the Perl version changed. All modules installed previously via cpanm into /usr/local/lib64/perl5 did not work any more and prevented me from using cpanm.
$ cpanm --uninstall Apache::DBI
Attempt to reload Scalar/ aborted.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/File/ line 18.
I could solve this by moving that directory:
$ mv /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /root/usr-local-lib64-perl5
The name of that directory may vary on your system.
Carefull: If a module installed files outside of that directory, for example system library files, these files will remain there.
I will change Flimm's answer to use cpanm and optionally uninstall cpanm itself in the end of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for module in $(perldoc -u perllocal | grep -F 'C<Module> L<' | sed 's/^.*L<\(.*\)|.*>$/\1/' | sort | uniq) ; do
if [[ "$module" =~ "App::cpanminus" ]]; then
echo "Uninstalling $module..."
yes | cpanm --uninstall "$module"
cpanm --uninstall App::cpanminus
I think the best option is uninstall Perl and install it again.

perlbrew and local::lib at the same time?

So far I have been using the system perl (on Ubuntu 10.10) and I was using local::lib to install CPAN modules in my private directory ~/perl5
As I am trying to use perlbrew it seems that they don't know about each other. I installed perl-5.12.3 using perlbrew but when I switch to it using perlbrew use perl-5.12.3 I still see the PERL5LIB and PERL_MM_OPT set by local::lib.
That's not good:
$ cpan XML::Simple
/home/gabor/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.12.3/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /home/gabor/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/auto/Cwd/ undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr
$ which cpan
so it is using the right version of the cpan client but dues to the PERL5LIB environment variable it picks up the modules from the wrong place.
Does perlbrew have some compability mode or do I need to turn off PERL5LIB and PERL_MM_OPT manually?
Since I started using perlbrew I stopped using local::lib for the shell use, because now that I have my own perl that i have write permissions to everything, just installing to site_perl is much more straightforward, and that allows me to have different versions of modules for each perl.
I still use local::lib (or more specifically, cpanm's -l or -L options that automatically sets up local::lib directory) to keep application specific dependencies inside an application directory.
local::lib was not designed to work with multiple versions of Perl installed at the same time. Pure-Perl modules aren't usually a problem, but XS modules aren't compatible across major releases.
You can continue to use local::lib for pure-Perl modules (so you don't have to install them for every version of Perl you have brewed up, but XS modules should be installed into the perlbrew-created directories. You don't need to clear PERL5LIB (and you shouldn't, as XS modules might have pure-Perl dependencies that are installed there), but you will need to clear PERL_MB_OPT and PERL_MM_OPT when installing XS modules to keep them from installing into the local::lib directory.
If you need to continue using local::lib for XS modules for the system Perl, then I suggest creating a second local::lib environment for that (perhaps in ~/perl5sys). It might be easier to use perlbrew to install a copy of the same version of Perl as the system Perl, and then use that instead of the system Perl.
You can clean out the XS modules in your existing local::lib by removing the /home/gabor/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi directory.
It is possible, but not comfortable. If this is a single-user setup, you might be better off not using local::lib and just letting perlbrew manage the modules for you. Also if it's a multi-user setup on a homogenous network, where everyone has the same machine and OS, then you can just set PERLBREW_ROOT to e.g. /net/share/perlbrew and then your installed perls (and their modules) can be shared. As noted in the other answers, this will be a problem if you try to mix machines (and possibly also problematic if you have different operating systems).
On a very diverse network, we prefer to keep everything separate. You can simply setup your local::lib to be a function of your current perl and your current platform, e.g.
distro=lsb_release -d|cut -f2|tr ' ' '-'
arch=`uname -m`
export PERLBREW_ROOT=/net/share/perlbrew/$platform
# You will have to first do 'perlbrew init' (just once for all users)
# In this case you don't need (and shouldn't have) a ~/.perlbrew
source $PERLBREW_ROOT/etc/bashrc
# When $PERLBREW_PERL is not defined, local::lib puts modules in $perl5base/$platform
# We also found that we needed to clean PERL5LIB in between
export PERL5LIB=`echo -n $PERL5LIB|sed "s|${perl5base}[^:]*||g"`
export PATH=`echo -n $PATH|sed "s|${perl5base}[^:]*||g"`
# Setup local lib, relative to the perl being used
mkdir -p $lib
eval $(perl -I"$lib" -Mlocal::lib="$perl5")
This is not our exact script, in particular you would need to check that these directories all exist first. You need to run perlbrew init once per platform and you need to bootstrap local::lib each time as well.
I don't recommend this approach, but provide as an example of one way to make this work, which it does for our mixed network (even on Mac OS). Leaving local::lib out and just using perlbrew (ignoring the system perl), would be a cleaner approach.
perlbrew is quite happy to use local::lib and has been for some time -- there are even special options for it -- after running perlbrew install ..., you can create a new local-lib directory with perlbrew lib create ...
for example:
perlbrew install -j 9 --as 34.0 5.34.0
chmod -R a-w $HOME/perl5/perlbrew/perls/34.0
perlbrew lib create 34.0#std
perlbrew switch 34.0#std
This installs a new 5.34.0 build, locks down its modules so you can't change them, then creates a local-lib directory. This install can be used with perlbrew use 34.0#std -- you can create a new set of module installations by perlbrew use 34.0; perlbrew lib create 34.0#other_install, to use side-by-side with the existing one without having to build a new perl again.
As miyagawa said, it might not be necessary to use local::lib if you use the Perls installed by Perlbrew exclusively.
But if you still want to be able to switch back and forth between your brewed Perls and the system Perl, there is a script called Perlswitcher for this. It's not pretty but it works. All you need to do is download the script, you could save it as ~/perl5/userperls/bashrc and source it.
It provides two commands. perlswitch allows you to switch to a Perl that was installed by Perlbrew or to the system Perl. perlinfo tells you which Perl is currently being used. You can then use cpanm, which will install packages to your local lib when using the system Perl or directly into the site Perl when using a custom Perl.
After switching to a custom Perl using perlswitch, perlbrew list will also know which Perl is being used:
$ perlswitch perl-5.18.4
Setting new perl /var/www/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.18.4/bin/perl...
Using user perl (site_perl) instead of local::lib
$ perlbrew list
* perl-5.18.4

How can I de-install a Perl module installed via `cpan`?

I am using Perl running in user space (not installed via root) and installing modules via the command-line cpan. I would like to know if there is a simple way to remove a module without having to do a lot of work deleting individual files.
I searched for this question on the internet and found some answers, but the answers I've found seem to either discuss using the Perl package manager (specific for Microsoft Windows), otherwise operating-system specific (BSDpan), suggesting using cpanplus (which I've had several bad experiences with), or ended by pointing to a dead link as follows:
My question is specifically whether there is a clean way to remove a module installed via cpan.
Install App::cpanminus from CPAN (use: cpan App::cpanminus for this).
Type cpanm --uninstall Module::Name (note the "m") to uninstall the module with cpanminus.
This should work.
You can't. There isn't a feature in my CPAN client to do such a thing. We were talking about how we might do something like that at this weekend's Perl QA Workshop, but it's generally hard for all the reasons that Ether mentioned.
As a general rule, there is not a specific 'uninstall' mechanism that comes with CPAN modules. But you might try make uninstall in the original directory the module unpacked into (this is often under /root/.cpan or ~/.cpan), as some packages do contain this directive in their install script. (However, since you've installed modules into a local (non-root) library directory, you also have the option of blowing away this entire directory and reinstalling everything else that you want to keep.)
A lot of the time you can simply get away with removing the A/ file (for the A::B module) from your perllib -- that will at least render the module unusable. Most modules also contain a list of files to be installed (called a "manifest"), so if you can find that, you'll know which files you can delete.
However, none of these approaches will address any modules that were installed as dependencies. There's no good (automated) way of knowing if something else is dependent on that module, so you'll have to uninstall it manually as well once you're sure.
The difficulty in uninstalling modules is one reason why many Perl developers are moving towards using a revision control system to keep track of installations -- e.g. see the article by brian d foy as a supplement to his upcoming book that discusses using git for package management.
There are scripts on CPAN which attempt to uninstall modules:
ExtUtils::Packlist shows sample module removing code, modrm.
Update 2013: This code is obsolescent. Upvote bsb's late-coming answer instead.
I don't need to uninstall modules often, but the .packlist file based approach has never failed me so far.
use 5.010;
use ExtUtils::Installed qw();
use ExtUtils::Packlist qw();
die "Usage: $0 Module::Name Module::Name\n" unless #ARGV;
for my $mod (#ARGV) {
my $inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new;
foreach my $item (sort($inst->files($mod))) {
say "removing $item";
unlink $item or warn "could not remove $item: $!\n";
my $packfile = $inst->packlist($mod)->packlist_file;
print "removing $packfile\n";
unlink $packfile or warn "could not remove $packfile: $!\n";
Since at the time of installing of any module it mainly put corresponding .pm files in respective directories.
So if you want to remove module only for some testing purpose or temporarily best is to find the path where module is stored using perldoc -l <MODULE> and then simply move the module from there to some other location.
This approach can also be tried as a more permanent solution but i am not aware of any negative consequences as i do it mainly for testing.