Uninstall all perl modules installed by cpan - perl

Yesterday I wanted to test some software and in the documentation it said, to install I just needed to type
cpan -i Software
I never used cpan, I just know that it is the perl package manager. (Is it..?) However, it turned out that I needed loads of dependencies, and stupid as I am, I just installed all of them. (First, I had to set up cpan which asked me lots of questions) Long story short, I just want to remove all of it again. I googled a bit, and it seems like cpan does not have an uninstall routine, especially for all the packages at once.
Can I just remove some directory or will I run into troubles?

the cpan command isn't really a package manager like apt-get is. It is more a tool that downloads and installs from CPAN (the site, or one of its mirrors). After it has finished this task it doesn't remember much about what was done before, at least not enough to remove previously installed modules, at least not reliably, cleanly or dependency-safely. (Update: After looking at App::pmuninstall, it can be used to handle dependencies, but it does so by connecting to outside (read: web) sources, which compute these separately, which is fine, but I stand by the previous statement that CPAN.pm doesn't do this.)
I used to worry about removing modules, but now I realize that most Perl modules take up so little room that I just don't worry about having a few extra modules installed that you will never use. So unless you are on a computer with a REALLY small disc, I would just let it be.
On Windows or if you are using a non-system Perl on Linux/Mac you could just remove Perl and reinstall it. I would not recommend this if you are using the system installed Perl on Linux/Mac however as you could break your OS doing this (you might be ok if you were careful, but not worth it to save a few Mb!).
In the future, you can easily install a local version of Perl using perlbrew, there are tutorials all over the web if the docs aren't sufficient (they should be). This also has the bonus of letting you play with the newest and greatest Perl versions, which your system likely doesn't come with yet. Then if you install a mountain of junk, or even break it doing something crazy, remove that version and reinstall/install a different version.
Another nice tool is cpanminus (or cpanm for short) which is a newer, more user friendly cpan tool. All the cool kids are using it.

You can uninstall individual modules with cpanplus (ships with Perl) like this:
cpanp uninstall SQL::Abstract
You can view all modules installed with the cpan script like this:
perldoc perllocal
Putting the two together:
for module in $(perldoc -u perllocal | grep -F 'C<Module> L<' | sed 's/^.*L<\(.*\)|.*>$/\1/') ; do
cpanp uninstall "$module"

I'm not sure about removing "all of it". But to remove a single module you can use App::pmuninstall with it's sole script pm-uninstall to uninstall modules. You might then be able to write some kind of script to recursively remove the deps.

If you can't use cpan any more because there are incompatible modules in you path, you can remove all installed modules by hand. For example, I upgraded from Fedora 22 to Fedora 23 and the Perl version changed. All modules installed previously via cpanm into /usr/local/lib64/perl5 did not work any more and prevented me from using cpanm.
$ cpanm --uninstall Apache::DBI
Attempt to reload Scalar/Util.pm aborted.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/File/Temp.pm line 18.
I could solve this by moving that directory:
$ mv /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /root/usr-local-lib64-perl5
The name of that directory may vary on your system.
Carefull: If a module installed files outside of that directory, for example system library files, these files will remain there.

I will change Flimm's answer to use cpanm and optionally uninstall cpanm itself in the end of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for module in $(perldoc -u perllocal | grep -F 'C<Module> L<' | sed 's/^.*L<\(.*\)|.*>$/\1/' | sort | uniq) ; do
if [[ "$module" =~ "App::cpanminus" ]]; then
echo "Uninstalling $module..."
yes | cpanm --uninstall "$module"
cpanm --uninstall App::cpanminus

I think the best option is uninstall Perl and install it again.


Using local Perl module instead of one installed by CPAN

I have found it necessary to expand upon a CPAN module. (Unicode::CharName goes up to Unicode 4.1; I need some characters from Unicode 5.0 & 5.1).
I've made the changes needed and have my own CharName.pm module.
I now would like to use it with my various Perls. I currently use:
Strawberry Perl for Windows
git for Windows MINGW64; My .bashrc sets
$PATH to Strawberry perl and $PERL5LIB=/c/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib:/c/Strawberry/perl/site/lib
WSL Ubuntu
Where should I put my version of Unicode::CharName, so that it over-rides the ones installed by CPAN?
I don't want to have to change any scripts that currently
use Unicode::CharName;
Using cpanm you could download the module, patch it, and install it as normal:
$ cpanm --look Unicode::CharName
# new shell opens
$ patch lib/Unicode/CharName.pm custom.patch # or whatever process
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make install
$ exit
You can also install it to a local::lib to avoid overwriting it globally, by adding the -l local/ option to the cpanm command. Then you can add the absolute path of this local::lib to your PERL5LIB or via -I or use lib. If you specified /path/to/local for the -l option, it would be /path/to/local/lib/perl5.
Manually copying files rather than going through the normal installation process is likely to lead to problems. Many distributions depend on the installation process to build the modules correctly. Also, you will need to install the module separately for each Perl you want to use it for; installed Perl modules are not generally cross-compatible between Perl versions or architectures. (A strictly simple pure-Perl module can be an exception to these rules, but the only module I feel comfortable abusing this way is App::cpanminus, because it was designed to do this.)

How to install all perl modules at once in Ubuntu

I want to install all available perl modules at once in Ubuntu.
Is such a thing possible?
Instead of installing everything, why not use CPAN::Mini to get them all on your local machine. Then you can install the ones you need when you need them.
As others have said, you probably don't want to.
Many modules are updated more frequently on CPAN than the Ubuntu repos
Some modules aren't in the repos at all.
Many modules will have dependencies you don't need.
If you ever need more than one environment, it's a problem (although to be fair, this is generally a much rarer occurrence with perl than with other ecosystems).
perlbrew and cpanm are lovely and don't require `sudo
It's not a replacement for proper dependency management as if you ever have a distro upgrade, not all packages may be provided next time.
... however, if you're determined, a very straightforward way would be to look at the output of
sudo apt-get search perl | sed -e 's/ - .*//'
... and if it's to your liking, run
sudo apt-get search perl | sed -e 's/ - .*//' | xargs sudo apt-get install
Personally, I'd probably stick a | egrep '-perl' | in there, too before the xargs, as you might get hits based on the description that don't represent actual perl modules.
[Answer based on "Why?" provided in comments]
Based on my personal experience:
Almost all perl modules required for serious development are available as ubuntu/debian packages
e.g. Net::DBus perl package is provided by libnet-dbus-perl ubuntu/debian package.
You may install ubuntu/debian packages and keeping system itself up to date will update your installed perl modules.

Finding Perl modules already packaged for Debian and Redhat

I'm investigating making a Perl application that uses many modules into either a Debian and/or Redhat package. Currently, I believe the 'cleanest' way to do this is to cite, where possible, the modules that are packaged already for the given distribution.
The alternative would be to use CPAN and probably have some duplications, problems with #INC etc.
However, I can find or interrogate a list of Debian packages here: http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/cpan2deb/ but I can't currently find an equivalent for Redhat/Fedora. Also I don't really know whether cpan2deb is authoritative and up to date.
If there's another clean way to do this, I'd welcome any other ideas too.
The Debian Perl Group is your best bet on the Debian world. Not only do they intercept all spread modules packages for Debian but they also try to keep them up to date.
See this page:
There is cpanspec but it's not been touched in a few years. I seem to remember cpan2rpm but I don't have much experience with that one.
The alternative would be to use CPAN and probably have some duplications, problems with #INC etc.
I've got a perl program packaged for debian with a large number of dependencies. For expediency, I've chosen a grubby hybrid approach with some packaged modules as dependencies, plus a cheat backdoor CPAN install, which runs from my post-installation script. I hive a copy of my application's META.yml, then recheck my dependencies.
1.debian/rules file makes a copy of META.yml:
dh_auto_install; \
cp META.yml etc/;\
2.debian/libmyapp-perl.install then installs META.yml:
etc/META.yml /usr/share/myapp/etc/
3.debian/libmyapp-perl.postinstall then cross-checks dependencies:
echo "Cross checking with cpan";
for m in `perl -Mstrict -MYAML::Syck -e'my $r = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("/usr/share/myapp/etc/META.yml")->{requires}; for (grep {$_ ne "perl"} (sort keys %$r)) {eval "use $_ $r->{$_}"; print "$_\n" if $#}'`; do
# would prefer App::cpanminus, but that's not packaged for debian either?
PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e "install $m";
Not exactly clean, but a quick approach to installing a mix of dependent debian packages plus a few CPAN modules.

How do I install Perl libraries in Cygwin?

I'm a C/C++/Java/Unix geek by trade, but now I have to write a Perl program in Windows. So I've got Cygwin, Eclipse with EPIC installed, and simple test programs run. I do not have a Unix machine available to me that I can run Eclipse on.
But I need to use Net::TCP::Server and I can't figure out how to install it. It doesn't appear to be part of the Cygwin Perl install, and I don't want to spend 5 days learning the world of Perl and CPAN and Perl configuration. I just want to write my program.
Any simple ways of installing a Perl module in Cygwin? I'm thinking something like apt-get install would be nice, but I expect that's too much to hope for.
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9402)
Enter 'h' for help.
cpan[1]> install Net::TCP::Server
And it's instructive to list the configuration with the o conf command.
Seeing that some of the info here is a bit outdated and too complicated, I'd rather suggest the following. There are a few different Perl package managers in use. They are all installed with cpan (which is already part of the Cygwin Perl installation), like this:
# Install ppm (outdated)
cpan PPM
# Install cpanp (still used)
# Install cpanm (most recent)
cpan App::cpanminus
Then you can install any Perl package you like, as for example in the OP, using cpanm:
cpanm Net::TCP::Server
Sometimes (as noted above) Cygwin may fail certain tests. For example, when using IPv6 on a machine only configured with IPv4, or when your windows firewall is blocking some tests, etc. To attempt to install anyway, try to use the force flag; -f.
cpanm -f Net::TCP::Server
I'm a C/C++/java unix geek by trade, but now I have to write a perl program in windows. So I've got cygwin, eclipse with EPIC installed, and simple test programs run. I do not have a unix machine available to me that I can run eclipse on.
You should be able to run Eclipse with EPIC right under Windows without Cygwin. I like Cygwin for many things, but it isn't exactly a very stable platform. Eclipse runs as a Java program, so all you have to do is make sure Java is installed on your PC. There is even a pre-built Eclipse package.
You can also get a decent Perl that runs right under Windows. Either ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl. Either one will work although many Unix heads prefer Strawberry Perl because it comes with the same MIGW environment that Cygwin has and many feel it's more compatible with the Unix Perl brethren. However, ActiveState Perl can use the Perl Package Manager (PPM) that contains pre-built modules. Unfortunately, the module you want isn't available via PPM.
But I need to use Net::TCP::Server and I can't figure out how to install it. It doesn't appear to be part of the cygwin perl install, and I don't want to spend 5 days learning the world of perl and cpan and perl configuration. I just want to write my program.
Installing from CPAN is really quite simple. The first time you run CPAN, it should pretty much configure itself. Then, to do an install, you run cpan install Net::TCP::Server and that should be it. However, I've tried on several Mac, Unix, and Linux machines, and I can't get it to work. So, this isn't a Windows problem as much as a problem with this module. It is fairly old, and might not work well in newer versions of Perl. You might have to force the install over test's objections.
Maybe you can use one of the already installed IO modules that come with Perl instead. That'll save you a boatload of trouble because the required modules are part of Perl's existing package.
Despite Cygwin's "problems," I use it regularly whenever I have to use Windows. I would recommend first installing a separate installation of Perl using perlbrew so that you won't interfere with Cygwin's copy of Perl in case something bad happens since Cygwin does not enforce root-user policy. In cygwin shell, type
\curl -L http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
This should walk through the installation for perlbrew and set it up in one of your executable path. Next type
perlbrew init
perlbrew install --force stable
perlbrew switch stable
Wait a bit while a mint Perl is compiled. For unknown reason, Perl can only pass 99.23% of the core module tests on Cygwin (at least on my machine),hence the --force flag). My experience is that it mostly have something to do with handling of device files, like ports and pipes. I am unaware of people trying to resolve the issue as it seems like a Cygwin problem. Although it has not presented much problem for me with general system and web programming tasks. The module testing routines will fail if any problem exists so I am not fretting over it.
Next step is to install cpanm (cpanminus), type
perlbrew install-cpanm
From here on out, to install any library from CPAN, just type
cpanm [library::name1] [library::name2]
cpanm makes it trivial to install any Perl modules. You can even install from your local directory instead of CPAN.
Your mileage may vary, but I had a lot of trouble until I realized that Strawberry perl had a lot of bin folders in my PATH, and when I changed my .bashrc to export only a very simple PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin, Cygwin's perl installation's cpan started working beautifully. I used local:lib as Cygwin doesn't support sudo. Before it got into a bad loop saying "Press SPACE and ENTER to exit Patch" over and over.

How do I uninstall Perl modules?

I installed some Perl modules in my Linux machine. If I enter perldoc perllocal it shows a list of Perl modules installed in my machine, but now I don't need those Perl modules, so I want to remove them.
Does anyone know how to uninstall or remove those modules installed in Linux (debian 2.6.26)?
The Perl installers are just that... installers. They don't verify that they're not overwriting existing files, and they don't record precisely what they install. Therefore, they cannot uninstall. If you want a proper packaging system, you can't use the Perl installers.
If you use CPANPLUS to install a module, you can (at least in theory) also use it to uninstall it:
$ cpanp
> u Unwanted::Module
> q
The older CPAN module does not support an uninstall option. And, as Randal Schwartz notes, uninstalling modules is not always reliable.
Use cpanp (its uninstall is not limited to cpanplus-installed modules), or see ExtUtils::Packlist's modrm example.
Uninstall tools have historically been not readily provided because the install process is not robustly reversible, as Randal cautions.
As I've mentioned somewhere else on SO, my answer is to just leave them. There are VERY few Perl modules large enough to take up any actual space on you system. I'm not saying don't try if you really need the space, but if you don't ... its not worth it.
You can try App::pmuninstall
App::pmuninstall is a fast module uninstaller. delete files from
App::cpanminus and, App::cpanoutdated with a high affinity.
I tried cpanp uninstall and it didn't work for me. I did find success using App::pmuninstall.
pm-uninstall [options] Module ...
pm-uninstall - Uninstall modules - metacpan.org