JMeter - load balancing - jboss

In our application, We have 6 instance of application server.
When we test it manually, we will land on some node randomly.
When i run our JMeter test (with 20 users), most of the load(70%) goes to 1 specific node out of 6 nodes.
30% goes to another specific node from the rest 5.
I see the information via JSESSIONID set in the request cookies.
I was thinking the load will be balanced on all the 6 nodes equally (more or less).
Is this my application issue? Or Does it have to do anything with JMeter?
Our app server is JBoss. It is a cookie injection based load balancing.
I do not send the request to any specific app server via cookie. The cookie is set automatically.

First of all make sure that HTTP Cookie Manager is added to your test plan, it should be enough to automatically resolve cookie-based load balancing problem.
If you have > 1 load balancer instance or the load balancer resolves in > 1 IP address you may have to add a DNS Cache Manager as well. See The DNS Cache Manager: The Right Way To Test Load Balanced Apps guide for better explanation and configuration details.

Beside what Dmitri suggested you should check the way your LB is configured.
In many cases, the LB distributes the requests based on source IP, so all requests coming form the Jmeter server go to the same target.
This happens especially when the LB does not terminate the https traffic.


Keycloak internal and external link

I understand that the question was asked and discussed in different formats before. However, I still miss clear guidelines on how to handle the situation.
Our keycloak setup has multiple keycloak replicas and is behind a load balancer without a fixed ip in a separate infrastructure. So that our DNS records look like:
And forwards the request to specific instances of keycloak.
One of our end-user applications is located in a completely different infrastructure with strict access. The end-user application is built using java and is using Keycloak integration org.keycloak:keycloak-servlet-filter-adapter. We do not have any custom adapters and simply follow "standard" configuration:
"auth-server-url" : "",
However, this does not work since ip address have to be whitelisted in that "special" infrastructure. So that validation requests from the application inside the "special" infrastructure do not hit the keycloak. And we cannot whitelist the ip, since the ip of our load balancer is not fixed and changes with time.
We have a "tunnel" between the keycloak infrastructure and that "special" infrastructure with a dedicated ip cidr range which is whitelisted.
Hence we have create a special internal load balancer that is in the tunnels cidr range and forwards requests to the keycloak replicas. Unfortunately that internal load balancer does not have a fixed ip address, and can change within time.
Since we do not have fixed ip address, is the only correct method is to use add DNS record inside the "special" infrastructure pointing to the internal load balancer? Something like:
Or are there any alternative solutions? I understand the historical reasons behind this.

possible to access an application in Websphere application server cluster without load balances or web server?

I am trying setting up an websphere application server cluster and deploy an web application on it. I have successfully access the application with a web server. but i have some question, if i would access the application bypassing the web server by using 9080 to the single server, i get error when sign in servlet respond.redirect to jsp page. the session was lost, are we not suppose to access the application in cluster environment with out the web server ?
As long as you target an individual server in the cluster, you should not lose your session or suffer any other ill effects for not using/having a proxy server between you and the cluster. You should look closely at the Cookies issued through that flow and make sure they don't have a bad domain or path and that you don't get redirected back through the webserver or otherwise to another JVM.
Also verify there is no DNS-based load balancing. If you don't have session persistence/distribution/replication it won't work.

HAProxy & Consul-template : retry request when scaling down

I'am working on a microservice architecture based on Docker, registrator, consul and HAProxy.
I'am also using Consul-template to dynamically generate the HAProxy config file. Everything works fine : When I add multiple instances of the same microservice, the HAProxy configuration is updated immediately and requests are dispatched correctly using a round robin strategy.
My problem occurs when I remove some instances (scale down). If a container is shut down while a request is running I have an error.
I'am new to HAProxy so is there a way to configure HAProxy to tell it to retry a failing request to another endpoint if a container disappears?
Precision : I'am using a layer7 routing mode (mode http) for my frontends and backends. Here is a little sample of my consul-template file :
backend hello-backend
balance roundrobin
mode http
{{range service "HelloWorld" }}server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check
# Path stripping
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /hello/(.*) \1\ /\2
frontend http
bind *:8080
mode http
acl url_hello path_beg /hello
use_backend hello-backend if url_hello
Thank you for your help.
It isn't possible for HAProxy to resend a request that has already been sent to a backend.
Here's a forum post from Willy, the creator.
redispatch only happens when the request is still in haproxy. Once it has been sent, it is cannot be performed. It must not be performed either for non idempotent requests, because there is no way to know whether some processing has begun on the server before it died and returned an RST.
The post is quite old but it's still applicable based on more recent discussions. If a request is larger than tune.bufsize (default is around 16KB iirc) then HAProxy hasn't even retained the entire request in memory at the point an error occurs.
Both fortunately (for the craft) and unfortunately (for purposes of real-world utility), Willy has always insisted on correct behavior by HAProxy, and he is indeed correct that it is inappropriate to retry non-idempotent requests once they have been sent to a back-end server, because there are certainly cases where this would result in duplicate processing.
For GET requests which, by definition, should be idempotent (a GET request must be repeatable without consequence, otherwise it should not have been designed to use GET -- it should have been POST or another verb) there's a viable argument that resending to a different back-end would be a legitimate course of action, but this also is not currently supported.
Varnish, by contrast, does support a do-over, which I have used (behind HAProxy) with success on GET requests where I have on-line and near-line storage for the same object namespace. Old, "unpopular" files are migrated to near-line (slower, cheaper) storage, but all requests are sent to on-line storage, with the retry destination of near-line if on-line returns a 404. But, I've never tried this with requests other than GET.
Ideally, your solution would be for your back-ends to be declared unhealthy, perhaps by deliberately failing their HTTP health checks for a draining time before shutting down. One fairly simple approach is for the health check to require the presence of a static file, which gets deleted from the back-end before shutdown. Or, you can request HAProxy consider the backend to be in maintenance mode through the stats/admin UI or socket, preventing more requests from being initiated while allowing running requests to drain.

spring cloud configuration client spamming our configuration server

We have a set of micro services which obtain their configuration from a configuration server that we have created. Our configuration server uses mongo as the backing store for configuration files and we run it in a redundant configuration so that if any of the configuration servers fail then we can fail over to another.
Now the configuration for each service is that it uses discovery to get the location of the configuration server. We can see that each service obtains a reference ants the proper configuration data for the server and that all services start correctly with this data.
Now one thing that we noticed is that the services regularly request their configurations from the configuration server every 3 mins. This is being done at the configuration client level and not in our code base.
This get request from every service at that rate is causing quite a bit of load on the configuration service. Is this expected and if so how can be lower the rate of these pings?
One additional issue is that if we make a health request to any service, this triggers a request to get the services configuration from the remote configuration service.
The combination of both of these elements is driving our configuration server into the ground since they are 5 requests/sec on the server.

How to use S3 as static web page and EC2 as REST API for it together? (AWS)

With AWS services we have the Web application running from the S3 bucket and accessing the data through the REST API from Load Balancer (which is set of Node.js applications running on EC2 instance).
Currently we have specified URL's as following:
API Load Balancer:
Static Web App on S3:
But having this setup brought us a set of problems since requests are CORS with this setup. We could workaround CORS with special headers, but that doesn't work with all browsers.
What we want to achieve is running API on the same domain but with different path:
API Load Balancer:
Static Web App on S3:
One of the ideas was to attach the API Load Balancer to the CDN and forward all request to Load Balancer if query is coming on the "/api/*" path. But that doesn't work since our API is using not only HEAD and GET requests, but also POST, PUT, DELETE.
Another idea is using second EC2 instance instead of S3 bucket to host website (using some web server like nginx or apache). But that gives too much overhead when everything is in place already (S3 static content hosting). Also if using this scenario we wouldn't get all the benefits of Amazon CloudFront performance.
So, could your recommend how to combine Load Balancer and S3, so they would run on same domain, but with different paths? (API on and Web App on
Thank you!
You can't have an EC2 instance and an S3 bucket with the same host name. Consider what happens when a web browser makes a request to that host name. DNS resolves it to an IP address (or addresses) and the packets of the request are delivered to that address. The address either terminates at the EC2 instance or the S3 bucket, not both.
As I understand your situation, you have static web pages hosted on S3 that include JavaScript code that makes various HTTP requests to the EC2 instance. If the S3 web pages are on a different host than the EC2 instance then the same origin policy will prevent the browser from even attempting some of the requests.
The only solutions I can see are:
Make all requests to the EC2 instance, with it fetching the S3 contents and delivering it to the browser whenever a web page is asked for.
Have your JavaScript use iframes and change the document.domain in the the web pages to a common parent origin. For example, if your web pages are at and your EC2 instance is at, the JavaScript would change document.domain to just and the browser would permit iframes from from to communicate with
Bite the bullet and use CORS. It's really not hard, and it's supported in all remotely recent browsers (IE 8 and 9 do it, but not in a standard way).
The first method is no good, because you almost might as well not use S3 at all in that case.
The second case should be okay for you. It should work in any browser, because it's not really CORS. So no CORS headers are needed. But it's tricky.
The third, CORS, approach should be just fine. Your EC2 instance just has to return the proper headers telling web pages from the S3 bucket that it's safe for them to talk to the EC2 instance.
Just wanted to add an additional bit to the answer that, if we go with CORS approach and preflight requests adds an overhead to the server and network bandwidth, we may even consider adding header "Access-Control-Max-Age" to the CORS response