possible to access an application in Websphere application server cluster without load balances or web server? - redirect

I am trying setting up an websphere application server cluster and deploy an web application on it. I have successfully access the application with a web server. but i have some question, if i would access the application bypassing the web server by using 9080 to the single server, i get error when sign in servlet respond.redirect to jsp page. the session was lost, are we not suppose to access the application in cluster environment with out the web server ?

As long as you target an individual server in the cluster, you should not lose your session or suffer any other ill effects for not using/having a proxy server between you and the cluster. You should look closely at the Cookies issued through that flow and make sure they don't have a bad domain or path and that you don't get redirected back through the webserver or otherwise to another JVM.
Also verify there is no DNS-based load balancing. If you don't have session persistence/distribution/replication it won't work.


Using same Jsession ID to login into other machine

In our project we are using weblogic server.
If I try to login into our application i.e on machine A, a JsessionId is generated after I logged in.
Now, if I use this same JsessionId on another machine i.e machine B the application will prompt me to home page instead of login page.
Please provide a solution for my problem.
Unless otherwise configured, most servers will destroy any JSessionID it does not recognize and issue a new one. This is to prevent Session Fixation attacks. Java Servlet Engines like Tomcat and Jetty do so as will various j2EE Application Servers such as WildFly(UnderTow) and WebLogic.
If you want to have a session migration between servers nodes you will need to configure your server to do so. Servlet Engines and Application Servers will not do so automatically. You will need to look at your Weblogic docs for your version of your Application Server to determine how to do it.
I will tell you that Wildfly and Tomcat definitely require multicast-ip to make this work. Depending upon your environment it is possible that multicast-ip is blocked by firewalls. Additionally I know, as of this writing, that docker containers do not support multicast-ip out of the box so you will need some sort of work-around if you are using docker containers.
The important thing is that you understand why the session is not automatically migrated and that you need to configure your server to do so. If Weblogic uses multicast-ip that might be another hurdle to overcome.
I hope this helps. This is as specific as I can be as I am not a Weblogic developer.
What you have stated is called session hijacking. There are many good answers on how to prevent it.
Prevent session from being replicated when JSESSIONID cookie copied
What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?
HTTP being an stateless protocol uses a session identifier (mostly a cookie) which is sent with every request which to identify the client. The most common way is to use HTTPS to encrypt your request and prevent anyone in the middle from seeing that session identifier.
One important point to consider is that if the attacker has physical access to your machine, then he/she can easily see your session identifier and there is nothing you can do about it. That's the reason why websites like facebook warn you when you open the browser console and run some scripts.

While connecting two app servers with an ibm http webserver, we are able to successfully connect with only one server

While running two app servers (which has mobilefirst servers hosted 7.1 version) from ibm http server, only one server runs successfully on keeping only one of the Route attribute active in the plugin-cfg.xml of the http server. In the server which is not running, the following error is seen in the messages.log.
CWWKS4001E: The security token cannot be validated. This can be for the following reasons
1. The security token was generated on another server using different keys.
2. The token configuration or the security keys of the token service which created the token has been changed.
3. The token service which created the token is no longer available.
Kindly guide in resolving the error above.
Sounds like your two servers have not exchanged/shared LTPA keys and IHS and the WAS Plugin are a red herring.
Note: For SSO to work across Liberty servers, full profile servers, or both, set the following resources:
The servers must use the same LTPA keys and share the same user registry.
Sounds like communication issue between two servers. Are the inbound ports opened on another server to communicate with HTTP server? if they are opened use telnet and test whether both servers (HTTP and app server) are communicating with each other.
On HTTP Server, open command prompt and enter below command.
telnet <app server ip> <app server port>
If this is not successful then you need to open ports on app server.

jboss cluster session replication not working (multiple jsessionid cookies)

I'm trying to authenticate on my web application deployed on a jboss working in cluster mode with 2 nodes.
After a succesful authentication I get redirected to an admin page where a Filter checks if I am logged in.
On standalone mode it works just fine but when I deployed into production, which uses cluster mode, the filter rejects my request because it can't access the session parameters I have established on authentication.
Using the developer tools I see there are 3 JSESSIONID cookies set: one for /, one for /myapplication path and another one called JSESSIONID-34234 also for /myapplication path (I've cleared all them before starting the process).
Browsing the jboss docs I can't see no explanation for this although it seems the source of my problem.
How can I get to work authentication (I am using spring security http form based authentication) in my JBoss cluster?
Solved by enabling sticky session by adding the following to the virtualhost configuration file:
Header add Set-Cookie "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/myapplication" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
<Proxy balancer://jboss6-hc-001-8109>
BalancerMember ajp://jboss2.imatiasl.lan:8109 route=jboss2-hc-001-server-02
BalancerMember ajp://jboss3.imatiasl.lan:8109 route=jboss3-hc-001-server-02
ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests stickysession=ROUTEID
Web session clustering should work if:
You enabled <distributed/> in web.xml.
Your app's server group is using ha or full-ha profile
If you want your clustered app perform better, consider implementing a good load-balancing policy. For most webapps load-balancing with sticky sessions is OK.
In some webapps, it is enough not to ask for re-authentication in case of failover or session is very easy to rebuild if authentication info is available. In such cases you even don't need web session clustering. Clustered SSO is enough, the caveat is you'll have to use container level security for authentication (most probably supported by spring-security). This way only authentication info is replicated, so you'll have to design session data management to be resilient to situations, when session suddenly becomes empty.

How can session cache service data be stored externally?

Cross-posting as advised from DeveloperWorks: https://developer.ibm.com/answers/questions/212469/can-an-application-hosted-outside-bluemix-access-s.html
I am exploring a scenario wherein I have an existing Java application hosted on-premises outside BlueMix. I want to make it horizontally scalable. As part of this change I would like to know if I can provision a BlueMix Session Cache service to store the application's session state externally. The application will continue to be hosted outside BlueMix but use BlueMix Session Cache for session state management.
It is not possible at the moment.
Although a person can setup a Liberty runtime with the right connection information copied from VCAP and runtime variables, and use it to host a web application that use session cache client, this machine is outside Bluemix and won't be trusted by the network. As a result, it won't be able to connect to the session cache within Bluemix.

Intercepting and forwarding client certificate to webservice

I have a web application (gwt) that is running on a tomcat application server. This web application consumes several web services (login, application data transfer, queries, etc.). The web service client on the tomcat is implemented as apache axis2 web service client.
For user log on I provide a form in the web application with username and password. This data are transmitted via web service to authenticate the user.
It is planned to change the hole authentication mechanism to client certificated based authentication. The authentication still should be done on the web service provider side.
So my system has three relevant components: the web client, the tomcat application server and the web service provider.
Every user of the application has its own private client certificate (PKI Token, X.509- Auth-Cert). When the user connects to the web application his certificate is requested.
How can I forward the client certificates for use in the web services? (The tomcat will not be responsible for authentication).
1.) Is there a way to intercept the request and extract the client certificates before authentication error occurred?
I found some information about Servlet Filters what sounds really good, but I’m not sure where to implement it to intercept the certificates before they are verified against tomcats keystore.
2.) If it is possible, how can I pass after the client certificate to the web service?
Thank you for reading
No, not really. The real piece used in authentication is the private key associated with the certificate, not just the certificate itself. And, typically, you have no way of retrieving that from the web client. Therefore, you cannot really pass-through the credentials you receive from a web client on to the web service client. The certificate itself is readily available, but is useless for authentication without the corresponding private key.