Is it possible to calculate the bytes/sec on GET requests created by Guzzle 4 or 5?
If so, how is this done?
To answer your question, yes it is possible to calculate the data rate.
Assuming the usage of Guzzle 5, and from the Guzzle Documentation on Events on the ProgressEvent:
You can access the emitted progress values using the corresponding
public properties of the event object:
$downloadSize: The number of bytes that will be downloaded (if known)
$downloaded: The number of bytes that have been downloaded
$uploadSize: The number of bytes that will be uploaded (if known)
$uploaded: The number of bytes that have been uploaded
In theory using an EventSubscriber (neat, tidy and recommended) or by passing closures to the event emitter (not so neat) is:
Start a timer on the BeforeEvent
Use the timer value and the ProgressEvent::downloaded to calculate a data rate.
Stop the timer within the CompleteEvent
I am using stm32f103 and i need to read data from sd card. I am using a coroutine system ,so i don't want to block. Is there a possible way to read asyncly?
You could read files by time sharing small blocks at each step.
For example read (1000) bytes at every 10 mili seconds at use that.
You could use double buffering for processing one part of data.
I am writing my own CANOpen stack, and I want to implement the SDO server using C.
The CiA CANOpen Application Layer Document specified that the SDO Request and Confirm Frames look as follows:
And some explanation provided as follows:
Based on my decoding of this picture, I gather that I am supposed to send 8 bytes in a SDO confirmation frame, but the 7 bytes will contain simply 0.
Is this correct?
PS: Sorry for the images if they are not clear.
Almost correct. An SDO CAN frame always contains 8 bytes, where the unused bytes are 0.
The confirmation frame, however, has 4 non-zero bytes. The first byte is the command specifier (0x60 in this case). The next three are the "multiplexer": two bytes for the object index (little-endian) and one byte for the sub-index.
Watermark allows late arriving data to be considered for inclusion against already computed results for a period of time using windows. Its premise is that it tracks to a point in time before which it is assumed no more late events are supposed to arrive, but if they do, they are none-the-less discarded.
Is there a way to store the discarded data, that can be used for reconciliation purpose later?
Say In my Structured Streaming, I set the watermark to 1 hour.
I am doing window operation for each 10 min and received a later event 20 min late.
Is there a way I can store the discarded data say at a different location rather than discarding it?
No, there is no way to achieve this aspect.
I am using latest version of veins. I have been playing it with for a while and understand the basics now. I followed tictoc tutorial for omentpp, but I still couldn't figure out how to solve the following probelm:
I want Vehicles and RSU to send messages to each other. I want these messages to be sent in all the four catagories. When a message is received I want to measure the time it took to travel from source to destination.
By default, veins, can send data, and based on this post, I know that I have to change someparts in TraCIDemo11p, but I couldn't figure out what. It would be great if someone could provide an answer.
To answer my own question. I modified to accomplish my goal(though it is not right way to do it. The right way would be to extend this class and make your changes in that class. But since I just wanted to make changes quickly I chose this quicker way). I modified the method for sending beacons. Since beacons will be scheduled to be sent based on the time that the user can specify in .ini file. Now every time a beacon is scheduled to be sent, I randomly generate a priority from the range [0-4) and assign it to the packet. In this way I get to send beacons with different priorities over the network.
Also as I had a requirement of sending each packet in a different rate. To achieve this I implemented the random generation function in such a way that certain numbers of the range gets generated more than others. It's sorta biased. So as an example, in .ini file I would specify that priorities 0-2 should be sent at rate of 0.2 while priority 4 should be sent at rate of 0.4(it can interpreted as the sending rate for each priority). The random generation function would then generate 4 twice more than any other number, while numbers 0,1,2 would get generated the same number of times.
I want to use Google Measurement Protocol to record offline events, i.e. take data from an EPOS system and track them in Google Analytics. This would be a batch process once a day. How do I tell Google what the date of the event is? If the console app went offline for a few days I wouldn't want three days worth of events to be associated with one day.
Your best best currently is to use the Queue Time Measurement Protocol Parameter.
Queue Time is used to collect offline / latent hits. The value represents the time delta (in milliseconds) between when the hit being reported occurred and the time the hit was sent. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. Values greater than four hours may lead to hits not being processed.