Custom Messages with Veins(oment++, sumo, veins traffic simulation) - simulation

I am using latest version of veins. I have been playing it with for a while and understand the basics now. I followed tictoc tutorial for omentpp, but I still couldn't figure out how to solve the following probelm:
I want Vehicles and RSU to send messages to each other. I want these messages to be sent in all the four catagories. When a message is received I want to measure the time it took to travel from source to destination.
By default, veins, can send data, and based on this post, I know that I have to change someparts in TraCIDemo11p, but I couldn't figure out what. It would be great if someone could provide an answer.

To answer my own question. I modified to accomplish my goal(though it is not right way to do it. The right way would be to extend this class and make your changes in that class. But since I just wanted to make changes quickly I chose this quicker way). I modified the method for sending beacons. Since beacons will be scheduled to be sent based on the time that the user can specify in .ini file. Now every time a beacon is scheduled to be sent, I randomly generate a priority from the range [0-4) and assign it to the packet. In this way I get to send beacons with different priorities over the network.
Also as I had a requirement of sending each packet in a different rate. To achieve this I implemented the random generation function in such a way that certain numbers of the range gets generated more than others. It's sorta biased. So as an example, in .ini file I would specify that priorities 0-2 should be sent at rate of 0.2 while priority 4 should be sent at rate of 0.4(it can interpreted as the sending rate for each priority). The random generation function would then generate 4 twice more than any other number, while numbers 0,1,2 would get generated the same number of times.


What is the best way to handle obsolete information in a database with a spring boot application

I am working on an application tracking objects detected by multiple sensors. I receive my inputs by consuming a kafka message and I save the informations in a postgresql database.
An object is located in a specific location if it's last scan was detected by sensor in that exact location, example :
Object last scanned by sensor in room 1 -> means last location known for the object is room 1
The scans are continously happening and we can set a frequency of a few seconds to a few minutes. So for an object that wasn't scanned in the last hour for example. It needs to be considered out of range.
So my question now is, how can I design a system that generates some sort of notification when a device is out of range ?
for example if the timestamp of the last detection goes longer than 5 minutes ago, it triggers a notification.
The only solution I can think of, is to create a batch that repeatedly checks for all the objects with last detection time is more than 5 minutes for example. But I am wondering if that is the right approach and I would like to ask if there is a better way.
I use kotlin and spring boot for my application.
Thank you for your help.
You would need some type of heartbeat mechanism, yes.
Query all detection events with "last seen timestamp" greater than your threshold, and fire an alert when that returned result set is more than some tolerable threshold (e.g. if you are willing to accept intermittent lost devices and expect them to be found in the next scan).
As far as "where/how" to alert - up to you. Slack webhooks are a popular example. Grafana can do alerting and query your database.

How to handle duplicate note_on, note_off, tempo change in more than one tracks, and tracks without program_change in a midi file?

I'm using Mido for python, working on parsing midi files into <start_time, duration, program, pitch> tuples and met some problems.
Some files that I parse has multiple note_on, resulting in notes at the same pitch and same program being opened more than once.
Some files contains multiple note_off resulting in trying to close notes that is no longer on due to being closed before (assuming only one note at the same program and same pitch can be on).
Some tracks does not have a program_change in the beginning of the track (or even worse, not even having one in the whole track).
Some files has more than one track containing set_tempo messages.
What should I do in each of these cases to ensure I get the correct interpretation?
In general, to get a correct MIDI message stream, you have to merge all tracks in a type 1 file. What matters for a synthesizer are not tracks, but channels.
The MIDI specification says:
If an instrument receives two or more Note On messages with the same key number and MIDI channel, it must make a determination of how to handle the additional Note Ons. It is up to the receiver as to whether the same voice or another voice will be sounded, or if the messages will be ignored. The transmitter, however, must send a corresponding Note Off message for every Note On sent. If the transmitter were to send only one Note Off message, and if the receiver in fact assigned the two Note On messages to different voices, then one note would linger. Since there is no harm or negative side effect in sending redundant Note Off messages this is the recommended practice.
The General MIDI System Level 1 Developer Guidelines say that in response to a “GM System On” message, a device should set Program Change to 0. So you can assume this to be the initial value for channels that have notes without a preceding Program Change.
The Standard MIDI Files specification says that
tempo information should always be stored in the first MTrk chunk.
But "should" is not "must".

real-time multiplayer server, interpolation and prediction validation

I'm building a HTML5 / Websockets based multiplayer canvas game for Facebook and I've been working on the server code for a few days now. While the games pretty simple with a 2d top down, WSAD controls and mouseclick fires a projectile to the cursor x/y - I've never had to do real-time multiplayer before. I've read a few great documents but I'm hoping I can overview my general understanding of the topic and someone can validate the approach and/or point out areas for improvement.
Authoritative multiplayer server, client-side prediction and entity interpolation (and questions below)
Client connects to server
Client syncs time to server
Server has two main update loops:
Update the game physics (or game state) on the server at a frequency of 30 per second (tick rate?)
Broadcast the game state to all clients at a frequency of 10 per second
Client stores three updates before being allowed to move, this builds up the cache for entity interpolation between update states (old to new with one redundency in case of packet loss)
Upon input from the user, the client sends input commands to server at a frequency of 10 per second - these input commands are time stamped with the clients time
Client moves player on screen as a prediction of what the server will return as the final (authoritative) position of client
Server applies all updates to its physics / state in the previously mentioned update loop
Server sends out time stamped world updates.
Client (if is behind server time && has updates in the queue) linearly interpolates the old position to the new.
At 1: possibility to use NTP time and sync between the two?
At 5: time stamped? Is the main purpose here to time-stamp each packet
At 7: The input commands that come in will be out of sync per different latencies of the clients. I'm guessing this needs to be sorted before being applied? Or is this overkill?
At 9: is the lerp always a fixed amount? 0.5f for example? Should I be doing something smarter?
Lots of questions I know but any help would be appreciated!!
At 1 : You're a bit overthinking this, all you have to do in reality is to send the server time to the client and on that side increment that in your update loop to make sure you're tracking time in server-time. Every sync you set your own value to the one that came from the server. Be EXTRA careful about this part, validate every speed/time server-sided or you will get extremely easy-to-do but incredibly nasty hacks.
At 5 : Timestamped is important when you do this communication via UDP, as the order of the packets is not ensured unless you specifically make it so. Via websockets it shouldn't be that big of an issue, but it's still good practice (but make sure to validate those timestamps, or speedhacks ensure).
At 7 : Can be an overkill, depends on the type of the game. If your clients have large lag, they will send less inputs by definition to the server, so make sure you only process those that came before the point of processing and queue the remaining for the next update.
At 9 : This post from gamedev stackexchange might answer this better than I would, especially the text posted by user ggambett at the bottom.

What's the best way to subsample a ZMQ PUB SUB connection?

I have a ZMQ_PUB socket sending messages out at ~50Hz. One destination needs to react to each message, so it has a standard ZMQ_SUB socket with a while(true) loop checking for new messages. A second destination should only react once a second to the "most recent" message. That is, my second destination needs to subsample.
For the second destination, I believe I'd want to have a time-based loop that is called at my desired rate (1Hz) and recv() the latest message, dropping the rest. I believe this is done via a ZMQ_HWM on the subscriber. Is there another option that needs to be set somewhere?
Do I need to worry about the different subscribers having different HWMs? Will the publisher become angry? It's a shame ZMQ_RATE only applies to multicast sockets.
Is there a best way to accomplish what I'm attempting?
zmq v3.2.4
The HighWaterMark will not be a fantastic solution for your problem. Setting it on the subscriber to, let's say, 10 and reading 1 message per second, will just give you the old messages first, slowly, and throw away all the new, because it's limit are reached.
You could either use a topic on you publisher that makes you able to filter out every 50th message like making the topic messageCount % 50 and subscribe to 0.
Otherwise maybe you shouldn't use zmq's pub/sub, but instead do you own look alike with router/dealer that allows you to subscribe to sampled messages.
Lastly you could also just send them all. 50 m/s is hardly anything in zmq (if they aren't heavy on data, like megs) and then only use every 50th message.

Bloomberg Java API - bond yield in real time subscription

I use Bloomberg Java API's subscription service to monitor bond prices in real time (subscribing to ASK/BID real time fields). However in the RESPONSE messages, bloomberg does not provide the associated yield for the given price. I need a way to calculate the yields.
Here's what I've tried:
Within in the code that processes Events coming backing from a real time subscription, when I get a BID or ASK response, I extract the price from the message element, and then initiates a new synchronous reference data request, using overrides to get the YAS_BOND_YLD by providing YAS_BOND_PX and setting the overriding flag.
This seems very slow and cumbersome. Is there a better way other than having to calculate yields myself?
In my code, I seem to be able to process real time prices if they are being sent to me slowly. If a few bonds' prices were updated at the same time (say, in MSG1 pricing), I seem to only capture one out of these updates, it feels like I'm missing the other events.. Is this because I cannot use a synchronous reference data request while the subscription is still alive?
bloomberg does not provide the associated yield for the given price
Have you tried retrieving the ASK_YIELD and BID_YIELD fields? They may be what you are looking for.
Problem: This seems very slow and cumbersome.
Synchronous one-off requests are slower than real time subscription. Unless you need real time data on the yield, you could queue the requests and send them all at once every x seconds for example. The time to get 100 or 1 yield is probably not that different, and certainly not 100 times slower.
In my code, I seem to be able to process real time prices if they are being sent to me slowly. If a few bonds' prices were updated at the same time (say, in MSG1 pricing), I seem to only capture one out of these updates, it feels like I'm missing the other events.. Is this because I cannot use a synchronous reference data request while the subscription is still alive?
You should not miss items just because you are sending a synchronous request. You may get a "Slow consumer warning" but that's about it. It's difficult to say more without seeing your code. However, if you want to make sure your real time data is not delayed by your synchronous requests, you should use two separate Sessions.