Ionic - View Leave Events Never Called - ionic-framework

After updating an existing Ionic project from 1.13-beta to 1.14-beta I've experienced some behaviour I can't explain. When changing from one viewstate to another, the old view doesn't leave the page. Upon logging both angular ui router events and Ionic navigation events I've noticed Ionic's Exit Events aren't fired:
Documentation: (
Has anyone else experienced similar behaviour? If so, have you found any way to resolve this?
Events Fired:
$stateChangeStart: App.LoadApp.Input -> App.Main.QrToken
$viewContentLoading: Main
$viewContentLoading: QrToken
$stateChangeSuccess: App.LoadApp.Input -> App.Main.QrToken
I can load in the QrToken view if I Don't nest it inside Main, so I believe the problem lie there. Can anyone take a look at my Main Template and help me find a solution.
<div ng-controller="fbMenuController">
<!-- Left menu -->
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
<h1 class="title">Menu</h1>
<ion-content scroll="true">
<div ng-repeat="Group in fb.Model.MenuGroups">
<ion-item class="item-divider">{{Group.Name}}</ion-item>
<!-- href="#/Main/{{Page.Name}}" -->
<a ng-repeat="Page in Group.Items" nav-transition="android" nav-direction="swap" class="item" ng-click="fb.SelectPage(Page.State)">
{{ Page.Name }}
<!-- Center content -->
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark" ng-show="fb.Model.ShowHeader">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click="fb.ToggleLeftMenu()"></button>
<h1 class="title">{{ fb.Model.ActivePage.Name }}</h1>
<ion-content scroll="true">
<ion-nav-view name="Main">

If your view is wrapped in a tab using <ion-tab>, you need to register for $ionicNavView-Events:

This is an open issue and probably occurs when view-cache="false".
On my case $ionicView.leave worked in nested views but not when moving between tabs nor did $ionicParentView.leave so I came around it with another solution.
On MAIN controller I added:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
if ( === 'name-of-leaving-state') {
//your code here, similar behavior with .$on('$ionicView.leave')
Hope it helps

I had this problem the other day. I was listening for the event on my child controllers. When I moved the listener to the parent, it worked. I wasn't quite sure why, but now I think I know why. It's because of the way Ionic caches the views. Specifically this line from the docs:
If a view leaves but is cached, then this event will not fire again on
a subsequent viewing.
It's likely that your views were cached before you added the listener and the leave event never fired. But since your parent is... well... the parent, its leave event is triggered any time you leave any of its children. I haven't officially tested this, it's just a hunch. To test, try telling ionic to not cache the view by adding cache-view="false" to your ion-view declaration.
See docs here.

Found the problem. The 'Main' state was defined without the attribute
abstract: true
this worked in Ionic 1.13-beta but Aparently breaks in Ionic 1.14-beta. Didn't find this change in any of the migration posts on either Ionic, AngularJS or Angular-ui-router, so I don't know why this solved it. If anyone can elaborate more on the behavior in this situation, I'd be grateful but for now I have a solution.

I know this is quite old, however i wanted to add that on Ionic v1.3.4 (the last version) the $ionicView.beforeEnter && $ionicView.afterEnter all work. I mention this because others have commented that v1.3.x was having issues with controller views for .beforeEnter and .afterEnter. But I don’t ever recall having issues on any version of 1.3.x.
That being said, I came to this thread because I am updating an older ionic v1 app and ran into a problem where the $ionicView.beforeEnter was not firing and I could not figure out why. It turns out the template that goes with that controller was missing closing HTML tags on a few <i class="icon> elements…I didn’t add the closing </i>
Thus, apparently, certain elements missing a closing tag was preventing the controller $ionicView.beforeEnter/afterEnter functions from firing. Don't know if its all tags or specific tags but I can say I had NEVER seen that before so it took me a while to figure out the issue was in my template and not in my controller.
For what its worth, hope my discovery helps those in the future.


Timed appearance Modal Reveal

I'm trying to use the reveal modal of Foundation.
I already succeed with just the use of a basic modal.
As I'm just starting on the project (which use symfony2 and foundation),
I have some difficulties.I dont really understand how foundation work.
So what i need to do :
Make the reveal modal open after a few second (10 for now) with a fade in-out animation without the grey background around it. By the way, the fade in-out function happens only after the first appearance of the modal, I dont understand why so ?
I tried to search how to do this but no topic about this were found( maybe i'm just bad at searching).
Thanks for any answer ! :D
PS: sorry for the grammar fault, not my native language.
For any precision just ask !
Here is a copy of the modal i'm using :
<p>Click Me For A Modal</p>
<div id="myModal" data-overlay="false" class="reveal-modal"
data-animate="fade-in fade-out" data-reveal aria-labelledby="modalTitle"
aria-hidden="true" role="dialog">
<h2 id="modalTitle">Awesome. I have it.</h2>
<p class="lead">Your couch. It is mine.</p>
<p>I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!</p>
<a class="close-reveal-modal" aria-label="Close">×</a>
first, fire the modal on page load using Foundation callback (hat tip to this Foundation forum post and codepen code):
//do something special
$('#myModal').foundation('reveal', 'open')
}, 10000);
Then you need to display: none the reveal background overlay like so:
.reveal-modal-bg { display: none; }

Ionic page transitions

Im having a hard time understanding how Ionic handles ion-nav-view vs. ion-view. I'm trying to build an app where the views are not nested (as example apps). This is what I've done
In index.html I have an ion-nav-view
I have 3 pages. 1 login, 1 list, and 1 item (item is a list item beeing clicked)
My list page is an ion-side-menus while the other 2 are ion-view's
Now to my question
When I click an item in my list I get a transition to my item page but when I go back to my list there is no page transition. This is the HTML
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
<div class="buttons">
<button nav-transition="slide-left-right" class="button button-icon button-clear ion-android-arrow-back" ui-sref="list">
<h1 class="title">Item</h1>
How can I get transitions to work even though each page is its own ion-view?
I solved the "transition back" using nav-direction="back"
Next problem is that transition only works ones from the list?
If i click the above the slide left transition occurs, but if I go back and press it again I don't get a transition? Is it some sort of cache?
The way I do is to have ion-side-menus inside index.html as the only directive, and inside it and with an ion-nav-view inside.
Then define an ion-side-menu with side="left" and include the list you want to show.
That way you can define a side-menu that will show throughout the whole app and be available with all the content you need.
Now to answer your question, I think the list page (in your case the one with ion-side-menus) does not have transition when going back because it is now an ion-view. The page transitions occur on ion-views when they are swapped in-out inside the . But the ion-side-menus page is not swapped in-out it's just there.
Regarding this:
EDIT I solved the "transition back" using nav-direction="back"
It worked because you explicitly told ionic that you want a nav-transition when going back.
Hope this helps a bit

ion-content resizing when loading data dynamically

i have an ion-nav-view inside ion-content.
i want to load data dynamically into ion-nav-view.
when loading data dynamically into ion-nav-view its not resizing to content height instead its loading in a small div with a scroll bar.
<ion-view view-title="My view">
<ion-content class="padding">
<div id="test">
<ion-nav-view name="mydynview">
<ion-content >
</ion-view >
i am loading a template into "mydynview" from my controller.
<ion-view view-title="About">
<ion-content class="padding" delegate-handle="testhandle">
<!-- <ion-nav-view> -->
<p ng-click="onlc()">test</p>
<p ng-click="onlc()">test</p>
<p ng-click="onlc()">test</p>
<p ng-click="onlc()">test</p>
<p ng-click="onlc()">test</p>
<!-- </ion-nav-view> -->
</ion-content >
I read about resizing from here:
and even that is not working.
help will be highly appreciated.
The documentation states that you need to call $ionicScrollDelegate.resize() "after the content has loaded."
Since you did not post your controller, it's not possible for me to evaluate if your calling the .resize() method before the load is asynchronously completed.
Here's a quick and dirty way for you to test if it's a timing issue: call $ionicScrollDelegate.resize() within a $timeout with a 500ms delay. If that fixes the problem, you're calling .resize() before the content has finished loading so it doesn't have the complete view to calculate the new size accurately. This isn't a solution; it's a way to diagnose the problem. If it turns out this is the problem, then you want to call .resize() on your promise / callback / whatever that gets fired when your template is done loading.

Scrolling site doesn't work in Mobile Safari?

I have a single-page scrolling website. It uses a fixed-position nav bar with jquery to scroll to different sections of the website. The site works fine except for on the iOS (I haven't tested it on Android). On iOS, after clicking a link, the navigation freezes until you manually scroll up or down. For some reason the link stays active until you scroll. Is this a bug in Mobile Safari? Is there some workaround?
Here's the basic HTML:
<ul class="nav">
<li>Contact Me</li>
<div class = "page" id = "home"> </div>
<!-- About -->
<div class = "page" id="about">
<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<!-- Portfolio -->
<div class = "page" id="portfolio">
<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<!-- Contact Me -->
<div class = "page" id="contact">
<div class="pagebreak"></div>
Here's the actual site if you would like to see the problem:
BTW, I don't think this is a jquery or javascript issue because even if I remove the javascript and the jquery, the problem persists.
I'll add another answer since it's completely separate from my original one.
Since you need a temporary workaround, you might find what you're looking for in iScroll 4. I'd used it to do what you're trying to accomplish in pre-iOS 5 days so it might be worth looking into.
position: fixed support was only added to Mobile Safari in iOS 5, so it's likely that the implementation of it is still buggy, especially if you're seeing the same problem in other sites. Probably worth filing a bug report with Apple.

Phonegap w/ JQM results in slow UI responsiveness

I am using an iPhone 3GS for development and my app consists of 5 pages (data-role="page") 2 of them are dialogues (data-rel="dialogue") and the rest are links on my footer's navbar.
What I am experiencing is very slow transitions when a link is tapped.
Javascript itself is running smoothly, performing it's operations as it should without delay (alerts are instant when bound on "touchsrart" event). The actual links though are incredibly slow.
Anyone experiencing similar problems and/or has found a way to tackle them?
Thanks in advance :)
EDIT: forgot to mention -> sometimes a link gets 'stuck' before getting resolved which results in 2 'active' links (which UI-wise is aweful) and you actually need to re-tap it to make it work.
EDIT 2: posting footer bar whos links are particularly slow:
<div class = "footer-wrapper">
<div data-role="footer" class="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><span>Option 1</span></li>
<li><span>Option 2</span></li>
Second option's button is the active one as I grabbed the code from page #2.