I have ORDS 21 installed in a local 19c oracle database. I have created a stored procedure to list all the departments from the dept table with a cursor that lists the employees from the emp table. If I just list all departments and their employees the api works fine, but if I add a parameter to the query to specify which department, I get an error 17410 no data left .
Both queries are backed by plsql stored procedures. I have created many stored procedures using this same format with parameters and nested cursors before without a problem.
MWE for query that works:
create or replace procedure get_dept
l_cur sys_refcursor;
open l_cur for
select d.deptno,d.dname,
cursor (select e.empno,e.ename
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno
order by e.deptno,e.empno
) as employees
from dept d
order by d.deptno;
-- return the resultset in json format
end get_dept;
MWE for query that does not work:
create or replace procedure get_dept1
p_dept_no in varchar2
) as
l_cur sys_refcursor;
open l_cur for
select d.deptno,d.dname,
cursor (select e.empno,e.ename
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno
order by e.deptno,e.empno
) as employees
from dept d
where d.deptno = to_number(p_dept_no)
order by d.deptno;
-- return the resultset in json format
end get_dept1;
How can we identify the triggers associated with a table in a Informix database?
select tabname,a.* from systriggers a, systables b
where a.tabid=b.tabid and tabname="TableName"
dbschema -d db -t tablename
The information is in the SysTriggers and SysTrigBody system catalog tables — primarily SysTriggers. You can find the description of these (and all other system catalog tables) in the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference manual. You can find that at the Informix 11.70 Info Centre. In particular, the tabid (from SysTables) identifies the triggers for a table in SysTriggers.
As Jonathan answered you can use systriggers and other system catalog tables. I used them in my schema reporting utility: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576621-dump-informix-schema-to-text/
This utility can work with Python and ODBC or with Jython and JDBC. It shows info about trigger for every table like:
--- triggers ---
defbookacc defbookacc_dtrg D
defbookacc defbookacc_itrg I
defbookacc defbookacc_utrg U
mc_loadman loadman_del D
and then shows body for each trigger.
SELECT T.tabid, TRIM(T.owner) owner, T.tabname, TR.trigid, TRIM(TR.owner) tr_owner, TR.trigname, TR.event, TR.old, TR.new, TR.mode, TRIM(TR.collation) collation,
TB.datakey, TB.seqno, TB.data
FROM systables T, systriggers TR, systrigbody TB
WHERE T.tabname = 'table_name' AND TR.tabid = T.tabid AND TB.trigid = TR.trigid AND TB.datakey IN ('D', 'A')
ORDER BY TB.trigid, TB.datakey DESC, TB.seqno ASC;
--Event: type of triggering event: D = Delete trigger, I = Insert trigger ,U = Update trigger ,S = Select trigger , d = INSTEAD OF Delete trigger , i = INSTEAD OF Insert trigger ,u = INSTEAD OF Update trigger (IDS)
--Old: Name of value before update.
--New: Name of value after update.
--DataKey: Code specifying the type of data: A = ASCII text for the body, triggered actions, B = Linearized code for the body, D = English text for the header, trigger definition, H = Linearized code for the header, S = Linearized code for the symbol table.
Test Case:
drop table master;
create table master(id int primary key, fk1 int, fk2 int, fk3 int, dataS varchar(255), data1 int, data2 int, data3 int, data4 int,data5 int,data6 int,data7 int,data8 int,data9 int,b1 boolean,b2 boolean,b3 boolean,b4 boolean,b5 boolean,b6 boolean,b7 boolean,b8 boolean,b9 boolean,b10 boolean,b11 boolean,b12 boolean,b13 boolean,b14 boolean,b15 boolean,b16 boolean,b17 boolean,b18 boolean,b19 boolean,b20 boolean,b21 boolean,b22 boolean,b23 boolean,b24 boolean,b25 boolean,b26 boolean,b27 boolean,b28 boolean,b29 boolean,b30 boolean,b31 boolean,b32 boolean,b33 boolean,b34 boolean,b35 boolean,b36 boolean,b37 boolean,b38 boolean,b39 boolean,b40 boolean,b41 boolean,b42 boolean,b43 boolean,b44 boolean,b45 boolean,b46 boolean,b47 boolean,b48 boolean,b49 boolean,b50 boolean);
create index idx_comp on master(fk1,fk2,fk3);
#loop 5000000 insert into master values(?, mod(?,100), mod(?,5), ?,'Hello World Hello World Hello World',?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true);
1.The following select statement takes up to 30seconds. Is there a way to optimize the response time?
FROM master
WHERE fk1=53 AND fk2=3
2.I tried shutdown defrag. But this statement took about 40min for my test case. After shutdown defrag the select takes up to 15seconds. If i execute the statement again it takes under 1sec. Even if stop and start the server, the statement takes about 1sec.
Has H2 a persistent Cache?
Infrastructure: WebBrowser <-> H2 Console Server <-> H2 DB: h2 1.3.158
According to the profiler output, the main problem (93%) is reading from the disk. I ran this in the H2 Console:
SELECT ... FROM master WHERE fk1=53 AND fk2=3;
and got:
Profiler: top 3 stack trace(s) of 48039 ms [build-158]:
4084/4376 (93%):
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.readBytes(Native Method)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.read(RandomAccessFile.java:338)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.readFully(RandomAccessFile.java:397)
at org.h2.store.FileStore.readFully(FileStore.java:285)
at org.h2.store.PageStore.readPage(PageStore.java:1253)
at org.h2.store.PageStore.getPage(PageStore.java:707)
at org.h2.index.PageDataIndex.getPage(PageDataIndex.java:225)
at org.h2.index.PageDataNode.getRowWithKey(PageDataNode.java:269)
at org.h2.index.PageDataNode.getRowWithKey(PageDataNode.java:270)
According to EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT it's reading over 55'000 pages from the disk (2 KB each page; 110 MB) for this query. I'm not sure how other databases perform for such a query. But I guess if possible the query should be changed so that it reads less data.
Is it possible to have a temporary table/view that already has the datatype conversions done? If it's feasible to have that update itself from the main table occassionally (once a night or so), then you've got a lot of processing power that goes into the conversion done already.
If that's not feasible, you may want to do multiple sub-selects, one for each "b" column, where you only pull where b# = 1. Then do a COUNT instead of a SUM, which should be faster as well. For instance:
SELECT (count1+count2) AS Count,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master WHERE fk1=53 AND fk2=3 AND b1=1) AS count1
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master WHERE fk1=53 AND fk2=3 AND b2=1) AS count2
I'm not sure if that exact syntax works in your program, but hopefully as a generic SQL idea it gets you on the right track.