Why am I getting error 17410 end of data on my rest api when I add a parameter to the query - rest

I have ORDS 21 installed in a local 19c oracle database. I have created a stored procedure to list all the departments from the dept table with a cursor that lists the employees from the emp table. If I just list all departments and their employees the api works fine, but if I add a parameter to the query to specify which department, I get an error 17410 no data left .
Both queries are backed by plsql stored procedures. I have created many stored procedures using this same format with parameters and nested cursors before without a problem.
MWE for query that works:
create or replace procedure get_dept
l_cur sys_refcursor;
open l_cur for
select d.deptno,d.dname,
cursor (select e.empno,e.ename
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno
order by e.deptno,e.empno
) as employees
from dept d
order by d.deptno;
-- return the resultset in json format
end get_dept;
MWE for query that does not work:
create or replace procedure get_dept1
p_dept_no in varchar2
) as
l_cur sys_refcursor;
open l_cur for
select d.deptno,d.dname,
cursor (select e.empno,e.ename
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno
order by e.deptno,e.empno
) as employees
from dept d
where d.deptno = to_number(p_dept_no)
order by d.deptno;
-- return the resultset in json format
end get_dept1;


My SQL query runs well in SQL dev and returns Two records but it returns blank value when I use same query in "Add Command" in Crystal report

I have a SQL query in sql Developer(Oracle Database),which run well and returns 4 columns and 2 records but if I use the same query in Add Command in Crystal report it returns blank values.
p.Name (In DB in schema1, Data type VARCHAR2(100 Char), Eg: "SAP Consulting LLC")
TN.TNA (In DB in schema1, Data type VARCHAR2(25 Char), Eg: "123-456788")
P.SUB (In DB in schema1, Data type VARCHAR2(25 Char), Eg: "0")
P.M_NO (In DB in schema1, Data type VARCHAR2(25 Char), Eg: "123456")
with ABC as (
select pnc.p_id from schema1.pp_pnc pnc, schema1.pp_n pn
where PNC.N_ID = PN.id
and PN.DS = 'ABC'
and PNC.END_DATE like '01-JAN-20'),
EFG as (select pnc.p_id from schema1.pp_pnc pnc, schema1.pp_n pn
where PNC.N_ID = PN.id
and PN.DS = 'EFG'
and PNC.END_DATE like '01-JAN-00')
select distinct P.name, TN.TNA, P.SUB , P.M_NO
from schema.PETA P
inner join SCHEMA1.ALPHA PTPC on P.id = PTPC.P_ID
inner join schema1.BETA TN on PTPC.TN_ID = TN.id
inner join ABC on P.id=ABC.P_ID
inner join EFG on P.id=EFG.P_ID
where PTPC.END_DATE > sysdate
and TN.TNA not in ('123-456788', '456-457896')

group by error with postgres and pomm orm

I want to execute the following SQL query :
SELECT date, COUNT(id_customers)
FROM event
WHERE event_id = 3
When I try this query in my database, it works perfectly. But in my code I get an error which I can't resolve.
I use symfony2 with the orm pomm. It's Postgresql.
Here is my code :
$sql = "SELECT e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE event_id = $* GROUP BY e.date";
return $this->query($sql, [$eventId])->extract();
Here is the error :
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception InvalidArgumentException:
"No such field 'id'. Existing fields are {date, count}"
at /home/vagrant/sourcefiles/vendor/pomm-project/model-manager/sources/lib/Model/FlexibleEntity/FlexibleContainer.php line 64
{"exception":" [object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): No such field 'id'.
Existing fields are {date, count}
at /home/vagrant/sourcefiles/vendor/pomm-project/model-manager/sources/lib/Model/FlexibleEntity/FlexibleContainer.php:64)"} []
So I tried to had the id in my select, by I get this error :
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception
PommProject\Foundation\Exception\SqlException: "
SQL error state '42803' [ERROR] ==== ERROR: column "e.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT e.id, e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE ... ^
==== «PREPARE === SELECT e.id, e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE event_id = $1 GROUP BY e.date ===»." at /home/vagrant/sourcefiles/vendor/pomm-project/foundation/sources/lib/Session/Connection.php line 327 {"exception":"[object] (PommProject\Foundation\Exception\SqlException(code: 0): \nSQL error state '42803' [ERROR]\n====\nERROR: column \"e.id\" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function\nLINE 1: SELECT e.id, e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE ...\n ^\n\n====\n«PREPARE ===\nSELECT e.id, e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE event_id = $1 GROUP BY e.date\n ===». at /home/vagrant/sourcefiles/vendor/pomm-project/foundation/sources/lib/Session/Connection.php:327)"} []
The only thing that works is when I had the id in the group by, but this is not the result I want.
Someone can explain me why this is working in the database and not in the php ?
this is because you are fetching flexible entities without their primary key. There is an identity mapper behind the scene that ensure fetching twice the same entity will return the same instance.
In this case, you do not need to fetch entities (hence the extract after the query). So you can just use the QueryManager pooler to return converted arrays like the following:
$sql = "SELECT e.date, COUNT(id_customers) FROM event e WHERE event_id = $* GROUP BY e.date";
// Return an iterator that fetches converted arrays on demand:
return $this
->query($sql, [$eventId])
i think its because the alias,
try this
$sql = "SELECT e.date, COUNT(e.id_customers) FROM event e WHERE event_id = $* GROUP BY e.date";
return $this->query($sql, [$eventId])->extract();
This is exactly how GROUP BY works in PostgreSQL:
When GROUP BY is present, it is not valid for the SELECT list
expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate
functions, since there would be more than one possible value to return
for an ungrouped column.
It means that each field in your query either must be present in GROUP BY statement or handled by any of the aggregation functions. This is one of the differences between GROUP BY in MySQL and PostreSQL.
In other words you can add id at GROUP BY statement and do not worry about it ;)

DB2 Query : insert data in history table if not exists already

I have History table and transaction table.....and reference table...
If status in reference table is CLOSE then take those record verify in History table if not there insert from transaction table..... wiring query like this .... checking better one... please advice.. this query can be used for huge data ?
If you're on a current release of DB2 for i, take a look at the MERGE statement
MERGE INTO hist_tbl H
WHERE r.status = 'S')
ON h.actno = r.actno
INSERT (actno,histcol2, histcol3) VALUES (r.actno,r.refcol2,r.refcol3)
--if needed
UPDATE SET (actno,histcol2, histcol3) = (r.actno,r.refcol2,r.refcol3)

update data using loop in sql syntax

I work with postgreSQL
I want to update email of all my users using sql
I have a table named user that contains 500 users,
so I think that I should use a loop in my sql syntax
For example when the table contains 4 users, I want the email for these users to become :
in java it should be like this
String newValue=null;
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
// make update
I think that I should use plsql syntax
updated :
I try without success with this code :
FOR r IN SELECT * from user_
UPDATE user_ SET emailaddress = CONCAT('user',r,'#hotmail.fr')
I solved the problem using this query :
UPDATE user_ SET emailaddress='user' || col_serial || '#hotmail.fr' FROM
(SELECT emailaddress, row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY createdate) AS col_serial FROM user_ ORDER BY createdate) AS t1
WHERE user_.emailaddress=t1.emailaddress

Inserting many rows in treelike structure in SQL SERVER 2005

I have a few tables in SQL that are pretty much like this
Name Name Name
As you can see, A is linked to B and B to C. Those are basically tables that contains data models. Now, I would need to be able to create date based on those tables. For example, if I have the following datas
1 Name1 1 SubName1 1 1 SubSubName1 1
2 Name2 2 SubName2 1 2 SubSubName2 1
3 SubName3 2 3 SubSubName3 2
4 SubSubName4 3
5 SubSubName5 3
I would like to copy the 'content' of those tables in others tables. Of course, the auto numeric key that is generated when inserting into the new tables are diffirent that those one and I would like to be able to keep track so that I can copy the entire thing. The structure of the recipient table contains more information that those, but it's mainly dates and other stuff that are easy to get for me.
I would need to this entirely in TRANSACT-SQL (with built-in function if needed). Is this possible and can anyone give me a short example. I manage to do it for one level, but I get confused for the rest.
EDIT : The info above is just an example, because my actual diagram looks more like this
Model tables :
Processes -- (1-N) Steps -- (1-N) Task -- (0-N) TaskCheckList
-- (0-N) StepsCheckLists
Where as the table I need to fill looks like this
Client -- (0-N) Sequence -- (1-N) ClientProcesses -- (1-N) ClientSteps -- (1-N)ClientTasks -- (0-N) ClientTaskCheckList
-- (0-N)ClientStepCheckLists
The Client already exists and when I need to run the script, I create one sequence, which will contains all processes, which will contains its steps, taks, etc...
So I did a lot of trials and error, and here is what I got. It seems to work fine although it sound quite big for something that seemed easy at first.
The whole this is somehow in french and english because our client is french and so are we anyway. It does insert every date in all tables that I needed. The only thing left to this will be the first lines where I need to select the date to insert according to some parameters but this is the easy part.
DECLARE #IdProcessusRenouvellement bigint
DECLARE #NomProcessus nvarchar(255)
SELECT #IdProcessusRenouvellement = ID FROM T_Ref_Processus WHERE Nom LIKE 'EXP%'
SELECT #NomProcessus = Nom FROM T_Ref_Processus WHERE Nom LIKE 'EXP%'
DECLARE #InsertedSequence table(ID bigint)
DECLARE #Contrats table(ID bigint,IdClient bigint,NumeroContrat nvarchar(255))
INSERT INTO #Contrats SELECT ID,IdClient,NumeroContrat FROM T_ClientContrat
DECLARE #InsertedIdsSeq as Table(ID bigint)
-- Séquences de travail
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratSequenceTravail(IdClientContrat,Nom,DateDebut)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID INTO #InsertedIdsSeq
SELECT ID, #NomProcessus + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 120) + ' : ' + NumeroContrat ,GETDATE()
FROM #Contrats
-- Processus
DECLARE #InsertedIdsPro as Table(ID bigint,IdProcessus bigint)
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratProcessus
(IdClientContratSequenceTravail,IdProcessus,Nom,DateDebut,DelaiRappel,DateRappel,LienAvecPro cessusRenouvellement,IdStatutProcessus,IdResponsable,Sequence)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID,Inserted.IdProcessus INTO #InsertedIdsPro
SELECT I.ID,P.ID,P.Nom,GETDATE(),P.DelaiRappel,GETDATE(),P.LienAvecProcessusRenouvellement,0,0,0
FROM #InsertedIdsSeq I, T_Ref_Processus P
WHERE P.ID = #IdProcessusRenouvellement
-- Étapes
DECLARE #InsertedIdsEt as table(ID bigint,IdProcessusEtape bigint)
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratProcessusEtape
(IdClientContratProcessus,IdProcessusEtape,Nom,DateDebut,DelaiRappel,DateRappel,NomListeVeri fication,Sequence,IdStatutEtape,IdResponsable,IdTypeResponsable,ListeVerificationTermine)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID,Inserted.IdProcessusEtape INTO #InsertedIdsEt
E.Nom,GETDATE(),E.DelaiRappel,GETDATE(),COALESCE(L.Nom,''),E.Sequence,0,0,E.IdTypeResponsabl e,0
FROM #InsertedIdsPro I INNER JOIN T_Ref_ProcessusEtape E ON I.IdProcessus = E.IdProcessus
LEFT JOIN T_Ref_ListeVerification L ON E.IdListeVerification = L.ID
-- Étapes : Items de la liste de vérification
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratProcessusEtapeListeVerificationItem
SELECT I.ID,IT.Nom,IT.Requis,0
FROM #InsertedIdsEt I
INNER JOIN T_Ref_ProcessusEtape E ON I.IdProcessusEtape = E.ID
INNER JOIN T_Ref_ListeVerificationItem IT ON E.IdListeVerification = IT.IdListeVerification
-- Tâches
DECLARE #InsertedIdsTa as table(ID bigint, IdProcessusEtapeTache bigint)
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratProcessusEtapeTache
(IdClientContratProcessusEtape,IdProcessusEtapeTache,Nom,DateDebut,DelaiRappel,DateRappel,No mListeVerification,Sequence,IdStatutTache,IdResponsable,IdTypeResponsable,ListeVerificationT ermine)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID,Inserted.IdProcessusEtapeTache INTO #InsertedIdsTa
T.Nom,GETDATE(),T.DelaiRappel,GETDATE(),COALESCE(L.Nom,''),T.Sequence,0,0,T.IdTypeResponsabl e,0
FROM #InsertedIdsEt I
INNER JOIN T_Ref_ProcessusEtapeTache T ON I.IdProcessusEtape = T.IdProcessusEtape
LEFT JOIN T_Ref_ListeVerification L ON T.IdListeVerification = L.ID
-- Tâches : Items de la liste de vérification
INSERT INTO T_ClientContratProcessusEtapeTacheListeVerificationItem
SELECT I.ID,IT.Nom,IT.Requis,0
FROM #InsertedIdsTa I
INNER JOIN T_Ref_ProcessusEtapeTache T ON I.IdProcessusEtapeTache = T.ID
INNER JOIN T_Ref_ListeVerificationItem IT ON T.IdListeVerification = IT.IdListeVerification